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Journal of Ecological Engineering Received: 2020.05.

Revised: 2020.06.30
Volume 21, Issue 7, October 2020, pages 34–41 Accepted: 2020.08.10
Available online: 2020.08.25

Prevention and Reduction of Odour Nuisance in Waste Management

in the Context of the Current Legal and Technological Solutions

Marcin Pawnuk1, Agnieszka Grzelka1, Urszula Miller1, Izabela Sówka1*

Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Department of
Environment Protection Engineering, Wyb. Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
* Corresponding author’s e-mail:

Excessive odour emission, and thus the potential effect of unpleasant odours in the form of odour nuisance for resi-
dents, is a problem that affects many different waste management facilities. In order to prevent and reduce odour
emissions, it is necessary to define specific clear and strict legal solutions and to use appropriate technologies. The
Polish law indicates that waste management should not cause a nuisance. Despite this fact, legal solutions at the
national level are not clear and precise. They are limited to only a few entries. At the European level, BREF Docu-
ments have been developed, which are a set of solutions that can be successfully used to counteract odour emis-
sions. On their basis, BAT Conclusions were created, constituting a set of the best available techniques applicable,
among others, to reduce the odour emissions from the waste management facilities. By way of implementation into
Polish law, they constitute valid standards for prevention and control of odour emissions. The paper presents sev-
eral solutions demonstrated in the above-mentioned documents aimed at preventing and reducing odour emissions.
Various activities, not only those at the technological level but also related to management and planning, in com-
bination with the best available technology allow for effective prevention and control of odour emissions, which
could improve the state of environment around the waste management facilities and the quality of human life.

Keywords: odours, odour nuisance, waste management, Best Available Techniques, BAT, odour prevention tech-
nologies, legal conditions.

INTRODUCTION storage, waste treatment, including composting

and fermentation, segregation processes, tempo-
One of the most important documents in Po- ral storage, landfilling, and thermal treatment of
land regulating the legal issues related to, inter waste in waste incineration plants, could be a po-
alia, the generation of waste and its management tential source of odour emissions [Sówka et al.
is The Act of 14 December 2012 on waste (Jour- 2017a, Sówka et al. 2018, Cheng et al. 2020]. The
nal of Laws of 2020, item 797) [Act on waste, biodegradable waste contained in the municipal
2012]. It says that waste management should be waste stream is mainly responsible for the emis-
carried out in such a way that ensures adequate sion of odours from the abovementioned sources
protection of human life and health as well as [Kwarciak-Kozłowska and Bańka 2014], which,
protection of the environment with an indication according to the aforementioned law, means that
that it must not cause odour nuisance. Despite the waste undergoes aerobic or anaerobic digestion
clearly defined goals to be followed by the gen- with the participation of microorganisms. In addi-
erally understood waste management, many fa- tion to the technological conditions related to the
cilities that process the municipal waste face the waste treatment processes, which may contribute
problem of excessive odour emission, which in to increased odour emissions (e.g. waste fermen-
turn may be the cause of odour nuisance. Waste tation in biogas plants) [Wiśniewska 2020], loca-
management and related activities such as waste tion is another important factor. Waste manage-
collection and transport, transshipment and ment plants are often located near large clusters of

