A Commentary On 1 Corinthians

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Rev. Dr Jeffry David Camm

Dedication 3
Copyright: 3
Reference Codes: 3
When Did Apostle Paul write 1 Corinthians? 3
Chapter One: Paul Exhorts to UNITY 4
Chapter Two: Paul Declares the Manner of His Preaching 6
Chapter Three: Jesus Christ is the ONE (& ONLY) Foundation 7
Chapter Four: Ministers of Christ: The Apostles’ Sufferings 8
Chapter Five: Against Going to Law With the Brethren 10
Chapter Six: Don’t Take Your Brethren To A Heathen Court 11
Chapter Seven: Directions Concerning Marriage of Virgins 13
Chapter Eight: Christian Liberty Is Not to be Abused 16
Chapter Nine: Paul’s Self Denial. Life Likened to a Race 17
Chapter Ten: The Lord’s Table & Things Indifferent 19
Chapter Eleven: Rules of Divine Worship: The Lord’s Supper 21
Chapter Twelve: Concerning Spiritual Gifts & Members of the Body 24
Chapter Thirteen: The Excellence of Charity (Love) 28
Chapter Fourteen: Prophecy Preferred to Gift of Tongues 30
Chapter Fifteen: The Gospel of Paul 33
Chapter Sixteen: The Apostle’s Plans 38

This commentary is dedicated to the hundreds of Hebrew men and women, who have
gone before us, and who have been prepared to spread the word of God Almighty; to
serve and honour Him, and to preach the gospel in many nations, and who have risked,
and in some cases, given up their lives, for the gospel.
To my wife, Rani, who has been my soulmate and my encouragement for these last 42
years, as we have travelled and preached in many nations. There have been many good
experiences, (and some not so good ones), but throughout these travelling adventures
for the Lord, He has always been faithful; He is a person we know that we can trust, in
ALL situations ~ in the good, the bad, and the ugly!
The contents of this book remain the copyright property of the author, Rev. Dr Jeffry
David Camm, and his estate, in succession. Permission is given for the use of parts, or
all-of this document for Bible Study Groups, Evangelism, or Private Study. Permission
is given for the whole of this document to be reproduced by Christian organisations for
evangelistic and/or Bible College reference purposes, provided it is not sold for
The following codes will be used in this book to identify/highlight specific explanations.

Verse Codes Timeline Description

A After the Millennium
D The Diaspora of the Jews to many nations
F The First Coming (Birth & Life of Jesus Christ)
I Israel
LD Last Days
M Millennium Reign
R Jesus appearing in the clouds to claim His saints, as HIS CHURCH
S Second Coming ~ back to the earth
T Tribulation Period
[P] A promise in God’s Word
[BP] A Broken Promise
[FP] A fulfilled Promise in God’s word
[CP] A Conditional Promise in God’s Word. [IF ... Then ...]
[C] An Express Commandment of God
(Israel) Means the 10 rebellious tribes; not the geographical land.
Footnote code [h]~ Meaning of the Hebrew text
Footnote code [g] ~Meaning of the Greek text
*** Therefore [Conclusion] go back & read what it is “there” “for”.


The First Epistle to the Corinthians is one of the letters written by Paul the Apostle, and
it is addressed to the Christian church in Corinth. According to historians and
theologians, Paul wrote this letter around 53-54 CE while he was in Philippi. The scribes
were Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus, and Timotheus.
In the Book of Acts, chapter 18, Paul left Athens, and travels to Corinth, and preached
there in the synagogues and among the heathens, and several, both Jew and Gentiles,
believed that Jesus Christ was the Promised Messiah. It was there also that the
“Orthodox Jews” refused to accept his teachings, and in Acts chapter 18, verse 6 he

states; And when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, ahe shook his raiment
and said unto them, “Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean; bfrom henceforth
I will go unto the Gentiles.”
From the cover picture, one gathers that this was a really immoral city, the largest
Greek city in the area, and the place of the largest of the Greek Temples to Venus and
Aphrodite in the region. It was a place with Temple priestesses, and temple prostitutes,
a place of wine, women, and song, but also a placed of Greak Education and Philosophy.
Therefore, letters needed to be sent to this church after he left, to straighten out some
of the false teachings, which had been brought into the city by “False Christian Jews”
from Jerusalem.
1. Paul, ccalled to be an apostle of Jesus Christ, dthrough the will of God, and
Sosthenes our brother, [Now today, many people call themselves Apostles, but
it is “by their fruit that they shall be known.” Sometimes their words and their
actions do not seem to line up, which does not bring glory and honour to Jesus,
who died for us all ~ while we were yet sinners.]
2. Unto the church of God which is at fCorinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ
Jesus, gcalled to be hsaints, with all that in every place, call upon the name of
Jesus Christ our LORD, Both theirs and ours:
3. iGrace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the LORD Jesus
Christ; [Now 20 years after the death, resurrection, and ascension, of Jesus
Christ, Apostle Paul is identifying the order of things in Heaven. God the Father,
(who delegated all authority to Jesus), His son, and then to the Holy Spirit, as
our empower, and our spiritual guide.]
4. jI thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God, which is given to
you by Jesus Christ;
5. That in everything you are enriched by Him, kin all utterance, and in all
6. Even as mthe testimony of Christ was confirmed in you:
7. So that you come behind in gift: nwaiting for the coming of our LORD Jesus Christ.
8. oWho shall also confirm you unto the end, that you may be blameless, pin the day
of our LORD Jesus Christ.
1. God is faithful, by whom you were called unto the fellowship of His Son, Jesus
Christ. Now, I beseech your brethren, by the name of our LORD Jesus Christ, qthat
you all; (a) Speak the SAME thing; (b) And that there be NO DIVISIONS among
you; (c) That you be PERFECTLY JOINED TOGETHER; (d) In THE SAME MIND, and;

[So, let us unpack this scripture:

a) [IF] we are ALL to SPEAK the SAME thing; [THEN] WE MUST ALL AGREED ON THE
can we have churches promoting: “once saved always saved”; or, when you get saved,
your “past sins”, your “present sins”, and your “future sins” are already forgiven.
b) [IF] THERE ARE NO DIVISIONS AMONG YOU, [THEN] when Jesus looks down from
heaven, He should see “ONE CHURCH IN THE CITY”, just meeting in different buildings,
but with the same focus, vision, and purpose, led by the same Holy Spirit.

a f k p
Matthew 10:14; Acts Acts 18:1 2 Corinthians 8:7 2 Corinthians 1:14
13:51 g
Romans 1:7 l
Romans 15:24 q
Romans 12:16
Acts 28:28 h
Acts 9:13 m
2:1:2 Timothy 1:8
Romans 1:1 i
Romans 1:7 n
2 Peter 3:12
2 Corinthians 1:1 j
Romans 1:8 o
1 Thessalonians 3:13
Acts 18:17

c) [IF] the Body of Christ in your city is PERFECTLY JOINED TOGETHER, [THEN] they
will be operating according to God’s Perfect Plan and Purpose, for the Christians in
that city.
d) [IF] your city is working with the SAME MIND, [THEN] there will be no jealousy,
sheep stealing, or disputes, among the member of the Body of Christ. Remember;
from God, [THEN] the only people who can stop you receiving this blessing, is the
Christians in YOUR CITY!]
Therefore, ALL CHURCHES IN YOUR CITY must refuse to accept practising
homosexual pastors &/or priest in their pulpits, and in their elderships.
This just highlights some of the issues which I have seen in churches around the world
in 43 nations; I am sure there many more issues that need to be address, so that
Jesus is happy that we have complied with this scripture, after reading it.
9. For it has been declared unto me of you my brethren, by them which are of the
house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.
10.Now, this I say, that every one of you says: “I am of Paul: and I am of aApollos;
and I of bCephas (Peter); and I of Christ.”
11.cIs Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you dbaptised in the
name of Paul?
12.I thank God that eI baptised none of you, but fCrispus, and gGaius.
13.Lest any should say that I baptised in my own name.
14.And I baptised the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I
baptised any other.
15.For Christ sent me not to baptise: but to preach the gospel: hnot with wisdom
of iwords, lest the cross of Christ should be made to none effect.
16.For the preaching of the cross is to jthem that perish (the unbeliever) is
foolishness: but unto us kwhich are saved, it is lthe power of God.
17.[P] For it is written, mI will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to
nothing the understanding of the prudent.
18. Where are the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer nof this world?
Has not God omade foolish the wisdom of this world?
19.For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it
pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
20.For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: [The Jews got a
sign and they failed to recognise it. The Greeks saw the new star in the
heavens, but failed to identify the wisdom of that sign. Both were worldly
foolish, and did not recognise the days of their visitation.]
21.But pwe preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a qstumbling block, and unto the
Greeks foolishness.
22.But unto them which are rcalled, BOTH Jews and Greeks, Christ sthe power of
God, and tthe wisdom of God.
The Spirit of Multiplication
23.Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is
stronger than men,

a g l q
Acts 18:24 Romans 16:23 See verse 24: Romans Romans 14:13
3:22; 15:5; h
2:1,4,13 1:16 r
John 15:16
Galatians 2:9 i
[h]~ speech Isaiah 29:14; s
See verse 18
Ephesians 4:5 j Matthew 11:25 t
2 Corinthians 2:15; 2 n
Luke 11:49
Matthew 28:19 Thessalonians 2:10 2:6
Acts 10:48 k
15:2 Romans 1:22
Acts 18:8 2 Corinthians 4:5;
Galatians 5:11

24.For you see your acalling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the
flesh, bnot many mighty, not many nobles are called.
25.But cGod has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise: and
God has chosen the weak things of the world, to confound the things which are
26.And base things of the world, which are despised, has God chosen, yes, and
things which are not, eto bring to nothing, the things which are:
27.fThat no flesh should glory in His presence.
28.But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us gwisdom, and
righteousness, and isanctification, and jredemption:
29.That, according as it is written, kHe that glorifies, let him glory in the LORD.


1. And I, brethren, when I lcame to you, came not with excellency of speech, or of
wisdom, declaring unto you mthe testimony of God.
2. For I determined not to know anything among you, nsave Jesus Christ, and Him
3. And I was with you oin weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
4. And my speech and my preaching, was not with penticing words, of man’s wisdom,
but qin demonstration of the Spirit and the Power. [Notice here that Paul clearly
separates the “demonstration of the Spirit”, from the “demonstration of the Power”
of the Spirit.]
5. That your faith should not rstand in the wisdom of men, but sin the power of God.
6. Howbeit, we speak wisdom among them that are tperfect: yet not the wisdom uof
this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nothing.
7. But we speak the wisdom of God, vin a mystery; which God ordained before the
world unto our glory:
8. w
Which none of the princes of this world knew; for xhad they known it, they would
not have crucified ythe LORD of glory.
9. But, AS IT IS WRITTEN, zEye has not seen, nor the ear heard, neither have entered
into the heart of man, the things that God has aaprepared for them that love Him.
10. But God has revealed them unto us, bbby His Spirit: for the Spirit searches all
things, yes, the deep things of God.
11. For what man knows the things of a man, save the Spirit of man which is in him?
Even so, the things of God know no man, but ccthe Spirit of God.
12. Now ddwe have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God;
that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
13. Which things also we speak, eenot in the words that man’s wisdom teaches, but
which the Holy Ghost teaches; ffcomparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14. But the ggnatural man, receives not the things of the Spirit of God: hhfor they are
foolishness unto him: iineither can he know them, because they are “spiritually

a j s cc
Ephesians 4:1; 2 Ephesians 1:7; 2 Corinthians 4:7; 2 Corinthians 5:21;
Timothy 1:9 Colossians 1:14 6:7 Philippians 3:9
b k t dd
John 7:48 Jeremiah 9:23,24 14:20 Romans 8:15
c l u ee
James 2:5 See verses 4,6,13 1:20 1:17
d m v ff
Romans 4:17 1:6 Romans 16:25 2 Corinthians 10:12
e n w gg
2:6 Galatians 6:14 Matthew 11:25 15:44,46
f o x hh
Romans 3:27 2 Corinthians 12:5, Acts 3:17 1:18,21,23
See verse 24 9,10 y
Psalm 24:7-10 ii
Romans 8:5-7
2 Corinthians 5:21; [h]~ persuasible z
Isaiah 64:4
Philippians 3:9 words aa
Matthew 25:34
6:11; John 17:19; 1 Thessalonians 1:5 bb
John 14:26
[h]~ be

15. But he that is spiritual, ajudges all things (against the written word), yet he himself
is bjudged of no man.
16. cFor who has known the mind of the LORD, that he dmay instruct Him? But we
have the mind of Christ.


