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Q1: Inline elements are normally displayed without starting a new line?

a None

b True

c False

d None

e None

f None

Q2: Which of the following attribute triggers event when an element gets user Input??

a Onhaschange

b None

c Onloadeddata

d Oninput

e Ondata

f None

Q3: Choose the correct usage of ‘cd’ to move into the parent directory.?

a None of the above

b cd ..

c cd .

d cd/

e cd

f cd..

Q4: How to stop a container??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d $ docker trim <container_id>

e $ docker dead <container_id>

f $ docker stop <container_id>

Q5: Which of the following is not a style tag??

a <b>

b <i>

c None

d None

e <tt>

f All are style tags

Q6: How to kill a container??

a None

b None

c $ docker --kill <container_id>

d docker terminated <container_id>

e docker kill <container_id>

f None

Q7: How to list all of your services in Docker swarm??

a None

b docker service ps
c docker service ls

d docker get service

e docker ls service

f None

Q8: What are template tags in WordPress??

a None

b None

c None

d Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your database.

e Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your plugins.

f Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your folder.

Q9: What did the 1.8 version of Kubernetes introduce??

a Taints and Tolerations

b Federated Clusters

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e Cluster level

f Logging Secrets

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