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(7), 2020

residential areas. Excessive odour emission from landfill, including odour emissions [Regulation
waste management plants could cause odour nui- of the Minister of the Environment 2013]. In
sance , for the residents in vicinity, which in turn 2009, The Draft Law on the prevention of odour
translates into numerous complaints and protests. nuisance (February 27, 2009) [Polish Ministry
One of the most important steps in preventing of Environment 2009] was presented. This docu-
excessive odour emission and thus counteracting ment sets out the rules of conduct in the event of
odour nuisance is proper regulation of the legal persistent odour nuisance caused by the activi-
issues related to the operation of waste manage- ties of a given business entity. It also specified
ment facilities, which could be a potential source the methods for assessing the air odour quality,
of odour emissions. including, for example, the use of the field mea-
The purpose of this work was to analyze surement method or the use of odour dispersion
and characterise the current legal conditions and modelling. It also defined the comparative levels
technological solutions aimed at reducing odour of odours concentration in the air for calculation
emissions applicable in Poland concerning waste methods. In the Draft Law, 1 ou/m3 was adopted
management facilities. as the comparative level of odour concentration
in the air and the permissible frequency of ex-
ceeding the comparative value were determined.
LEGAL CONDITIONS RELATED The frequency of exceedances according to
TO ODOUR EMISSION IN WASTE the project was in the range from 8 to 15% by
MANAGEMENT IN POLAND 31/12/2012 and from 3 to 8% from the day of
01/01/2013 depending on the type of land devel-
There are no specific legal regulations in opment [Polish Ministry of Environment 2009].
Polish legislation relating directly to the odour This draft was not reflected in the form of a full-
emissions from waste management facilities. fledged Act.
There are only a few references regarding the In Poland, despite the lack of specific regula-
regulation of the aspects related to odour emis- tions at the national level, the regulations at the
sions. The Act of 14 December 2012 on waste European level also apply due to membership
(Journal of Laws of 2020, item 797) in Chapter in the European Union. In 2018, Best Available
1, Section II of that Act defines that waste man- Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for Waste
agement should be carried out in such a way that treatment, so-called BREF Document, [Pinnas-
it does not cause a nuisance by noise or odours seau et al. 2018] was presented to the Members
[Act on waste 2012]. The Act of 27 April 2001 of the European Union together with an Annex
Environmental Protection Law (Journal of Laws in the form of an Implementing Decision of the
2001 No. 62 item 627) provides for the possibil- European Union Commission establishing best
ity of introducing regulations in the absence of available techniques (BAT) conclusions for
the emission standards and the absence of the waste treatment [EU Commission 2018]. These
permissible levels of a given substance in the air. documents have been implemented in the con-
According to this Act, it is, therefore, possible to tent of The Act of 27 April 2001 Environmental
introduce, by way of regulation, specific refer- Protection Law (Journal of Laws 2001 No. 62
ence values for odorants in the air, methods for item 627) [Environmental Protection Law 2001]
assessing air quality, the frequency of exceed- and are valid standards for waste management
ances, or periods of averaging measurements of plants, including, among others, the plants con-
odorants [Environmental Protection Law 2001]. ducting aerobic and anaerobic processing of
However, these issues remain unregulated. An- waste, or mechanical-biological waste treatment
other document in the Polish legislation that processes. The included provisions included,
contains direct references to reducing and pre- among others, several solutions related to the
venting odour emissions is The Regulation of the prevention of odour emissions.
Minister of the Environment of 30 April 2013 on The first of these documents [Pinnasseau et
waste landfills (Journal of Laws 2013 item 523). al. 2018] is the effect of the exchange of infor-
This ordinance contains a provision stating that mation between the members of the European
landfills should be surrounded by a green belt a Union, interested industries, non-governmental
minimum width of 10 meters to minimise the in- organisations working for environmental protec-
convenience associated with the operation of the tion and the European Commission in the field of

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(7), 2020

commonly used techniques, current emission lev- waste segregation, ensuring waste compliance
els and technologies considered to be the best in before mixing or mixing waste, sorting of sup-
the waste management sector. plied solid waste. BAT 10 directly indicates the
The second mentioned European document, need for periodic monitoring of odour emis-
which is reflected in the Polish law and contains sions using EN or ISO and other standards when
the information on the actions taken to reduce the EN standards are not available. An example
the emission of unpleasant odours is The Eu- of a standard that can be successfully used in
ropean Union Commission Implementing De- Poland is PN-EN 13725: 2007: Air quality - De-
cision establishing conclusions on best avail- termination of odour concentration by dynamic
able techniques (BAT) for waste treatment [EU olfactometry. One of the tools indicated by BAT
Commission 2018]. This document was created Conclusions in BAT 12 regarding the preven-
based on BREF Documents for waste treatment tion or reduction of odour emissions are the
and summarises the best available techniques so-called odour management plans that should
concerning the waste treatment and contains a include elements such as protocols containing
detailed description of those techniques. Im- actions and timelines, odour monitoring pro-
portantly, BAT conclusions are not prescriptive tocols based on BAT 10, response protocols to
and allow for the use of other techniques out- the identified odour incidents, and programs to
side those indicated in this document. The use prevent and reduce the odour episodes. Odour
of other techniques should, however, bring the management plans should be implemented at
same level of actions towards environmental the facilities where potential odour emissions
protection as the techniques indicated in it. BAT and associated potential annoyance are sus-
conclusions do not cover only the description of pected. BAT 13 and 14 indicate several actions
techniques within the meaning of technologies aimed towards prevention or reduction of odour
that can be used to e.g. reduce the emission of emissions. These include the activities related to
unpleasant odours from facilities dealing with minimising waste storage time, the use of chem-
the processing and treatment of waste. They ical waste treatment, optimisation of aerobic
also describe a series of activities not neces- waste treatment, minimising the number of pos-
sarily related to the technological aspects that sible diffuse sources, selection and use of equip-
can be taken to achieve the best overall envi- ment with a high level of integrity, preventing
ronmental performance by those facilities [EU corrosion, limiting the dispersion, collecting
Commission 2018]. BAT 1 indicates that to do and processing diffuse emissions through the
this, it is necessary to take the actions aimed at use enclosed devices or buildings, maintaining
implementing and adhering to the environmen- proper pressure in them, directing emissions to
tal management system, which includes both emission reduction systems. BAT conclusions
management involvement, the definition of an specify the recommendations regarding specific
environmental policy that will ensure the im- waste treatment methods, such as aerobic waste
provement of the environmental performance treatment, anaerobic waste treatment, and MBT
of installations, determination of appropriate processes. Table 1 summarises the recommend-
procedures and their implementation, checking ed actions and techniques for the chosen waste
efficiency and taking corrective actions, reviews treatment processes.
of the environmental management system, tak- The BAT conclusions [EU Commission
ing into account the environmental effects asso- 2018] also contain detailed descriptions of the
ciated with the decommissioning of the instal- techniques that can be used to reduce and pre-
lation. BAT 2 indicates several activities aimed vent odour emissions. These include, but are
at improving the overall environmental perfor- not limited to, absorption processes, the use of
mance, it distinguishes, inter alia, the develop- biological filters, condensation and cryogenic
ment and implementation of waste characterisa- condensation, thermal oxidation, wet scrub-
tion procedures and pre-collection procedures, bing, the use of leak detection systems and leak
development and implementation of collection elimination programs, or VOC measurements.
procedures, development and implementation A detailed description of the techniques used
of a tracking system and inventory, develop- successfully to reduce the emissions from waste
ment and implementation of a waste quality management is presented in the next chapter of
management system for processing, ensuring this work.

