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sn guess about the superieroes going tonear aio tarde abou s You aS cn and compare the nora” superteroes i wers in the previous acti iy spre with ujten agin and complete th 1 sentences below. Joho was never conquete by the «juan bei come imo contac with fleet “chen they travel around the world 4. Desperate D scotland there a 6 Mighty Mo InDandec ca ehemicsareofen Talkin groups. Look atthe pictures and {seuss the following questions. You can geSome of the words/phrases inthe box. ‘Do you consider hese people to be hres? Why / Why no? «tn your opinion, are they rewarded | forwhat they dot + How do you think they fel? wuld yuike tobe in their shoes? Why/ Why now + Canyon think ofany other very day heroes? eourageous tisk presure danger ible carer respons rescue dealwith vnselsh rewarding patient stress Discuss. ‘What kind of people do you admire ‘Who isthe person that you aire most? Why do you admire me? Read the rubric below and undertine the key words. teacher has asked you to write a description ofthe person you ite most Say wy ou amie hier and how he/she has enced you . Now read the description below. Does the writer refer tall the points that you underlined inthe rubric? The person | admire most is my secondary school) glith teacher, Mrs Carlton. She taught me in ng | al years and before her, had no interes in English. | weve, when !Finthed schol, it wes my favourite dec. Hrs Catton as serious and quite strict, but she had & wonder sans of humour The hing || ly remember about beri hr enthusiasm for the bject This rubbed off on nearly all her students | se she motivated them to become interested, to. | [As for met Mrs Carlton had a ating eect te. She was the main reaton chose to continue "edits in English She helped me choose the best Wersty for what ! wonied to study. She also made | aleve in muslf and now on conident that one Tull ony cream of becoming a writer iil never forget Ms Colton. Ya gad that che sil Sat my oldschool and U hope that the students teaches now appreciate her as much a8 did ach ofthe following phrases corresponds to one the paragraphs in the description. Write the numbers 1-4 the boxes. inthis paragraph the write: i explains how the person ha influenced himvher. makes coment and ay how bese feels. Oo describes the person's character. Oo ‘oy who lhe admires and give some gene nformatin. (~) Find words inthe text which mean: ‘not allowing many things (pra. 2) Ps cagerness todo something you enjoy (para. 2) ‘make someone want to do something (pars 2) sure that something will happen (par.3) do what you hope todo (para. 3) like something or somebody because you recognise ther good qualities (para. 4) A DESCRIPTION OF A PERSON writing F. Theparagraph below has Correction Cove several mistakes, which have been’ — | WW: wrong word tundertined and iM marked using the Pa reno=tuot correction code Ts tense on the right. Read arth Seen A: article mistakes. Sp: spelling cy ets wed eas hearing aloud explosion anda house near him suddenly burs into lames, He heard the woman shouting for help from inside the house. Without thinking about his own safety he an he hase wnete he found the woman trapped under a haeey bookcase. He managed tft the bookcase and help Ihe out ofthe house just in tre, because minutes later another explosion dstoy the house complete 6. When you are writing a description of a person you admire follow the outline below. IwTRODUCTION eive some general information about the person. MAIN PART (2 paragraphs) Mpesenbe te persons character. 1 Beyimhat flvencethe person has had Sana “a A a am este ore anaes WRITING TASK ‘Write a description ofthe person you admire most. Say why you admire this person and how he/she hha influenced you (100-150 words). | 2b reading =, none "hed aa FADS is my : ty te, Le that follows. Which ofthe three 8. Read the paragraphs o, band cand the artic introductory paragraph tothe article? 1 eccsare people wha have done vonethingso bra or god tha hae mae mony peop aire them fri, Who do you thnk of when you hear the ‘ord hero? Do youthink enya eres the Hercules or ert open story? th amaze? th ‘The truth i real heroes are jes ™8 pg minors ye Scandia oto ea a examples of such everyday hero “mas you had describe aero you ami, who would you choose? What Kind of peopg gy hheroes and what makes people admire them? Great courage, unusual strength, my intelligence ae just afew characteristics that can be used to describe heroic people, SUPER MUM SAVES CHILD | [none incredible story, Amy Clemens sived her four-year-old haere ot tck unr hee, "When te carb began’ Ms Clemens told reporters, ‘the ridge started shaking The tems quickly iors, and the ridge shook more and snore violently. Suddenly it fell over and Tomony got stuck under it. could se that he coulda’ breathe! The ridge was so heavy } {dont row how Idan thinking sited wth if all my strength, and he @fW out” Did this mother have super he Iescems that her lve for her child was her \ LONE