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2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)

Moving toward an intelligent edge: Machine

Learning and Wireless Communication
2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE) | 979-8-3503-9926-4/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICACITE57410.2023.10182477

Priyanka Pravin Patil1 Adolfo Perez-Mendoza2 Kapil Joshi3

2 3
DYIEMR Akurdi , Pune Professor, Universidad Tecnológica del Uttaranchal Institute of Technology, Perú Uttaranchal University

Dr. Heli Shah4 Dr. Biju G. Pillai5 Mr. M. Kalyan Chakravarthi6

Head & Professor , Mechatronics & 5Director 6Senior Assistant Professor, School of
- BIIB & Dean - Faculty of
Robotics Management, Department of IT & Business Electronics Engineering, VIT-AP
PIT , Parul University Analytics, Sri Balaji University, Pune University, Amaravathi, Pin code: 522237, India

Abstract— In order to improve performance, efficiency, and communication efficacy in distributed learning, the ML
yield, the intelligent wireless system concentrates on community is attempting to adopt tools from communication,
collaborating with cutting-edge techniques such as machine learning like information theory [2].
(ML) and similar methodologies. The research includes evaluating
precisely the important factors that ML methodologies use to assist ML methodologies can also be said to improve network
more intelligent network communication in many sectors. For the dynamics, including control of hotspots, detection of crucial
research, the researchers tried to collect both primary and secondary bottleneck areas, spectrum accessibility and control [21].
data. In order to have greater input and perspectives into the research These factors make it possible to resolve the signal-to-noise
field, the participants are recruited from the business. The main ratio and lag and latency problems. The implementation of
aspects taken into consideration for the research are spectrum advanced algorithms improves wireless communication to be
availability and control, important congestion point detection, ML- smarter and more vigilant in addition to meeting the expanding
influenced hotspot management, and control of hotspots. According expectations and demands, according to scholars, who have
to the research, which was conducted using the SPSS data analysis explained that the implementation of ML techniques endorses
tool, it can be concluded that all of the variables have a significant tackling the complex problems in wireless communication [5].
impact on intelligent communication. As a result, ML contributes
significantly to improving the user experience. By stretching the distribution network medium, regulating
gateways, and identifying, retrieving, and controlling crucial
Keywords— Wireless communication, Machine learning, SPSS bottlenecks, reach, and other issues, ML techniques can also
aid in enhancing network dynamics. These factors improve the
I. INTRODUCTION signal-to-noise ratio, help with law-and-order issues, and more
With the introduction of ML techniques, businesses may [14]. The implementation of numerous aspects of wireless
now develop, study, and adjust in a changing world. The communication, including picture improvement, speech
technology and communication industry must adopt detection, video quality processing, security, and defense
innovative approaches to provide the appropriate resources, against cyber threats, etc. is made possible by the employment
minimize latency problems, and permit the availability of of essential ML techniques. According to network experts,
improved and enhanced services at a reasonable price because ML techniques for potent decision-making also enable
the wireless network is expanding at a rapid rate due to a rise channel error analysis, optimally create supplies, recognize
in customer demands and expectations. People and companies effective issues, administer networks, and offer security from
are now seeking out additional strategies to stay connected 24 cyberattacks. More advanced ML techniques are being used to
hours a day [4]. According to a report, ML tools help service collect massive amounts of information and analyze them in
providers manage data gathered from various resources and real-time for effective interpretation and output owing to
endorse the investigation and identification of patterns in the enhanced research and development [7].
raw data; furthermore, deep learning tools are becoming
Because of this, the use of ML methods permits in
further popular as they help the wireless network achieve
resolving a variety of data storage functions, which aids in
greater intelligence [3].
more accurate data analysis. The ML technology makes it
ML and communication are now receiving more and more possible to find the pertinent data and details. The main
interest. On the one hand, ML is seen as a viable answer for benefits of adopting ML are that it helps automate the crucial
many contemporary communication challenges with massive process in the wireless communication network, collects data
data volumes and high dimensionality due to its effective and information from many resources, and utilizes a variety of
implementation in image identification, natural language algorithms to analyze the data in order to assess the patterns of
processing, and game playing [1]. To address the learning the present and the future [22]. The ML approaches for
problem's bottlenecks, like the system’s accountability and effective decision-making method also assist in analyzing the

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2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)

