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What is Information Management 1 Knowledge management systems (KMS) Internal communication

Knowledge management systems refer to any

Information Management (IM) is the collection kind of IT system that stores and retrieves This means exchanging information among various
and management of information from one or more knowledge, improves collaboration, locates parties in an institution. Under this, owners,
sources and the distribution of that information to knowledge sources, mines repositories for hidden managers, non-managerial employees are
one or more audiences. Management means the knowledge, captures and uses knowledge, or in important.
organization of and control over the structure, some other way enhances the KM process.
processing and delivery of information. External communication
Database management systems (DMS)
information management encompasses systems Communication between external people and
A database management system (DBMS) is a institutions can be identified as external
• web content management (CM) collection of programs that enables you to store, communication. Under this, middlemen like
• document management (DM) modify, and extract information from a database. various suppliers, wholesalers and retailers, agents
• records management (RM) There are many different types of database and government and other external institutions
• digital asset management (DAM) management systems, ranging from small and customers are important.
systems that run on personal computers to huge
• learning management systems (LM)
systems that run on mainframes. The following Data vs information
are examples of database applications.
What are the information system?
Information Sources
An information system is an organized system for
the collection, organization, storage and An information sources is a source of information Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be
communication of information. More specifically, it for somebody, As examples anything that might processed. Data can be something simple and
is the study of complementary networks that inform a person about something or provide seemingly random and
people and organizations use to collect, filter, knowledge about it. Different types of questions useless until it is organized.
process, create and distribute data. require different sources of information.
Information sources may be observations, Information
Types of information systems people, speeches, document, pictures, When data is processed, organized, structured or
organizations, websites, etc. Information sources presented in a given context so
• Transaction processing systems (TPS) can be classified as follows. as to make it useful, it is called information.
• Decision support systems (DSS)
• According to formation Downward communication
• Management information systems
(MIS) • According to generation
• Accounting to nature of information Downward communication, used mainly to
• Knowledge management systems (KMS)
• According to Levels of Information communicate messages from the more powerful
• Learning management systems (LMS)
to the less powerful, (Downward communication:
• Database management systems (DMS) Types of Information sending messages from upper levels to lower levels
• Office information systems. (OIS)
• Detailed of a hierarchy.) is perhaps the most common form
• Sampled of communication in organization in organizations.
• Aggregated Such communication involves instructions, budget
approvals or non approvals, policy statements,
variations in standard operating procedures and
notification of other change, general
announcements, briefings and expression of goals,
objectives and mission statements.
Vertical communication Characteristics of information Management information system (MIS)

Sending and receiving messages between the • Availability /Accessibility A management information system (MIS) is a
levels or layers of a hierarchy. • Accuracy computerized database of financial information
• Reliability or objectivity organized and programmed in such a way that it
Horizontal communication • Relevance /Appropriateness produces regular reports on operations for every
• Completeness level of management in a company. It is usually
Sending and receiving messages between • Level of detail / Conciseness also possible to obtain special reports from the
individuals at the same level or layer of a • Presentation system easily. The main purpose of the MIS is to
hierarchy. • Timing give managers feedback about their own
• Value of information performance; top management can monitor the
Upward communication • Cost of information company as a whole. Information displayed by the
MIS typically shows "actual" data over against
Sending messages from lower levels to
What is communication..? 2 "planned" results and results from a year before;
upper levels of a hierarchy. Upward thus it measures progress against goals. The MIS
Communication is the activity of conveying receives data from company units and functions.
communication ,ay in some circumstances be even
information through the exchange of thoughts, Some of the data are collected automatically from
more important than downward communication.
messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, computer-linked check-out counters; others are
Upward communication channels convey data
signals, writing, or behavior. It is the meaningful keyed in at periodic intervals.
about and from customers, data about production
exchange of information between two or a group
of goods and services and the intelligence that is
of person. Decision support system (DSS)
needed in the day to-day operation of an
One definition of communication is, "any act by Decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based
which one person gives to or receives from information system that supports business or
Diagonal communication organizational decision-making activities, typically
another person information about that person's
needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or resulting in ranking, sorting, or choosing from
Diagonal communication cuts across vertical and among alternatives. DSSs serve the management,
affective states. Communication may be
horizontal dimensions. For example, a junior staff operations, and planning levels of an organization
intentional or unintentional, may involve
member may 'go over the head' of his or her (usually mid and higher management) and help
conventional or unconventional signals, may take
immediate superior telephone, email or visit a people make decisions about problems that may
linguistic or nonlinguistic forms, and may occur
senior technical expert in another area to get be rapidly changing and not easily specified in
through spoken or other modes".
information. advance—i.e. Unstructured and Semi-Structured
decision problems.
Seven C’s effective communication
Communication process . Transaction Processing System(TPS)
• Completeness
• Conciseness • Sender A transaction process system (TPS) is an
• Message information processing system for business
• Consideration
• Mode transactions involving the collection, modification
• Clarity
• Receiver and retrieval of all transaction data.
• Concreteness
• Response Characteristics of a TPS include performance,
• Courtesy
• Feedback reliability and consistency. TPS is also known as
• Correctness
transaction processing or real-time processing.
Strategic communication Characteristics of good and effective listener

Strategic communication is an intentional process • Is attentive

of presenting ideas in a clear, concise, and • Do not assume
persuasive way. A manager must make an
• Listen for feelings and facts
intentional effort to master communication skills
and use them strategically, that is, consistently • Concentrate on the other speakers kindly and
with the organization’s values , mission, and generously
strategy. • Opportunities

Informal communication Effective presentation skill

In addition to formal communication flows and Presentation can be defined as a formal event
networks within organization, there are informal characterized by teamwork and use of audio visual
communication flows, Which have there own aids. The main purpose of presentation is to give
networks. Employees have always relied on the information, to persuade the audience to act and
oldest communication channel – the grapevine is to create goodwill.
an unstructured and informal network founded on
social relationships rather than organizational Telecommunication
chart or job descriptions.
Telecommunication is communication at a distance
Cross- cultural communication by technological means, particularly through
electrical signals or electromagnetic waves.
Increasing information technology, globalization,
and cultural diversity present number of Electrical and electromagnetic telecommunication
communication opportunities and challenges for technologies include telegraph, telephone, and
organizations. Organizational personnel must be teleprinter,
sensitive and competent in cross cultural
communication. While ethnic and racial diversity Mass communication
enriches the environment, it can also cause
communication barriers and impede efficient and Mass Communication is the study of how
effective service delivery. Communication individuals and entities relay (spread/
difficulties arise from difference in cultural values, communicate) information through mass media
languages, and point of view. to large segments of the population at the same
time. It is usually understood to relate to
newspaper, magazine, and book publishing, as well
as radio, television and film, as these mediums are
used for disseminating information, news and
The Johari window concept

The Johari Window model is a simple

and useful tool for illustrating and improving self
awareness, and mutual understanding between
individuals within a group. The Johari Window
model can also be used to assess and improve
a group’s relationship with other groups.

Stakeholder Analysis

• Scan environment of organization

• Identify strategically
• Monitor these issues
• Forecast trends
• Assess their importance
• Diffuse information

Essential skills for good Communication

• Effective listening skill

• Effective presentation skill
• Effective report writing skill

Effective listening skill

Listening is a significant part of communication

process. Communication cannot take place until
and unless skill a message is heard and retained
thoroughly and positively by the
receivers/listeners. Listening is a dynamic process.
Listening means attentiveness and interest
perceptible in the posture as well as expressions.
Listen implies decoding (translating the symbols in
to meaning) and interpreting the messages
correctly in communication process

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