Spipa Paper 3

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H4: 0:O0 ll 3:0o Q2-00

3lo ?

(1) sal es (3) 6?lc
(8) (U) u t u (S) Hlol u



(3 )

ol u?

ollol leui

(2) dsil-3 di sllal Hà

sHl1l 4celso B`CIG ( Performance
Appraisal Report) d
(3) A82lot -2, qsi-3 oti
8Áiall s4ll HcigoH0 "Ycel sot "ltrtoll q1s

(3) ycR LEl3/3 ul sHi Sl seU oLSL? scll? (........

(u) ql-3 ol s u l l aLds 4cist yiud szl

4CHi Ucl? (......
(9) leu sole ulsil stal GrulE5rll otl
Hu0sol oll HEH J Ylal. (......

32cl q HE HO? (.......

yqlol: () 9 4lH (?) yeR5d 524i (3)q4 (3) 24 ()3/U

(S) loll Ht ol (otel (9) Huu2t clllu (<)yUES el aà (é) 1/8/4U (40) 00
Offce of the Commissioner of Education, 1, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, 1" Floor, (10)
Sector 10, Gandhinagar has written a letter to the office the District Education
Officer, Ahmedabad Rural, Multi-storeyed Building, Vastrapur, Bodakdev,
District Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad, instructing to send the information regarding
posts/receipts pending for disposal for more than one month's period. It was also
mentioned to provide the requisite information within time period of Seven Days.
A Period of 15 days has passed even though the Office of the DEO, Ahmedabad
has not provided requisite information. Write a simple reminder letter to the
office of the DEO, Ahmedabad in English language.

() l.4-09-C8 () cl.?-09-09 (3) cll.4-09-e9 (S) l.99-0c-c8

y-¬ (4)

(s) la gsa (s) la dogs

(4) 42%
(O) UO%
(8) 8e%
(S) 2sialol ucll 3\8 4eilEl GLJ USl otel.
yaRUEl (Seniority list) asd

(S) alel Guacu sula Auol

yo:auíali llu (Re-adjusfed dates)

() 5q (4) dlci q (5) uil q (S) 9 q

(3) l2oll dell Gueel d al à, Guell geloll ealol Ga
(s) GLarl H} s2\ll yazrl (Seniority) asAUA GLSLt ol2ll

(8) uiEll e l i lel la, dolHi aloll sAUloll iai^lll yarll

(8) 84 2lHoli? uasil

(3) H
(3) oll A ll (e) Guala(uge) ud Gualals) .
(a) Guale(4)

(S) olllG alla()

( )ole4 Rselo sl
(3) 28%ol 4Qsil (4)

(4) aoll qua

(3) 4EGl qud

(3) GWloll otel

(U) 2ilt 4EEole (PA)
(5) i i a(PS)

(9) yotolHejs cua Gual .

() 3 (3) ?
(S) c

(9) RGu? ill-l sl

cl.: 29/OYR0NG y-3
RA: O:00 ell o1:00

(S) G
i !,


Office Vemo.. A Dated.

Shri.....is absented hirnself frorn dúty

recelpt of thisbetween. .and.why. .Hhise iswanting
one week from the data hereby requested to reply withirn
Considered as deiberate abserce Imerno., from duty should, nct be
froin duty and cause of sction taken against bim,
-8y order;
Shri. Designation
(Designation &oftice)

(Pending Cases)oll H-l lsadioj lal a Gl D.

AiclzilsoË cl l.

Scanned by CamScannet
A 4llu SAg B H SMg

A galotl ast

A aREl síul

l ?

A a(Fit) B e (Unfit)

B WIlol ast

A lRlae. B Gat UoC, isla uilgu/GUa

C yadet si5, lLal.alualas

A q-3 ialalFeeder Posli HRl B-3 jqil Higher/Upper l!

(Qsu yà EgÍad)
1 . g-3 áall Feeder Post 2l geioll GuGl qi.3 aoll n(Upper Post) 4:2

B alaal Qauol ala

Huè, lucl-aetol
B8lel Queis


ll.: ?VOe/R0G seenee

HA:Y:00 ll 49:00


V-3 (14)


slol oiG? 3
. s. sal, aaaS / MsH

1) ll ..8.
2) ll .l.E.
3) ll .g.a.
4) ll a.a.s.
5) l le.A.

B) Office of Commissioner
of Health & Medical Education, Block No. 5, Dr. Jivraj Mehta (10)
Bhavan, 1 Floor, Sector 10, Gandhinagar has written a letter to the office the District
Health Officer, Rajkot, Multi-storeyed Building, Athva lines, Teen Batti, District Rajkot,
Rajkot, instructing to send the information regarding number of patients registered of
Dengue, Malaria and Swine Flu during last three months. It was also mentioned to provide
the requisite information within time period of Seven Days. APeriod of 15 days has passed
even though the Officeof the D.H.O., Rajkot has not provided requisite information. Write
a Simple Reminder Letter to the office of the D.H.O.,Rajkot in English language. (use the
addresses given above)

All ?

y43- 3
H, 2i|0-20e

Scanned by CamScanner


- (Fl?

