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Nombre: Matrícula:

Luis Alberto Cortes Barrón 2872763

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:

Ingles 3 Genaro Salazar Bórquez

Módulo: Actividad:

Módulo 1. Actividad 3

Fecha: 30/08/2023

1. Complete the lyrics of the song by using the present perfect of the verbs in parentheses:

I ____have climbed_________ (climb) the highest mountains

I _____have run________ (run) through the fields
Only to be with you
I _____hace run________ (run) I ___have crawled__________ (crawl)
I ____have sacaled_________ (scale) these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you
But I still _____havent found________ (find)
What I'm looking for
But I still _____havent found________ (find)
What I'm looking for
I _have kisesed____________ (kiss) honey lips
Felt the healing in the fingertips
It burned like fire
This burning desire
I ________have spoken_____ (speak) with the tongue of angels
I __have held___________ (hold) the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone
But I still _______havent found______ (find)
What I'm looking for
But I still ____havent found_________ (find)
What I'm looking for
I believe in the Kingdom come
Then all the colors will bleed into one
Bleed into one
But yes,…

Base form Past simple Past participle

run ran run

crawl crawled crawled

scale scaled scaled

burn burned/burnt burned/burnt


Base form Past simple Past participle

find found found

climb climbed climbed

speak spoke spoken

hold held held

kiss kissed kissed

"My goal in life has always been rooted in a deep passion for learning, constant
improvement, and an unwavering commitment to enjoying every single moment. This
mindset has pushed me towards my career aspirations in mechatronics, with a particular
emphasis on the automotive sector, a field that never ceases to amaze me with its
innovative potential. Mechatronics, in its essence, is a fascinating blend of mechanics,
electronics, computer science, and control. This interdisciplinary approach has the power
to revolutionize industries, especially when applied to the automotive world.
Over recent decades, the automotive industry has transformed at a breathtaking pace.
We've witnessed the rise of electric vehicles, the groundbreaking strides in autonomous
driving systems, and significant improvements in efficiency, sustainability, and safety.
These advancements are not just technical marvels but are reshaping the way we
perceive transportation and mobility.
My aim is to be at the forefront of this transformation. While I have a strong foundation, I
recognize that this industry requires professionals to be ever-adaptable and perpetually
updated. The swift pace at which technology changes means that what's cutting-edge
today might be obsolete tomorrow. This constant evolution is exhilarating and intimidating,
but I am determined to stay ahead of the curve.
To achieve this, I'm committed to continuous education, attending workshops, collaborating
with industry leaders, and possibly even delving into research. The more I learn, the
clearer it becomes that the future of the automotive industry is not just about vehicles; it's
about creating holistic experiences for users, shaping cities, and even impacting global
sustainability efforts. This bigger picture motivates me even more to contribute, innovate,
and leave a lasting mark."

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