1. And I, brethren could not speak unto you as unto e”spiritual”, but as unto you
“fcarnal”, even as unto you as g“Babes in Christ.”
2. I have fed you with hmilk (like a baby), because I could not feed you meat: ifor
hitherto you were not able to bear it (to digest it), neither yet now are you able.
[You are still not mature enough to be able to digest good spiritual food.]
3. For you are yet carnal; for whereas there is among you envying, and jstrife, and
divisions, are you not carnal, and walk las men?
4. For mwhile one says, “I am of Paul; and another says, I am of nApollos; are you
not carnal?”
5. Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but oministers by whom you believed, peven
as the LORD gave to every man?
6. q
I have planted, rApollos watered; sbut GOD gave the increase.
7. So then, neither is he that plants, neither he that waters, but God that gives the
increase. [To reinforce this statement, Paul repeats it in 2 consecutive verses.]
8. Now, he that plants, and he that waters are one: tand every man shall receive his
own reward, according to his own labour.
9. For uwe are labourers together with God; you are God’s vhusbandry, you are wGod’s
10. According to the grace of God, which is given unto me, as a wise master builder,
I have laid the foundations, and another, builds thereon. But let every man take
heed, how to build thereupon.
11. For other foundations can no man lay, than that is laid, xwhich is Jesus Christ.
[When you are designing a building which is over 1,000 feet high (above the
ground), the design of the foundations is very crucial, to make sure that the
building does not collapse. The same applies to building a spiritual foundation.
Jesus says in John 14:6, that He is the foundation, He is the ONLY WAY to the
Father. There can be no other foundation except Jesus Christ.]
12. Now if any man builds upon this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones,
wood, or hay stubble;
13. y
Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the zday shall declare it, because it
shall be revealed bbby fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work, of what sort
it is. [AS it is stated in revelations, your work will be revealed and all-of the unclean
works will be burnt off you, so that your purified body can be saved.]
14. [CP] [IF] any man’s work abides, which he has built thereupon, [THEN] he shall
receive a reward.
15. [CP] But [if] any man’s work shall be burned, cche shall suffer loss; but [then] he
himself shall be saved: yet so as ddby fire.

a i p w
[h]~ discerns John 16:12 12:18 Ephesians 2:20;
[h]~ discerned j
1:11 q
Acts 18:4-11; 1 Colossians 2:7
Isaiah 40:13 k
[h]~ factions Corinthians 4:15; Ephesians 2:20
d l 9:1 y
[g]~ shall [h]~ according to r
e man Acts 18:27 z
1:8; Malachi 3:17
2:15 s
f m
1 :12 15:10 aa
[g]~ Is revealed
2:14 t
g n
Acts 18:24 4:5; 9:16,17 bb
2 Thessalonians 1:8
Ephesian 4:14; u
Hebrews 5:13 o
4:1; 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians 6:1 cc
Luke 9:25
Hebrews 5:12,13 3:3 [h]~ Or, tillage dd
Jude 23

16. a
Know you not that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God (the Holy
Spirit) dwells within you?
17. If any man bdefile the temple of God (which is your body), Him shall God destroy:
for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are! [God makes this very plain,
Jesus died for you on the cross & when you accepted Him as your Saviour, your
body became a holy temple, not to be defiled, because there are eternal
18. c
Let no man deceive himself! dIf any man among you seems to be wise in ethis
world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.
19. For fthe wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For IT IS WRITTEN, gHe takes
the wise in their own craftiness.
20. And again, hThe LORD knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
21. *** Therefore, ilet no man glory in men; For jall things are yours:
22. Whether Paul, or kApollos, of mCephas, or the world, or life, or death, or lthings
present, or things to come; all are yours.
23. And myou are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s.


1. Let a man so account of us, as of nthe ministers of Christ, and ostewards, of pthe
mysteries of God.
2. Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found qfaithful. [So, what is the
real role of a steward? To be about the Master’s business. To expand and mature
the biblical knowledge of the “sheep” (the congregation under his care) and to
teach the scriptures in such a way, so that the congregation members can put this
knowledge into active practise. Remember, the scriptures tell us that we will be
known by “our fruit” ~ not by “our head knowledge.” Secondly, Jesus was fairly
clear, when He talks about the “lost sheep” and what is the responsibility of the
shepherd: to go (action word) and look for (another action word) and bring back
(another action word) the lost sheep and place it back in the fold. While this is
taking place, the stewards are responsible for the safety and security of the 99
sheep left in the sheepfold. When was the last time your pastor/leader/shepherd
told the congregation that he is taking 2 weeks off from preaching to go retrieve
some lost sheep, out of Satan’s clutches?]
3. But what with me, it is a very small thing that I should be rjudged of you, or of
man’s sjudgement: Yes, I judge not my own self.
4. For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but He that judges
me is the LORD. [Yes, Paul makes it very clear that we all must remember that
both great and small will all be judged by the LORD. And for that reason, we should
all have a reverential fear of the LORD.]
5. *** Therefore, (conclusion) tjudge nothing before the time, until the LORD
comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will
make manifest the councils of the hearts: and then shall every man have
praise of God. [Learn not to judge with your emotions, but trust the Holy
Spirit to lead you and guide you in all-of your decision making.]
6. And these things brethren, I have in a figure, transferred to myself, to
Apollos, for your sakes; that you might learn in us not to think of men above

a e k o
6:19; 2 Corinthians 2:6 1:12 Titus 1:7
6:16; Ephesians f
1:20; 2:6 l
Romans 8:38 p
Colossians 1:26,27
2:21 g m q
Job 5:13 2 Corinthians 10:7; 7:25
Or, destroy h Galatians 3:29 r
Psalm 94:11 2:15
Galatians 6:3 i n
3:5: 2 Corinthians s
4:6 & 5:6 [g]~ day; 3:13
8:2 j 6:4 t
Romans 8:28 Matthew 7:1

that which is written, athat no one of you bbe puffed up for one against the
other. [Remember, PRIDE comes before a FALL!]
7. For who cmakes you to differ from another? And dwhat have you that you
did not receive? Now, [if] you did receive it, [then] why do you glory as if
you did not receive it?
8. Now you are full, now you are rich, you have reigned as kings, without us:
And I would to God that you did reign, that we might also reign with you.
9. For I think that God has set forth eus apostles last, as it were appointed to
death: for we are made a fspectacle unto the world, and to angels and to
10. gWe are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ; hwe are weak,

but you are strong; you are honourable, but we are despised.
11. Even until this present hour we both ihunger, and thirst, and are naked, and
are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling place;
12. And jlabour, working with our own hands; kbeing reviled, we bless; lbeing
persecuted, we suffer it; [Being now more than 20 years after the
resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, and having been a witness to
the stoning of Stephen, the first martyr, and the rejection of the good news,
by both Jews and pagans, in many cities, as recounted in the Book of Acts,
Paul was reminding the Corinthian church, about the life they were leading,
to bring the gospel of Christ, to an unbelieving world. On a personal note, I
have been a missionary for over 65 years in 43 nations, planting 39
pioneering churches. Yes, like Paul, I worked in each nation to support
myself, and any money left over was used to build churches, schools, and
even a drug rehabilitation hospital in a prison, for the 800 drug addicted
prisoners. And like Paul, I have been cursed, spat upon, beaten, tortured
and put in prison for the gospel. But has it stopped me? NO! It even makes
me more determined to serve the Lord, to my very last breath.]
13. Being defamed, we entreat; we are made as the filth of the world, and are
the offscouring of all things unto this day.
14. I write these things not to shame you, but mas my beloved sons, to warn
15. For though you have 10,000 instructors in Christ, you have not many
fathers: for nin Christ for in Christ I have begotten you through the gospel.
16. Wherefore I beseech you, obe you followers of me. [Paul reminds them that
although they will have many teachers of the Word of God in their lifetimes,
they will only have one spiritual father, who came to them and planted the
gospel in their hearts, and he reminds them to be faith followers of his
17. For this cause, have I sent unto you Timothy, who is my beloved son, and
he is faithful in the LORD, who shall bring you into remembrance of my
ways which be in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church. [Paul says
I am sending Timothy to you, (my beloved son in the LORD), to give a
refresher course in my teachings, to bring them all back to your

a e j n
3:21 [h]~ us, the last Acts 18:3; 1 Timothy 3:6; Galatians 4:19;
See verses 18,19 Apostles, as 4:10 1 Timothy 1:2;
c f
[g]~ theatre k
Matthew 5:44 Philomen 10
[g]~ distinguishes o
you g
1:18; 3:18 l
John 15:20 11:1; Philippians
d h m 3:17
John 3:27; James 2:3 2 Corinthians 6:13;
1:17 i
2 Corinthians 11:27 12:14

remembrance, so that you do not deviate away from the true teachings of
Jesus Christ.]
18. Now, some of you are puffed up, as though I would not come to you.
19. aBut I will come to you shortly, if the LORD wills, and will know not the

speech of them which are puffed up, but the power.

20. For the kingdom of God is not in words, but in power!
21. What will you? bShall I come unto you with a rod (of correction), or in love,
and in the Spirit of meekness?
1. It is reported commonly that there is cfornication among you, and such fornication
as is not so much named among the Gentiles, dthat one should have his father’s
wife. [This crime is so severe, that even in cultures that have never heard of the
gospel, a person found guilty of this crime would be punished by death. In Judaism,
death by stoning. In God’s mercy, Paul did not ask that punishment upon this man,
but that He be put out of the congregation.]
2. And you are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that has done this
deed might be taken away from among you. [But what Paul was more concerned
about, was they were not condoning this sin, but they were boasting about it.]
3. For I verily, as eabsent in body, but present in Spirit, have fjudged already, as
though I was present, concerning him, that had so done this deed.
4. In the name of our LORD Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, and my
spirit, gwith the power of the Lord Jesus Christ,
5. h
To deliver such a one unto Satan, for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit
maybe saved in ithe day of the LORD Jesus. [This is a very contentious scripture.
People grab this scripture and then say; “See, once saved always saved!” because
even after he was saved, and was still sinning, because He was sleeping with his
father’s wife, (which could have been his own mother, or his step mother) Paul
under the anointing of the Holt Spirit said that his body will be destroyed, but His
spirit, the real part of a human, will be saved when He comes face-to-face with
Jesus. NOW, there are many instances in scripture where the scriptures “appear
to be contradictory”, but God’s word is perfect, and God’s words is consistent, and
Gods word never changes; so, if you think it is contradictory, [THEN] you have not
reached the level of spiritual maturity, to recognise the spiritual difference,
between the two situations.]
6. j
Your glorifying is not good. Know you not that ka little leaven, leavens the whole
lump? [Don’t you know that this “little sin”, if not dealt, with will eventually pollute
the whole congregation; you will become “soft on sin” just like is happening in
MANY CHURCHES TODAY. They don’t want to deal with the sin, because they might
leave, “and many others in their group, might leave also in protest”; and our tithes
& offerings will become affected! Do you realise that if one of your congregation
has an abortion, it is a sin of murder against God, and the church leadership has
to deal with issue, otherwise, the congregation sees it as being OK and many more
abortions will take place.]
7. *** Purge out therefore the old leaven, (get rid of the sinful portion) that you
maybe a new purified lump, as you are unleavened. For even lChrist our Passover,
is sacrificed for us:

a d g j
16:5,6; Acts 19:21; Leviticus 18:8; Matthew 16:19; 2 See verse 2
20:2 Deuteronomy 22:30; Corinthians 2:10; k
Matthew 16:6; 1
2 Corinthians 1:23; 27:20 13:3,10 Corinthians 15:33;
e h
2:1,3 Colossians 3:5 1 Timothy 1:20 Galatians 5:9
c f i l
6:18; 2 Corinthians [h]~ Or, determined 3:13; 2 Corinthians John 1:29; 19:36
12:21 1:14 m
[h]~ Or, is slain

8. *** Therefore, alet us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven
of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
9. I write unto you in an epistle, not to company with fornicators: [Paul makes it very
clear that the only fornicators allowed in the congregation are repentant ones.
Paul instructs them (in fact forbids them to have no regular fellowship with
fornicators). You know the old saying, {If} you sleep long enough with a dog,
{then} you will catch fleas. The same here; {IF} you have fellowship regularly
with fornicators, {THEN} you will eventually be drawn into their lifestyle. You will
have opened a door for Satan to get a foothold in your life.]
10. Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or
extortioners, or with idolaters: for then must you needs go out of the world. [Paul
continues. Not only are you not allowed to mix with fornicators, but not with people
who covet other people’s things; or with extortioners, who use intimidation, or
physical pain to achieve their desired results; or an idolater, (any person who puts
something else in their life before God in priority. You may be surprised, but it is
true; if God is not the number 1 priority in your life, then you are worshipping
another god.) Nor associate with a ‘railer’, (a person who utters curses, or abusive
language), or a drunkard, (unless you are witnessing to him, to bring to him the
knowledge of his sin and the redemptive power of Jesus Christ); You are even
forbidden from eating a meal with them.
11. But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a
brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or
an extortioner; with such a one, do not eat! [To make sure that they get it, He
repeats the same command again.]
12. For what have I to do to judge bthem also that are without? Do not you judge
them that are within?
13. *** But them that are without, (that are outside the congregation) God Judges.
Therefore, put away from among yourselves that wicked person. [The Holy Spirit
makes it very clear to Paul, that if they leave them inside the congregation, God
will judge the whole congregation, not just the wicked individual. That was
confirmed in the Book of Revelation chapters 2 & 3.]


1. Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust
(heathen), and dnot before the saints? [How dare you become a bad witness of
Jesus Christ, by going back to a “worldly court,” to have a decision made between
2 believers in Christ, by worldly judges, based upon worldly laws.]
2. [CP] Do you not know that ethe saints will judge the world? And [if] the world shall
MATTERS? [This is a major revelation by Apostle Paul, because the Book of
Revelation is not written for another 50 years.]
3. Don’t you know that we will fjudge angels? How much more things gwhich pertain
to this life?
4. If then you have you have judgements of things pertaining to this life, set them to
judge who are least esteemed in the Church. [Now this goes against all worldly
concepts of academic processes. Judges must first be academically qualified
lawyers, which have practised law for many years, before they are promoted to
the bench, to makes judgement based upon the worldly law. But here, Paul says
select the least esteemed from among you, AND LET HIM judge the case.
This turns the concept of Judgement completely upside down. He is making it very

a d f
Exodus 12:15 Matthew 18:17; 1 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6
Mark 4:11 Corinthians 5:12 g
Luke 21:34
6:1-4 Matthew 19:28

and NOT take it to a worldly judge, in a worldly court; because you are to judge
the world, and judge angels!]
5. I speak to your shame! Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? NO,
not even one that shall be able to judge among His brethren? [Do you mean to tell
me that there is not even one of you that has graduated from being a spiritual
baby in nappies, to a mature child in Christ? Do you mean to tell me that you have
not learnt anything from my previous teachings? Do I have to go back to square
one and teach it all over again?]
6. But brother goes to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers? [Don’t you
understand that this a very bad witness of what the body of Jesus Christ is all
about? When they look at you and see you doing this, you are not separate from
the world, you are just the same as them.]
7. *** Now therefore, there is utterly a fault among you, because you go to go to
law one with another. Why do you not rather take wrong? aWhy do you not rather
suffer yourselves to be defrauded? [Why don’t you take a stand for Jesus? Why
don’t you suffer for Jesus’ sake, so that your witness gets the unbeliever’s
attention. Remember when God sees what you are doing it will get rewarded.]
8. No! You do wrong to defraud your brethren.
9. Do you not know that the unrighteous bshall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do
not cbe deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, not adulterers, not effeminate
(homosexuals), nor dabusers of themselves, with mankind,
10. Nor thieves, not covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall
inherit the kingdom of God. [This list has not changed, just because we are now
living under the new covenant! This IS the list from the New Covenant. If you
qualify for any one of these categories listed, then now is the time to repent; Turn
from your wicked ways, and turn back to Jesus.]
11. And such were esome of you: BUT fyou are washed, BUT gyou are sanctified, BUT
you are justified, iin the name of the LORD Jesus, and by the Spirit of God. [Paul
reminds them that when he first came to meet them, they also were sinners, like
he has just mentioned. But then He goes onto remind them that through the blood
of Jesus Christ, they are washed clean; you are also sanctified, and justified,
through the name of Jesus Christ, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.]
12. j
All things are lawful, unto me, BUT all things are not kexpedient: all things are
lawful for me; But I will not be brought under the power of any.
13. Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats; but God shall destroy both it and
them. Now, (that you are cleansed, justified, and sanctified) your body is not for
fornication, but lfor the LORD; and mthe LORD for the body.
14. And nGod has both raised up the LORD, and will also raise us up, by His own power.
15. Know you not that oyour bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the
members of Christ and make them the members of a harlot? God Forbid!
16. What? Know you not that he that is joined to a harlot is one body? For ptwo, says
He, shall be one flesh.
17. But qhe that is joined unto the LORD is one spirit.
18. *** Therefore, flee rfornication. Every sin that a man does is without the body the
body: but he that commits fornication. sins sagainst his own body.
19. What? Know you not that tyour body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in
you, which you have of God, and uyou are not your own.

a e k q
Matthew 5:39 12:2 [h]~ Or, profitable John 17: 21-23
b f l r
15:50; Galatians Acts 22:6 See verses 15,19,20 Matthew 15:19; Acts
5:19-21; Ephesians g
1:30 m
Ephesians 5:23 15:20,29
5:5 h n s
Romans 1:24
Romans 8:30 Acts 2:24
15:33; Galatians 6:7 i o t
3:16; John 2:21
John 20:31 Ephesians 5:30
Leviticus 18:22 j p u
Romans 14:7,8
10:23 Genesis 2:24

20. *** For you are brought with a price: Therefore, glorify God in your body, and in
your spirit, which are God’s. [Paul makes it very clear, that since Jesus died for
your sins, your body is now cleansed, purified and sanctified, therefore your body
belongs to Jesus, but His kingdom now dwells within you, and you are now the
dwelling place of the most-high God and His Spirit, so you must not defile his
habitation, which is now His body, under your responsibility. You are responsible
for keeping it holy, without any form of sin.


1. Now, concerning the things whereof you wrote unto me: aIt is good for a man not
to touch a woman.
2. Nevertheless, to avoid bfornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every
woman have her own husband. [Here, Paul is not concentrated on the “role of
marriage” as a holy estate before God, (which it is), but that marriage is a way of
stopping both the males and the females from committing fornication. Here Paul
is making it clear that relations between a husband and his wife are sacred, and
not to be taken lightly.]
3. c
Let the husband render unto his wife due dbenevolence ~ (kindness, compassion,
goodwill): and likewise, also the wife unto the husband.
4. The wife has no power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise, also the
husband has not power of his own body, but the wife. [Here Paul makes it clear
that once married, the two become one, and now their bodies are joined together,
and now on cannot dictate over the other.]
5. Defraud not yourself one to the other, EXCEPT it be consent (between you) for a
time, that you may (both) give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come
together again, that Satan tempt you not for your inconsistency. [Paul says there
is only one time when you can refuse to give your body to your husband, or your
husband can refuse to give his body to his wife, and that is when you both agree
to stop, so that you can enter into a time of Fasting and Prayer. Here you are both
offering your bodies to God, for a time. But Paul also makes it clear that after the
fasting and prayer is completed, then the marriage must continue, otherwise you
give Satan a possible foothold to accuse you of inconsistency before the throne
room of heaven.]
6. But I speak this by permission, and enot by commandment. [Paul now says that I
am saying this, I believe this to be right, as I have been guided by the Holy Spirit,
and it is not a direct commandment from God. In the next few verses, he will make
this clear. Some things are commandments from God, whilst other things are his
Holy Spirit discerned advice.]
7. For I would that all men were feven as I myself. [I would be happy if all men were
celibate like I am]. But every man has his proper gift of God, gone after this
manner, (to remain celibate) and to another after that (to produce children).
8. *** I say therefore, to the unmarried and widows. hIt is good to abide ieven as I.
[It is better for an unmarried person to remain unmarried, or a widow to remain a
widow to remain a widow.]
9. But if they cannot contain, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn.
[Paul says that if there is any risk of temptation, then it is better to marry, than to
fall into sin, and hence burn in hell.]

a d e h
See verses 8,26 Or, kindness, or See verses 10,12,40 See verses 1,26
6:18 compassion, or f
See verse 8; 9:5 i
See verse 7
c goodwill g
1 Peter 3:7 Matthew 19:11

10. And to the married, I command, yet anot I, but the LORD; bLet not the wife depart
from her husband: [Paul now makes it very clear; He is now speaking a command
from the LORD ~ not his own opinion.]
11. [CP] But, and [IF] she departs, [THEN] let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled
to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. [This is very clear what
the word of God says; but sadly, society today fails to follow this law from God;
they change partners like changing clothes from the wardrobe. This brings no glory
or honour to God at all. In fact, Satan has a victory whenever this happens.]
12. [But now Paul is giving advice.] But cto the rest, speak I, cnot the LORD: If any
brother has a wife that believes not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him
not put her away.
13. And the woman which has a husband that believes not, and if he be pleased to
dwell with her, let her not leave him. [In verses 14 & 15, Paul gives the reason for
this advice.]
14. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the (believing) wife, and the
unbelieving wife is sanctified by the (believing) husband: else were your children
unclean: but now they are holy.
15. But if the unbelieving departs, let him/her depart. A brother or a sister is not under
bondage is such cases: but cGod has called us dto peace.
16. For ewhat do you know wife, whether you will fsave your husband? (by being a
living witness for Jesus Christ,) or ghow do you know, O man, that you shall save
your wife? (by being a living witness of Jesus Christ).
17. But, has God has distributed to every man, as the LORD has called everyone, so
let him walk. And so, iordain I jin all churches. [Paul makes it very clear that God
has called each one by name (both men and women) and that everyone is
responsible, to be obedient to the individual calling, that God has placed upon their
lives. This is irrespective of what a “denomination” proclaims. He ordains this in
all-of the churches, that is “the universal church”. There are to be no exceptions!]
18. Is any man called being circumcised? kLet him not become uncircumcised. Is
any called in uncircumcision? lLet him not be circumcised. [Here Paul makes the
point that salvation does not depend upon circumcision; but upon the shed blood
of Jesus Christ and His resurrection and ascension, proving that He has power over
sins and death. It is interesting that Paul refers to a passage out of 1 Maccabees,
which was a book in the synagogue at the time of Jesus Christ and of Paul, and
later, ‘so called religious scholars’ removed this and other books from the Old
Testament, and also the Epistle to the Church in Laodicea, (which Paul wrote),
which was in the Greek New Testament and even in the publication of William
Tyndale’s English Bible in 1384. But the Lord has protected His word and I have a
copy of these sacred texts.]
19. mCircumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but nthe keeping of the
commandments of God. [These things relate to the Old Testament Law, which
could not save you. It could forget your sins for one year, but it could not
forgive your sins! ONLY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST can do that!]
20. oLet every man abide in the calling, wherein he was called.
21. [CP] Are you called (while) being a servant? Care not for it: but if you may be
made free, use it rather.

a e i l
See verses 6 & 25 1 Peter 3:1 11:34 Acts 15:1,5,19;
Matthew 5:32 f
Romans 11:4 j
4:17; 11:16; 14:33; Galatians 5:2
Romans 8:30; 14:19 g
[h]~ what 2 Corinthians 11:28 Galatians 5:6
k n
[g]~ in peace. h
Romans 12:3 1 Maccabees 1:15 1 John 2:3; 3:24
See verse 24

22. For he that is called being a servant, is athe LORD’s bfreeman; likewise, he that is
called being free, is now cChrist’s servant. [Paul is making the distinction between
“worldly” values, and “spiritual” values.]
23. *** dYou are bought with a price; (Therefore), be you not the servants of men.
24.Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God. [Some
people find it hard to understand this scripture, because the person when saved,
maybe doing things with are illegal. They find it hard to understand why God
would want them to stay there, especially when another scripture says: come out
from among them.]
25.Now concerning virgins, eI have no commandment of the LORD: yet I give my
judgement, as fone who has obtained mercy of the LORD to be gfaithful. [Paul
makes some very different distinctions here the we need to examine.
a) Firstly, Paul says that he has not commandment from the LORD on the
issues he is about to speak about.
b) Secondly, Paul is unmarried, and has never been married, therefore he has
no first-hand experience of married life, only what He has witnessed in
c) But I am giving you these recommendations/guidelines, so that you do not
fall into Satan’s trap about marriage.
26.I suppose therefore that this is good for the present hdistress, I say ithat it is
good for the man so to be.
27.Are you bound unto a wife? Seek not to be loosed! Are you loosed from a wife?
Seek not a wife. [If you were already married when you got saved, do not try to
divorce your wife, who is still an unbeliever, as was explained in earlier scriptures
in this chapter, your changed life could be the required witness to bring her to
Christ also. If you were already divorced when you got saved, don’t seek another
28.jBut and if you marry; you have not sinned: (because marriage is a holy estate
before God), and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Nevertheless, such shall
have trouble in the flesh: but kI spare you.
29.But this I say brethren; lthe time is short: it remains that both they that have
wives, be as though they have none; [Because time is short, make your first
priority Jesus, not your wife or your possessions, focus on eternal things, not on
temporal things.]
30.And they that weep, as though they wept not; and they that rejoice, as though
they rejoiced not; and they that buy, as though they mpossessed not;
31.And they that use this world, as not abusing it; for nthe fashion of this world
passes away.
32.But oI would have you without carefulness. pHe that is unmarried care for the
things qthat belong to the LORD; how he may please the LORD.
33.But he that is married, cares for the things that are of the world, how he may
please his wife.
34.There is a difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman
(should) care for the things of the LORD, so that she may be holy in body and in
spirit: but she that is married cares for the things of the world, how she may
please her husband.

a e i n
John 8:36: Philomen See verse 40: 2 See verses 1 & 8 James 1:10; 4:14; 1
16 Corinthians 8:8,10; j
See verse 11 Peter 1:24; 1 John
[g]~ made free 11:17 k 2:17
2 Corinthians 1:23 o
Ephesians 6:6; 1 2 Corinthians 4:1 l Luke 10:41,42
Romans 13:11 p
Peter 2:16 4:2 m 1 Timothy 5:5
d h
2 Corinthians 2:10 q
6:20 [h]~ Or, necessity [g]~ of the Lord, as
is in verse 34

35.And this I speak for you own profit: not that I may cast a snare upon you, but
for that which is comely, and that you may attend upon the LORD without
36. But if any man thinks that he behaved himself uncomely towards his virgin, if
she is past the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will,
he sins not; let them marry.
37.Nevertheless, he that stands steadfast in his heart, having no necessity, but has
power over his own will, and has so decreed in his heart, that he will keep his
virgin, (remains celibate), does well.
38.So, he that gives her in marriage does well; but he that gives her not in marriage,
does better.
39.aThe wife is bound by the law as long as her husband lives: but if her husband
be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only bin the LORD ~
not to an unbeliever.
40.But she is happier if so, she abides, after my judgement: and I think also that I
have the Spirit of God (to make these statements of warning, advice, and


1. Now as touching cthings offered unto idols; we know that we have all dknowledge.
Knowledge puffs up, but charity edifies.
2. [CP]And f[if] any man thinks he knows, [then] he knows nothing, yet as he ought
to know.
3. [CP] But [if] any man loves God, [then] the same is known of him.
4. *** As concerning therefore, the eating of those things that were offered in
sacrifice unto idols, we know that gan idol is nothing in the world, and that hthere
is no other God but one.
5. For ithough there be those that are called “gods”, whether in heaven or in earth,
(as there be gods many, and lords many,)
6. But to us, there is but one God, jthe Father, kof whom are all things, and we lin
Him; and mone LORD Jesus Christ, nby whom are all things, and we by Him.
7. However, there is not in every man that knowledge: for some owith conscience of
the idol unto this hour eat it as a thing offered to an idol; and their conscience
being weak pis defiled. [So be careful, if you have a weak conscience, do not eat
meat offered to idols, as your conscience will be defiled]
8. But meat commends us not to God: for neither we eat it, qare we better; neither
if we eat not, rare we any worse. [Eating meat does not get you any credits with
God; nor does refusing to eat meat; because the only thing that gets credit with
God, is your obedience to His word. Remember: OBEDIENCE in better than
9. BUT God gives a warning: But take heed lest by any means, this liberty of yours
becomes a stumbling block to them that are weak. [You may be able to eat, or not
eat, meat offered to idols and it not bother you spiritually. But make sure that your
actions, do not become a stumbling block to others, whose conscience is affected
by YOUR actions.]
10. For if any man sees the which has sknowledge, sit at meat in the idol’s temple,
shall not the conscience of him which is weak be temboldened to eat these things

a f l q
Romans 7:2 3:18; 13:8,9,12 [h]~ Or, for [h]~ Or, have we the
11:11; 15:8 g
Isaiah 41:24 m
Ephesians 4:5 more
See verses 4,7,10: h
10:19; Acts 14;15 n
John 1:3 [h]~ Or, have we the
Acts 15:29 i o less
John 10:34 10:25,27,29 s
Romans 14:14,22 j p See verse 1
Ephesian 4:6 Romans 14:14,23 t
Romans 14:3,10 k [g]~ edified
Romans 11:36

which are offered to idols. [A person who loves the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, should not be going to eat food in the temple of an idol, in the first place.
That is the first wrong witness. Because your actions can cause others to sin, as
we will see in the next verses.]
11. And through YOUR knowledge, shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ
died? [Shall your wrong witness be the cause of another to sin?]
12. But when you sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, YOU
SIN AGAINST CHRIST! [Now this maybe a surprise to some Christians. But that is
what God’s word says. Your actions, which cause another brother or sister to sin,
is counted as a sin against YOU, by Jesus Christ. So, when you repent of your sins,
you need to pray that you ask forgiveness of any action, (known, or unknown)
that you have done which may cause another to sin and request that Holy Spirit
to bring them to your remembrance, so that you do not commit these sins in the
13. *** [CP] Therefore, a[IF] meat makes my brother to offend, [THEN] I will eat no
flesh while the world stands, lest I make my brother to offend. [It is better to
abstain from eating meat, than to cause you brother to offend and sin. And [if] he
does sin, [then] Jesus hold you accountable for that sin.]