MI, -2- l<99

VAUA-3 (ytrtsl q•\2)

ualu: eEINO/RO?0
Ha: 2O:00 ll :00 g 200

yauld seUsAdL l l amaul aloal (Press-Note) yual sal.

() 2192l HRSlRol qo[-9 o qol-e oll ulslllol (PAR) SL4ll yceisd

HL} ?
(?) q-1 lo qoí-2ol PAR Online Hl2oll llt oyoll uele-4
H0 ge a2u

udi d ail
(3) qoÍ-q ud qaf-2ol alsloll AeloL PAR AUAl 2grol ucls?

(8) 1 l

(4) a2s1l
(S) qf-3 ol

sÁal RTI, 2004

Ulcl QU?gU
(9) PAR oiln0

usl Al G

621Qcu & ?
olHtoll 2s1al SG 1Y % 9.
(?) qof-q el ql-y Hi l l e2lui Bcail (Qsci) 4Á uo(Hdol esaul

(Vacancy based)(eLAAlll 28.


(3) Gucl x uR Hall L} uisl s2u Hà ulol ollAl "ll" (Fit) 6da

(S) ql- Hiel qs-3 oll l u? qol-3 Hil ql-3 l 6ucl , ql-3 Hill

(3) 12l H2SZU YEL YEL aiqsil uas1lslul yaed dae sl

as sful l (ua.s) 4ol ylol Auiloll Sl2? tL.0/VR020

following sentences making necessary changes. (Any Five)
(4) Rewrite the
Twill be grateful if you could "send
your opinion at the earliest.
reported to government regularly.
(2) Taken action in this matter would be
(3) The matter might be submitted for orders of
disagree to the suggestion
(4) In view of circumstances stated above we may not
viewed here after
(5) Non-completion of these orders will be severely
(6) This may be taken on top priority
(7) Application received later on will not be attended
. . - s t.. ....
^lol ctl &s: 0201-28XO910,65-)Bc:
splpartcrajkot@yaloo.co.in d4UBe :wwwsplpa gujaratyov. n



Appraisal Report) iT\ol otcll sueloll d l 0LCL.

(Sections), 58 s6 oloto aJlrli oll 4 llsl KL.


ul, OR/09/2005
G oll a2lci? ilJileell2Ql 1g? Stdl
(3) 22 ql e8 qd,
() Rsl l s l v / s l o l aS iqsil slul ycicll e1! (rial eicoriv tia


lll Eal da 2i519H0 Office memorandum (5l uel)ol ycl ytulo,

(olelct ot4oll (0)


office Memo.
Shri.... is absented himself from duty
one week from the date receipt of this
between...and....He is hereby requested to reply within
memo., why his wanting frorm duty should. not be
considered as deliberate absence from duty and cause of action talken against hin.
By order,
To. Designation
(Designation &office)

(Pending Cases)oll uledl sClo eal Guel .


A ll Sgl B HU SNS

A 501loll ast B lclloll asl

Dol al loelol gololl Hela

al3a ?

D Gu? A Bud CHH } l

llo, Gelrt? sUR tleelol


(lseu yal calccd)

lloll ast
A saotl clsl
B lb (Unfit)
A e sl(Fit)
ullo, Gycl
qof-3 oll iaolotlellQsllus
3 col-1, qol-? o

D l HR512

5 qol-3 iqalol qa-3 Feeder le uzi aiqoil Guell (ipper) rou 4? all vatu

A qoí-3 dqolo Feeder Postoll eRll B ql-3 iqsll Higher/upper loll


(aseu yl Ealaal)
Y. ql-3 lc\ol Feeder Post Mrll
Reoll 64el cqoí-3 iloll Post)

A HAA-(o4ejs uas
B aslcl deustoll 2l
B A l qalotg-l udut

B olalel GuBjs Hè, olucl-seul

allell Guejs 4ol sa.

52l cua, Aelo, UISRBlol

UA-3 (idst q2)

AMA: 20:00 ll Q:00 65 ei2:

! 00

- -

5Ldat ?
(Vacancy based) liQalal ? .
48 %

y2e YI
(Vacaney based)(Geuqdiel!a . V a y


Volldll e ?



iiu 2




te! *en acitn i: tiis ra:tur wc::id b repodac to governneri rYguiary.
i) ne malter mighi be subtitiec for orders oi gOVerhien.
{* *iEW of circumsiances siat: shove we may rot dis:1grse to the suçyeicr
3} No-compleion of se ordes wW ba sevareiy viewed ners aeT
(6) This may be taken on inp
{ Applicatio, eceived iater on
wl rot be attended

spi mat t Hhoe eaest



Aeriatim atdst atonlel

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