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Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237

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Overview of strategies for enhanced treatment of municipal/domestic

wastewater at low temperature
Hexi Zhou a, Xin Li a, Guoren Xu a,b,⁎, Huarong Yu a
State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
National Engineering Laboratory for Sustainable Sludge Management & Resourcelization Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China


• Enhanced treatment of low temperature

wastewater is necessary to meet stricter
• Mechanisms of the effects of low tem-
perature on wastewater treatment are
• Strategies for enhanced treatment of
municipal wastewater at low tempera-
ture are systematically summarized.
• Novel process/technology configura-
tions provide attractive alternatives for
performance intensifications at low

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biological wastewater treatment has been widely applied to municipal/domestic wastewater treatment systems.
Received 25 March 2018 However, low temperature significantly decreases process performance. Furthermore, increasingly stringent ef-
Received in revised form 5 June 2018 fluent discharge standards are causing wastewater treatment facilities to have to improve and maintain contam-
Accepted 8 June 2018
inants removal under low temperature. Hence, this review aims to summarize strategies for enhanced treatment
Available online 21 June 2018
of municipal/domestic wastewater at low temperature. First, mechanisms of the effects of low temperature on
Editor: Jay Gan wastewater treatment, including physiological characteristics, microbial growth rate, microbial activity, micro-
bial community structure and sludge settleability, are analyzed. Strategies for performance intensifications at
Keywords: low temperature, mainly operational parameters regulation, bioaugmentation, biofilm technology, chemical
Low temperature phosphorus precipitation and application of novel process technologies, are then reviewed. Finally, future direc-
Municipal/domestic wastewater tions to address low temperature wastewater are highlighted. A special emphasis is given to the application of
Enhanced treatment novel process/technology configurations to enhance process performance at low temperature in practical
Operational strategies engineering.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
2. Mechanisms of the effects of low temperature on wastewater treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

⁎ Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China.
E-mail address: xgr@hit.edu.cn (G. Xu).

0048-9697/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
226 H. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237

2.1. Physiological characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

2.2. Microbial growth rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
2.3. Microbial activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
2.4. Microbial community structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
2.5. Sludge settleability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
3. Strategies for enhanced treatment of low temperature wastewater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
3.1. Operational parameters regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
3.2. Bioaugmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
3.3. Biofilm technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
3.3.1. Hybrid sludge/biofilm system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
3.3.2. MBBR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
3.3.3. BAF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
3.4. Chemical phosphorus precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
3.5. Novel process technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
4. Future directions to address low temperature wastewater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

1. Introduction However, most WWTPs need to meet regional discharge standards

that are stricter than the secondary standards of US. Furthermore,
Biological wastewater treatment has been widely applied to munic- EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits estab-
ipal/domestic wastewater treatment processes because of its low oper- lish different discharge limits and conditions for municipal wastewater
ation costs, high removal efficiency and lower management treatment facilities. Therefore, regional WWTPs must upgrade current
requirements (Zhou et al., 2016). During the process, organic matter facilities to meet the requirements of new EPA permits. In the
and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from various wastewater European Union (EU), European Commission issued the Urban Waste-
sources are degraded and utilized through microbial metabolism. Tem- water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) and the Water Framework Di-
perature is one of the most important environmental factors influencing rective to regulate discharge of urban wastewater. These requirements
microbial functions in biological wastewater treatment processes. In- have raised the need to retrofit existing WWTPs to meet stricter dis-
deed, temperature can affect biochemical reactions in many ways, charge limits. Beside these directives, the EU members also established
such as reaction rates, reaction pathways, microorganism yields and new, strict effluent discharge standards based on the function and sen-
death rates (Huang et al., 2015). However, because of differences in geo- sitivity of receiving water bodies. In Canada, the government has re-
graphic area (higher latitude or hilly regions) and seasonal changes (en- cently implemented the Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations
tering into winter/spring), wastewater temperature can decrease to 8 that is the first national effluent quality standards. Wastewater systems
°C–15 °C, even below 5 °C, which is common for wastewater treatment that do not meet these standards must upgrade. These high effluent
systems located in a temperate climate. In Canada, wastewater temper- standards require effective removal of organic matter and nutrient
atures in lagoon treatment systems decrease to as low as 4 °C during from wastewater treatment systems. Overall, the increasingly stringent
winter operation (Delatolla et al., 2009), and the temperature at the discharge guidelines have placed great pressure on municipal WWTPs
end of lagoon pond may drop to 1 °C (Hoang et al., 2014b). In view of operators to remove excess contaminants from wastewater at low tem-
cold regions, low temperatures are defined as “1 °C–15 °C”, occurring perature. Accordingly, how to sustain and enhance pollutants removal
in areas including but not limited to most of Canada, North America, of existing facilities at low temperature is an urgent issue for academic
northern Europe (Norway, Denmark and Sweden, etc.), Russia and and engineering fields.
northern China (Wittgren and Mæhlum, 1997). Low temperature se- Given the effects of low temperature on biological wastewater treat-
verely inhibits microbial activity, substrate utilization rate and cell ment and more stringent effluent discharge standards of WWTPs, it is
growth (Pietikäinen et al., 2005), leading to deteriorated process perfor- necessary to improve wastewater treatment efficiency and maintain
mance. As we all know, low temperature can significantly decrease operational stability under low temperature. Furthermore, innovative
wastewater removal efficiency, despite differences in reactor configura- approaches and technologies have been introduced to improve waste-
tions. Therefore, it is still a challenge to maintain and improve process water treatment performance. Unfortunately, there has been few pa-
performance of biological wastewater treatment under low tempera- pers summarizing existing strategies to enhance wastewater
ture conditions. treatment performance at low temperature. Therefore, the main objec-
In recent years, with the sustainable development of global economy tive of this paper is to discuss mechanisms of the effects of low temper-
and increasing environmental protection consciousness of government ature on wastewater treatment, summarize methods and strategies to
and citizens, the discharge standards of pollutants for wastewater treat- enhance the performance of municipal/domestic wastewater treatment
ment have increasingly improved to alleviate water body pollution and under low temperature and provide future directions to address low
protect water environment (Jin et al., 2014). For instance, most munic- temperature wastewater. This review will provide guidance to munici-
ipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in China have been re- pal/domestic WWTPs operators and designers to select appropriate
quired to retrofit existing facilities or upgrade process configurations strategies for performance intensification at low temperature.
to meet the Class 1A of GB 18918-2002 (national standard). Besides
the Class 1A requirement, Beijing, Tianjin and Anhui have issued their 2. Mechanisms of the effects of low temperature on wastewater
own effluent discharge standards (DB 11890-2012, DB 12/599-2015 treatment
and DB 34/2710-2016, respectively), which are more stringent than
the national standard. In the United States (US), Environmental Protec- As mentioned above, temperature is very important to biological
tion Agency (EPA) has implemented national secondary treatment stan- wastewater treatment processes. Most microorganisms in this process
dards for discharges from municipal wastewater treatment facilities. are temperature dependent, with optimum temperatures of 20 °C–35
H. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237 227