1. b
Am I not an Apostle? Am I not free? cHave I not seen Jesus Christ our LORD? dAre
you not my work in the LORD?
2. If I am not an apostle unto others; Yet doubtless I am to you: for ethe seal of my
apostleship is you (the believers) in the LORD. [Other believers may say that I am
not an apostle in their eyes, but you are saved through my ministry, I broke new
ground in this city, as commanded by the Holy Spirit. In my own personal ministry,
that same argument applies. I may not be considered an apostle by the
mainstream church, but in those 39 locations, where I pioneered the churches,
and spread God’s message, with salvations following, they are my workmanship in
the LORD.]
3. Mine answer to them is that they examine mine in this.
4. Have we not power fto eat and drink?
5. Have we not power to lead about ga sister, a hwife, as well as the other apostles,
and as the brethren of the LORD, and iCephas (Peter)? [A dispute had arisen about
whether they were allowed to have woman accompanying them on their ministry
journeys. It was pointed out the Peter was married and took his wife and children
with him on some ministry journeys. If could have been also pointed out that there
were women, who accompanied Jesus as part of His close followers as well.]
6. Or I only and Barnabas have not power to forbear working? [We know that Paul
was a tentmaker by trade and he used his worldly skills to support his ministry.
On the other hand, Barnabas was Levi, of the tribe of Aaron, and who was senior
in age to Paul, but like Paul he would have probably been trained by Gamaliel the
foremost teacher of that era. This then leads to Paul referring back to worldly
references that show that farmers can eat the fruit of their labours, so why not
God’s messengers?]
7. Who goes jto warfare any time at his own charges? Who kplants a vineyard and
does not eat the fruit thereof? Or who feeds a flock, and eats not the milk of the

Romans 14:21 e
2 Corinthians 3:2: 2 Thessalonians 3: j
2 Corinthians 10:4
b 13:3 8,9 k
2 Corinthians 12:12; g
Deuteronomy 20:6
Galatians 1:19 f
See verse 14; 1 7:15
Acts 9:3,17 Thessalonians 2:6,9; [h]~ Or, woman
3:6 1:12

8. Say I these things aas a man? Or does the law not say the same also?
9. [P] FOR IT IS WRITTEN in the law of Moses; byou shall not muzzle the mouth of
the ox that treads out the corn. Does God take care of the oxen? [God has spoken
so that the oxen can be rewarded for their hard labour, by eating the corn that
they are removing from the husk. How much more shall God allow the owner to
reap food from His labours.]
10. Or says it altogether for our sake? cFor our sakes no doubt this is written: that he
ploughs should plough in hope; and he that threshes in hope should be partakers
of his hope. [I have lived on a farm and I can never remember my father ever
ploughing the field and planting a crop just for the fun of it. There was always the
hope that the seed would be active and grow and bear a good crop.]
11. d
IF we have sown unto you (valuable) spiritual things, is it a great thing that we
shall reap your carnal things?
12. If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless,
we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the
gospel of Christ. [Paul makes it clear that He refused to exercise this power,
because spreading the gospel was more important, even if it meant going without
food and other amenities. I wonder how many pastors are prepared to do that in
today’s society?]
13. Do you not know fthey that minister (in the Temple) about holy things, glive off the
things of the Temple? And they that wait at the altar (and minister at the altar)
are partakers with the altar? [Paul is reminding the Corinthians that the Levites
and the Priests, who minister in the Temple, receive their food, as part of the
offerings brought by the people to the Temple. That is their wages for working in
God’s house.]
14. Even so, hhas the LORD ordained that they which preach the gospel should live off
the gospel? [Something to consider. If a pastor insists on being paid for his
“services”, then he is treating his position “as a career”, and “an employment
position”, and he is “demanding wages”. Whereas God’s word says: “few are
called.” It is the people who view their position as a “calling” ~ that God
blesses the most!]
15. But I have used none of these things: neither have I written these things, that it
should be so done unto me: for it were better for me to die, than that any man
my glorying void.
16. For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid
upon me; yes, woe is unto me, if I do not preach the gospel.
17. For if I do this thing willingly, I have ja reward: but if against my will, ka
dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me.
18. What is my reward then? Verily, that, when I preach the gospel, lI may make the
gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel.
19. For though I be mfree from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that
I might gain the more. [Paul is actually reminding them of what Jesus had told His
disciples. If you want to be great in God’s kingdom, LEARN the be a servant of all.
It does not come naturally; you have to LEARN IT!]
20. And nunto the Jews, I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that
are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the

a f i n
Romans 3:5 Leviticus 6:16,26; 2 Corinthians 11:10 Acts 16:3; 18:18;
Deuteronomy 25:4; 7:6,31,32 j
John 4:36; 1 21:23-26
1 Timothy 5:18 [h]~ Or, feed Corinthians 3:8,14
c h k
Romans 15:4 Matthew 10:10; 4:1; Ephesians 3:2
Romans 15:27 Luke 10:7; Galatians l
2 Corinthians 11:7
e 6:6; 1 Timothy 5:17 m
Acts 20:33 See verse 1

21. a
To them that are without the law, as without law, (being not without law to God,
but bunder the law of Christ,) that I might gain them that are without the law.
22. c
To the weak, became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things
to all men, that I might by all means save some. [Here Paul makes a very
important point for evangelism ~ for sharing the gospel. You don’t tell a Jew that
he has lost the plot, because he has failed to understand Isaiah chapter 53, and
that Jesus is the Messiah, and He has already come. But because He already knows
that Old Testament, you can lead him though other scriptures, which brings him
to a point of approaching Isaiah chapter 53, with new revelation, so that the Holy
Spirit now reveals the truth of God’s word to him. God promised that the Messiah
would come from the root of Jesse. Show him the lineage of Jesus, right back to
Adam from Matthew’s Gospel. You have to approach each different type of person,
from a level of their own understanding and culture. And from personal experience
on the mission field, for over 65 years, in 43 nations ~ it works!]
23. d
And this I do, for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partakers thereof with you.
24. Don’t you know that they which run in a race run all, but only one receives the
prize? So, erun, that you may fobtain.
25. And every man that strives for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now, they
do it to obtain a corruptible gcrown; but we are hincorruptible.
26. *** I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so, fight I, not as one who just ibeats
the air. [Don’t be like politicians ~ all talk and no action. Paul makes it clear; you
must be seen to be a person, who also acts out what He says. That he is genuine
in what he says and does.]
27. But I keep under my body, and jbring it under subjection: lest that by any means,
when I have preached to others, I myself should be ka castaway.


1. Moreover brethren, I would not have that you should be ignorant, how that all-of
our fathers are under lthe cloud, and all passed through mthe sea;
2. And were all baptised unto Moses, in the clouds and in the sea;
3. And did all eat the same nspiritual meat;
4. And did all drink the same ospiritual drink: for they all drank of that spiritual Rock
that followped them: and that Rock was Christ.
5. But, with many of them, God was not well pleased: for qthey were overthrown in
the wilderness.
6. Now, these things were rour examples, to the intent that we should not lust after
evil things, as sthey also lusted.
7. Neither be you idolaters, as were some of them; AS IT IS WRITTEN, tThe people
sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.
8. Neither let us ucommit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day
twenty-three thousand (23,000). [This is NOT gentle Jesus meek and mild!]
9. Neither let us tempt Christ, as vsome of them also tempted, and wwere destroyed
of serpents.
10. Neither murmur you, as xsome of them also murmured, and ywere destroyed of
the destroyer.

a h o t
Galatians 2:3; 3:2 1 Peter 1:4 Exodus 17:6 Exodus 32:6
b i p u
7:22 14:9 [h]~ that went with 6:18
2 Corinthians 11:29 j
Romans 6:19 them; Deuteronomy v
Numbers 21:5
d k 9:21 w
10:24 2 Corinthians 13:5-7 q
Numbers 21:6
e l Numbers 14:29, 32, x
Galatians 2:2; Exodus 13:21 Numbers 14:2
Hebrews 12:1 m
Exodus 14:22 r
Numbers 14:37
f [g]~ our figures
Philippians 3:13 n
Exodus 16:15,35; s
g Numbers 11:4
2 Timothy 2:5; 4:8 John 6:31

11. Now, all-of these things happened unto them for aexamples: and bthey are written
for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
12. *** Therefore, clet him that thinks he stands, take heed, lest he falls.
13. [P] There has no temptation taken you, but such is dcommon to man: BUT eGod is
faithful, fwho will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; BUT will
with the temptation, also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
[In another translation it says that God will not allow you to be tested beyond your
level of faith: So, God might stretch you faith, like a piece of elastic, BUT He will
not allow it to break, Because He will keep His promise and show you a way of
escape, so that Satan maybe defeated by the words of your testimony, and God
be glorified.]
14. *** Therefore, my dearly beloved; gFlee from all idolatry. [Do not have anything,
or anyone, become more important in your life that Jesus Christ: Because God said
in the 10 commandments, that He is a jealous God, and He will not tolerate anyone
having a higher place in anyone’s life than God Almighty.]
15. I speak as to hwise men; judge you what I say. [I am speaking to you as wise
men, therefore, judge what I say against God’s word. [IF] you find that it does not
line up with God’s word, [THEN] reject it. However, [IF] it lines up with God’s word,
[THEN] accept it, and then DO IT!]
16. iThe cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ?
The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
17. For we being many are one bread, and kONE body: for we are all partakers of that
one bread. [Paul makes it very clear; we that take communion, are all part of one
body, irrespective of whether we all take communion in different buildings, or in
different denominations, or home groups. Now the challenging question:
When are we going to start acting like ONE BODY? All working together, all
listening to the same Holy Spirit, all working to the SAME vision from God; as
He only has PLAN “A”. If He has to implement PLAN B, then He will destroy the
whole world with fire! I don’t think any church wants to be around for that to
18. Behold Israel, lafter the flesh: mare not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers
of the altar? [Here Paul is make a comparison between the priestesses of the Venus
temple, and the Synagogue in Jerusalem.]
19. What say I then? nThat the idol is anything, or that which is offered in sacrifice is
20. But I say, that the things that the Gentiles sacrifice, othey sacrifice to devils, (to
evil spirits), and not to God: and I would not that you should have fellowship with
21. pYou cannot drink the cup of the LORD, and the cup of devils: you cannot
be partakers of the Lord’s table, and the table of the devils. [The Lyrics of a song
says: you can’t run with the devil and walk in the Promised Land!]
22. Do we qprovoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than He?
23. rAll things are lawful for me; but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful
for me; but all things edify not.
24. sLet no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth.
25. Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no questions for tconscience
26. For the uearth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof.

a g l q
[h]~ types See verse 7 Romans 9:3,5 Exodus 20:5
b h m r
Romans 15:4 8:1 Leviticus 3:3: 7:15 6:12
c i n s
Romans 11:20 Matthew 26:27,28 8:4 Romans 15:1,2
d j o t
[h]~ moderate Matthew 26:26 Deuteronomy 32:17 8:7
e k p u
1:9 12:27; Ephesians 2 Corinthians Psalm 24:1
2 Peter 2:9 4:4,16 6:15,16

27. If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and you be disposed to go;
whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for bconscience sake.
28. But, if any man say unto you; This is offered in sacrifice to idols, eat it not, afor his
sake that showed it, and for bconscience sake: for the earth is the LORD’s and the
fullness thereof:
29. Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is bmy liberty judged
by another man’s conscience?
30. For if I by cgrace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of, for that dfor which I give
31. *** eWhether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do it all for the
glory of the LORD God. [This is a self-auditing scripture: [IF] I do this “activity,”
will it bring glory and honour to the LORD? [IF the answer is Yes, [THEN] GO
AHEAD. BUT [IF] the answer is No! [THEN] DON’T DO IT!]
32. fGive none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the gGentiles, nor to hthe church of
33. Even as iI please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of
many, that they may be jsaved.