MAN SURVIVES CRASH UNHARMED ‘ikea ct wit nine Hive is what peopl sy abet ‘Adams who survived a terble ain rash dll only survivor. What's more suprising than thats tig, hh got ofthe train completely Waban, 1 | casily’ he said when he was asked about how hes firs the train wast moving very fst but then tap faster. When it reached top speed, it was the fastest tng ever been on. The crash came without warning’ Hiss astonished as everyone else. "Harold is ike a cit wth she said with a smile. “He has eight more lives lt tlie ht Harold Adams a super hero? In this case, he wasjaten it CLIMBERS SURVIVE THE WORST Ina recent report, one climber rescued his friend after the worst avalanche i history. At first we were climbing and then suddenly we were buried under ten fee of thick sow said climber Marvin Baile. lt was as dark as night. My legs were so Alii ftom the cold that I couldn't feel them. But | ‘kept calm and I began to dig myself out of the snow. When I finally reached the top, I searched for and found Joh. He was unconscious when {pulled him out. He was as whit asa sheet, but, fortunately, he was sil alive. That was the most frightening moment of my QB life’ Was chs courage and ‘determination that made Marvin Bailey a hero? Perhaps it was just his desire ‘ove and to help a friend which freed him from the snow , Read the article again and answer the questions. Write the correct letter (A for Amy, Hfor Harold or ‘M for Marvin) inthe boxes. ich person, f. survived a natural disaster? == () vocabulary & grammar 1. Match the words highlighted inthe article with their meanings. actualy did nothing heroi? crawled = {ant explain how they 2. unharmed) |B, moved on hands and knees ‘managed todo what they di? % bruised nothurt hhad never been so rightened Te 4. got marks onthe skin asa result of inury fn thie ie? e «not feeling anything asin an accident in which no ao ee one ese survived? oO Pcs pulledsomeonetosafety? —(C) + Which ofthe thre incidents inthe atc do you find the most heroic? Why? |. WORD BUILDING ‘Complete the table below. All the missing words ‘appear in the text on page 28, 2. SIMILES {A Read the article on page 28 and find similes Including the words as and lke. ‘Similes are phrases which include the words as oF Tie and are used to make comparisons. [ luck F ue B, Match the two halves of the simites below. Then calmness complete the sentences 1-5 with some of the similes. r ete alight asawolf pool asquiet asabee omen as good asamouse incligent asfiee asa sheet hero aswhite asain any ashungry asa feather 2 asquick asgold asbusy sighting Many adjectives ae formed by adding a slfix 1, Aer passing his exams and withthe whole summer (ecg. ful, -0u5,-c-ical) to a noun, ‘Many nouns are formed by adding the suffix -ness to an acective, ‘Complete the sentences using the correc form of the words in capitals. ‘The story was about dragons and other _ creatures MYTH _ Catherine isa hard-working and student, INTELLIGENCE China isa bigand country POWER This is an exercise that wll build up the STRONG of your muscles Danny Brown isa tenyear- COURAGE ‘old boy who save his best friend from burning building. ahead of him, Brin fk ae 2. What's for diane fm. 5 Emily hasbeen everything ready forthe party tonight. 4, Thebos isnot heavyat als its geting 5. Tom often fights withthe other children at school, but today he hasbeen 3. WORDS RELATED TO NATURAL DISASTERS What are the words in each column related to? Choose the appropriate headings from the words inthe box. AVALANCHE EARTHQUAKE HURRICANE VOLCANO shake [erupt ‘low snow Richter Richer T explosion | wind rock collapse [bv storm ke Gn ‘ADJECTIVES - ADVERBS OF MANNER Look at the examples below. Which of the words in bold is an adjective ‘and describes a noun and which of them is an adverb of manner and describes how something happens? Iwasa violent earthquake. The fridge shook violent COMPARISONS racts from the text on newer the questions that follow. aS “Afi, the tran wasn't moving YY fast, but they it stated going faster Wher it ale top sped its the fastest rin | have evr been 0 What's more surprising tha that ie he fect tate got ofthe ain completely unharmed. That wus the most foightening moment of my emi fe + Hoy are the compaatives and stperkatives of one-sllble adjectives and adverbs formed? «+ How are the comparatives and superlatives of mulisylable adjectives and adverbs Formed? «Which form is used to compare two people, things or actions? + Which form is used to compare one person, thing or ation with several of the same kind? B. His wife was as astonished as everyone ele, ‘The tremors quickly increased, and the “fridge shook more and more violently. What does mean? ‘a. more than| b. lessthan « thesameas ‘What does more and more violently indicate? a. a continual change a comparison between two actions the result of an action oe ceceeese so Sn ¥ 2b vocabulary & grammar tf . @ ! ate te ext below nth ee correct form of the adjec eo Someta oH ind as where necessary, "oY verbs in brackets: