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The rapid growth of technology, particularly in the form of online banking, has become
increasingly integral to the daily lives of individuals. In rural Bangalore, the significance of
digital banking is particularly pronounced, allowing customers to conduct banking
transactions seamlessly without the need to visit physical bank branches.

Banks in this region have strategically focused on serving the unique needs of their rural
customers by tailoring a wide range of services to cater to their specific requirements. Despite
the emphasis on providing top-notch security options, certain factors can deter individuals
from opening internet bank accounts. In response, banks in rural Bangalore have taken
initiatives to attract more customers, including offering free internet banking services.

Interestingly, the majority of internet bank account holders in this area are males, young
individuals, and those employed in the service industry. To improve the customer experience,
banks have recognized the importance of offering clear and helpful guidance to assist
customers in opening accounts. Additionally, efforts have been made to enhance website user-
friendliness, ensuring that even first-time customers can easily and confidently create and
access their accounts (Gowthaman, Manikantan, & Sujatha, 2021).

The facilitation of the circular flow of money in the economy, which is crucial for economic
stability, is made possible by banks in rural Bangalore. They play a vital role in accepting
surplus savings from customers and channeling those savings to those in need, bridging the
gap between those with surplus money and those requiring financial support.

While internet banking has already been integrated into the services offered by many banks in
Bangalore, extending these services to rural areas presents its own set of challenges. Raising
awareness about e-banking in these regions remains a primary challenge. Therefore, there is a
pressing need for government and financial institutions to prioritize educating rural
customers, particularly those in agriculture, about the benefits and usage of e-banking
(Radhika, 2023).

The rural banking system in Bangalore, inclusive of low-income families, has historically
been considered somewhat neglected compared to commercial banks. However, efforts are
being made to transform this perception and enhance the inclusivity of the rural banking

In the rapidly evolving financial landscape of Bangalore, banks are consistently seeking ways
to enhance their profitability by embracing cutting-edge technologies. Factors such as ease of
use, network connectivity, cyber security, processing time, and compatibility are crucial in
influencing customers' acceptance and adoption of online banking in rural Bangalore.

Respondents in this region express a consensus that the adoption of digital banking services
offers numerous advantages, including time and cost savings. Many individuals find the
physical presence of a traditional bank to be increasingly irrelevant, given the convenience
and efficiency of internet banking. The trajectory of digital banking in rural Bangalore
suggests that it is not merely a future prospect; it is a current reality that grants access to
routine banking activities through computers or mobile devices, facilitating cashless
transactions at an extensive array of establishments (Sarkar & Sen, 2022).

In recent years, with the development of technology and improved literacy rates in rural
Bangalore, online banking has gained popularity, transforming the banking landscape even in
these remote regions of India.

Objectives of the study:

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