°C (Table 1). Therefore, a decrease in wastewater temperature will inev- As a result, microorganism yields decline at low temperature, which
itably affect microbial metabolism and contaminants removal. Specifi- can cause a decrease in biomass in wastewater treatment systems be-
cally, decreases in temperature may lead to physiological cause of the washout and discharge of biomass when operated at con-
characteristics deterioration, microbial growth rate decrease, microbial stant sludge retention times (SRTs). A stable biomass concentration is
activity decline, microbial community structure change and sludge crucial to achieving excellent contaminants removal in biological reac-
settleability deterioration, which will have adverse effects on the perfor- tors. Furthermore, the reaction rate and removal efficiency are closely
mance of wastewater treatment facilities. associated with biomass concentrations in wastewater treatment sys-
tems (Lübbecke et al., 1995). However, as temperature decreases, the
2.1. Physiological characteristics biomass concentration decreases, leading to deterioration of effluent
quality. Although psychrophilic bacteria can efficiently develop func-
Changes in the environment, such as low temperature, can induce tions during optimum low temperatures, the low percentages of
physiological changes to cells. Low temperature negatively affects the psychrotrophs cannot offset the loss of mesophilic bacteria growth
structural and functional properties of cellular components, both phys- that still largely dominates wastewater treatment systems. Therefore,
ically and chemically (Aguilera et al., 2007). Previous studies have as the microbial growth rate drops under low temperature, the biomass
shown that low temperature could change cell membrane structure concentration during the wastewater treatment process still decreases
and composition (Russell and Fukunaga, 1990; Russell, 1990). Mem- quantitatively, which has adverse effects on biological contaminants
branes are composed of phospholipids and proteins in a fluid colloidal removal.
phase that exert biological function. As temperature decreases, cells
will regulate membrane lipid composition, resulting in increased unsat-
urated membrane lipids and decreased branched chain lipids (Bhakoo 2.3. Microbial activity
and Herbert, 1979; Suutari and Laakso, 1993). However, these changes
decrease cell membrane fluidity and permeability and therefore, low Temperature not only affects the growth rates of microorganisms,
temperature leads to loss of biological function (Adams et al., 2010). but also their activities. Specifically, the lower wastewater temperature,
Changes in membrane structure also affect protein function via changes the lower microbial activity, with a 50% reduction for every 10 °C de-
in the liquid enzyme environment. For example, respiratory and trans- cline (Rajeshwari et al., 2000). Biological reaction kinetics in wastewater
port proteins function only in the fluid phase. Decreasing fluidity at treatment systems can generally be expressed by a simplified Arrhenius
low temperature can reduce the activity of proteins, leading to loss of equation. For example, nitrifying kinetics can be expressed with a tem-
substrate transport, which restricts microbial nutrient supply and in- perature correction coefficient (θ = 1.09) at temperatures between 5 °C
hibits microbial growth. It is widely accepted that, as temperature de- and 30 °C (Rusten et al., 1995; Young et al., 2017). Furthermore, bio-
creases below the optimum level, microbes begin to lose substrate chemical reaction processes involved in carbon, nitrogen and phospho-
affinity, leading to lower substrate availability and microbial activity rus removal have different temperature coefficients and therefore,
(Nedwell, 1999). Furthermore, low temperature may damage the ex- reaction rates are closely related to functional organism groups. Previ-
pression of microbial genes in transcription and translation processes ous studies indicated that low wastewater temperature significantly re-
owing to enhanced interactions between the two strands of DNA and strained microbial activities (Salvetti et al., 2006; Zilouei et al., 2006),
the secondary structure of mRNA (Jones and Inouye, 1996). Cold can resulting in the inhibition of microbial metabolism. To our knowledge,
also slow down protein synthesis, leading to decreased enzymatic activ- nitrifying bacteria are very sensitive to temperature changes and low
ity (García-Ríos et al., 2016). These physiological characteristics nega- temperature drastically decreases their activities and nitrification
tively shift to some extent as temperature declines, which has adverse rates. A sharp drop in nitrification rate was found at temperatures
effects on microbial growth and function. lower than 15 °C, with 50% reduction at 12 °C and 100% at 5 °C, and
the optimized activity for nitrification process could be achieved at 15
2.2. Microbial growth rate °C–35 °C (Ducey et al., 2010). Head and Oleszkiewicz (2004) imple-
mented a sudden decrease in temperature from 20 °C to 10 °C in se-
In biological wastewater treatment systems, microbial communities quencing batch reactors (SBRs) and observed that the average
involved in removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus mainly include nitrification rate decreased 58% at 10 °C. The average ammonia removal
aerobic heterotrophs, aerobic nitrifiers (AOB and NOB), heterotrophic rate in laboratory moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs) after long-term
denitrifiers and polyphosphate-accumulating microorganisms (PAOs), exposure to 1 °C was measured to be 18 ± 5.1% as compared to the av-
which have optimum temperatures around 20 °C–35 °C (Table 1). erage removal rate at 20 °C (Hoang et al., 2014a). Besides nitrification,
When environmental temperatures deviate from this range, the growth low temperature can inhibit the activity of denitrifying bacteria, leading
rates of organisms may change. The effect of temperature on the maxi- to a decrease in denitrification rate. Welander and Mattiasson (2003)
mum specific growth rate is commonly described using an Arrhenius reported that the denitrification rate at 3 °C was approximately 55% of
equation. As shown in Table 1, different functional microorganisms that at 15 °C in a stirred lab-scale suspended carrier biofilm reactor.
have different maximum specific growth rates and therefore, tempera- Moreover, incubation temperatures from 22 °C to 4 °C resulted in an ap-
ture causes different impacts on microbial growth rates. Despite differ- proximately 77% decrease in denitrification rates (Pfenning and
ent temperature effects, microbial growth rates generally decrease by McMahon, 1997). These results demonstrate that low temperature can
half for each 10 °C reduction in temperature (Rajeshwari et al., 2000). cause a visible decrease in microbial activity.

Table 1
Kinetic parameters of functional organisms in wastewater treatment systems.

