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Department of Computer Science Engineering

Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur

December 2023


Submitted to :
• Mr. Inzimam Ul Hasan (Assistant Professor)

Submitted by :
• Shruti Kumari (22TEC2CS321)
• Tammana (22TEC2CS267)

• Introduction
• Features
• Technical detail
• Implementation
• Conclusion
•School Management Systems play a crucial role in
streamlining various administrative tasks, from attendance
tracking to grade management. Our project leverages the
power of DSA to create a robust and user-friendly platform
that facilitates the seamless management of school-related

• User Authentication: Secure login for administrators, faculty, and students with role-based access.
• Student Profiles: Comprehensive database storing individual student information, including personal
details, academic history, contact information, etc.

• Enrollment Management: Streamlining admissions, enrollment, and registration processes.

• Attendance Tracking: Recording and managing student attendance for classes, exams, and extracurricular

• Grades and Transcripts: System for recording and accessing student grades, generating transcripts, and
calculating GPA.

• Communication Module: Facilitating communication between faculty, students, and parents via
announcements, emails, or messaging.
• User Interface (UI):
• Text-based interface for simplicity.
• Input/output handling using standard C libraries.
• Menu-driven design for easy navigation.
• Backend:
• Core logic implemented in C.
TECHNICAL • Functions and structures to handle student
information, attendance, and grades.
DETAIL • Efficient memory management for optimal
• Data Storage:
• File handling in C for storing and retrieving data.
• Structured file formats (e.g., CSV) for organizing
student records.


Development Process: Challenges Faced: Discuss Testing and Quality Feedback and Iterations:
Explain the methodology any hurdles encountered Assurance: Detail the testing Explain how user feedback
used (e.g., Agile, Waterfall) during development and how procedures employed to was incorporated to refine
and stages of development. they were overcome. ensure the system's reliability and improve the system.
and performance.

• Achievement of Goals: Reinforce how the project successfully met its goals and
• Summarize the value added to the college's operations and the academic
experience for students.
• Appreciation: Extend gratitude to the team members, stakeholders, advisors,
and any contributors who supported the project's development and

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