These are the rules that Apostle Paul laid down for the method of worship in
a church congregation, or home group, or even for private prayer. It relates
to a man and a woman:

1. Be you followers of me, even as I also am (following) Christ.

2. Now, kI praise you brethren, that you remember me, in all things, and lkeep the
ordinances, as I have delivered them to you.
3. But I would have you know, that nthe head of every man is Christ; and the ohead
of the woman is the man; and pthe head of Christ, is God (the Father). [Now here
Apostle Paul makes it very clear, the lines of spiritual authority: The head of every
man is Christ ~ not your pastor, not the Pope, or any other worldly figure; the
head of woman is man, either her husband, if married, or her father, if unmarried
(because you are still required to honour you father and mother, until you make
an oath before God in your marriage vows); and Paul also makes it very clear that
Jesus Christ is also under spiritual authority, to God the Father, who delegated all
authority to Jesus ~ except for one item: only God the Father knows the day or
the hour when Jesus will be told to return to this earth to sit upon his throne and
rule this earth for 1,000 years.]
4. Every man praying or qprophesying, having his head covered, dishonours his head.
[So, to understand this, and the significance of what Paul is saying here is this:
Jesus is the head of man, and if you cover your head, you are dishonouring Christ,
by your actions.]
5. But every woman that prays, or rprophecies, with her head uncovered, sdishonours
her head; for that is even all one, as if she was shaven. [Again, Paul makes it very
clear: Women can pray, or prophecy in church; BUT they must have their heads
covered, otherwise they dishonour either their husbands, or their fathers.]

a f k p
8:10-12 Romans 14:13 See verses 17,22 John 14:28; 1
9:1,19 g
[g]~ Greeks l
7:17; 1 Corinthians 3:23
[h]~ Or, h
Acts 20:28; 1 Thessalonians 4:1.2 12:10,28
m r
thanksgiving Corinthians 11:22; [h]~ Or Traditions; Acts 21:9
Romans 14:6 15:9 2 Thessalonians 2:15 s
Numbers 5:18
i n
Colossians 3:17; Romans 15:2 Ephesians 5:23
j o
1 Peter 4:11 Romans 11:14 Genesis 3:16

6. For if a woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a
woman to be shorn, or shaven, let her be covered. [Sadly, today’s society thinks
that can do what they like; they think they know better than God; but do they
realise that once this scripture is brought to their attention, if they still refuse to
acknowledge it and obey it, then they have committed the sin of rebellion, for
which they will be held accountable before God.]
7. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the aimage and
the glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. [In the book of Genesis,
it clearly says that man is made in the image of GOD, ~ not as God, but in the
“likeness of God”; but woman was made in the “likeness of man”; and many say,
a “better likeness”. When Adam woke up from his sleep, and saw Eve, he
exclaimed; “WO! man, where did she come from?” As Adam was given dominion
to name everything on earth, so her name was established; woman!]
8. For the man is not of the woman: but bthe woman of the man. [Woman was made
from the side (rib) of man.]
9. Neither was the man created for the woman; but cthe woman for the man.
10. For this cause ought the woman to have dpower on her head because of ethe
angels. [In Ecclesiastes 5:6 it refers to the woman covering their heads as an
indication that they are still honouring their vows.]
11. Nevertheless, fneither is the man without the woman, neither is the woman the
man, gin the LORD.
12. For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all
things are of God. [Here Paul reminds the Corinthians, who have been worshipping
other gods, where the women were in charge, that even though in scripture, man
is in authority over woman, they are both equal in God, as He made all things that
were created.]
13. Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? [Apostle
Paul here is using the Rabbinical teaching method. He has explained the question,
given his reasoning for the actions required, as to WHY a woman should be covered
when she prays or prophecies, but then He turns it around into a question,
encouraging people to judge, based upon his explanation, so that your decision,
does not dishonour Jesus and the Father.]
14. Does not nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, then it is a shame
unto him?
15. But, if a woman has long hair, it is a glory for her: for her hair is given to her as a
16. But if any man seems to be contentious; we have no such custom, neither the
churches of God. [All we say is that whatever you say, or whatever you do, must
always bring glory and honour to God.]
17. Now in this I declare unto you, I praise you not, that you come together, not for
better, but for the worse. [This is Paul’s way of saying what the Holy Spirit, said
to Apostle John: “I have this thing against you”:]
18. For first of all. When you come together in the church, jI hear that there are
divisions among you: and I partly believe it. [Paul identifies that the Holy Spirit
has confirmed what others have told him, that there is divisions within the church.
He addressed this issued earlier in chapter One, verse 12; stating that some are
saying, that they are “followers of Paul”; whilst others are saying that they are
followers of “Apollos”; and another group stating that they are followers, of Cephas
(Peter), whilst other get the revelation and state that they follow no man; they

Genesis 1:26 that she is under the f
Galatians 3:28 j
b power (and g k
Genesis 2: 21-23 7:39 [h]~ sects, Or
authority) of her
Genesis 2:18 h
[h]~ or, veil denominations
d i
[h]~ that is, a e
Ecclesiastes 5:6 4:17; 7:17; 14:33;
covering is a sign 16:1

follow Jesus Christ. Sadly, we still have those “divisions”, within the Body of Christ
today. Don’t they know that there are no denominational boundaries in heaven?
Don’t people realise that the Bride of Christ, will have people from all countries,
cultures, and ethnic groups, of different tribes, languages, and skin colour?]
19. For athere must also be heresies among you, that they which are bapproved may
be made manifest among you.
20. *** Therefore, when you come together, into one place, cthis is not to eat the
LORD’s supper. [Paul makes it very clear, that because there are divisions among
the congregation members, there is no unity, and because there is no unity, the
Body of Christ does not bring glory and honour to Jesus Christ; and the sacrifice
that He willingly made for all-of us, “while we were yet sinners.” Therefore, under
those circumstances, it is not permitted to have the LORD’s Supper, until there is
reconciliation among the brethren, and the church congregation is united once
21. For in eating, everyone takes before others his own supper: and one is hungry,
and danother is drunken.
22. What? Don’t you have your own houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise ethe
church of God, and shame them that fhave nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall
I praise you in this? I praise you not. [Paul makes it clear that there was a definite
problem in this church; the rich, who could well afford to eat and drink at home,
were bringing large amounts of food to eat at the church, and shaming the poor,
who could not afford anything. Paul reminds them that the reason of food at the
church was to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for our sins;
not to have a heathen orgy like in the Venus temple which abode in their city. He
goes on the say that he cannot praise them for their actions.]
The Lord’s Supper
23. For gI have received of the LORD, that which also I delivered unto you; hThat the
LORD Jesus Christ the same night in which He was betrayed took bread:
24. And when He had given thanks, He broke it, and said, ‘This is My body which is
broken for you: this do iin remembrance of Me.
25. After the same manner also He took the cup, when He had supped (after supper),
saying, ‘This cup is the New Testament in My blood: This do you; as often as you
drink it, in remembrance of Me. [Notice here that Jesus starts the meal, by taking
the bread, blessing it, breaking it, and making the statement about His broken
Body, which He says is broken for us; (while we were yet sinners), Then He
commands them to do this in remembrance of Me. After that, Jesus joins in and
eats the meal with them in fellowship. Then, after they had eaten, He takes the
cup and makes the statement that this cup (of unfermented wine) is the cup of
the New Testament in His Blood; (the activation of the New Covenant, prophesied
in Jeremiah 31:31). Again, He commands them, “to do this in remembrance of
26. For as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, jyou do show the LORD’s
death, ktill He comes (again). [When we partake in the LORD’s Supper, we are
doing three things: Firstly, we are again personally proclaiming that we believe
that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and that He went down into Hell, preached
to all the souls, that had never heard a Salvation Message, was raised up from the
dead on the 3rd day, and then walked the earth, being seen by over 500 people,
and then ascended into Heaven, to sit at the right hand of God the Father;
Secondly, (irrespective of what the laws say in our Nation) as a corporate body of

a c g i
Matthew 18:7; 1 [h]~ Or, you cannot 15:3 [h]~ for the
Timothy 4:1,2; 2 eat h
See verse 25: remembrance
Peter 2:1,2 d
2 Peter 2:13 Matthew 26:26-28; j
[h]~ show you
2 Corinthians 13:7 e
10:32 Mark 14:22-24; Luke k
f 22:19,20
[h]~ Who are poor

believers, we are proclaiming the Truth of God’s Word to our nation; and thirdly,
in the spiritual realm, we are reminding Satan and his demons, that they are
defeated at the cross, and their time of power is coming to an eternal end.]
27. *** Therefore, whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the LORD,
unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the LORD. [This is a pretty
serious sin that Paul is identifying here; that is why he tells each one to examine
themselves in the next verse.]
28. But alet each man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of
that cup.
29. For he that eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks bdamnation upon himself,
not discerning the LORD’s body.
30. For this cause, many are weak and csickly among you, and many dsleep.
31. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.
32. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the LORD, that we should not be
condemned with the world ~ (the unbelievers, and those unworthy.)
33. *** Therefore, my brethren, when you come to eat together, tarry one for another.
34. And eif any man is hungry, let him eat at home; that you come not together under
condemnation. And the rest I gwill set in order hwhen I come.


Now Paul starts out in this chapter with a very challenging statement: Now Brothers,
concerning spiritual gifts, I don’t want you to be ignorant. (I want you to fully
understand), what the gifts are; who gives them; and to whom they are given. In
chapter 13, he goes on to say, that EVEN if you understand this; if you don’t exercise
these gifts IN LOVE, then it does not bring any glory to Jesus. Finally in chapter 14, He
lays out the divine rules, for operating with these gifts, in a congregational body of
Now, I have been studying this part of scripture for many years, because as a missionary
in 43 nations, I was regularly asked questions about, the gifts, the administrations, and
the operations of the Holy Spirit.
The book on this subject, was first published in 1986, and has recently been revised
and re-published, and is available as a free PDF file download at:
1. Now iconcerning spiritual gifts brethren, I would not have you ignorant.
2. You know that jyou were Gentiles, carried away (deceived) unto these kdumb idols,
even as you were led.
3. Wherefore, I give you to understand that lno man speaking by the Spirit of God
calls Jesus maccursed: and that nno man can say that Jesus is the LORD, but by
the Spirit of God.

[So now we have our FIRST test. [IF] someone says that “Jesus is of the devil”, or that
“Jesus is not the Son of God”, or that “Jesus did not die on the cross”, or similar
statements, [THEN] that person is NOT speaking with the Spirit of God, but with an evil

a e i m
2 Corinthians 13:5; See verse 21 14:1 [h]~ anathema;
1 John 3:20,21 f
[h]~ judgement; see j
6:11 16:22
b n
14:16 verse 29 k
Psalm 115:5 Matthew 16:17
c g
John 5:14 7:17 l
1 John 4:2,3
d h
Mathew 27:52 4:19

The SECOND test is that no-one can say that Jesus is the LORD, UNLESS the Holy Spirit
is speaking through Him. This is very important to understand, as it helps with your
spiritual discernment.]
4. Now athere are diversities (different) of gifts, but the same Spirit. [Now the Holy
Spirit of God, give different gifts to the people, as HE chooses, (NOT as man
chooses), BUT it is the same Holy Spirit which is operating in each of them]
5. And there are differences of administrations, (How you are to use these gifts) but
it is the same God that works through all-of them. [And Paul is saying that there
are various ways, and times, that these gifts are to be used, and we must learn
“how” and “when” to use them.]
6. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which works in
all-of them. [So, there are 3 different things Paul is explaining here:
(a) There are “different” TYPES OF GIFTS, and
(b) There are “different” ways these gifts are ADMINISTERED, and
(c) There are “different” ways these gifts OPERATE, when used in the Body of
7. c
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. [Now
this is important that everyone understand this verse. God does not give us special
Gifts to keep to ourselves (except for the Gift of Tongues ~ for “private ministry”:
to edify ourselves, and build up us spiritually). The “Manifestation of the gifts” is
to be used for the Body of Christ ~ not just for some of them, but for all-of them!
[IF] you have been given the Gift of Healing, [THEN] you cannot refuse to use that
gift, just because you don’t like the person, or they go to a different church
building. [IF] you don’t use it, [THEN] you will lose it; because you a grieving the
Holy Spirit.]
8. For to one is given the Spirit in the Word of dWisdom; to another is the Word of
Knowledge, through the same Spirit; [The first thing to understand it that GOD,
gives out these gifts, to whom He chooses. Man cannot make it; and man cannot
buy it!] “THE WORD OF WISDOM” is the revealing of the prophetic future under
the anointing of God. In the Old Testament, every seer & every prophet, who
foretold the future, had this gift. But a word of Wisdom is just that, only a Word.
God only gives you a fragment of the future to reveal to His people.
THE WORD OF KNOWLEDGE is the revealing of a fact, which at that stage is
already in existence, but which can only be supernaturally revealed. There is a
difference between the word of wisdom & the word of knowledge. Daniel, was
operating in the WORD OF WISDOM when he said that there would be a Grecian &
Roman empire, because at the time he gave the prophetic utterance, neither of
these empires had at that stage been born. Peter on the other hand, was using the
WORD OF KNOWLEDGE, when he said to Ananias, that he had kept back some of
the money from the sale of a piece of land, to try to deceive the Holy Spirit. (Ref. Acts.
9. To another, (the gift of fFAITH) by the same Spirit; to another, gthe Gifts (plural)
of Healing, by the same Spirit:
10. To another, the WORKING OF MIRACLES; to another PROPHECY (to edify, exhort
& comfort); to another hDISCERNING OF SPIRITS (the divine ability to look into
the hearts of individuals to see if they are telling the truth); to another DIVERS

a d f
7:7; Romans 12: 4-6 Ephesians 1:17; 13:2
Ephesians 1:23 Colossians 1:9 g
See verses 28,30
Romans 12:6-8; 1 13:2,8; 14:6; 2 h
1 John 4:1
Peter 4:10-11 Peter 1:5