Indication Aerobic heterotrophs Aerobic nitrifiers Heterotrophic denitrifiers PAOs


Growth range of temperature 5 °C–40 °C [1] 5 °C–30 °C [2] 5 °C–40 °C [2] 5 °C–40 °C [1] 5 °C–30 °C [3]
Optimal temperature 15 °C–25 °C [1] 28 °C–32 °C [2] 28 °C–32 °C [2] 34 °C–37 °C [1] 20 °C [5]
Temperature coefficients θ 1.0–1.04 [1] 1.098–1.125 [4] 1.068–1.157 [4] 1.06–1.15 [1] 1.035–1.058 [4]
Specific growth rate μ max 1.2–3.5 d−1 [1] 0.21–1.08 d−1 [1] 0.28–1.44 d−1 [1] 0.48–1.75 d−1 [1] 1.1–1.5 d−1 [6]

References: [1] (Zhang et al., 2000); [2] (Wiesmann et al., 2007); [3] (Brdjanovicab et al., 1998); [4] (Grady Jr et al., 2011); [5] (Mulkerrins et al., 2004); [6] (Wentzel et al., 1989)
228 H. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237

2.4. Microbial community structure 3.1. Operational parameters regulation

Temperature variations also have a significant influence on micro- Operational parameters regulation is the most common and pre-
bial community structure and species richness (Karkman et al., 2011; ferred strategy for enhancing biological wastewater treatment under
Ma et al., 2013). Low temperature can shift the microbial community low temperature. At present, when seasonal temperature drops or low
structure of biological wastewater treatment systems because of differ- temperature shocks occur, WWTPs generally reduce the sludge loading
ences in the sensitivity and resistance of microorganisms under temper- rate and increase their hydraulic retention times (HRTs), SRT and dis-
ature stress. Generally, low temperature decreases microbial solved oxygen (DO) to improve resistance and maintain stable perfor-
community diversity and species richness, which may lead to deteriora- mance (Wu et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2013). The regulation and control
tion of process performance (Chen et al., 2017). For instance, a study of of these process parameters can alleviate the adverse impacts of low
nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in activated sludge revealed that Nitrospira, temperature.
Nitrobacter and a novel cold-adapted nitrite oxidizer responded The increase of HRT is an effective method to enhance wastewater
strongly to temperature changes, and temperature significantly affected treatment of bioreactors, with a longer HRT decreasing the hydraulic
the population structure of NOB despite their coexistence in the WWTP loading rate and increasing the biochemical reaction time, thereby im-
(Alawi et al., 2009). Karkman et al. (2011) found that bacterial species proving the removal efficiency of wastewater under low temperature.
richness in a fixed bed bioreactor decreased when temperature declined In a membrane coupled expended granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor
from 10 °C to 5 °C. Although Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira have tradi- for domestic wastewater treatment, when the HRT increased from 3.5
tionally been considered as the main bacteria for ammonia oxidation to 5.7 h, the total COD removal increased from 76% to 81% at 11 °C
in biological nitrogen removal (BNR) systems, Nitrosospira are usually (Chu et al., 2005). Bodı́k et al. (2002) concluded that the COD removal
present at temperatures lower than 15 °C because of higher resistance efficiency in an upflow anaerobic filter (UAF) depended on HRT values
to low temperature than Nitrosomonas (Siripong and Rittmann, 2007; at lower temperatures (5 °C–8 °C). For anaerobic treatment of domestic
Zhang et al., 2011). In an enhanced biological phosphorous removal sewage, HRTs approximately doubled with every 10 °C decrease
(EBPR) system, low temperature was found to shift the microbial com- (Zeeman and Lettinga, 1999). Furthermore, a longer HRT in bioreactors
munity from glycogen accumulating organisms (GAOs) to phosphorous is better for achieving complete nitrification and denitrification at low
accumulating organisms (PAOs), which is beneficial to maintenance temperature. In a biological aerated filter (BAF) system treating low
and improvement of EBPR performance under low temperature temperature wastewater (6.5 °C), the nitrification rate increased from
(Oehmen et al., 2007; Panswad et al., 2003). These results imply that 30% to 54% and 95% for HRTs of 0.5 h, 1 h and 2 h, respectively (Ha
low wastewater temperature can significantly affect microbial commu- et al., 2010). These increases in HRT appear to partially counteract the
nity structure. loss of nitrification rate with temperature drop.
SRT control is necessary to maintain process performance when sys-
2.5. Sludge settleability tems suffer from low temperature conditions. A long SRT is conducted
by the increase of sludge return ratio or enlargement of returned sludge
The activated sludge process is the most commonly used technology volume to achieve high biomass concentration in bioreactors, decrease
for biological wastewater treatment. A good settling sludge is necessary the sludge loading rate and allow the enrichment of slow growing nitri-
for achieving good effluent quality. However, low temperature obvi- fying bacteria. High biomass concentrations are effective to alleviate the
ously affects sludge settleability, leading to poor solids-liquid separa- decreasing metabolic rate and microbial activity at low temperature. A
tion. This is mainly attributed to excessive extracellular polymeric prolonged SRT lessened the influence of low temperature in a SBR for si-
substances (EPS) production. Because microbial metabolic activity is multaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) (Guo et al., 2013). A
low at low temperature, organic carbon from wastewater cannot membrane bioreactor (MBR) can retain a high biomass concentration
completely be utilized and therefore, some compounds are converted and be operated with a long SRT, which can achieve good treatment
to polysaccharides. Previous studies indicated that microorganisms pro- properties even at low temperatures (Kishino et al., 1996). Adjusting
duced large amounts of EPS to protect cells against adverse low temper- the SRT is an effective method for efficient nitrogen removal, with
ature stress (Ma et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2010; Wilén et al., 2008). around 45% longer SRT required at 10 °C compared to 20 °C (Kos, 1998).
Excessive EPS are detrimental to the physicochemical properties of mi- DO is an important operational parameter in biological wastewater
crobial aggregates, such as floc structure, surface charge and settling treatment processes, because it has significant effects on the behavior
characteristics. Furthermore, increasing EPS content may bring more and activity of microorganisms living in bioreactors (Holenda et al.,
bound water into microbial aggregates, resulting in porous floc struc- 2008). Specifically, DO concentrations can be raised to optimize and im-
ture with low density, which significantly influences sludge settleability prove contaminants removal at low temperature. High DO levels not
(Yang and Li, 2009). Moreover, as temperature decreases, the viscosity only enhance oxygen mass transfer, but also improve the affinity of sub-
of activated sludge increases, leading to decreased settling velocity of strates to microorganisms, partially offsetting the adverse effects of low
sludge flocs and hence poor settleability (Guo et al., 2013). As a result, temperature. Previous studies indicated that higher DO concentrations
low temperature can cause poor sludge settleability, leading to deterio- could enhance the rate of nitrification (Pochana and Keller, 1999;
ration of process performance. Stenstrom and Poduska, 1980), which could decrease the effects of
low temperature. Increasing oxygen supply in a membrane separation
3. Strategies for enhanced treatment of low temperature bioreactor for domestic wastewater could completely recover nitrifica-
wastewater tion at 10 °C and the average nitrogen removal returned to 90% and
85% under 10 °C and 5 °C, respectively (Chiemchaisri and Yamamoto,
As mentioned above, low temperature can change physiological 1993). These results indicated that sufficient oxygen transfer could be
properties of cells, microbial growth rate, microbial activity, microbial used to achieve good performance even if the temperature was as low
community structure and sludge settleability, leading to deteriorated as 5 °C.
wastewater treatment performance. However, drops in temperature Operational parameters regulation (HRT, SRT and DO) has been uti-
are common because of seasonal climate changes. The effects of low lized as an effective method to improve effluent quality at low temper-
temperature on municipal/domestic wastewater treatment systems ature. However, modification of parameters may cause other
have frequently been studied, but there is still a need to summarize ef- operational problems in bioreactors. For instance, a longer SRT often
fective strategies for enhanced treatment of wastewater under low leads to higher sludge loading of secondary clarifiers and no easier sep-
temperature. aration from liquid (Krhutková et al., 2006). Moreover, a higher DO may
H. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237 229

