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Convol ehants or attvibutes

Contro) thorts 10r Variables haVE

Certain limitahons. heir USE is, limiled
to a Small Yachion o Cuaydhalu. h
repre sent Cmy those qúal dkaa. ahith
(an be Tmeastred in tMs G nuemeicd
measure s. Some timo it is neither economra)
nOT prachica to obtain measuients o
qualiy Chaza Many the qualuly chau
can De observed nly attribuleo ie
by elassiing tach Ihspetd tem a
etheT COmoTming OT non- comformin
specidications. Raardless dedsee h
hic they dhe pisuat (undesjgnthle phyzaufic)
C pre9ent, may cauuse the Item to
be Clanyied andgdecthive
Radiattt batteied that leak am
Consideked unsadisadti dihsplte the
ac the they eak sloully OT Yapidly
S o pIodttts aTe rodued in
quamitieo so it (s not econa miral
also timeConsuming to take
dimensiomal measur ment using Vaiabeo
Such prod ucs are oken inspeçred wth
o Not go 9auges. Even T SOme
alyChaga. hich can be measured
singX R charts can also be judged
these quages. lo7 producb hich art
subjeched to qualituive aises menF itit
is oten economical to opt 0T
atTibute Cont ro) charts Tather tha Variable
Ontrol Charts.
Onethe atribute Control charts
chast. ahe cost o(ollectiom data
orP-dhart is geneally eos than th
COS collechion datOT
R chavts P- chat?
togeth. because P- chai
genenally uses th data thaB ate
aheady colleched o1 SOme other
putpose where asX R Charts requyre
to take Spe cial mtasur OT di.
chaa he Cost ocomputation
chashng is also less because a Single
P Chavt may coTesponds to a set e
X, R Chavt on Navious thara. Sepomat
R dhavts aTe mecessasy or eah
ualily hata.
ahe only drauback othe
att ri bute Control ehavts s that
gsHde s delecfveit tdoe 0ot indimte
ho bad it is. 2 i t is Qood it
doeo not mdi cale hou Gead iis
qualuty contol engineer ho to deud
()n the Sige the req. thu tnu
sample TO past expenene. Basicclly
sol to this problem. can be obtaid
by takimg ollauing acto Into
)Cost îhspechion,
ssdrising rm the ailtre.
to detect the delechive nes
the sen sitiviky the pToduut
g eneralla thsample size nis murh
arger tham 0 Compareto Vasiable
Conrol charts.
AA n defeei
Conhol chavt OT m deectine
Ch ot: (meaSamole Size)
bgpic henny P: Chas:
Fir examiming the proces to
be umder Control 0T not the sample
statishice Used in -chast s the
Sample racfiom deecHve CP).
A Sample siae
A istaken
wIthout eplacement. rom a pop" N
products. Each produt in the sample
inspeded lebded a» delecivo
dalechve he chane that amy, 0the
produch chasen rom the entie producHon
idelechve ve is P So 1 - P is
the chance tha the produt
We can deline a variable 'X
Such tha X1 the pYo duct e is

the produch
ndn- delective.
(oith psbP
with Pb .
So X is a BeTnouli . oith
parameter P
Since We have elements in
the Samnple We cam dein n Benoull
VaTialeoX1, X, Xn. tach o
them are îndependen identi cally
disdributed Ber nouli Tamdom Variable
oith their disth as given abo/e in
Samplk statistic t'sP

whese Sample ple size

no. delective in
the Sample.
d CaD be expressed as a uncHm
a C d . Ts ie.
d X
3TE it 3e1ncll
B n, p
erCd) Pa
ince P
get E CF) =
E ()

& o Cb)
Vaz (d)

Once (oe know the mean
the VOTi ancesam ple statis hic
e c a n construcf the chart b
LCLMean () - 3S(P)
CL Meam ()
UCL Mem )+3 S D CE).

Cax I) Chaat uhen sample sige

Suppose Q1, 02, , An be th
OTtide hosen in the sample. Such
Sample art taken OT COnstrucing &
-chaTt Let di is the no
delective in the ith sample.
Pi d is the
Sam pl rachim
deective t h e ith
Standards are9ivn
Let the pop
is known to
roachon deecHive P
be P. When the
under staistica control ie only
chane Calse aone are a wOTk. We
have d eCn, P)hence we have.
e C) P
Va Cp) = P'CL-p)

the control limits are

LCL p 3P'(1-p)

UCL pl+3 p' Cl-p)

dheCOmst s tabualkd
Jn A
.LCL p'- A J pl C1-pl
UCL = p+Ap'CI-Pl)
Case I) When the standards gre Unknown
When he prcicessactiam deecHive
Pisis hot knoon then e esthmatR ib
TOT he Sampje GeneTally.
P Pi avetage sample
racion defective»
hen the 3 Contyol imits aTe
given b
UCL t 3 C1-F)
- 3 C1-6)

UCL +A JE1-)
LCL b A JE (1-F)

here As 3 is tabulaBed dor

Jn alues ofn
-chatdhen the Sample size
s not COnstamt
Note by computatiom LCL trun
be megative then conyensionly
i sisaken as ero.
Henly the preyiousy Collected
data is uHliged b chart So i
may not be possible all the tlme
keep samplk size conslant. Generaly
OT - chert the Sample Tepresens
the daily produchon.So the rade
o the praducion Varie YO) dy to
day then also the sam plk size Vavie
Let mr be the sizt othe
th sample. Wheneved Varie
décision must be takten about the wa
in ohih the conhrol limits are
be Computed. dhert ave our di
lethod II) n his method
express the variab le in si andie
OTm instead plotting tht
Do Inb Ci) e plot the point
Ct,z) uhcrt 2i is the sBandardsed
otm Van ablt.
When std aTe given:
Suppose P:Pl given
ahn le mel Zi a.
2i p


When stds. are unknoun

P bs 2nipi
i - Pi -Ps l,2 ",K
Ps C1 Ps)
Hert the
Hore 3 Control imits in
both cato are taken
Since Z -ECP) N Co,1)
ahis P-chart i called a
stand ardised - chavt.

nterpretathon oP- chart

lhe points that all above
high spots. while
the points which ocur belato LCL
are called 0o LDo spots. he
improlement aHTibuked by-chat
Come om Con centrahon (
atenHom Ho uards the high spots
enly the high Spots are reported
t o h e manege
gemeht in a legula

oim knoun ay hi gh Spot reon ts.

ahese high spots indicat
Hha an immidiale Seach
O a8siqnable Causes dhe lo spots
cqn exsts in two typeo a situaiona
1. Mhen the rachon delective Nalte
VenyO ow hich i an ideal
2 Lo spols hay be due to th
aul ty in spe chioh
d Some
timei l0w spots may
Indicale the mece 5ity o
proVidi ng better inspekhian stand ards
- chart the LCL is o h e
nterest to see whether there s
siani Cant dCrease in the
rachon deltckiv» the procegs.
Costmemlu VCL is only plotted
by takng LCL

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