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4 Medical Asepis

a state of
free faam disease Caufing nieen argabing
H s Cöncecnet euith ele meng the state
mico Ogani[m thaeugh tacilit farHc
J4 har to do ith steàli~ing ox Cleanin
So h a t o i c o 0g9nsm
night nedicaproblem!
Pdnciple ofmedi cal Msepsis
Hand ah fregaequiepment
keep salid itemsequiepmtnt
the so:A
the cloting and dont place
bèdinn on e ffloos.
Avoid tauching your face, eye, Nose A
fallaa e guideline CnesequenHy fo
Mse prachce af pegond goeming that
help prtuent speading micinaganisa
Sujicl Arepsis -
is a strict poce
and incuding pncedust to elimioant
mioo-gnim frm
Nne ahe Heal thiloorke
andotheyRy atca
adherence to Specikie pncede
ohichnder all
Min aganisms

Pinciple of sx Asepiic i
sterile obË ech Cas taych
arto thextele ab)et
AN mateadisCanta min tedth
thes ound all use
9vaid cantminaton of steite itens
fom un steì<e item
Optn skile package is Gontamin ted
of the Wraper i
disecked qwy from Hhe wworke to
ovoid e possi biy o steile
Sasface touching asstedle
hsteile clo hing.
Outaide the steile pachage is canaidecd
as Cantaminated pachesge
Axaid Spitligg n Soluion
steile set-up
Holdseile obËech abore Hhe evelof
+alking, Caughingkneegiing oves
#Diflexane B hedical 6yArepsis :i
Medical Asepsis Surgical Aseptis

t Reduce the No H keep

6f9wth &ans object
miasion af mi grga free fsam al micotO9
i tPrtyens tonjmiie It ttally distiay all patho
of pathogenie bga ni[ m genie A on-pathgenic
Aclean techaique Wiet steile techm'ique lued

ite hyee N .aNANDAS famate oY ÎCN

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