Math Reviewer 1Q

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Reviewer 1Q


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Factoring Polynomials
There are just 2 steps to get the fully factored form of a polynomial

1. Get the Common Factor

GCF means Greatest Common Factor. Meaning, you will find a common number for the terms.
ex 1. 6x-24

If you know the multiplication table of 1-10, this would be easier to identify

so, the common factor here is 6. therefore, the common factor/number is always outside of the

now that we know the common factor, we will go to the next step

2. Dividing

we simply divide the terms with the common factor

6x ÷ 6 (or 6x/6) will equal to x

for the signs, when both numbers are negative or positive, the quotient or the product is
always positive. when one is negative, and one is positive (or vice versa) the quotient or
the product is negative even though

and for -24 ÷ 6 will equal to -4

therefore, the final answer is

Reviewer 1Q 1
More examples on factoring binomials

ex 2. 20x²-24x

the common factor is 4

in some cases, there is also a common factor in variables. the least number (exponent) will
be your common factor for the variable. for this, the common factor is now 4x

20x²/4x = 5x

when dividing exponents, we will subtract the exponents

-24x/4 = -6x
therefore the completely factored form is

Factoring by Grouping

Factoring Binomials

Difference of Two Squares

a²-b² = (a+b)(a-b)

under the factoring category, we can be 1² 1

able to factor two squares
2² 4
there is one binomial that has a positive 3² 9
operation, while the other is negative.
4² 16
(e.g. (x+1)(x-1))
5² 25
ex. 1: x²-4
6² 36
first, we identify the squares of the 2
7² 49
8² 64
x is the square of x² and 2 is the square of 4

Reviewer 1Q 2
therefore, (x)²-(2)² 9² 81

so, our final answer is (x+2)(x-2) 10² 100

ex 2: 9x²-4

the square of 9x² is 3x while the square

of 4 is 2 ((3x)²-(2)²)

therefore, (3x+2)(3x-2)

Sum & Difference of Two Cubes


a³+b³ = (a+b) (a²-ab+b²)

a³-b³ = (a-b) (a²+ab+b²)

ex. 1 : a³ + 8

just by simply putting the values in the 1³ 1

formulas, we will simply multiply
2³ 8
based from the table the cube of 8 is 2 3³ 27
while a³ is a
4³ 64
so, we simply substitute a and 2 5³ 125
therefore our answer is, (a+2)(a²-2a+4) 6³ 196

7³ 343

ex. 2: 25(2x³+2) - a²(2x³+2) 8³ 512

as you can see, there are common factors 9³ 729

in the expression. it is clear that the 10³ 100

common factor is (2x³+2).

what we will do to the other numbers

(the numbers outside of the binomial) is
to group them

therefore, it will be, (2x³+2)(25-a²)

Reviewer 1Q 3
although, it is still not completely
factored yet. we have to further factor the

for (2x³+2), we will be getting the common

factor, which is 2

therefore, 2(x³+1). but, it is not fully

factored yet. we still have to further
factor (x³+1); which it is the sum of two

therefore, it is, (x+1)(x²-x+1)

(25-a²) is difference of two squares so

therefore, it is (5+a)(5-a)

Perfect Square Trinomials &

Quadratic Equations

it is when we can get the square of the

first and last term AND the sum is from
the two squares

when the first sign in the expression is

negative, both binomials will be
negative. if the first sign is positive, both
binomials will be positive.

there are two methods for factoring PST

and any quadratic equation: AC Method
& Trial and Error Method (the least
recommended if you’re having a hard
time multiplying and getting the possible


Reviewer 1Q 4
ex. 1: x²-4x+4

(optional) list possible factors of 4 and identify if we will get a sum of -4 (-4x)

the factors of 4 is: -2, -2

we expand the equation

thus, x²-2x -2x+4

we group them into 2 groups


we factor both binomials

x(x-2) + (-2)(x-2)

identify the common factor and group the numbers outside of the parentheses

the common factor is (x-2), and when we grouped the numbers outside, the binomial will be (x-

therefore our answer is (x-2)(x-2) or (x-2)²

ex. 2: x²-11x+24

possible factors: -8, -3

expand: x²-8x-3x-24

group and factor: (x²-8x) + (-3x-24)

x(x-8) + (-3)(x-8)

therefore, (x-8)(x-3)

Rational Algebraic Expressions

P/Q where Q≠0 (when Q=0; undefined)

Restricted Values

you only get the value of the variable in the denominator

ex. 1: 1/x

you equate x with 0 therefore,

x=0 is our restricted value

Reviewer 1Q 5
domain: {x|x≠0}

ex. 2: 2/x-3

equate x-3=0

we can put -3 to the other side, in which

the signs will change, therefore -3 will be
3 when put to the other side

therefore, x=3 is the restricted value

domain: {x|x≠3}

ex. 3: 7x-2/2x-5

equate only the denominator (2x-5) with 0

after putting 5 to the other side,

since we have a numerical
coefficient, we divide that
coefficient on both sides so we will
have x on one side

therefore the restricted value is x=


domain: {x|x≠5/2}

Dividing rational expressions

ex. 1: 8x²/4x

simply divide 8 and 4, then, subtract the exponents

therefore, the answer is 2

ex. 2: 9x/3x²

Reviewer 1Q 6
wherever the largest exponent is, thats where you’ll put the variable (with the remaining

the answer is 3/x

Simplifying Rational Algebraic Expressions

ex. x²-9/x²-x-6

first, we will factor the numerator and the denominator

since the numerator is difference of two cubes, the factored form is (x+3)(x-3)
for the denominator, the expression is a trinomial, we will be doing the AC method.

the factored form is (x-3)(x+2)

now, we put the factored forms in the

numerator and the denominator. next, we
will proceed to cancel out

if there is nothing to cancel out/ further

simplify, whatever is left, will be the

therefore the answer is x+3/x+2

Reviewer 1Q 7

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