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Job Capacity Assessment Report

JSKID - 4897474409, Submitted Date - 4/09/2009

Client Details
Job seeker ID: 4897474409 CRN: 203242332B


Date of birth: 18/11/1986 Gender: Male

Referral Details
Date of referral: 03/09/2009

Reason for assessment: JSCI Combined

Referring organisation: Centrelink

Assessment Format requested: Face To Face

Referring officer: MCDONALD, S A

Referring on behalf of: Centrelink STONES CORNER

Phone: 07302819

Interview requirements: was suspended for FAI

Assessment Details
Provider: Centrelink, Centrelink STONES CORNER

Phone: 18 00739750

Assessor's name: STEPHANIE (SJ2521)

Professional discipline:

Provisional Psychologist

Location: Stones Corner

Assessment Dates: 04/09/2009

Form of assessment: Face to Face


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Job Capacity Assessment Report

JSKID - 4897474409, Submitted Date - 4/09/2009

Client has been advised of information sharing arrangements: Yes

Medical Conditions
Medical Condition Details


Condition: Psychol/Psychiatric Disorder - Type: Other

Symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Past: psychologist (once or twice)
Current: antidepressant medication, valium
Future: interested in JCAc.


The client's medical condition/s does not prevent them from using public transport without substantial assistance.

Specialist Assessments
No Specialist Assessments were required.


Barriers to be addressed

Barrier: Psychological/psychiatric condition (H02)

Impact on employment:
Impacts psycho-social functioning which may impact work relationships and work attendance/performance.

Barrier: No or limited work skills (V02)

Impact on employment:
Limited work experiences may impact work options and choices.

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Job Capacity Assessment Report

JSKID - 4897474409, Submitted Date - 4/09/2009

Barrier: No or limited formal education (E01)

Impact on employment:
Peter reported that he has had sporadic education until the age of 15.

Barrier: Relationships/family (S03)

Impact on employment:
Disrupted family network may impact job readiness as well as ability to maintain employment.

Barrier: Accommodation issues (G01)

Impact on employment:
Peter reported that he is currently homeless. He indicated that he in the process of moving to Dubbo.

Support Requirements
Requirement: Complete job search activities Duration: Less than 6 months
Based on the level of support required the client does not require specialist disability employment interventions.

Work Capacity
Baseline Work Capacity: 30+ Hours per week

(Excludes any temporary impacts noted above)

Suitable Work: Moderate semi skilled (W05)

factory work, aged care worker.

As no verified medical conditions have been assessed, baseline work capacity of 30+ hours per week has been

Capacity for work within 2 years with Intervention Work Capacity: 30+ Hours per week

Suitable Work: Moderate semi skilled (W05)

factory work, aged care worker.

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Job Capacity Assessment Report

JSKID - 4897474409, Submitted Date - 4/09/2009

As no verified medical conditions have been assessed, baseline work capacity of 30+ hours per week has been

Capacity for work within 2 years without Intervention Work Capacity: 30+ Hours per week

As no verified medical conditions have been assessed, baseline work capacity of 30+ hours per week has been

Temporary Work Capacity: 15-22 Hours per week

End Date: 02/09/2010

Recommended temporary reduction of 15-22 hours per week until the 2.9.2010 due to medical condition to allow
Peter a graduated return to work and prevent relapse.

Temporary (Reduced) Work Capacity: 0-7 Hours per week

From Date: 03/09/2009 End Date: 03/01/2010

Recommended temporary reduction of 0-7 hours per week until the 3.1.2010 due to medical conditions. This will
allow Peter time to seek further intervention and adjust to medications.

Interventions that were identified for this client

Intervention: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (P56)

Expected outcomes/improvements:
To assist with developing effective techniques and strategies to assist with solving problems and managing future
issues/problems that may be faced

Intervention: Accommodation services (G51)

Expected outcomes/improvements:
Referral to appropriate accommodation services if required.

Intervention: Furniture assistance (G53)

Expected outcomes/improvements:
Referral to services for furniture and clothing assistance if required.

