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Public speaking and presenting :

Don’t bluff = to pretend to be confident about an uncertain issue/ fool or deceive someone
To ramble = to talk or write in a confused way

Networking : Success is down to contacts – so maximize yours :

Made redundant = jobless/ got fired / laid off/ tarminated

Package = componsation
Weake tie = is a person you don’t know nothing about just few things / someone u barely know/ surface
relative (the opposite = strong tie )
Networking = knowing other people / reaching to people
Alliances = agreement
Mutual benefits = two-way street = an advantage for both people
Succint = something brief / consise/ short (the opposite = wordy « a lot of words »)
Proactively = taking action / always doing something
Endeavor = a hard journey
Developing rapport = building trust
Seeking = looking for
To persit = to endure
Abide by = you must not break the rules

To hit someone up(verb) = to call someone

To mingle (verb) = to mix/ to talk with a lot of people
To strick up a conversation = to start a conversation
To each out = make an effort to contact someone
Icebreaker = a communication strategy used to relieve tension

Understanding science : an overview

Tiniest = small
Fluctuate (flactuations) =state of being unpredictable or constatly changing /something we can’t
Within = inside
Rely (reliable) = trusted and depended on
Satisfy = pleasure/ fulfill
Hazards = disaster/ risk and danger
Nooks and crannies = hidden closet
Peering = trying to look so hard, but you can’t see
Ravel = the opposite of discover (unravel)
Enormously = immense/ extremly large/ gigantic
Empirical = Sientific facts « logical »
Inquiry = an act of asking for informations « questions »
Training :
Training = you learn skills
Internships = you practice what you learned
Apprenticecship = it takes a lot of time and you get paid
Pros = anvatages ; Cons = disadvantages
Emphasis = to give value to something
Whatsoever = at all

Renewable and non-renewable energy :

Emit (emission) = produce and discharge

Depletion (depleted) = something is exhausted at some point / used up fully
Intermittent (intermittency) = something not stable
Hinder = to stop something from happening (for example « an obstacle »)
Prone to change = likely to
To harness (harnessing) = capturing and utilizing / control and make use of
Constrained = limited or restricted
Replenished = to recharge/ to reload
Subsidize = to fund it

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