produce higher energy costs and lower settling efficiency. Therefore, and aerobic-denitrification consortiums in SBRs, the total nitrogen re-
these negative factors should also be considered when optimizing and moval was greatly enhanced at 10 °C, which demonstrated excellent po-
regulating operational parameters to resist low temperature shock. tential application in practical domestic wastewater treatment through
bioaugmentation (Zou et al., 2014).
3.2. Bioaugmentation Another bioaugmentation method is immobilization technique. This
tool can successfully protect microorganisms from grazing and reduce
Bioaugmentation is generally an effective way to improving biologi- biomass washout. Immobilization technology has been shown to be
cal wastewater treatment performance at low temperature. By intro- an effective bioaugmentation way because of higher biomass concen-
ducing selected pure strains/mixed cultures (such as psychrophilic tration, higher activity of cell, more stable performance of bioreactors
bacteria) into bioreactors, the amount and activity of functional bacteria and easier separation from liquid (Xu et al., 2018). Attachment, contain-
can be reinforced, and therefore pollutants removal can be significantly ment and encapsulation are three methods of immobilization for bio-
enhanced despite adverse ambient temperatures. In recent years, bio- logical wastewater treatment. A pilot-scale internal circulation aerobic
augmentation technology has been comprehensively applied to munic- bioreactor (ICABR) with screened psychrotrophs immobilized on poly-
ipal/domestic wastewater treatment to meet stricter requirements of urethane foam treating domestic wastewater showed excellent organic
effluent discharge in cold regions (Table 2). matter removal at 4 °C (Xu et al., 2018), which proved that microbial in-
There have been serval bioaugmentation methods implemented to tensification with immobilized psychrotrophs was a feasible strategy for
wastewater treatment processes under low temperature. Directly intro- improving removal efficiency at low temperature. Vacková et al. (2011)
ducing pure strains/mixed cultures into wastewater treatment systems demonstrated that strains of Paracoccus denitrificans, Pseudomonas
is the most common method. Guo et al. (2010) added specialized mixed fluorescenes or mixed cultures of psychrophilic denitrifiers encapsulated
bacteria into biological municipal wastewater treatment processes at in PVA pellets could be implemented into the full-scale denitrification
low temperature and demonstrated that bioaugmentation was a suc- process to improve nitrogen removal at low temperature. By embed-
cessful strategy to accelerate start-up and ensure daily stable perfor- ding pellets with psychrophilic strains (heterotrophic nitrifying and
mance for practical application of facilities. Krhutková et al. (2006) aerobic denitrifying bacteria) into subsurface wastewater infiltration
described a method of in situ bioaugmentation of nitrification in a full- systems (SWISs), sewage treatment performance (such as NH+ 4 -N,
scale plant through returning the activated sludge located into a regen- NO− 3 -N and TN removal) significantly improved at low temperature
eration tank. Results indicated that poor performance of nitrification at (Liu et al., 2018). This embedding bioaugmentation strategy ap-
low temperature (b13 °C) could be fully compensated by enhancing the peared to be better than direct-dosing bioaugmentation because of
nitrifying population in the activated sludge system. Because of the less inoculation loss. Immobilized bioaugmentation can also be suc-
characteristics of cold-adaptive bacteria, bioaugmentation by inoculat- cessfully applied by MBRs, in which the membrane module prevents
ing these cold-adaptive microorganisms into biological wastewater washout of inoculated specialized strains from the bioaugmented
treatment systems has been conducted in cold regions. In an intensified system (Herrero and Stuckey, 2015). Although this method has not
synthetic wastewater treatment process in which screened deep-sea been used for municipal/domestic wastewater treatment at low
psychrotolerant strains were inoculated into an aerobic dynamic mem- temperature, a bioaugmented MBR for treatment of other types of
brane bioreactor (ADMBR) (Huang et al., 2015), better performance was wastewater under adverse conditions was recently found to run
achieved at low temperatures, revealing that bioaugmentation with well, implying that coupling bioaugmentation with MBRs is an
psychrotolerant strains was a feasible strategy to improve wastewater effective alternative to municipal wastewater treatment at low
treatment performance. By coupling enriched autotrophic-nitrification temperature.

Table 2
Application of bioaugmentation technology for municipal/domestic wastewater treatment at low temperature.

Bioaugmentation source Bioreactor Temperature Performance variation Reference


Nitrifiers A2 O 14 The ammonia removal efficiency increased (Pei et al., 2015)

by 25%, and specific ammonia utilizing rate and
specific nitrite utilizing rate increased by 1.86 and
1.90 times.
Specialized mixed bacteria A/O, SBR, Oxidation 13 ± 2, 13 ± 2, 12 ± 2 The effluent quality met the Class 1B of GB (Guo et al., 2010)
ditch 18918‐2002.
Nitrifying bacteria from regenerated Activated sludge winter: 10–13 The ammonia nitrogen elimination was higher than (Krhutková et al., 2006)
return sludge process 90%.
Two deep-sea psychrotolerant strains ADMBR 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 Higher removal efficiency for COD, NH+ 4 -N, TN, TP (Huang et al., 2015)
15, 12, 10, 7, 5 at 15 °C or lower.
Enriched autotrophic-nitrification and SBR 10 The maximum specific nitrifying/denitrifying rate (Zou et al., 2014)
aerobic-denitrification consortiums reached 8.85 and 32.93 mg N/g SS/h. SBR achieved
a higher TN removal rate of 3.3 mg N/L/h.
Nitrifying biomass treating warm centrate SBR 10 Effluent NH+ 4 -N concentrations were b5 mg/L. (Head and Oleszkiewicz,
Paenibacillus sp.XP1 Constructed 15–21 The removal efficiencies were 73% for COD, 94% for (Shao et al., 2013)
wetland NH+4 -N and 78% for TN.
Screened psychrotrophs strains ICABR 4, winter: 4–10, summer: The effluent COD maintained among 31–58 mg/L, (Xu et al., 2018)
immobilized on PUF 20–28 resulting in 83%–90% COD removal at 4 °C.
Paracoccus denitrificans, Pseudomonas SBR 15, 10, 8, 5 The specific denitrification rate varied from 26.2 to (Vacková et al., 2011)
fluorescens 297 mg NO− 3 -N/kg pellets/h or 2.4 to 36.6 mg
and mixed culture of psychrophilic NO−3 -N/g proteins/h.
encapsulated into PVA
Seven psychrophilic strains SWIS 22 ± 2, 15 ± 2, 12 ± 2 The average effluent concentrations of NH+ 4 -N, (Liu et al., 2018)
(heterotrophic nitrifying NO−3 -N,
and aerobic denitrifying bacteria) TN and COD embedding bioaugmentation
were 4.48, 9.67, 14.56 and 27.57 mg/L at 12 °C.
230 H. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237