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(7), 2020

In addition, in Poland, the so-called The BAT Documents mentioned above, to the pre-
Codex on preventing of odour nuisance [Pol- vention and reduction of odour emissions, also
ish Ministry of Environment 2016] was devel- in the area of waste management (Table 2).
oped. It describes several technological solu- It should be noted that this document also
tions and actions in the form of recommenda- referred to the EU regulations regarding Best
tions that can contribute, like the BREF and Available Techniques that were in force in time

Table 1. List of odour emission reduction techniques for selected waste treatment processes, (based on [EU
Commission 2018])
Based on
Type of waste techniques to reduce
Recommended actions the BAT
treatment emissions to air
(including odours)
Biological •• selection of waste supplied for processing (according to BAT 2) •• absorption BAT 33
waste •• biofiltration BAT 34
treatment •• fabric filters
•• thermal oxidation
•• wet scrubbing
Aerobic waste •• monitoring and control of key waste parameters and processes, •• use of coverings BAT 36
treatment taking into account the characteristics of the input waste (C / N made of semi-per- BAT 37
ratio, particle size), temperature and humidity of windrows, pa- meable membranes
rameters related to aeration of windrows, dimensions of windrows •• adaptation of activi-
•• also applies to the general BAT conclusions regarding biological ties to meteorological
waste treatment conditions
Anaerobic •• monitoring and control of key waste and process parameters BAT 38
waste through the implementation of manual or automatic monitoring
treatment aimed at ensuring access to the digestion chamber, limiting op-
erational difficulties, such as foaming, which may lead to odour
emissions, ensuring an appropriate failure warning system, sug-
gested monitored parameters is the pH, alkalinity, fermentation

chamber operating temperature, size of loads fed to the fermen-
tation chamber, concentration of volatile fatty acids and ammo-
nia in the chamber and digestate, biogas quantity, composition
and pressure, liquid and foam levels in the chamber
•• applies to the overall BAT conclusions regarding biological
waste treatment
Mechanical- •• also applies to the general BAT conclusions regarding biological •• segregation of the BAT 39
biological waste waste treatment waste gas streams
treatment •• BAT conclusions regarding anaerobic waste treatment and an- •• recirculation of waste
aerobic waste treatment, where applicable, apply to mechanical- gas
biological waste treatment

Table 2. Proposed solutions to minimise odour emission in the waste management area included in The Codex on
preventing of odour nuisance [Polish Ministry of Environment 2016]
Odour emission source Proposed actions to prevent or minimize odour emissions
Proper location, construction, and shaping of the object, its proper operation,
Landfills proper closure and reclamation, proper management of leachate and biogas,
observance of technological regimes, masking of odours, planting of plants.
Proper location, observance of operational procedures, encapsulation of
technological processes, use of appropriate ventilation systems, biological
Mechanical-Biological Treatment (MBT) drying of materials, intake of process gases, use of vacuum aeration, use
of biological additives, use of biogas injection in fermentation chambers,
covering piles during composting and isolating them, masking of odour.
Proper location, observance of operational procedures, encapsulation
of technological processes, use of appropriate ventilation systems,
Composting of waste use of biofiltration, intake of process gases, use of vacuum aeration,
use of biological additives, covering of piles during composting
and their isolation, masking of smell, planting of plants.
Observance of operating procedures, encapsulation of facilities and roofing of
Thermal waste treatment warehouses for waste, the use of appropriate ventilation, the use of vacuum
aeration, the use of appropriate filters and the use of the absorption process.

