Rev Unit 1&story Part Khameya

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English Department Primary 4

Revision on Connect Plus

Unit 1 :What can I do?
Story : khayameya Summer from page 108 to page 115
1- Read and complete the text with words from the box:
stomach – digestive - swallow- strong-energy
We use our …………………. system when we eat and drink. We chew
and …………………. food, then it goes to our …………………. In the stomach,
a special liquid changes the food into …………………. and nutrients that
we need in our bodies.

oxygen - system- nose- blood- heart

We use our respiratory system when we breathe. We breathe in air
through our……………, and it goes to our lungs .In the lungs, the
………………. in the air is passed to the…………….Our ………………pumps this
blood around the body.

move -muscles- skeleton- bones-organs

Our…………… is made up of all the ……………, in our body. These make us
strong and protect our organs. ……………, are attached to our bones, and
they lift and turn bones to make us……………

hear- nose- tongue- skin- senses

We use our …………… every day to help us understand the world around
us. We use our eyes to see and our ears to………….. We smell with our
nose taste with our…………….., and we can feel with our………..

English Department Primary 4

body-right-hemisphere- left - hand

The left ……………… of the brain controls the right side of the
body. And the …………….. hemisphere controls the left side of the
………………. More people use their right …………….. to write with.
Some people who are left handed are very creative and artistic.

The Reader “khayameya Summer”:

2-Read and write T (true) or F (false)
1. Zeinab was happy []
2. It was the third week of the summer holiday. [ ]
3. Zeinab wanted to visit her grandpa [ ]
4. Zeinab went to grandpa by train. [ ]
5. Zeinab’s grandpa was a doctor. [ ]
6. Zeinab’s grandparents were very pleased to see her [ ]
7. Grandpa’s eyes are not very good now. [ ]
8. Grandpa was one of the Tent makers. [ ]
9. Grandpa was the worst artisans in Khayameya Street. [ ]
10. Zeinab loved the big picture with all the dogs. [ ]
11. The big picture took grandpa four months . [ ]
12. The big picture is made of thousands and thousands of big stitches
13. Grandpa like sewing lotus flowers and geometric patterns. [ ]
14. Grandpa doesn’t like sewing birds [ ]
15. Zeinab wants to learn to sew and help grandpa. [ ]

English Department Primary 4

16. When grandpa was a child he wanted to be an engineer or a

teacher. [ ]
17. Zeinab’s friends are clever. [ ]
18. Zeinab thinks that her friends want to learn about Khayameya too.
[ ]
19. Rasha, Zeinab’s friend, is good at math and working out
problems.[ ]
20. Lobna makes amazing art. [ ]

3- Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:

1. Let’s …………………….. to the club.
a. goes b. go c. went d. gone
2. Mostafa …………………….. part in lots of races.
a. taken b. take c. takes d. taking
3. We ………………………. our digestive system when we eat and drink.
a. uses b. use c. use d. using
4. Adam …………………….. to the park every week.
a. goes b. go c. going d. gone
5. He ………………………… one sister. She’s pretty.
a. has b. have c. had d. having
6. Hana ……………………………the shopping yesterday. b. does c. did d. done
7. Mom and Kareema…………………….. to tidy the room.
a. wants b. want c. wanting d. takes
8. In the stomach, a special liquid ……………. The food into energy.
a. changes b. change c. changing d. changed

English Department Primary 4

9. We ……………….. with our eyes.

a. sees b. see c. seeing d. saw
10. They ………………….. three medals last year.
a. win b. wins c. won d. winning
11- Our brain …………………….. our body.
a. controls b. control c. controlled d. controlling
12- Let’s ………………………… the lounge.
a. tidy b. tidies c. tidied d. tidys
13-He ……………………… the national team in Egypt in 2006.
a. join b. joins c. joining d. joined
14-Bones…………………….. us strong and protect our organs.
a. make b. makes c. is making d. made
15- People sometimes ……………………. unhealthy snacks.
a. is eat b. eats c. eat d. eating
16- Our teacher …………………. when she sees us.
a. smile b. smiles c. smiling d. smiled

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