However, bioaugmentation is still at the risk of bioaugmentation low temperature and proved that MBBR was a useful alternative for en-
failures. For example, it is often reported that a significant increase in hancing denitrification performance in a cold climate. Besides second-
bioreactor performance after bioaugmentation is only maintained for ary treatment, MBBR has been identified as a potential tertiary unit for
a short time. Owing to competition or inhibition, selected strains often ammonia removal in cold climates. Young et al. (2016) demonstrated
lose their abilities shown in the laboratory pure cultures conditions that ammonia effluent concentrations below 5 mg/L in a MBBR system
(Herrero and Stuckey, 2015). These practical operational problems could be achieved at 1 °C, a critical temperature for tertiary treatment
should be considered when applying bioaugmentation methods. for lagoons in northern climates. Similar studies also indicated MBBR
technology had significant ammonia removal capacity at 1 °C (Hoang
3.3. Biofilm technology et al., 2014a; Almomani et al., 2014). Hence, this system appears to
have the potential as an upgrade or replacement technology for the en-
To our knowledge, biofilm has the potential to decrease temperature hanced removal of carbon and nitrogen at low temperature.
sensitivity of embedded bacteria. Therefore, filling suspended or fixed
carriers/media to form biofilms is a common method for elevating the 3.3.3. BAF
performance of biological wastewater treatment systems under low BAF, an attached growth treatment system, is widely adopted for en-
temperature. Suspended or fixed carriers/media can provide sufficient hanced wastewater treatment with high removal efficiency and capac-
attachment surfaces for microbial growth and proliferation, and there- ity for organic matter and ammonia. Paffoni et al. (1990) confirmed that
fore highly increase the total amount of biomass. Furthermore, these BAF technology was feasible as a compact tertiary treatment for effluent
carriers allow for the enrichment of slow growing nitrifying bacteria, polishing and allowed to upgrade effluent quality and expand the ca-
which is essential to ammonia oxidation during the wastewater treat- pacity of existing facilities. Payraudeau et al. (2001) studied BAF tech-
ment process. The activities of AOB and NOB on attached carriers have nology as a tertiary treatment in the Davyhulme Wastewater
been reported to be higher than in suspended biomass (Regmi et al., Treatment Works and proved that this technology was an effective
2011). Among these biofilm technologies, hybrid sludge/biofilm system, BNR retrofit capable of highly effective ammonia removal at tempera-
MBBR and BAF are commonly applied to low temperature wastewater tures as low as 7 °C. Hansen et al. (2007) evaluated the process perfor-
treatment. mance of activated sludge and BAF over ten years of full-scale operation
and concluded that BAF could maintain better and more stable nitrifica-
3.3.1. Hybrid sludge/biofilm system tion compared to the activated sludge, particularly at low temperature.
A hybrid sludge/biofilm system is often designated as integrated Because of the advantages for improving and maintaining ammonia re-
fixed-film/activated sludge (IFAS), which is a modification of conven- moval in cold climates, BAF has been identified as a potential solution to
tional activated sludge process (Zhou et al., 2016). This technology com- achieve year round nitrification in Canada, where it may be incorpo-
bines the advantages of suspended activated sludge and attached rated with current lagoon wastewater treatment systems (Delatolla
biofilm, and therefore provides stable and reliable pollutants removal et al., 2010). Ha et al. (2010) investigated temperature effects on nitrifi-
under low temperature. In particular, IFAS can provide year round nitri- cation in BAF and found that BAF had adequate nitrification (95%) at a
fication, which will allow retrofitting existing facilities in cold climates. HRT of 2 h at 6.5 °C. When the HRT was reduced to 1 h, BAF remained
As shown in Table 3, several studies have demonstrated that hybrid high nitrification rate (92%) by recirculating 200% effluent. The high ef-
sludge/biofilm was a reliable and successful alternative to biological fluent quality implied that BAF technology could be used as an add-on
wastewater treatment under cold conditions (Randall and Sen, 1996; process after the aerated lagoons for nitrification under cold weather
Andreottola et al., 2000; Di Trapani et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2016). conditions. However, BAF must be periodically backwashed to remove
Hubbell et al. (2006) implemented a full-scale demonstration of IFAS excess solids, which may increase operational costs and management
using a new fabric media and eight years of operation indicated that requirements.
this retrofitting technology was successful for cold weather nitrification. Taken together, these investigations indicate that biofilm technology
Similar findings also demonstrated a hybrid activated sludge/biofilm is an effective upgrade for improving organic matter and nitrogen re-
process could be efficiently applied to upgrade a conventional activated moval from municipal/domestic wastewater under low temperature.
sludge plant to achieve year round nitrification in a cold climate region However, these biofilm technologies have relatively poor biological
(Di Trapani et al., 2011). Besides enhancement of nitrification and deni- phosphorus removal because of less waste sludge. Therefore, coupling
trification, the experimental results also confirmed that EBPR could be chemical coagulation with biofilm technologies seems to be a valid al-
incorporated successfully into the IFAS system at low temperature (10 ternative for enhancing removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
± 1 °C) (Sriwiriyarat and Randall, 2005b), but this decoupling process in cold climates.
did not appear to efficiently remove phosphorus.
3.4. Chemical phosphorus precipitation
3.3.2. MBBR
MBBR was initially designed as a nitrogen remove system in the Chemical phosphorus precipitation has been widely applied as a re-
1980s (Hem et al., 1994). Because of its advantages of small footprints, liable approach for improving phosphorus removal from municipal/do-
simple operation and efficient removal, MBBR has been applied for car- mestic wastewater. Today, WWTPs that utilize secondary biological
bon removal, as well as for nitrification and denitrification. Recently, wastewater treatment at low temperature often do not remove suffi-
MBBR has been demonstrated to have the potential for achieving and cient amounts of phosphorus to meet stringent effluent standards.
maintaining nitrification at low temperature (Hoang et al., 2014a, Chemical precipitation with metal salts (iron, aluminum and calcium)
2014b; Bjornberg et al., 2009; Ødegaard, 2006; Delatolla et al., 2010). is a common commercial practice to enhance phosphorus removal.
Andreottola et al. (2000) evaluated the performance of a full-scale up- This approach involves the addition of soluble metals salts to wastewa-
grade of an existing wastewater treatment plant using a MBBR system ter and the dissolved cations efficiently bond with soluble phosphorus,
at low temperature (5 °C–15 °C). Results indicated the MBBR system subsequently eliminated by forming precipitated sludge. A study of
was capable of stable and efficient removal, despite seasonal tempera- chemical phosphorus removal showed that coagulant species, coagu-
ture fluctuations. Ødegaard (2006) also found that complete nitrifica- lant dosages and pH were the main factors influencing the process
tion could be achieved at 11 °C for full-scale MBBR applications in (Clark and Stephenson, 1999), and therefore low temperature could
Europe, with nitrification and denitrification rates as high as 1.2 g have less impact on chemical phosphorus precipitation. Nutt (1985)

NH+ 2 2
4 -N/m /d and 3.5 g NO3 -N/m /d, respectively. Welander and found that chemical precipitation was technically and economically fea-
Mattiasson (2003) studied the denitrification process in a MBBR at sible for retrofitting WWTPs to achieve b1.0 mg/L TP. In many practice
H. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237 231

Table 3
Application of biofilm technology for enhanced treatment of municipal/domestic wastewater at low temperature.

