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Nombre: Matrícula:

Luis Alberto Cortes Barrón 2872763

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:

Ingles 3 Genaro Salazar Bórquez

Módulo: Actividad:

Módulo 1. Actividad 3

Fecha: 16/08/2023

Review: "Sun's Kitchen" in Mexico City

In the heart of Mexico City, I stumbled upon a restaurant that beckons promisingly: "Sun's
Kitchen". Walking in, the décor strikes both modern and traditional tones, with dim lighting
and well-laid tables. As I write, a trio of musicians is playing Mexican tunes in a corner of
the restaurant, adding an authentic flair to the ambiance.

The menu celebrates fresh ingredients from the country. I chose to start with a ceviche,
which arrived raw and bursting with ocean flavors. The presentation was impeccable. My
friend, on the other hand, went for a canned tortilla soup, which though not homemade,
tastes incredibly authentic.

For the main course, I picked a roasted chicken with a mole sauce which, I'm told, is cooking
in the kitchen right now. The aroma of the chicken roasting is intoxicating. For the price, I
was expecting a smaller portion, but the generous serving pleasantly surprised me.

In terms of drinks, the wine list is extensive, and prices are reasonable. There are low-fat
and spicy options for those in the mood for something different. What I love about this
place is that, despite its sophistication, they also offer take-out, meaning I'll be able to bring
home any delightful morsels I can't finish.

Finally, I must mention the dessert: a baked chocolate cake with chili which is the perfect
ending to an outstanding meal.

"Sun's Kitchen" blends tradition with a modern touch. The prices, though a tad above
average, reflect the quality and service you get. Without a doubt, this restaurant has earned
a spot on my recommendation list.

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