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(7), 2020

of its publication. This Codex indicates the need TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS

to take action at various stages of planning, im- IN PREVENTING OF ODOUR
plementation, and operation of facilities that may EMISSIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH
contribute to the presence of odour nuisance. It THE EXISTING REGULATIONS
indicates, for example, the need for appropriate
spatial management, landscaping, and the use of In accordance with BREF recommendations
buffer zones. for waste treatment, in the event that a new or

Table 3. Advantages, disadvantages, requirements and effectiveness of selected deodorisation methods [Polish
Ministry of Environment, 2016, Pinasseau et al. 2018]
Requirements to apply Advantages Disadvantages efficiency,
High temperature and high humidity may cause
High deodorization efficiency puncture of the bed
Gas flow velocity
The used adsorbent can be High levels of dust can block the bed
<18 m/min
regenerated Fast sorbent saturation at high odorant

The minimum
Possibility of using concentrations
thickness of the 70-99
replaceable cartridges Decrease of purification efficiency as the bed
AC layer - 13 mm
(for small installations) saturation increases
Working time
Relatively low cost compared Non-regenerated sorbent is waste
- 4-5 years
to other techniques The gas must be pre-cleaned before being
directed to the AC filter
A large volume of air In the case of high pollutants concentration,
Small pressure drop dilution with clean air is required
The need to ensure For insoluble compounds, chemical reagents
Possibility of purifying

low or medium are required

large air streams
odour concentration Multi-stage absorption required for 60-85
High cldeodorization
The use of reagents the purification of gases containing
to increase the acidic or alkaline compounds
effectiveness of The use of chemical reagents leads to corrosion
the absorber and overgrowth of apparatus
Very high costs
650-800 OC
There may be a need for preliminary gas
Thermal oxidation

High odorant
Possible heat recovery and preparation, including removal of steam from
secondary heat recovery (hot wet gas and removal of solid or liquid impurities
water) Burners overgrowing 98-99,9
Can be used even with very Formation of soot and secondary odorants
measurement of
high odorants concentration in the event of non-compliance with process
CO2, O2, CO and
NOx concentration
The need to use dust collectors for dusty gases
in waste gases
The need for Can be used even at very Limited stream of purified air;
a catalyst high odorant concentrations A sensitive catalyst;
Temperature from High deodorization efficiency SO2 and HCl production
Catalytic oxidation

350 to 400 OC Possible heat recovery The need for additional purification
The need for a Accurate knowledge of the Catalyst bed erosion
heat exchanger composition and amount of Not suitable for the purification of gases 80-95
High odorant the substance is not required containing chlorine and fluorine compounds
concentration Gases may be lightly dusty Dust blocks the active surface of the catalysts
The need to remove and moist The need to ensure a constant concentration of
solid particles from Hot gas purification possible pollutants
purified gases Low operating costs Frequent checks required
A large area for biofilters is required
Not suitable for purifying air with high
Constant mass
concentrations of impurities
stream of odorants
Biological methods

The need to maintain a constant temperature, Biofiltration

Investment and operating pH and humidity 70-99
cost lower compared to other Biofilter operation depends on weather Bioscrubbing
techniques conditions 70-80
working time
Almost waste-free technology Regular irrigation and dosing of nutrients to Biotrickling
Working time
biomass required filtration 70-90
3-5 years
Slow adaptation of microorganisms to the
concentration of pollutants and gas composition
Can only be used for continuous processes