Carriers type Bioreactor Temperature Performance variation Reference


Polypropylene Hybrid A2O 26, 22, 18, 14, The average effluent of COD, NH+4 -N, TN and TP were 29.8, 3.9, 10.9 (He et al., 2016a)
sphere filler 10 and 0.45 mg/L with the average removal rate of 84.5%, 91.3%, 78.1%
and 91.8% at 10 °C.
Suspended carriers Hybrid A/O 25, 15, 10 The average removal rates of NH+4 -N and TN were 95.7% and 72% with (Zhou et al., 2016)
the average effluent concentration of 2.4 mg/L and 14.3 mg/L at 10 °C.
AnoxKaldnes K1 IFAS 13–22 The average effluent NH4 -N was 0.37 mg/L at 11 °C–15 °C. The average (Onnis-Hayden et al.,
effluent TP was 1.2 mg/L with influent varying 6–21.7 mg/L. 2011)
BioWeb IFAS The IFAS train removed approximately 20% more ammonia than the other (Hubbell et al., 2006)
activated sludge trains.
AccuWeb fabric IFAS 5–17 The average effluent ammonia was below 0.5 mg/L. (Hubbell and McDowell,
Accuweb media IFAS 10 ± 1 The complete nitrification could be achieved. (Sriwiriyarat and
Randall, 2005a)
Ringlace media IFAS 13 The nitrification rate increased by 125%, attaining 1.75 kg NH4+-N/d/m at (Randall and Sen, 1996)
15 °C. 30%–88% of NO− 3 -N formed in the aerobic zone was denitrified.
Kaldnes™ K1 Hybrid MBBR 9.72, 11.54, The COD loading rates were up to 3.0 kg TCOD/m3/d and 1.8 kg FCOD/m3/d. (Di Trapani et al., 2013)
Kaldnes™ K1 Hybrid MBBR 11.5 The removal efficiency of NH+ 4 -N was 99% with ammonium volumetric (Di Trapani et al., 2011)
loading rates up to 0.15 kg NH+ 3
4 -N/m /d.
Suspended carriers Hybrid 11–20 The nitrification rate was 0.9–1.2 g NH+ 2
4 -N/m /d corresponding to a (Christensson and
sludge/biofilm volumetric rate of 19–23 g NH4+-N/m3/d. Welander, 2004)
FLOCOR-RMP® MBBR 5–15 The organic and ammonia loads were the average 7.9 g COD/m2/d (Andreottola et al., 2000)
and 0.9 g NH+ 2
4 -N/m /d. Typical carbon and nitrogen were 73% and 72% at
temperature lower than 8 °C.
K1 MBBR 3–14 Nitrification rates and denitrification rates were as high as 1.2 g NH+ 2
4 -N/m /d (Ødegaard, 2006)
and 3.5 g NO− 2
3 -N/m /d at 11 °C.
Kaldnes K1 MBBR 3–20 The max denitrification rate varied between 1.54 and 4.6 g NOx−-N/m2/d (Welander and
with NO− −
3 -N of 2.3–4.9 mg/L and NO2 -N of 0.1–0.2 mg/L in the outlet. Mattiasson, 2003)
AnoxKaldnes K5 MBBR 1 The ammonia effluent concentrations were below 5 mg/L, with a maximum (Young et al., 2016)
removal rate of 230 g N/m3/d.
AnoxKaldnes K3 MBBR 1–20 The average ammonia removal were 0.26 and 0.11 kg N/m3/d at 20 °C (Almomani et al., 2014)
and 1 °C, respectively.
K1 MBBR 4.2 The average removal of ammonia was over 40%. (Wessman and Johnson,
Plastic module MBBR 7.7–21 The average NH+ 4 -N removal efficiencies were 92.4% below 15 °C and (Bjornberg et al., 2009)
85.6% above 15 °C.
AnoxKaldnes K3 MBBR 20, 5, 1 The nitrification rate at 5 °C was 66 ± 3.9% and 64 ± 3.7% compared (Hoang et al., 2014b)
to the rate at 20 °C. The nitrification rates at 1 °C were 18.7 ± 5.5% and
15.7 ± 4.7% compared to the rate at 20 °C.
AnoxKaldnes K3 MBBR 20, 1 The average ammonia removal rate at 1 °C was 18 ± 5.1% of removal at 20 °C. (Hoang et al., 2014a)
AnoxKaldnes K5 MBBR 20, 1 The average removal rate at 1 °C were 22.8% of the maximum ammonia (Young et al., 2017)
removal rate at 20 °C.
Kaldnes MBBR 3–4 The rates of ammonia removal were approximately 0.21 kg N/m3/d and (Delatolla et al., 2010)
0.14 kg N/m3/d at 8 °C and 4 °C, respectively.
Floating media BAF 7–10 The outlet ammonia concentration always remained below 1 mg/L. (Payraudeau et al., 2001)
Natural zeolite, BAF 20–25, 7–10 Zeolite BAF and expanded clay BAF have COD and NH+ 4 -N removals in the (He et al., 2007)
expanded clay range of 74.5%–88.47% (average of 81.57%), 71.73%–88.49% (average of 81.06%),
71.91%–87.76% (average of 80.49%) and 38.41%–77.17% (average of 65.42%),
respectively, under water temperature of 7 °C–10 °C.
Gravel BAF 6.5 Approximately 95% of NH+ 4 -N was nitrified at a HRT of 2 h. By recirculating (Ha et al., 2010)
200% of the effluent, NH+ 4 -N removal improved from 54% to 92% at a HRT of 1 h.
Floating media BAF 7 The maximal nitrification capacity was about 0.59 kg of formed (Canler et al., 2003)
NO− 3
3 -N/(m of material)/d.
Kaldness BAF 3–4 The rates of ammonia removal were approximately 0.26 kg N/m3/d and (Delatolla et al., 2010)
0.18 kg N/m3/d at 8 °C and 4 °C, respectively.
Expanded schist BAF 12–14 An ammonia load of 0.5 kg N/m3/d was completely oxidized at 13 °C. (Paffoni et al., 1990)
Vitrified clay medium BAF 10.9–23.1 The ammonia removal rate ranged from 72% to 88% at 10.9 °C–15.3 °C. (Stensel et al., 1988)
The effluent TBOD concentrations were b15 mg/L during the operation.
Floating polystyrene BAF 10–17 The monthly average of ammonia was 0.5–1.2 mg/L. The yearly average of (Thøgersen and Hansen,
carrier total nitrogen was 5.4 mg/L. 2000)
Non-woven polyester BAF The average removal of COD, BOD, SS and TKN were 88%, 90%, 91% and 46% in winter. (Abou-Elela et al., 2015)
Floating media BAF 8–18 The ammonia effluent was below 5 mg/L. The yearly average of COD and TN were 58 (Hansen et al., 2007)
mg/L and 8.7 mg/L, respectively.