channel error features, distributing resources properly, advantageous spectral bands, simply depend on energy
identifying the difficulties effectively, routing of networks, efficiency learning and implication to regulate transmission
and defending from cyber-attacks, according to experts in power, and concurrently modify the transmission guidelines
communication networking. The organization can using quality of service learning and implication. Therefore,
successfully deliver better and more smart communication we quickly go over the fundamental ideas of ML and suggest
networks thanks to the stability and persistence of ML using them in appealing 5G network applications, such as
technologies [23]. cognitive radios, huge MIMOs, femto cells, heterogeneous
networks, smart grids, energy harvesting, device-to-device
The key causes restricted to the research are ML- communications, and so on [20]. In order to access previously
influenced hotspot control, recognition of crucial congestion untapped applications and services, our aim is to help readers
points, spectrum accessibility, and control. The research is improve the rationale, issue framing, and technique of potent
limited to making a crucial determining factor of smart ML algorithms in the case of good networks.
wireless communication through the implementation of ML.
Modern cellular networks will inexorably incorporate
II. LITERATURE REVIEW cellular-connected UAVs as novel aerial mobile customers.
Nearly every field of science and technology is being By giving UAVs cellular connectivity, a wide range of uses,
revolutionized by the recent surge of AI. It is predicted that the from online video streaming to medical delivery, will be made
bulk of smart implementations would be enforced at the edge possible [21]. Nevertheless, a number of issues, including
of wireless networks given the prevalence of smart mobile and interference control, mobility management and handover,
IoT devices. The creation of an "intelligent edge" to facilitate cyber-physical threats, and identification, must be tackled in
AI empowered apps at diverse edge systems has sparked huge order to provide the UAVs with dependable wireless
attention in light of this approach [8]. As a result, a brand-new connectivity and secure functioning. The purpose of this essay
field of study known as edge learning has appeared and is is to highlight the wireless and security problems that occur
revolutionizing the fields of wireless communication and ML. when real-time multimedia streaming, delivery systems based
To surmount the restricted computing and data resources at on UAVs, and intelligent transportation systems with UAV
each edge device is a key subject in edge learning [17]. This is support are all taken into consideration. Such problems are
achieved by utilizing the mobile edge computing platform and addressed using ANN-based solution strategies [15]. The
taking use of the vast amounts of information dispersed among strategies that have been presented allow UAVs to utilise
numerous edge devices. In such platforms, connecting among wireless system resources in a flexible manner while yet
the edge server and devices and understanding from dispersed maintaining real-time operational security. The advantages of
information are two critical and connected attributes, and their the proposed approaches for each of the following cellular-
collaboration presents various research queries. connected UAV application usage scenarios are demonstrated
by initial simulation results.
For the purpose of building wireless communication
systems, channel modelling is essential. It is usual practice to III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
collect a large amount of data on channel measurements before In order to conduct the research, the researchers use a
utilizing statistical techniques to determine the proper channel quantitative research methodological approach. The project's
models [9]. Modern mobile communications allow for high primary goal is to better understand how ML techniques might
bandwidth physical layer transmission for highly mobile improve the effectiveness of intelligent wireless
communications by layering channel estimate on top of communication [11]. Almost 161 replies were collected to the
channel modelling. Many difficult application situations are questions that the researchers planned to utilize to gather
emerging for the various IoT and the upcoming 5G, and it is information from the participants. The investigators also
crucial to develop a more effective approach for channel employ secondary data sources to comprehend the prior
modelling and channel estimate. ML has effectively shown research done and to comprehend the numerous factors that
how to handle massive data effectively in the interim. This influence smart wireless communication in the present
work introduces the use of machine learning to support situations [12]. According to numerous academics, the old
channel modelling and channel estimation using data from a communication system cannot accommodate the variety of
literature review. applications that end users are increasingly seeking. As a
We shall summarize big data analysis and ML in this result, integrating revolutionary ML techniques can
paper, as well as how they might be used in wireless networks. effectively improve overall speed and coverage [13]. In order
Then, we apply big data analysis to forecast what mobile users to improve intelligent wireless communication, the suggested
will need and then take advantage of that information to framework tries to assist in impacting the relevant hotspots.
enhance "social network-aware wireless" performance [10]. Additionally, the congested areas are properly managed in
Especially, a consolidated paradigm for big data-enabled ML order to improve services and meet consumer needs. In order
that combines feature extraction, data modelling, and to offer good services to end customers, the approach is also
prediction is suggested. The key advantages of this suggested centered on assessing spectrum availability and general
framework are that we may improve the inspiration, problem management. Basic descriptive analysis, analysis of variance
formulations, and approach of potent ML algorithms in the and regression analysis are the three main types of analysis
setting of wireless networks by focusing on massive data that that the researchers utilize while analyzing the data using the
represents both the spectrum and other difficult demands of IBM SPSS software (ANOVA).
users [6].
A. Research Questions
One of the most intriguing AI methods, ML was developed x Does ML have an effect on how hotspots are managed
to assist smart radio interfaces. Emerging smart 5G mobile and how that affects intelligent wireless
stations are anticipated to employ advanced spectral efficiency communication?
training and implication to independently obtain the most