11. But all-of these work that one and the self-same Spirit, dividing to every man,
severally as He wills. [Not as man wants, or not as any denomination wants, but
as the Holy Spirit determines.]
12. For aas THE BODY is one, and has many members, and all-of the members of that
one body, being many, are ONE BODY; so also, is Christ. [The scripture says that
Christ is head of the Body. But spiritually, Christ can exist without the church, BUT
spiritually, the TRUE CHURCH (the Body of Christ) cannot exist without Christ! That
is why it is so important to have UNITY in the body of Christ.]
13. For by ONE SPIRIT are we all baptised into one body, bwhether we be Jew or
Gentiles, whether we be bond or free: and dhave been all made to drink into eone
14. For the BODY is not one member, but many. [But the body, being many parts must
ALL WORK TOGETHER, so that the LORD’s Plans can be fulfilled; and they will be;
either with our involvement, or despite our rebellion.]
15. ** If the foot shall say, “behold I am not the hand, I am not of the body: is it
therefore not of the body? [It is still part of the body, BUT it is refusing to
COMMUNICATE and ACT as part of the body.]
16. ** “And if the ear shall say, “Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body, is it
therefore not of the body? [It is still part of the body, BUT it is refusing to
COMMUNICATE and ACT as part of the body.]
17. [“IF] the whole body was an eye, where was the hearing? [IF] the whole was
hearing, where was the smelling? [Paul, through these simple questions, makes
the Corinthian Church realise, that everyone has their special part to play in the
Body of Christ, and without everyone working together in UNITY, there will be no
blessings from God. We must remember; Where there is unity, God commands a
blessing. Where there is unity in one congregation, God blesses that congregation;
where there is unity between congregations, God blesses both; where there is
So, why are congregations being selfish, and preventing God from
blessing their whole city?]
18. “But NOW has God set the members, everyone of them, in the Body, as it pleases
Him. [Now: Who sets every one of the members in the Body? GOD! AS IT PLEASE
HIM [JESUS], NOT, AS IT PLEASES MAN! Sadly, a lot of churches, in a lot of cities,
have to learn this important scripture. In John 15:16-17: Jesus said, “You did not
choose Me! I chose you! And I appointed you to GO and produce lovely fruit always,
so that no matter what you ask in MY name, He will give it to you. I demand that
you love each other, for you get enough hate from the world! What Paul was
reminding the Corinthian church, and every other church as well, is that [IF] you
do not love your brothers, inside the Body of Believers, then you have allowed “the
HATE” of the world to infiltrate the Church; and it needs to be dealt with!]
19. “And if they were all one member, where in the Body?
20. “But now, they are many members, yet, but ONE Body.
21. “And the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you: nor again, the head
to the feet, I have no need of you.
22. No, much more those members of the body, which seem to be feebler, are
23. And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon those
we fbestow more abundant honour: and our uncomely parts have more abundant

a b d
See verse 20; Galatians 3:28; John 6:63; 7:39
10:17; Romans Ephesians 6:8 e
See verses 4,11
12:4,5 c
[g]~ Greeks f
[h]~ Or, put on

24. For our comely parts have no need: but God has tempered the Body together,
having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:
25. That there should be no aschisms in the Body; but that members should have the
same care one for another. [Schisms ~ splits, breaks, divisions, ruptures. The Holy
Spirit, speaking through Apostle Paul, makes it very clear that none of these things
bring glory, or honour to Jesus Christ.]
26. And whether one member suffer, all-of the members suffer with it: or one member
be honoured, all the members brejoice with it.
27. Now, cyou are the Body of Christ, and dmembers in particular.
28. And God (not man) has set some in the church, first eapostles, secondarily
prophets, thirdly teachers, after that gmiracles, then gifts of healings, helps,
governments, idiversities of tongues.
29. Are all Apostles? Are all Prophets? Are all Teachers? Are all workers of miracles?
30. Have all the gifts of healings? jDo all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? [After
a detailed explanation of the members of the Body receiving different gifts and
having different roles within the Body, set by God, not by man, Paul then does a
conclusion, by asking these questions in verses 29 & 30; (1) Are all people like
Paul and Barnabas, who go out under the instruction of the Holy Spirit, to break
new ground and start new pioneer churches? [NO!] (2) Are all people prophets like
Elijah and Elisha? [NO!] (3) Are all people like Gamaliel, who spent a lifetime
studying, and teaching the word of God? [NO!] (4) Are all people workers of
Miracles? [NO!] (5) Have all the gifts of healings? [NO!] (6) Do all speak with
Tongues (for Public Ministry?) [NO!] (7) Do all Interpret for Public Ministry? [NO!]
31. BUT covet earnestly the best Gifts: and yet, Show I unto you a better way. [In the
Old Testament we were commanded not to covet our neighbour’s goods, but here,
Paul is encouraging us to covet the best gifts available to us from the LORD, so
that they can be used, for the benefit of the Body of Christ. But then He says, I
will show you an even better way, which is explained in Chapter 13.

a d h j
[h]~ splits, breaks, Ephesians 5:30 Romans 12:8; 1 See verse 10
divisions, or ruptures e
Ephesians 4:11 Timothy 5:17; 1
Romans 12:15 f Peter 5:1-3
Acts 11:27 i
Romans 12:5 g [h]~ various kinds of
See verse 10

1. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity
(LOVE), I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. [If we have all-of
the gifts, but have not love in our hearts, we are just like politicians’ promises, ~
all hot air and no action, ~ of absolutely no value at all.]
2. And though I have the gift of Prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all
knowledge; and though I have all bfaith, cso that I could remove mountains, and
have not charity (love), I am nothing (in God’s eyes).
3. And though I bestow all-of my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body
to be burned, and have not charity (Love), it profits me nothing (with God).
4. Love dsuffers long, and is kind; love envies not; love evaunts (is not rash) not itself;
is not fpuffed up! [Paul is using the Rabbinical teaching technique, and making a
case, for the Corinthians to consider; Even [IF] you have all-of these gifts, [IF]
you don’t have love in your heart for others, and consider yourself better than
others, [THEN] it is all a waste of time, because God Almighty will not give you
any credit for it at all.]
5. (LOVE) does not behave itself unseemly, gseeks not her own; is not easily
provoked, and thinks no evil;
6. (Love) hrejoices not in iniquity; but rejoices in the truth;
7. i
Bares all things, believes all things, hopes all things; endures all things.
8. Love NEVER fails: but whether there be jprophecies, they shall kfail; (as in verses
10 & 11); whether there be dtongues, they shall cease (as in verses 10 & 11);
whether there be knowledge, it shall evanish away.
9. For (at the moment) we lknow in part, and we prophecy in part.
10. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be mdone
11. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child; I nthought as a
child: [using simple childish words & my understanding was based upon my limited
life experiences,] But when I became a man, I gput away childish things.
12. For onow (before the perfect one returns) we see through a glass pdarkly; but then
(we will see him) qface-to-face: now I know in part, but then shall I know, even as
I am also known. [Before Christ returns in the clouds, to take His bride from the
earth, we will only know in part, all the plans of our God; But after we see His
face-to-face, then all-of our questions will be answered.]
13. And now abides, faith, hope and charity (love); these three: but the greatest of
these is charity (love).

a f k p
12:8 4:6 [g]~ as verses 10,11 [g]~ as in a riddle
b g l q
12:9 10:24 8:2 1 John 3:2;
Matthew 17:20 h
Romans 1:32 m
[g]~ as per verse 8 Revelation 22:4
d i n
2 Corinthians 6:6 9:12 [h]~ Or, reasoned
e j o
[h]~ Or, in not rash 14:39 2 Corinthians 3:18;
4:18; 5:7
After giving careful instructions of the gifts in Chapter 12, and the importance of charity
[LOVE] in chapter 13, Paul now sets out to give clear instructions as to “How” these
gifts are to be used in a meeting; be it a home group, or church meeting. This is because
God is a God of order ~ not of confusion, and if we want to honour God the Father,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, then we need to carefully read and understand that procedure
in this chapter.
1. “Follow after charity, and adesire spiritual gifts, but rather that you may prophecy.
[Paul commences this chapter by reminding the church in Corinth (and us) that
without charity (LOVE in our hearts), then all-of these gifts are worthless. That is
why we have to even “correct a brother or sister “in LOVE”. Paul says to “desire”
spiritual gifts, but he would rather that everyone has the gift of prophecy. Why?
Because Prophecy is to “edify, exhort, and comfort, the Body of Christ. The gift of
Tongues (for public Ministry) requires another person to have the gift of
Interpretation, to achieve the same goals.]
2. “For he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not unto men, but unto God:
for no man bunderstands him; howbeit in the Spirit he speaks mysteries. [When
you speak in tongues to God, it is an encrypted message, between your spirit and
the Spirit of God. Satan cannot intercept it, nor can he understand it; and this is
why there is so much controversy about Tongues. It is one of our most powerful
weapons, because even watchmen spirits cannot intercept what is being
3. “But he that prophesy, speaks unto men, to cedification, and exhortation, and
comfort. [He that prophesy, does it in a “known language” and therefore all who
are present hear and understand the message, which will either edify the Body, or
exhort the Body, or comfort the Body, as necessary at that particular time, because
Jesus loves us ~ His Body.]
4. “He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself; he that prophesy, dedifies
the church. [“Tongues, without an interpretation”, is to edify the particular
individual who is speaking, and should be reserved as your “private prayer
language” at home. As we will see in this chapter, “tongues without interpretation”
in a public ministry environment, is not allowed. If a person speaks in tongues in
a public meeting, and there is no interpretation, then the person speaking must
cease speaking.]
5. “I would that you all speak with tongues, BUT rather that you prophesied: for
greater is he that has the gift of prophecy, than he that speaks with tongues,
EXCEPT he interprets, that the church may receive edification. [Unless that person
can interpret his own Tongue, or another person in the meeting is able to interpret
the tongue, the meeting gets no edification. “The Gift of Tongues” is a sign for the
unbeliever, but it must be in order, with interpretation, otherwise, the unbeliever
is not challenged in his spirit, and no-one gets edified at the meeting.]
6. “Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you,
except that I shall speak to you either by erevelation, or by fknowledge, or by
prophesying, or by doctrine? [Paul makes it very clear here, that “tongues without
interpretation” is of no value in a public meeting. If an unbeliever is present in the
meeting and hears someone making strange babbling noises, without an
interpretation, then they will probably want to flee for their lives.]
7. “And even things without life-giving sound, whether pipes or harp, except they
give a distinction in the gsounds, how shall it be known what is piped of harped?
8. “For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the
battle? [How can an army know whether to advance, or retreat, unless the sounds
are clear?]

a c e g
12:31 Romans 14:19 See verse 26 [h]~ Or, tunes
b d f
[g]~ hears See verse 17 12:8
9. “So, likewise you, except you utter by the tongue words easy to be understood,
how shall it be known what is spoken? For you shall speak into the air.
10. “There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is
without signification.
11. *** “Therefore, if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that
speaks a abarbarian, and he that speaks shall be a barbarian unto me. [If you have
travelled overseas to a country which speaks a language other than English, and
you do not know that language, it sounds crazy, and does not make any sense to
you mind. But once you start to learn the language, it starts to make sense in your
mind. The same thing applies here in spiritual matters.]
12. “Even so you, forasmuch as you are zealous bof spiritual gifts, seek that you may
excel to the edifying of the church. [Paul keeps mentioning that it is so important
to edify the church, to build them up in their holy faith, so that they can reach
spiritual maturity. Tongues without interpretation will never do that!]
13. *** “Therefore, let him that speaks in an unknown tongue, pray that he may
(also) interpret. [Because [if] you have an unknown tongue and “can also
interpret”, [then] you can also give the congregation the message in a known
language, for their edification, exhortation, or comfort; which is in order.]
14. “For {if} I pray in an unknown tongue, {then} my spirit prays, but my
understanding is unfruitful. [If I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit, activated
by the Holy Spirit, prays to God, bypassing my brain completely; I do not
understand (in my mind) what is being discussed with God.]
15. “Why is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with my understanding
also: cI will sing with the spirit; and I will sing with the understanding also.
16. “Else when you shall bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupies the room of
the dunlearned say eAmen at fthy giving of thanks, seeing that he does not
understand what you are saying?
17. “For you verily give thanks well, but the other is not edified.
18. “I thank my God, that I speak with tongues more than any of you all:
19. “Yet, in the church, I had rather speak 5 words with my understanding, that by
my voice I might teach others also, than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue.
[Paul makes it very clear, that in a public meeting, babbling away in Tongues, does
not serve any purpose, because “it is out of order!” As it says later in this
chapter, tongues in public ministry, starts off with 1 person; [IF] there is no
interpretation, [THEN] even this person must stop speaking in tongues. [IF] there
is an interpretation, [THEN] a maximum of 3 people in all can speak in tongues,
[BUT] the SAME PERSON must interpret for all 3 of them. The congregation, must
then discern the interpretation, and decide on the action to take, in that particular
20. “Brethren, gbe not children in understanding: Howbeit, in malice, hbe you children,
but in understanding, be imen.
21. “jIn the law it is written, kwith men of other tongues and with other lips will I speak
to this people: and yet for all-of that, they will not hear me,” says the LORD.
22. “Wherefore, tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that
believe not: but lprophesying serves not them that believe not, but for them which
23. *** “[If] therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak
with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, mwill
they not say that you are mad?

a e h k
Acts 28:2 Nehemiah 5:13: Matthew 11:25; Isaiah 28:11
[g]~ of Spirits Revelation 5:14 Romans 16:19 l
f i
Ephesians 5:19: 11:24 [g]~] perfect, Or, of m
Acts 2:13
Colossians 3:16 g
Ephesians 4:14; a ripe age
See verses 23.24 Hebrews 5:12,13 Romans 3:19