cases, chemical phosphorus removal is a common supplementation et al., 2014). Despite the widespread use of chemical phosphorus re-
for biological phosphorus removal. In a pilot-scale MBR treating mu- moval, it seems to attract little research interest in wastewater treat-
nicipal wastewater, a final effluent phosphorus concentration b 0.3 ment fields, especially for low temperature wastewater. Chemical
(95%) mg/L was achieved with the addition of ferrous salts, which phosphorus precipitation with high quality effluent also has disad-
demonstrated that the addition of ferrous salts was a good alterna- vantages, such as, high chemical costs and considerable creation of
tive to improving phosphorus removal in the MBR system (Wang chemical sludge.
232 H. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237

3.5. Novel process technology significant differences in terms of COD and NH+ 4 -N removal were ob-
served in a full-scale pre-denitrification MBR system treating urban
Several novel wastewater treatment processes have been developed wastewater, when the mixed liquor temperature decreased from N25
to enhance contaminants removal and strengthen the capacity of °C to b15 °C (Arévalo et al., 2014). Furthermore, a long-term full-scale
wastewater treatment systems. These novel technologies have been re- MBR operation in California showed excellent process performance
ported to be feasible or favorable for municipal/domestic wastewater year round, with the COD, TN and TP removal efficiencies of 95%, 94%
treatment at low temperature (Table 4). and 66%, respectively (Tu et al., 2017). Of course, MBR stability depends
In recent years, the development and application of MBRs have on the magnitude of fluctuations by temperature variations. Zhang et al.
attracted more attention to upgrade and retrofit existing municipal (2014) found that low wastewater temperature deteriorated effluent
WWTPs to meet stricter discharge demands. This technology involves quality, but MBR was still a good practice for wastewater treatment in
suspended growth activated sludge systems that utilize microporous low temperature zones. However, membrane fouling and energy con-
membranes for solid/liquid separation instead of secondary clarifiers. sumption remain operational obstacles and challenges to the wide-
Compared to conventional activated sludge, MBR technology has spread application of MBR. Specially, low temperature results in
many advantages, including higher biomass concentrations, highly im- intensified membrane fouling, such as increasing permeate fluid viscos-
proved effluent quality and significant operational reliability. Therefore, ity, which should be given further thought when applying MBR for en-
MBR technology appears to have the potential to improve the perfor- hancement of municipal/domestic wastewater treatment at low
mance of municipal/domestic wastewater treatment during winter. temperature.
Gurung et al. (2017) assessed the performance of a pilot-scale MBR to Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) technology is regarded as a promising
treat real municipal wastewater at low temperature (7 °C–20 °C) in biotechnology for the treatment of municipal/domestic wastewater.
Nordic regions. Despite low temperature operation, high effluent qual- Compared to conventional activated sludge, aerobic granules exhibit
ity was still achieved. The average effluent concentrations of COD, compacted structure, diverse microbial species and excellent settling
NH+ 4 -N and TP were 18.7 mg/L, 0.02 mg/L and 0.43 mg/L, with the aver- capability. Therefore, it has been widely applied for the treatment of
age removal rate 92.8%, 100% and 90.6%, respectively. Moreover, no various wastewaters, including municipal wastewater. Lab-scale and

Table 4
Novel process technology for municipal/domestic wastewater treatment at low temperature.

Novel technology Bioreactor Temperature Performance variation Reference


MBR MBR 7–20 The average effluent concentrations of COD, NH+ 4 -N and TP were 18.7 mg/L, 0.02 mg/L and (Gurung et al.,
0.43 mg/L with the average removal rate 92.8%, 100% and 90.6%, respectively. 2017)
MBR MBR 9–31 The COD and BOD5 removal rates for all temperatures were over 98% and 99.5%, (Arévalo et al.,
respectively. The NH+4 -N removal rate reached 99% with effluent concentrations lower than 2014)
1 mg/L during the different temperature periods.
MBR MBR 13–22 The effluent COD concentrations were 10 ± 5 mg/L and 25 ± 4 mg/L at temperature of 22 (Zhang et al., 2014)
°C and 13 °C, respectively. The average effluent NH+4 -N concentration was b0.1 mg/L
throughout the experimental period.
MBR MBR 8–30 The COD and BOD5 removal were 94%, 98% and 90%, 90% in summer and winter, (Shin et al., 2014)
respectively. The average effluent COD and BOD5 were below 23 mg/L and 9 mg/L,
MBR MBR 13–20 The COD, TN and TP removal efficiencies were 95%, 94% and 66%, respectively. (Tu et al., 2017)
AGS SBR 7 The removal performance was 75%–80% in COD, 70%–76% in TN and 50%–60% in TP. (Gonzalez-Martinez
et al., 2017)
AGS SBR 3, 5, 7 The performance achieved 75%–80% for COD, 90%–95% for BOD5, around 50% for NH+ 4 -N at (Gonzalez-Martinez
5 °C. et al., 2018)
AGS SBR The average effluent TN and TP were 6.9 mg/L and 0.9 mg/L, respectively. The maximum (Pronk et al., 2015)
volumetric conversion rate for nitrogen and phosphorus were respectively 0.17 and 0.24
AGS SBAR 12, 15, 18 The average removal efficiencies of COD, NH+ 4 -N, TN and TP were over 90.9%, 94.7%, 75.4% (Jiang et al., 2016)
and 80.2%, respectively, at 12 °C.
AGS SBAR 10 The average removal efficiencies of COD, NH+ 3−
4 -N and PO4 -P were 90.6%–95.4%, (Bao et al., 2009)
72.8%–82.1% and 95.8%–97.9%.
PN SBR 11.9–26.5 High nitrogen removal efficiency with effluent total nitrogen below 3 mg/L could be (Yang et al., 2007)
PN SBR 11–26 The effluent TN and TN removal efficiency were maintained at 2 mg/L and 98%, (Gu et al., 2012)
PN/A MBBR 15–29 The removal efficiencies of ammonium and total nitrogen were over 90% and 70%, with (Laureni et al.,
average effluent ammonia and total nitrogen of 2 mg/L and 6 mg/L, respectively. 2016)
PN/A MBBR 10–20 The effluent ammonia concentration was kept b8 mg/L during the whole operation. The (Gilbert et al., 2014)
ammonia conversion was 15 g N/m3/d at 10 °C.
PN/A SBR 12 The nitrogen removal was above 90%. (Hu et al., 2013)
Aerobic SBR 10 The maximum specific nitrifying and denitrifying rates were 8.85 and 32.93 mg N/g SS/h, (Zou et al., 2014)
denitrification respectively.
Aerobic SBR 25, 15, 10, 5 This process effectively removed COD and nitrate (above 90%) even at 5 °C. (Wang et al., 2015)
Electrochemical MBR 20, 10 The system removed N99% of ammonia, N95% of dissolved COD and N90% of ortho-P. (Wei et al., 2012)
MFC A2O 12–14.7 The average removal efficiencies of COD, TN and TP increased by 15.9%, 9.3% and 1.4%, (Xie et al., 2014)
Electrocoagulation Rotating hanging 13.2–25.6 The effluent quality was achieved with 0.26 mg/L BOD5, 11.46 mg/L COD, 0 mg/L NH+ 4 -N, (Nguyen et al.,
media bioreactor and 3.81 mg/L TN and 0.03 mg/L TP. 2014b)
Electrochemical MBR 15.4 ± 2.5 The removal rates of COD, NH+ 3−
4 -N and PO4 -P were 92%, 99% and 99%, respectively. (Hasan et al., 2014)
Microalgae Batch 25, 15, 5 The average total nitrogen and phosphorus removal were 72% and 100%, respectively. (Delgadillo-Mirquez
et al., 2016)
H. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237 233

