Eye of Nature

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•Living With Intent: as people reorient their lives to focus on the areas and connections that count, they

will seek more intentional

products and experiences.
•Home-Making: the concept of home will become about where you want to be, with a growing focus on shared and local experiences.
•Two-Faced Tech: emerging technologies will intersect with diverging global approaches to tech, making it crucial for brands to balance
opportunities with foresight of negative consequences.
•It's All Real: deepfake tech and synthetic creativity will reshape how we perceive reality and put digital and physical experiences on more
equal footing.
•Multi-Species Thinking: a more-than-human design approach that considers the needs and rights of all of nature – including humans,
animals and plants – will gain traction.
•Designing Protopias : new tools are empowering people to imagine and create protopias – futures where tomorrow is realistically better
than today.
•Contemporary Commons: people-powered innovations will place more importance on public, shared spaces and systems that are open to
•Cultural Power: cultural capital and creative heritage will be powerful tools to foster economic development, create connections across
borders, and learn from ancient wisdom.
•No to ‘Normal’: as societal norms widen and expand, approaches to labelling and categorization will become more inclusive, and a new
wave of personalization will emerge.
•Subtracting Adds Value: less will mean much more as a reductive mindset brings about design innovations and sustainable evolutions in
production methods.
•Collective Intelligence: by interconnecting different forms of intelligence and knowledge – including human, machine and natural
intelligence – innovators will be able to build on past breakthroughs and open up new creative possibilities.
•Energised : the rise of ‘main character energy’ will propel an 'exploring twenties' where pleasure, fun and multisensory stimulation will all
be active ingredients.
Through the eye of nature : not as human its time to for us to see
through the eye of nature feel its heart, how and at what level we
humans go down to fulfill our selfish and never ending greed. Nature
gives us everything it has but human always take from it instead of
giving something in return. Nature is the reason for human existance .
Nature never needs human its human who need it to live life. Today if
we see through natures eye it is screaming to save it self from humans
greed. Nature gives us peace, calmness, hope, cure to are diseases etc
and in return we take its peace through pollution calmness by cutting
trees its hope to flourish itself and we are giving it diseases instead of
Nature and the metaverse
There is a magic to nature.
• It connects us to the essence of human spirit and being. As a species we have long sought
solace in nature. Birdsong and sunlight through the treetops making light of our troubles.
But the magic also has a darkness to it. To be lost in nature is to be terrified, to experience
self doubt, to embrace those fiery inclinations that our superficial selves would rather do
without. Meaningful experiences touch both the light and darkness of the human
• Can this be replicated in a post-physical world?
• We are spending less time in the physical world (let alone the natural world). Our attention
used to be wholly in our physical environment. That attention has eroded significantly
thanks to the advance of technology and our dependence on our devices. Projecting that
advance into the next decade with smart headsets getting cheaper and smaller, could all our
attention be in the digital world? Technologist Shaan Puri muses that the Metaverse isn't a
place but a moment in time. A moment in time when our digital life is worth more to us than
our physical life.
• Would meaningful experiences still exist?
• Using the Metaverse to Connect and Protect the Natural World
• The emerging Metaverse platform offers an opportunity to create
richer relationships between humans, other species, and our
environment, and to inspire the protection of wildlife and ecosystems
we otherwise might not see.

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