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2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)

x Does ML have an effect on identifying key congestion Not at all important 22 7.3
sites and intelligent wireless communication?
Less important 11 9.1
x Will spectrum control and accessibility have a
favourable effect on the effectiveness of intelligent Neutral 3 3.2
wireless communication? Important 66 50.3
IV. RESULTS Highly important 59 30.1
In this part, the researchers give a careful analysis of the Total 161 100
information gathered from the participants for the research
using techniques including descriptive analysis, regression
analysis, and ANOVA.
A. Descriptive Analysis
According to the research in Table 4.1, 36.1% of the
respondents agreed that ML methods are crucial to the claim
that they can improve the precision of intelligent wireless
systems. Additionally, another 37.2% cited it as an important
statement; as a result, it is consistent with the results of the
earlier research, which showed that ML helps improve the
precision and speed of wireless communications. In addition,
11.2% of the participants disagreed strongly with the
statement, 4.3% disagreed, and 11.2% were ambivalent about
it. Fig. 4.1 displays how AI aids wireless communication.
Table 4.1: ML results in greater accuracy
ML facilitates better Frequency Percent Fig. 4.2. ML facilitates in deploying sources
B. Regreesion equation
Not at all important 26 11.2 The regression equation is framed as Y (intelligent
Less important 8 4.3 wireless communication) = 0.134 + 0.347 × management of
hotspots + 0.353 × critical congestion points + 0.201 ×
Neutral 26 11.2 spectrum availability and management as shown in table 4.3.
Important 51 37.2 Table. 4.3. Regression analysis
Highly important 50 36.1 Regression B t P
Total 161 100 value
Constant .312 .542 .067
Management of hotspots .246 3.214 0.102
Critical congestion points .367 4.237 0.023
Spectrum availability and .189 .318 0.125
R .359
R squared .860
Adj. R Squared .734

Evaluating the analysis of variance to comprehend the
Fig. 4.1. Chart showing how AI supports wireless study questions is the third phase of analysis.
RQ 1. Does ML have an effect on how hotspots are
According to the study in Table 4.2, 30.1% of the
managed and how that affects smart wireless
participants said that ML assists in the deployment of
resources, and 50.3% said that it is important. Thus, this is
consistent with earlier findings. Fig. 4.2 illustrates how AI aids It can be inferred from the analysis in Table 4.4 that there
in resource deployment. is an important relationship between smart wireless
communication and the control of hotspots because the P
Table. 4.2. ML facilitates in deploying sources.
value is 0.001, which is less than 0.05.
Supports in deploying sources Frequency Percent

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2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)

Table. 4.4. ANOVA between smart wireless implement new techniques to demonstrate their value and cut
communication and control of hotspots. down on latency. It has been suggested that ML tools give
ANOVA SS df Mean F Sig. service providers the ability to handle the data gathered from
square multiple resources, which aids in the analysis and
identification of raw data samples. Additionally, deep
Between 267.534 5 33.278 215.638 .001
learning techniques are gaining more attention since they
groups enable the wireless network to offer good intelligence [16].
Within 65.872 152 1.267 From data to brain activities, ML systems use sophisticated
groups algorithms and neural network architectures. By effectively
Total 333.406 157 managing latency and damage concerns, creating abilities,
RQ 2. Does ML have an effect on identifying key and many other areas, these future developments assist
congestion sites and smart wireless communication? service providers in satisfying client expectations.
It can be inferred from the study in Table 4.5 that there is a
substantial correlation among smart wireless communication VI. CONCLUSION
and key congestion spots because the P value is 0.001, More advanced ML techniques are being utilized to gather
which is less than 0.05. and evaluate massive volumes of information in real-time for
Table. 4.5. ANOVA between smart wireless communication effective processing and production as research and
and crucial bottleneck points development activities rise. Users may find pertinent data and
ANOVA SS df Mean F Sig. information using ML technology. It was thought that the key
square benefits of adopting ML were its assistance in the automation
of crucial wireless communication network activities, the
Between 267.534 5 32.165 221.573 .001 gathering of data from various resources, and the application
groups of various methods. According to network experts, ML
Within 65.872 152 1.356 techniques for potent decision-making also enable channel
groups error analysis, optimally create resources, recognize effective
Total 333.406 157 issues, administer networks, and offer security from
cyberattacks. It should be emphasized that management can
successfully deliver smarter and more efficient
RQ 3. Will spectrum control and accessibility have a
communication networks and that ML techniques are more
favorable effect on the effectiveness of smart wireless stable and sustainable.
It can be inferred from the analysis in Table 4.6 that there is Each author gave a substantial contribution in the
an important relationship between smart wireless acquisition, analysis and data interpretation. Each author had
communication and spectrum accessibility and control a part in preparing the article for drafting and revising it
because the P value is 0.001, which is less than 0.05. critically for important intellectual content. Each author gave
final approval of the version to be published and agreed to be
Table 4.6: ANOVA between smart wireless communication accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that
and spectrum accessibility and control questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the
work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
The study had some restrictions, such as the limited
Between 267.534 5 31.263 153.392 .001 amount of time available, the possibility of responder bias,
groups and the fact that it primarily focused on wireless network
Within 65.872 152 1.401 systems.
Total 333.406 157 The study's future focus will be on how to improve
wireless communication using additional digital tools like
V. DISCUSSION automation, robots, and deep learning. The research may also
The main goals of the application of ML techniques are to use different statistical techniques to assess how well the
establish flexible node placements, enable data and applications work. Additionally, the researchers can confirm
information gathering, analyze models, and predict the the results using other crucial variables.
provision of quality service. Utilizing these techniques lowers
costs and encourages resource utilization effectiveness.
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