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Groups of 3 :

- M. Aulia Riski Khairianda 12220513065

- Ockta Fajri Alfaqih 12220512443
- Athifa Lailany 12220522030
- Dewi Surya Aristi 12220523060
- Dwi Agustina 12220522381
- Putri Regina 12220522380
- Sashi Kirani Salsabila 12220522096
- Vira Ayuningtyas 12220523215

Our shop provides flower bouquet that you can use as gifts on your special days, such as
graduations, birthdays, Father's Day, Mother's Day and other special days. This flower bouquet
will have a beautiful memory that you can remembered by the special people in your life, father,
mother, bestie, friends, family or the customer's sweetheart.

Reason :

we opened this business because of the wide market opportunity, minimal risk because the
materials used are not easily broke and are needed all the time and are not consumed by time.

Materials for a bouquet :

1. Fake flowers

2. Glue
3. Tape

4. Ribbon

5. Bamboo sticks

6. Cork

7. Cellophane paper

8. Tissue pap

Capital :

First capital : Rp.5.000.000

Cost of basic production materials a week : Rp.1.621.000

Other expenses : Rp.500,000 =

Total expenses : Rp.2.121.000

Amount of production units a week : 100 units

Selling price an unit : Rp. 50.000

Gross revenue : Rp. 5.000.000

Gross revenue : Rp.5.000.000

Expenses : Rp. 2.121.000

Net revenue a week : Rp. 2.879.000

Net revenue a month : Rp. 11.516.000

Because this business is jointly owned, the turnover earned per month is divided by 8 people
so each person gets Rp. 1.439.500 / month.

Targets of Marketing :

Our flower shop targets students, high school students, teenagers, and all demographics.

How to Market Products :

Social media, brochures, shop

Addres :

Jl. Buluh Cina, Garuda sakti, KM 1

Owner : Eight

Admin: Dwi Agustina

Delivery: Fajri, Riski

Accountant: Regina
Makers: Lany, Sashi, Dewi Surya, Vira

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