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• Revision B (Units 1-16)

Choose the correct item.

1 • . • • •• I borrow you book? 8 The hotel .•••.• built in 1885.

A Must B Can C Should A is B was C will
2 Mother's day is celebrated •.•••• May. 9 This is my ...... new bicycle.
A in B on C at A sisters B sister's C sisters'
3 Tom ...... be at work. He isn't at home. 10 They have been driving •••.•. four hours.
A mustn't B must C can A for B since C ago
4 Turn on the lights, •••... ? 11 Why are you always arguing with ••.... ?
A will you B can you C are you A other B each other C another
5 I have two brothers. They are •...•• tall. 12 I'll make •...•• a sandwich.
A all B neither C both A mine B my C myself
6 Would you mind •••••• the dog out? 13 Would you like ••.••• my holiday photos?
A letting B to let C let A seeing B to see C see
7 He comes from Russia, .••..• ? 14 I'll give it to her when she •••... back.
A does he B isn't he C doesn't he A comes B will come C had come

( pOints: - )
14x 1 14

Underline the correct item.

Luisa has to / doesn't have to study hard 5 Can / Must I borrow your pen, please?
" if she wants to pass her final exams. 6 You shall / should revise for your test.
2 Jimmy can't / couldn't write when he was 7 Sean was able to / could climb to the top
three years old . of the mountain.
3 Will / Shall I open the window? 8 You ought to / might have told him the
4 She can't / didn't need to feed the dog as truth.
I had already done it. ( pOints : - )
8x 1 8

Turn from active into passive.

1) Somebody sent Jill flowers. 2) Someone left them outside her house. 3) One of her neighbours saw
him. 4) He hadn't signed the card.

Points : - )
( 4x2 8

~ 200 ~
Revision 9 (Units 1-1B)

Choose the correct item.

1 I was hungry, ....•. I made a sandwich. 7 Dad ...... dinner right now.
A because B so C so that A makes B make C is making
2 That ring is gold . ...... one is silver. 8 I was hungry, so I made •.•... a sandwich.
A Another BOther C The other A myself B my C me
3 This jacket is the ...... in the shop. 9 She can't read ...•.. write.
A more expensive B most expensive A and B o r e but
C expensive 10 She works in a bank, ...... ?
4 It rarely ...... in the desert. A does she B isn't she
A is raining Brain C rains C doesn't she
5 It's ...... warmer today than yesterday. 11 "I'm not going to work tomorrow. "
A much B very C more am I. I've taken the day off. "

6 They have lived in Brussels ...... 2001 . A So B Neither C None
A for B since C ago Points: - )
( 11x1 11
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
A: Mum, where's Ramon? 3 A: Why have you bought eggs?
B: He .................... (study) in his B: I ..................... (make) a cake.
room right now. 4 A: Are the Millers still at home?
2 A: Do you have anything planned for the B: Yes, they .................... (leave)
weekend? for Milan in an hour.
B: Yes, this time tomorrow we ........... . 5 A: Have you seen Cecile?
............ (sail) in Lake Tahoe. B: She ........................ (go) to
the supermarket. Points: - )
( 5x2 10
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form.

• A: I want 1) .................. (buy) • A: Do you have any plans for the summer?
Youssef a birthday present. B: Well, David suggested 5) ............. .
B: Well, I know Youssef likes 2) .......••.. (go) to Greece for two weeks.
(listen) to rock music. You could • A: What did your dad say?
3) .................. (buy) him a CD. B: He agreed 6) .................. (let)
• A: Can you come out to play? me go camping this weekend.
B: Sorry, I'm busy 4) ................... : • A: I can 't decide where 7) .•..............

(clean) my room. (have) my birthday party this year.

B: Why not have it at Abigail 's restaurant?
( ~~~ts: - 7- )

~ 203 ~

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