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Job Capacity Assessment Report

JSKID - 4897474409, Submitted Date - 4/09/2009

Intervention: Literacy/numeracy assessment/training (E51)

Expected outcomes/improvements:
To further increase literacy/numeracy skills and enhance employment prospects/options

Intervention: Post-secondary/adult course - vocational (E57)

Expected outcomes/improvements:
Enrol in a short course in a nominated area of interest in order to increase work-relevant qualifications

Assessment Summary
The assessment was completed successfully.

Additional Comments:

This report has no permanent condtions that are fully diagnosed, treated and stabilised.

Referral reason/presentation:
Peter Meyers, aged 22, was referred for a JCA (JSCI C), attending on the 3.9.2009. Alen arrived at the interview on
time and was friendly and co-operative. Alen was observed to be shaking during the interview; Peter reported that
this was as a result of his anxiety and indicated that he would proceed with the interview.

Please note that the assessment was undertaken on 3.9.2009, however a systems issue restricting reports from
being submitted on same day as referral have led to the assessment date being recorded as 4.9.2009.

1. Previous JCA, dated 14.11.2008
2. Self-report disclosed by Peter Meyers at the time of the JCA, 2.9.2009.

Medical Background:
Peter reported that he is suffering from symptoms of depression and anxiety. He reported that he suffers from
fluctuating moods, increase eating habits and rumination. He also reported that he suffers from nightmares, which
began when he commenced medication approximately 2 weeks ago. Peter reported that he has suffered from
depression during his teens and undertaken treatment in the past (medication and some contact with mental health
professionals). He reported that he has been taking antidepressants and valium for the past 2 weeks. Peter also
reported that he was interested in JCAc.

Peter reported that he previously suffered from drug dependence (as noted in previous JCA). He reported that he
has been clean for approximately 12 months. Peter indicated that this condition no longer affects him.

Social Situation:
During the JCA, Peter reported that he was a ward of the state and suffered abuse as a young child. Peter stated that
he is currently living in temporary accommodation. He reported that he is moving to Dubbo in the next week, and
will temporarily stay with his mother until he finds a more permanent arrangement. Peter indicated that he has

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Job Capacity Assessment Report

JSKID - 4897474409, Submitted Date - 4/09/2009

limited social supports.

Employment history:
During the JCA, Peter reported that he last worked in a call-centre for 3 months in 2008 until he moved. He reported
that he has also worked in aged care nursing for 12 months, until moving.

It was reported that Peter completed sporadic education, moving from foster home to foster home, leaving school at
the age of 15. Peter reported that he generally has no literacy or numeracy issues, but indicated that he would like
to participate in further educational in literacy and numeracy. Peter stated that he has completed a Certificate III in
Aged Care, has no driver slicence and is able to use public transport.

As per the work capacity section of this report, a temporary reduction of 0-7 hours per week until the 3.1.2010 due
to medical conditions has been recommended. This will allow Peter time to seek further intervention and adjust to
medications. A temporary reduction of 15-22 hours per week until the 2.9.2010 due to medical condition to allow
Peter a graduated return to work and prevent relapse has also been recommended. As no verified medical
conditions have been assessed, baseline work capacity of 30+ hours per week has been assigned. It is recommended
that Peter be referred to Stream Services and JCAc. As Peter is in the process of relocating, the Stream Services
referral has not been actioned.


This report does not contain any information, which if released to the client, might be prejudicial to his/her health.


The client's personal factors have High impact on their ability to work, obtain work or look for work.


History of trauma
Family issues
Limited formal education
Some literacy and numeracy issues.

Recommendation Type Program / Other Program Timeframes / Dates

Employment Service Stream Services

Job Capacity Account Psych Support - cognitive behaviour therapy 4/09/2009 to 25/12/2009

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Job Capacity Assessment Report

JSKID - 4897474409, Submitted Date - 4/09/2009

Confidentiality and Privacy

Your personal information is protected by law and can only be disclosed to someone else where authorised or
required by the Privacy Act 1988 or other Commonwealth legislation, or where you have provided your consent. For
more information about privacy and the way in which your personal information is managed you can talk to your
Employment Service Provider, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment, the Department of Human
Services, Centrelink or the Privacy Commissioner (who can be contacted through

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