24. “But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believes not, or one unlearned, he
is convinced of all, he is ajudged of all.
25. “And thus, are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so, falling down on his
face, he will worship God, and breport that God is in you of a truth.
26. Explanation of the Order of Service
27. [C] How is it then brethren? When you come together, everyone has ca psalm,
has a ddoctrine, has a etongue, has a krevelation, or has an linterpretation.
Let all things be done unto edification. [So, Paul lays out the “order of service”
for a church meeting. But everything must be done in order to give glory and
honour to Jesus.]
28. [C] [IF] any man speaks in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at most by
three, and by course, let ONE (only) interpret, for all three tongues. [Here in God’s
word Paul lays down a rule which is mostly ignored in churches today. We would
really be blessed, if we followed God’s instructions.]
29. [C] But [IF] there be no interpreter, [THEN] let him keep silent in the church; and
let him speak to himself and to God. [This is very important to be obedient to this
teaching. God’s word says that “obedience” is better than “sacrifice”. The individual
must be obedient and stop tongues if there is no interpretation. That is why Paul
says to pray for the interpretation also; not just tongues on its own.]
30. [C] Let the prophets speak, two, or three (maximum), and let the others judge.
[We are commanded to test everything spoken in the church against the word of
God, to make sure that everything lines up with God’s Word. [IF] it does, [THEN]
we must act upon it. [IF] it does not, then that prophet has spoken BEYOND HIS
31. [C] [IF] anything be revealed to another that sits by, [THEN] let the first one holds
his piece. [He must be prepared to sit down and let “the revealer” speak.]
32. [C] For you may all prophecy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be
comforted. [Here again, this must be done in an orderly manner, to bring glory &
honour to Jesus.]
33. And the spirits of the prophets; are subject to the prophets. [Paul makes it very
clear that the Prophet has control over His own spirit (if that spirit comes from
Jesus): however, if it comes from elsewhere, this is proof that Jesus is not
represented by the person, but that he is a false prophet, because the Spirit of the
LORD is not within him.]
34. For God is not the author of gconfusion; but of peace, as hin all churches
of the saints. [Here is another test: [IF] there is confusion, division, and
“unquietness in your church, [THEN] it is time to start interceding to determine
where the spirit of deception is lurking amongst your brethren. Pray for the Holy
Spirit to reveal its presence and that it manifests so that it can be dealt with!
Remember, Jesus said that He has overcome the world, and that Satan (and his
demons, are to be under your feet)!]
35. iLet your women keep silent in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to
speak: BUT they are commanded to be under obedience, as also says jthe Law.
[This is one of the most controversial scriptures in Paul’s writings; and to
understand it more clearly, we need to go back to the time, the people, and the
place, that Paul wrote these scriptures. Firstly: Corinth was the home of the
largest temple to Venus in the whole Grecian Empire, and still existed, with Zeus,
in the Roman Empire, around 64 A.D. when Paul is supposed to have written this
letter from Prison. It was a clearly pagan, immoral city. Secondly: The Temples
were controlled by “women Priests”, and “men and women” prostitutes. Needless

a d g j
2:15 See verse 6 [g]~ tumult, or Genesis 3:16
Isaiah 45:14; e
12:10 unquietness
Zechariah 8:23 f
2 Corinthians 12:19; 7:17
c i
Ephesians 5:19 13:10 1 Timothy 2:11:12

to say, the “God of Creation” was not honoured in their temples. Thirdly: When
women came to church, they assumed their “natural worldly role” of being in
charge of proceedings. This caused major confusion and disruption of the services,
by the continual interruption of questions from the women. To put things in order,
Paul instructed the women in this church to remain silent! Fourthly: Paul did
not issue this instruction to any of his other churches that He planted! IT
WAS SPECIFIC FOR THIS CHURCH ALONE! ~ until, the women become more
spiritually mature! Fifthly: In approximately 70 A.D., the biblical city of Corinth
was completely destroyed by an earthquake. A new city was built beside it, which
has also been destroyed several times by earthquakes since then.
Conclusion: Maybe this is why this church was not included in the Book of
Revelation, written by Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos; some 30 years later in
100 A.D., because by that time, biblical Corinth no longer existed, neither was this
36. And if they learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame
for women to speak in church. [Now this could be a challenge to the men in church
today! The wife who stayed home minding the children, asks her husband; “Honey,
what was the service all about today?” How many men in our churches today could
give a good biblical summary of a service that had just attended, including
scripture verses? Many would say; “watch the online streaming service!” But how
many churches have a full church service streamed live online?]
37. What? (Did the word of God) come out from you? Or come it unto you only?
38. [IF] any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, alet him acknowledge, that
the things that I write unto you, are the commandments of the LORD.
39. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
40. Wherefore brethren, bcovet to prophecy, and forbid not to speak with tongues! [So
here is the quandary, in this chapter, people say that Paul forbids women to speak
in Church, therefore because of this reason, they cannot be pastors. BUT in chapter
12, it clearly says that GOD (NOT man) gives the spiritual gifts to each one “AS
HE, (NOT MAN) CHOOSES! Also in Ephesians chapter 4, it is God, (not man) who
decides which of the 5-fold ministry gifts are to be given, to people in the church,
“for the maturing of the whole body”. NOW, [IF] GOD (Himself) decides to allocate
the gift of an Apostle, or a Prophet, or a Teacher, or an Evangelist, or a Pastor to
a woman: who are we (man’s creation) to argue with Him? To put it bluntly: [IF]
God raises up a woman to be a pastor, and a church refuses to acknowledge God’s
decision, [THEN] you are rebelling against God’s choice, for your congregation,
just like the Jews suffered when they initially refused to acknowledge Deborah, as
a judge, to rule over the nation of Israel. Why did God do that? Because He
surveyed the hearts of all-of the Jewish men, and could not find one Jewish man
with a righteous heart, worthy to be raised up to this leadership position. In a
similar manner, [IF] God rose up a woman to be a pastor, in leadership in your
church, what is God telling you? YES! He has surveyed all-of the hearts of the men
in your congregation, and did not find one with a righteous heart, worthy to be
raised up to this position of leadership in your congregation. Now if that is the
case, then it is time for all-of the men in that congregation to get on their faces
before God, and repent of their known and their unknown sins!]
41. Let all things be done decently and in order.


1. Moreover brethren, I declare unto you, cthe gospel which I preached, unto you,
which also you have received, and wherein you stand.

2 Corinthians 10:7; 1 b
12:31 c
Romans 2:16
John 4:6

2. By which also you are asaved, [IF] you bkeep in memory, cwhat I have preached
unto you, dunless you have believed in vain.
3. For eI delivered unto you, first of all, that which I received, how that Christ died
for our sins, gaccording to the scriptures;
4. And that He was buried, and that He rose again on the 3rd day, haccording to the
5. And that ihe was seen of jCephas (Peter), then kof the twelve:
6. After that, He was seen by more than 500 at once; of whom the greater part
remains unto the present (the time of writing this Epistle), but some are lfallen
asleep. [Paul is saying, that many of the people, who were eyewitnesses to this
event (seeing the resurrected Jesus walking the earth) are still alive when he was
writing this epistle to the Corinthian church. If you don’t believe me ~ then go and
ask them!]
7. By Thomas, and then after that, He was seen by mall-of the apostles.
8. And last of all, nHe was seen by me also; as one born out of due time.
9. For oI am the least of the Apostles, than am not even meet (worthy) to be called
an apostle; because pI persecuted the church of God. [Even though Paul wrote
most of the New Testament, and planted more churches, than any other of the
“original Apostles” of Jesus, he still considered himself to be called an apostle,
because he persecuted the church and had innocent blood on His hands. And From
that background, Jesus appeared to him on the Damascus road, removed his sin
burden from off his shoulders, ad put him onto a path of righteousness for our
sake, the Gentiles, hearing the gospel of salvation.]
10. BUT qby the grace of God, I am what I am: and His grace which was bestowed
upon me was not I vain; but rI laboured more abundantly than they all: syet not I,
but the grace of God that was with me. [Paul expounds that it was Grace that
brought him to the position and situation that He is in now; serving the Lord, whilst
he (Himself) considers that he was the worst of all sinners, because he had
professing Christians imprisoned, tortured, and even murdered. BUT grace is not
the replacement for repentance. Because the scripture is clear: by grace you
are saved: BUT without REPENTANCE, no-one shall see God!]
11. *** Therefore, whether it was I, or they, so we preached and so we believed. [It
is not the name of the person who preaches the gospel that it important. It is the
Word of God (ITSELF) that has the power unto Salvation.]
12. NOW, if Christ be preached that He rose from the dead, thow say some among
you, that there is no resurrection of the dead? [We all preach that Jesus rose from
the dead, and there were more than 500 eyewitnesses, that this event took place,
so how could some of you say that there is no resurrection? If you cannot say that
Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead to walk the earth and then
ascended into Heaven, then the spirit of God is not within you. (Muslims claim that
Jesus did not die on the cross, so the Holy Spirit of God is not within them).]
13. BUT if there is no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not resin:
14. And [IF] Christ be not resin, [THEN] is our preaching is in vain (and a waste of
time), and your faith is also vain (a waste of time.)
15. Yes, and we would be found to be false witnesses of God; because we have testified
of God, that He rose up His Son Jesus Christ: whom He rose not up, [IF] so be
that the dead rise not! [If we take this argument one step further: [IF] Jesus has

a g l q
1:18; Romans 1:16 Mark 9:12; Acts See verses 18,20,51 Romans 1:5
[h]~ Or, hold fast 3:18 m
Luke 24:50; Acts r
2 Corinthians
[g]~ by what speech Acts 2:25,31; 1:3,4 11:23;12:1
d 13:33,35 n
Acts 9:3,19; 1 s
3:6; 2 Corinthians
Galatians 3:4 i
e Luke 24:34 Corinthians 9:1 3:5; Ephesians 3:7
11:23 j o t
f 1:12 Ephesians 3:8 2 Timothy 2:18
John 1:29; Hebrews k p
5:1,3 Luke 24:36 Acts 8:3

not risen from the grave, [THEN] there is no salvation through Jesus Christ,
because he has not defeated sins and death! This of course is not the case.]
16. For if the dead rise not, then is not raised Christ:
17. And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain: ayou are yet in your sins.
[Paul now makes his teaching about Christ a personal challenge to each
1. IF] you don’t believe in the resurrection of the dead, [THEN] you don’t believe
that Jesus rose from the dead.
2. [IF] you don’t believe that Jesus rose from the dead, [THEN] He did not
overcome sin and death.
3. [IF] He did not overcome sin and death, [THEN you are still in your worldly
4. [IF] you are still in your sins, then you have not been saved, and you are
headed for hell.]
18. Then the, which have already fallen asleep, are also perished. [Paul continues with
his argument against those who claim that there is no resurrection of the dead;
He makes them all aware that [IF] that claim is true, [THEN] all-of their relatives
who have already died, have perished, in their sins, and will not be saved, but will
have died in their sins, and therefore are headed for hell.]
19. If in this life we only have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.
20. But now, bChrist is risen from the dead, and cbecomes the first-fruits of them that
21. For dsince by man, (through sin) came death, by man (Jesus becoming flesh) also
came the resurrection of the dead.
22. For eas in Adam, all died (because of inherited sin), even so in Christ (the second
Adam) shall all be made alive.
23. BUT every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits: afterwards, those that are
Christ’s at his coming. [Notice, it is Christ (Himself) who decides who Christ’s are
“at his coming”, not denominations, not cults, and not even angels. Yes, by grace
you are saved, but without repentance (of all-of your sins), no-one shall see God.
This is the two-edged sword ~ grace AND repentance. Once saved always saved
~ is NOT biblical!]
24. Then comes the end, when He has delivered up fthe kingdom to God, even the
Father: when He shall have put down all rule, and all authority and power. [You
might think what is happening in Gaza now is horrific, BUT when Jesus Christ (the
King of the Universe), comes back physically to this existing earth, He will put
down ALL terrorists, ALL rulers, ALL authority in ALL nations, and ALL powers, and
rule from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in Israel ~ (not in Palestine!), for 1,000
25. For He must reign guntil He has put all enemies under His feet. [In the present
conflict, the Israeli Prime Minister stated that Hamas started this war, but we are
going to finish it! Jesus has said in this scripture, you have either already accepted
me as your personal Saviour, otherwise, you have rejected me and therefore you
are my enemy, and I am coming to subdue you. From that moment onwards, there
will be no more sin, no more sickness, no more hate, and no more rebellion against
God, until Satan is released for a short while, and then the end (the White Throne
Judgement) will come, followed by a new heaven and a new earth, without a sea.]
26. The last enemy to be hdestroyed shall be death itself!
27. For iHe has put all things under His feet, BUT when He says that all things are put
under Him, it is manifest that He is expected which did put all things under Him.

a d g i
Romans 4:25 Romans 5:12 Psalm 110:1 Psalm 8:6; Ephesians
1 Peter 1:3 e
Romans 5:14-18 h
2 Timothy 1:10; 1:22
Acts 26:23 f
Daniel 7:14,27 Revelation 20:14;

28. And when aall things shall be subdued unto Him, then bshall the Son also Himself
by subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in All. [In
Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus says that all authority in heaven and on the earth is
given unto Him: by whom? By His Father in Heaven. When He all powers an
authority upon the earth and establishes His kingdom, He puts Himself back under
the authority of His father in the New Jerusalem, which hovers over the earthly
Jerusalem for 1,000 years.]
29. Else what shall they do which are baptised for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?
Why are they then baptized for the dead? [Paul is trying to convince the people of
Corinth, who have grown up with the teaching of the goddess Venus, that there is
no resurrection. Paul keeps reminding them that there has to be a resurrection of
Jesus, otherwise you believe in vain.]
30. And why do we stand in jeopardy every hour? [And Paul challenges them: “Why
do you think I risk my life every day, so that you hear the good news of Jesus
31. I protest by cyour rejoicing, which I have in Christ Jesus our LORD, dI die edaily.
32. [IF] fafter the manner of men gI have fought with beasts at hEphesus, what
advantages is it to me if the dead rise not? [THEN] ilet us eat and drink; for
tomorrow we die.
33. Be not deceived! jEvil communications, corrupt good manners.
34. kAwaken to righteousness, and sin not! For lsome have not the knowledge (or the
understanding) of God: mI speak this to your shame. [Awaken your spirits to the
difference between righteousness (a right standing with God), and sin not (do no
evil). In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. For some
of you “know about” God, but you do not have a personal relationship with Him.
Paul then says, I am ashamed that I have to tell you this!]
35. But some men will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they
come (back)?”
36. You fool, nthat which you sow is not quickened, except it first die. [You are farmers,
but you still don’t understand? The seed that you plant is the field does not grow,
unless it first dies, and then rises up, completely different in appearance to the
small seed that you planted.]
37. That which you sow (as seed), is not the body that shall be, it was bare grain, it
may chance become wheat, or other grain. [You already know that when you sow
bare seed, it will grow up to be something that looks completely different. It is the
same with people, the bare is implanted and the child that is born is completely
than the sperm which was sown. No two children are identical. Even identical twins
have unique and different fingerprints. God is the master of creation; our souls are
unique and individual. He knew us even before we were implanted in our mother’s
womb; He mapped out lives before the creation of the universe. He called each of
us by name, and according to His divine plan and purpose for our lives: But
whether we do them or not, is our choice.]
38. But God gives it (our soul) a body, as it has pleased Him, and to every seed, his
own body.
39. All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh for mankind, another
flesh for beasts, another of fish, and another of birds. [And these types of flesh
are not interchangeable.]