the river path every MOINS 09 his way, ike hae cyte January, he ever imagined tat his (exciting) than usual. On ing et it Fic et ewan lng ang the ver Path He Bese cry i gehts he Heth omg te aegrowing weskerand @)—_ towards the ca Helagg, Gn the morning of the 1700 eto! would be) ——— theriver hilren inside. THE € erie. Mike jumped int the Fiver and sta ee —————_— nt ase spo re he ached the car the woman give him er child water a ay to the shore. Then he went back forthe woman Swimming (dificil) thar he had expec ct gin vas) nt eke Thad than before for Mike to reach thew 6 tecoas te river was working against him and was taking the wong se eo Gand farther away. Mike realied heh PN quickly) ashe could ihe was gringo to her (@) ____— soapy Mike veached the woman and took hero the river baka hr children were waiting best completes each sentence, 5, During the earthquake the people in the cinema pun and ran ___ toward) 1. When the _erupted a nearby village was buried in lava. avearthouake bvoleano suas quickly ecavalenche be quickly i du hurscane quick 2. Thestudents___atestwhen_ &- quicker they heard the explosion, 6. Those were. yes ok life : bare taking athe mostdiffcuk brasdficult | «were taking. d. were taken 3, The firefighters three people from the burning building, «the more dificult 4. more difficult 2. Ellen's new camera a. survived raluable : b.searched a. response | c.rescued b. possession 4. recalled ca disguise di power (a 4. Fiona isin her room and she's been as quiet asa all evening. 1 don't know what she's doing. 8. We worked __—"" project on time. a. mouse a. hardly b. bee bias hard feather chard di sheet hardest EE 2b writing / _ nnn AN INFORMAL LETTER INC! oo oe nds ar relatives? LUDING A NARRATIVE q jon below. Read the eter that Tom wrote ois rend ack and arse the question bel Why is Tom writing tok? on about an event 1.0 give him inforrati Oo ngthtappenstwohin C) ‘to describe an acident «tote hon soot somethi Dear Jack, Thope youre ine and that everything i OK a work, Not ma i happening hee, but wou never guess what happened to me yesterday! vate was walling home from work, {heard some people shouting, “Get out of the way hind me to see what was going on and I noticed that an old ear which was parked on top suas roling backwards. The car was heading straight towards a group of schoolchildren. | knew to do something to save all those innocent lives. vas the car approached me, (jumped into the drivers seat, stepped on the brakes and even ple the hand brake. Bu, f0 my horror, nathing happened and the car just kept rlling dy the hill and picking up speed all the time. Then | realised that the only thing | could do was the cor away from the children. {turned the wheels lft andl just missed hitting an eldery co After a while, the ear slowed down and, finally, it came to a stop when | crashed it into a ig Fortunately, no one was injured, and everyone now considers me a hero! Wel that’s my story. fve got to go now and give an interview to a local newspaper. Hope from you soon Take care, Tom . Read the following statements and find examples of them in the letter above. ‘The writer uses: 4 informal language 1. short forms past tenses to narrate events «me linkers to indicate the sequence of events NCLUDING A NARRATIVE __ na 4" INFORMAL LETTER | A. Discuss. ange vu ever write ters to your frends oF flav? 1 Wehr ressons do you weit to them fF? rend the letter hat fom wrote to his end Jack and answer {question below. Why: Tom writing to Jacke 1 oO information about an event Oo a. twgivehi by to describe am accident O “et tell hin about something that happened to hint Dear Jack, I hope youre fine and that everything is OK at work, Not much is happening here, but yout shat happened to me yesterday! work, { heard some people shouting, ‘Get out of the way!" vind I noticed that an old car which was parked on top of « coding straight towards a group of schoolchildren. {Knew | never guess wl While | was walking home from behind me to see what was going on was rolling backwards. The ear was be ‘to do something to save all those innocent lives stepped on the brakes and even vas the car approached me, | jumped into the driver's seat, pulled the hand brake. Bu, to my horror, nothing happened and the cat just kept rolling down. reel an picking up sped alte time. Then I realed thatthe only thing | could do was the car awaty from the children. | turned the wheels left and just missed hitting an ederty Ate anit the car towed dove and, Finally, came toa stop when | crashed it into abi Fortunately, no one was injured, and everyone now considers me a hero! ive an interview to a local newspaper. Hope to ell, that’s my story. (ve got to go now and gi From you soon. Take care, Tom. ©. Read the following statements and find examples of them in the letter above. The writer uses: 4. informal language Bi short forms. {past tenses to narrate events 4. ime linkers to indicate the sequence of events

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