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Test scenario
A test scenario is a description of a sequence of steps that a user might take to
test a particular feature of a software application. It is a high-level overview of
what the user will do and what the expected outcome should be. Test
scenarios are used to develop test cases, which are more detailed descriptions
of the specific tests that will be executed.
Test planning
Test planning involves defining the test plan, scope, approach, responsibility,
tasks and resources for a testing effort. It includes creating test strategies, test
cases, and schedules to ensure thorough and effective testing. The goal is to
systematically verify and validate a product to meet quality and performance
Various criteria for test planning
1) Encountering more than a certain number of defects, causing frequent
stoppage of testing activity;
2) Hitting show stoppers that prevent further progress of testing ( for
example, if a database does not start, further tests of query , data
manipulation, and so on are is simply not possible to execute); and
3) Developers releasing a new version which they advice should be used in
instead of the product under test( because of some critical defect fixes. )
Good GUI traits and testing
• Follows standards and guidelines • Intuitive • Consistent • Flexible •
Comfortable • Correct • Useful
Gray box testing
Gray box testing is a type of software testing that combines the elements of
white box testing and black box testing. In white box testing, the tester has full
knowledge of the internal structure of the software application, while in black
box testing, the tester has no knowledge of the internal structure of the
software application. In gray box testing, the tester has partial knowledge of
the internal structure of the software application.
Security testing is a testing technique to determine if an information system
protects data and maintains functionality as intended.
Security is the state of being safe and protected from danger or risk. In the
context of software, security refers to protecting software applications from
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
Performance Testing is a type of testing to ensure software applications will
perform well under their expected workload.
Performance refers to the ability of a software application to meet its
performance requirements. This includes factors such as speed, scalability, and
User interface
The means that you use to interact with a software program is called its user
interface, or UI
Usability is how appropriate, functional, and effective that interaction is.
Compatibility testing
Software compatibility testing means checking that your software interacts
with and shares information correctly with other software. This interaction
could occur between two programs simultaneously running on the same
computer or even on different computers connected through the Internet
thousands of miles apart. The interaction could also be as simple as saving data
to a floppy disk and hand-carrying it to another computer across the room.

Defect classification
When actual result deviates from the expected result while testing a software
application or product then it results into a defect.
Software Defects are normally classified as per:
1) Severity wise:
a) Major, b) Minor, c) Fatal
2) Work Product wise:
a. SSD: System Study Document
b. FSD: Functional Specification Document
c. ADS: Architectural Design Document
d. DDS: Detailed Design Document
e. Source code
f. Test plan / Test Cases
g. User documentation
3) Type of error wise:
a. Data related error
b. Design related error
c. Boundary conditions error
d. Logical error
e. Performance error
4) Status wise:
a) Open, b) Closed, c) Deferred, d) Cancelled.

Defect life cycle

1) New: This defect is yet to be studied/approved. It goes to assigned, dropped
and deferred.
2) Assigned (open): Development team is ordered to work on defect through
management team.
3) Deferred: Defect which is decided to be fixed in next release have status as
4) Dropped: New defect if it feels low priority and not effective then make its
status as dropped.
5) Completed: Developer worked on defect and solved it and handover it to
tester team to test it authenticity.
6) Reassigned: If tester find again defect in developer worked defect then it is
again reassigned to developer.
7) Closed: If tester is satisfy with developer’s fix then defect status moved to
Tool selection criteria
1) Understand your True Requirement:
a) List down the Compatibility issues:
b) List down the Users of the Tool
c) List down the Testing requirements
2) Understand the constraints Technology you have:
a) Environmental constraints.
b) Credentials of the Vendors & their Client.
c) Understand the Quality related characteristics
3) Understand the training skills:
a) Organization level training
b) Users need to learn new languages/scripts
c) Increase the learning and training.
4) Shortlist the most likely suitable tools
a) Essential features.
b) Desirable features
c) Irrelevant features
5) Management aspects:
a) Hardware and software to be upgraded
b) Increase the cost of the already-expensive test tools
c) Migrating from one tool to other costly.
6) Making a Final Choice
a) Final Comparison of Features
b) Practical demonstration at your site
c) Maintenance of Test Script
d) Final Comparative Trial

Automation testing tool and its application

An automation testing tool is a software application that helps testers
automate repetitive tasks involved in software testing. This can free up testers
to focus on more complex and strategic tasks.
There are a number of different automation testing tools available, each with
its own strengths and weaknesses. Some popular automation testing tools
include: Selenium, JMeter, Test Studio and etc
 An e-commerce company could use an automation testing tool to test
the functionality of its website, such as the ability to add items to the
cart and checkout successfully.
 A mobile game developer could use an automation testing tool to test
the performance of their game on a variety of different devices and
operating systems.
 A financial services company could use an automation testing tool to
test the security of their web application and API-driven systems.
Aspect Analytical Approach Heuristic Approach

Relies on the tester's

Follows structured experience and
methods and rules to intuition to explore the
design and execute software, even without
How it tests based on clear strict plans or detailed
Works requirements. requirements.

Focuses on discovering
Concentrates on issues by trying out the
analyzing documents software using
and rules to create common sense and
Focus test cases. knowledge.

May need fewer

May require a lot of resources, especially in
time and resources for rapidly changing
documentation and projects, but requires
Resources structured testing. skilled testers.

Characteristic Preventive approach Reactive approach

An approach to software testing that focuses An approach to software testing that

Definition on identifying and mitigating potential focuses on finding and fixing defects
problems before they occur. after they have occurred.

Focus Preventing defects Finding and fixing defects

Timing Early in the SDLC Later in the SDLC

More expensive upfront, but can save money Less expensive upfront, but can be more
in the long run expensive in the long run
Aspect Functional Testing Non-Functional Testing

Focuses on verifying
specific behaviors and
functionality of the Concentrates on evaluating
software based on how the software performs
documented in terms of non-behavioral
specifications and aspects like performance,
Definition requirements. reliability, and scalability.

Tests what the system Tests how the system does

does and ensures it it, considering aspects like
Testing meets the specified speed, stability, and
Scope functional requirements. security.

documentation testing, load
testing, performance
Includes smoke testing, testing, recovery testing,
sanity testing, regression security testing, stress
testing, and usability testing, and usability
Types testing. testing.

Measuring how many users

the system can support
Verifying that a login simultaneously, assessing
form allows users to response times, or
enter valid credentials identifying potential
Examples and access the system. security vulnerabilities.
Characteristic Process metrics Product metrics

Metrics that measure the quality,

Metrics that measure the efficiency and
Definition functionality, and performance of
effectiveness of the software testing process
the software product

Number of defects found, time to

Test case execution time, defect detection
Examples resolve defects, customer
rate, test coverage

To assess the quality of the software

To identify areas where the software testing
Purpose product and identify areas for
process can be improved
Can help to improve the efficiency and Can help to identify and fix defects
Benefits effectiveness of the software testing process, early on, resulting in higher quality
leading to higher quality software software

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