a e h l
Philippians 3:21 Luke 9:23 Acts 18:19 1 Thessalonians 4:5
b f i m
11:3 [h]~ speak after the Isaiah 22:13 6:5
Or, “our rejoicing” manner of men, 1 j
Galatians 5:9; 2 n
John 12:24
d Corinthians 9:8 Timothy 2:17
2 Corinthians 4:10 g
2 Corinthians 1:8 k
Romans 13:11

40. There are also acelestial bodies; and bterrestrial bodies: but the glory of the
celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
41. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of
the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory. [The glory of every
celestial bodies in different and unique, because at creation God never made two
stars identical; each one is an individual masterpiece.]
42. So, also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in ccorruption; it is raised in
43. eIt is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in
44. It is sown as a natural body; it is raised as a spiritual body. There is a fnatural
body, and there is a spiritual body.
45. And so, It is written: gThe first man, Adam, was made a living soul; hthe Last Adam
(some translations state: the second Adam) was made ia quickening spirit. [Jesus
makes the distinction, between mankind and Jesus. Mankind was made
“spiritually” in the image of God, but mankind failed by sinning in the Garden of
Eden, and being cast out. From that moment onwards, every baby born has
inherited sin in their DNA; BUT Jesus came “without inherited sin” because the
conception was from the Holy Spirit of God, NOT from mankind, and therefore
Jesus was able to redeem mankind through His perfect sinless blood, so that we
can now be re-united with God the Father, through Jesus Christ His Son.]
46. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual; but that which is natural: and
afterward that which is spiritual. [Paul shows the people that when you are born
you have “natural senses”: seeing, hearing, touching, and sense of smell; but the
spiritual has to be awakened inside of you; either by Satan, or by God. And it is
the spiritual part of us, which is eternal: all-of the other parts mankind die and
47. jThe first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is of the LORD from heaven.
[The first man God created from the dust, and then God breathed life into him.
The second man came from the eternity of heaven, to become a baby, taking on
human flesh, as Jesus Christ.]
48. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such
are they also that are heavenly. [Here Paul explains that our natural practices and
attitude reflect our upbringing. People without any knowledge of God will follow
earthly practices. But people, who are changed by God, through salvation in Jesus
Christ, take on new attitudes and practices, because they are now, new creations
in Christ, the earthiness is passed away.]
49. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, kwe shall also bear the image of
the heavenly.
[After makings these teaching statements: Paul makes a conclusion based upon these
explanations that He has already given: Paul explains what will happen in the book of
Revelation, (the catching away, which others refer to as the rapture). which will not be
written for another 40 years by Apostle John in approximately 96-100 A.D.]
50. Now this I say, brethren; that lflesh and blood mcannot inherit the kingdom of God;
neither does ncorruption inherit incorruption. [People all over the world killed
animals and even offered up live children, as sacrifices to gods, but that were

a c h m
[h]~ Celestial See verse 50; Romans 5:14 6:9
Bodies means ~ sun, Romans 8:21; i
John 5:21; n
See verse 42
moon, planets and Galatians 6:8; 2 Peter 6:33,39,40,54,57;
stars 2:12;19 Romans 8:2,10,
b d
[h]~ Terrestrial Romans 2:7 j
John 3:31
Bodies definitely e
Philippians 3:21 k
Romans 8:29
means; bodies that f
2:4 l
Matthew 16:17; John
exist upon the earth. g
Genesis 2:7 3:3,5

unable to inherit any connection to the God of creation, through these actions. In
the same manner, a corrupt person cannot become incorruptible through any of
His own actions. It requires and external spiritual force, to remove the corruption
and replace it with a new incorruptible body.]
51. Behold, I show you a mystery; awe shall not all sleep, BUT bwe shall all be changed,
52. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for cthe trumpet shall
sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. [In
the time it takes for you to blink, at the sound of the heavenly trumpeter, you will
be changed. BUT, it is to only those who hear the heavenly trumpeter that these
things will change. This is where Jesus separates His perfect sheep from the evil
goats. Those in their graves will be raised first, and they will put on new
incorruptible bodies, whilst those who are alive at that time, who hear the heavenly
trumpeter, shall also be changed.]
53. For this corruptible (spirit) must put on incorruption, and dthis mortal (mind &
body) must put on immortality.
54. So, when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption: and this mortal shall have
put on immortality, then, shall be brought to pass, the saying that is written:
“Death shall be swallowed up in victory.” [When this takes place, prophesies of the
Old Testament shall have been fulfilled. God is faithful, to perform all that He has
promised, in His word.]
55. e
O death, where is thy sting? O fgrave, where is thy victory? [Here Paul annunciates
what Jesus came to earth to achieve; Victory over hell and death!]
56. The sting of death is sin: and gthe strength of sin is the Law.
57. But thanks be to God, which give us the victory through our LORD Jesus Christ.
[Thanks be to God, who loved us so much that He sent His own Son to this earth
to defeat Satan, (sin) and death, and gives us eternal life through the life-saving
blood of Jesus Christ on the cross.]
58. *** Therefore: my beloved brethren, be you steadfast, unmoveable, always
abounding in the work of the LORD, forasmuch as you know that your labour is
not in vain, in the LORD. [Conclusion: so, after hearing all-of this explanation, I
want you to strong, solid as a rock, unable to be moved, connected into the
foundations of Jesus Christ, always working as unto the LORD, always working, so
that your actions brig glory and honour to Him; for your labours for the LORD, do
not go unnoticed in heaven, and they are the fruit that Jesus brings to the attention
of His Father in Heaven, and at the appointed time, you will each receive your just
rewards, based upon your fruits.]
1. Now concerning the hcollection of ithe saints, as jI have given order to the churches
of kGalatia, even so do you. [Paul is telling the church in Corinth to get the letter
that he has already written to the church in Galatia, to read it to the congregation,
and to do it. And so Paul says to the churches today, study the Epistle to the
Galatians, and obey it! But sadly, many churches do not. When Christ comes in
the clouds, to select His chosen Bride (the 9th church), these churches will wonder
why they were not chosen, why they were left behind as the 10th church (the
apostate church) in the Book of Revelation: ~ well here is one very good reason.]
2. Upon lthe first day of the week, let everyone of you lay by him in store, mas God
has prospered him, nthat there are no gatherings when I come. [Firstly; All
references to days of the week in the Bible refer to the Hebrew Calendar; (NOT
the Gregorian calendar), which has 360 days, and is calculated on a 19 years cycle,

a e i l
1 Thessalonians 4:15 Hosea 13:14 Romans 12:13 Acts 20:7; Revelation
Philippians 3:21 f
[h]~ Or, hell j
11:34 1:10
1 Thessalonians 4:16 g
Romans 4:15 k
Acts 16:16 2 Corinthians 8:3,11
2 Corinthians 5:4 h
Acts 24:17 2 Corinthians 9:3

and twice in that 19 years, an extra month “AVIDII” is added. Do not get confused
and try to identify a specific day of the week, as being a certain day referred to
the Hebrew Calendar, unless you are prepared to use the Hebrew to Gregorian
calendar conversion APP. Here Paul is telling the congregation that they must start
preparing a gift, a love offering, to be sent to Jerusalem, because of the terrible
famine that is in the land of Israel. Paul states “as the LORD has prospered
him”, He is to give. It does not say a mandatory 10% which was the requirement
in the Old Testament. Here is an example: [IF] the Lord prospered you 20% during
the last 3 years of your harvests, [THEN] YOU WERE REQUIRED TO GIVE 20% OF
THE GROSS OF YOUR HARVEST. Each according to how the LORD had prospered
3. And when I come, whomsoever you approve by your letters, them will I send to
bring your aliberality (Gift) unto Jerusalem.
4. And if it be meet that I go also, they shall go with me.
5. Now I will come to you, bwhen I pass through Macedonia: for I do pass through
Macedonia. [We know from the Book of Acts that he was forbidden by the Holy
Spirit, to go further into Asia Minor, but through a vision, was asked, “To come
over to Macedonia and help us.” Paul was attuned to the Holy Spirit, and saw, and
acted upon the vision. We have also to be attuned like Paul, so that when the Holy
Spirit speaks to us, we hear His voice and follow His instructions, for God’s glory.]
6. And it may be that I will abide, yes, and winter with you, that you may cbring me
on my journey withersoever I go. [Paul was planning to spend some months with
them during the winter; continuing to teach them, before the spring, when he
would continue his journey, as the Holy Spirit directed him.]
7. For I will not see you dnow by the way: but I trust to tarry a while with you, if the
Lord permits. [Paul makes it very clear, that he wants to see them again, but God’s
work is more important. He will come to them [IF] God permits! He puts God’s
instructions above his own personal desires. That is the definition of an “obedient
servant”. We all have to learn to God’s instructions above our own desires.]
8. For I will tarry at eEphesus until fPentecost. [Here Paul would be reminding the
church at Ephesus, that when the people in Jerusalem were told by the Lord after
His resurrection, that they would receive power when the Promise from the Father
came upon them, 120 people waited and prayed, until the day of Pentecost came.
The rest is history, which we must never forget, because we are commanded to
continue the vision, until Christ returns in the clouds, for His Bride.]
9. For ga great door and effectual is opened unto me, and hthere are many
adversaries. [Just because there are many obstacles, Paul did not stop His
ministry, or complain, or ask for money from other churches (like some churches
do today); He went on steadfast in the calling that God had put on his life. We also
must endeavour to do whatever God has called us to do, irrespective of all of the
hardships we face. Remember, God would never ask us to do anything that He
already knows that we can do. It is our choice whether we choose to be obedient
or not.]
10. Now, iif Timotheus comes, see that he may be with you without fear: for jhe works
the work of the LORD, as I also do. [Notice Paul did not say, he is from another
denomination, or that He preaches a different gospel. Paul proclaimed that he also
works for the LORD, as he does. There is no envy, or competition, between true
followers of Jesus Christ. Remember, there are no denominational fences in

a d g j
[g]~ Gift 2 Corinthians Acts 14:27 Romans 10:21; 1
Acts 19:21 1:15:16 h
Acts 19:19 Thessalonians 3:2
Acts 15:3 Acts 18:19 i
4:17; 2 Corinthians
Acts 20:16 1:1

11. *** Therefore (Conclusion) alet no man despise him: but conduct him forth in
peace that he may come to me: for I look for him with the brethren.
12. As touching bour brother Apollos, I greatly desired that he come unto you with the
brethren: but his will was not to come unto you at this time; but he will come,
when he has convenient time.
13. cWatch you, (Be on guard), dstand fast in the faith, equit (perform) you like men,
be strong.
14. Let all things be done with charity (LOVE).

15. I beseech you brethren, (you know the house of hStephanus that is ithe firstfruits
of jAchaia, and they have addicted themselves to kthe ministry of the saints.) [Paul
makes an interesting statement here. They are “so full on for Jesus”, that he says
that they are addicted to Jesus; they cannot get enough of Him. That is a challenge
for the 21st century Christian, can we say that we are “full on for Jesus?” Can we
be recognized as one who “is addicted to Jesus?” We all should be!]
16. lThat you submit yourselves unto such and to everyone that helps with us, and
labours (for the Lord) with us. [This is a challenge in the modern church today.
Leaders do not want to submit! It is “their church,” they have planted it, they have
worked day and night to make it grow; nobody is coming to tell them how to run
“their church”; not even “someone sent by the holy spirit!” Needless to say,
problems break out in a church with this type of mentality, until you get the
revelation, that it is NOT your church, because you did not die on the cross for the
congregation that God has put under your care, as a good shepherd. If you do not
perform for God’s glory, you can be fired and replaced by God.]
17. I am glad of the coming of Stephanus and Fortunatus, and Achaicus; mfor that
which was lacking on your part, they have supplied. [The lack of knowledge and
understanding among the Corinthian believers, has been provided by the the three
new arrivals.]
18. *** For they have refreshed my spirits and yours: therefore acknowledge them
that are such.
19. The churches of Asia salute you, nAquila and Priscilla salute you much in the LORD,
with the church that is in their house.
20. All-of the brethren greet you. pGreet one another with a holy kiss.
21. qThe salutations of me, Paul, with my own hand.
22. [CP] [IF] any man loves not the LORD Jesus Christ, [THEN] let him be rAnathema,
Maranatha. [Anathema~ abomination, to be shunned; Maranatha ~when our
Lord comes. So, so if any man does not love the LORD, He is to be rejected when
the LORD comes.]
23. tThe Grace of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you.
24. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus, Amen.

a f l q
1 Timothy 4:12 Ephesians 3:16 1 Thessalonians 1:12 Romans 16:22
b g m r
1:12; 3:5; Acts 14:1 2 Corinthians 11:9; 12:3
18:24 h
1:16 Philippians 2:30 s
Philippians 4:5
c n
Matthew 24:42 i
Romans 16:5 Acts 18:2 t
Romans 16:20
d o
Philippians 1:27; 4:1 j
Acts 18:12 Romans 16:5
e p
1 Samuel 4:9 k
2 Corinthians 8:4 Romans 16:16


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