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(7), 2020

Table 4. Area of application of selected deodorisation methods in waste management [based on: Pinnasseau et al. 2018]
Deodorization method
Area of application Theramal Biological
Condensation Adsorption Absorption
oxidation methods
MBT + + - + +
Physico-chemical treatment of solid/pasty waste + + - + +
Treatment of excavated contaminated soil + - - + +
Regeneration/recovery of pollution
+ - - + -
abatement components/ FGT residues
Treatment of water-based liquid waste + + - + +
Regeneration of spent solvents + - + + +
Re-refining and other preparations for reuse of waste oils + - + + +
Treatment of waste containing POPs + - - + -
Physico-chemical treatment of waste with calorific value + - - + -
Treatment of waste containing mercury + - + + -
Aerobic treatment of source-separated biowaste - + - + +
Anaerobic treatment of bio-waste - + - + +
Mechanical treatment of waste with calorific value - + - + +
Treatment of WEEE containing VFCs and/or VHCs - + + +
Repackaging of hazardous waste - - + + +
Blending/mixing of waste - - + + -
Mechanical treatment in shredders of metal waste - - - + +

an existing installation may contribute to odour of unpleasant odours from waste management
nuisance in residential or recreational areas or processes. These include such methods as absorp-
a workplace, the first step towards preventing tion, adsorption, thermal processes, non-thermal
the problem of odour emissions is to create an oxidation processes and biological methods. Ta-
Odour Management Plan (OMP). It should con- ble 3 presents the requirements, advantages and
tain, among others, odour monitoring protocol, disadvantages of the selected deodorisation meth-
complaint response protocol and description of ods used in waste management along with the de-
planned methods for preventing and reducing odorisation efficiency declared for them.
Adsorption is a method in which, as a result
odour emissions. The first step to improve the
of a heterogeneous reaction, gas molecules are
odorous situation in an installation is to prevent
retained on the surface of an adsorbent that pre-
the formation of odorants at source. The actions
fers specific chemical compounds. Granulated
to reduce the odour formation include, first and
activated carbon (GAC), zeolites or macroporous
foremost, minimising waste storage time, in par- polymer particles are most often used as adsor-
ticular under anaerobic conditions, optimising bent. When the adsorbent is used up, it can be
the aerobic processing of waste, as well as using replaced or regenerated. [Pinnasseau et al. 2018,
shields and building closed facilities to carry out Wysocka et al. 2019]. The absorption method in-
the processes that may emit odours. In the event volves mass transfer between the polluted gas and
that these activities prove to be insufficient, the the solvent (water, acid solution or alkaline solu-
so-called ‘end-of-pipe’ methods are recommend- tion - depending on the removed chemical com-
ed [Pinnasseau et al. 2018]. pound types). The removed component dissolves
BREF and other literature sources [Estrada in the absorbing liquid and, depending on the sol-
et al. 2011, Sówka et al. 2017b, Meeroff et al. vent used, this method may allow the recovery
2018, Miller et al. 2018a, Pinnasseau et al. 2018, of the absorbed pollutants as a result of reversing
Gałwa-Widera and Kwarciak-Kozłowska 2019, the chemical reaction [Schlegelmilch et al. 2005,
Gospodarek et al. 2019, Rybarczyk et al. 2019, Pinnasseau et al. 2018]. The condensation method
Turała and Wieczorek 2019, Wysocka et al. 2019] is used to eliminate the VOCs vapours from the
indicate a number of specific technological solu- waste gas stream, its principle is based on low-
tions successfully used in reducing the emission ering their temperature below the dew point in

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(7), 2020

order to condense them [Pinnasseau et al. 2018]. and reducing odour emissions. It should be noted
The thermal oxidation method involves the oxida- that not every action indicated in the documents
tion of odorants found in the waste gas stream by mentioned above and not every technique could
heating the contaminated gases with the addition be used in real cases. However, the introduction
of air or oxygen in the combustion chamber. It is of specific standards of action and following the
used to reduce emissions from almost all sources latest technologies can significantly contribute to
emitting VOCs; however, this method is only ap- reducing the emission of odours from the objects
plicable to small gas flows due to high fuel con- related to waste management, and thus to improve
sumption [Schlegelmilch et al. 2005, Pinnasseau the lives of residents living in the immediate vi-
et al. 2018, Wysocka et al. 2019]. The most com- cinity of waste management plants by reducing
monly used method in recent years involves the the potential odour nuisance.
biological deodorisation techniques, including
primarily biofiltration. In the case of biofilters, this Acknowledgments
method involves the slow passage of gas through
a humidified, porous bed, where the pollution is This paper was co-financed within the “Ex-
first absorbed by water, and then as a result of cellent Science” program of the Polish Ministry
biodegradation processes, removed by the micro- of Science and Higher Education.
organisms inhabiting the bed [Sówka et al. 2014,
Sówka et al. 2017b, Grzelka et al. 2018, Miller et
al. 2018b, Pinnasseau et al. 2018]. Table 4 sum-
marises the selected deodorisation methods along
with areas of use in waste management [Pinasseau
et al., 2018]. The analysis of the application of
these techniques in waste management shows that REFERENCES
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