pilot-scale studies of the feasibility of using AGS for simultaneous re- in a simplified and smaller plant design. Compared to conventional ni-
moval of COD, nitrogen and phosphorous under low temperature have trification and denitrification process, this process also reduces the
recently been published. For example, a lab-scale AGS system was suc- need for carbon source and oxygen consumption. Many studies have fo-
cessfully started-up and operated at 7 °C using cold-adapted activated cused on operational conditions for achieving SND. Wang et al. (2006)
sludge from Finland as inoculum, with removal performance of 75%– successfully established SND in a MBBR by controlling DO at about
80% for COD, 70%–76% for TN and 50%–60% for TP. (Gonzalez-Martinez 2 mg/L and achieved approximately 89.9% TN removal. In an intermit-
et al., 2017). The high removal capacity indicated this system was a re- tently aerated reactor, the average COD and nitrogen removal efficien-
liable alternative to enhancing pollutants removal under low tempera- cies reached above 95% and 90%, respectively, under optimal
ture. In another study, an AGS bioreactor using cold-adapted sludge conditions. The high nitrogen removal was mainly attributed to effec-
from Lapland also achieved high carbon, nitrogen and phosphate re- tive SND via nitrite (Yooa et al., 1999). Another similar study indicated
moval efficiency at 5 °C (Gonzalez-Martinez et al., 2018). Recently, a TN removal efficiency could reach 87.8% via short-cut SND in an inter-
full-scale AGS system for domestic wastewater treatment in mittently aerated moving bed MBR (Yang and Yang, 2011). These stud-
Netherlands was evaluated (Pronk et al., 2015). The operational data ies described highly effective nitrogen removal, implying that it has the
showed that the effluent requirements (7 mg/L N and 1 mg/L P) were potential for application to enhance wastewater treatment at low tem-
easily reached in Dutch climate conditions. This appears to imply that perature. However, Guo et al. (2013) investigated the influences of tem-
AGS technology can be effectively implemented for the treatment do- perature on SND in a SBR and found that operational parameters
mestic wastewater. However, low temperature can lead to operational regulations and control could alleviate the effects of low temperature,
failures, such as destruction of granules and washout of biomass and but the performance of SBR through SND was still extremely low at 10
therefore, it is difficult to startup such systems under cold temperature. °C and 5 °C. These findings implied that this SND system could not effec-
Moreover, this technology showed unstable operation at temperatures tively resist the effects of low temperature. Therefore, how to effectively
as low as 8 °C because of excessive growth of filamentous bacteria apply SND technology for municipal wastewater treatment at low tem-
(Gonzalez-Martinez et al., 2017). Efforts have been taken to achieve perature deserves further exploration.
the stable operation and full-scale application of this technology. As a Recently, bacteria capable of both heterotrophic nitrification and
promising technology, AGS still needs further study to improve the sta- aerobic denitrification have drawn increasing attention for their poten-
bility and performance for the application of full-scale system at low tial application in BNR. Compared to traditional nitrogen removal pro-
temperature. cess, aerobic denitrification is widely focused on higher growth rate
Nitrogen removal via nitrite based on traditional nitrification- and more efficient substrate removal of simultaneous organic carbon
denitrification process has been rapidly developed. Because of shorten- and nitrogen. Significantly, SND can be achieved under single aerobic
ing reaction process, this approach produces savings in the oxygen conditions and hence highly enhance the removal of nitrogen. Further-
needs during nitrification, a reduction in the denitrification organic more, some strains can exhibit effective nitrogen removal, even at low
matter requirements, and a decrease in excess sludge production. In a temperature. For example, Aeromonas sp. HN-02 obtained 0.90 mg/L/h
pilot-plant SBR, nitrogen removal via nitrite from municipal wastewater of ammonia removal rate, even at 5 °C and showed higher tolerance
treatment at low temperature using a real-time control strategy was in- to low temperature than common mesophilic bacteria (Chen et al.,
vestigated. Results showed that high nitrogen removal (TN below 2014). Moreover, the average removal rates at 10 °C reached as high
3 mg/L) could be achieved for a long period, implying that partial nitri- as 3.03, 2.51 and 1.88 mg N/L/h for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, respec-
fication (PN) denitrification could be feasible for treating real municipal tively (Yao et al., 2013). Pseudomonas tolaasii Y-11 was also shown to
wastewater at low temperature (Yang et al., 2007). Ma et al. (2009) have the potential to remove ammonia, nitrite and nitrate at low tem-
demonstrated that the nitrite pathway improved TN removal by about perature (He et al., 2016b). By coupling psychrotrophic autotrophic ni-
20% compared to the nitrate pathway in a pilot-scale continuous pre- trifying and aerobic denitrifying consortiums, the maximum specific
denitrification plant treating domestic wastewater. Anaerobic ammonia nitrifying/denitrification rate reached 8.85 and 32.93 mg N/g SS/h, re-
oxidation (anammox) also provides a novel and promising biological ni- spectively, at 10 °C, implying huge potential for efficient nitrogen re-
trogen removal alternative for wastewater treatment. The implementa- moval in practical applications at low temperature (Zou et al., 2014).
tion of anammox via combined partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A) for Wang et al. (2015) successfully established a stable lab-scale aerobic
autotrophic nitrogen removal in municipal wastewater treatment may denitrifying process and demonstrated that effective COD and nitrate
significantly increase in the future because of reduced aeration costs, di- (N90%) removal could be achieved, even at 5 °C. These isolated cold-
minished sludge production and no external carbon source. To date, the adapted aerobic denitrifying bacteria provide a new aspect for highly ef-
PN/A process has been applied for municipal wastewater treatment at fective nitrogen removal at low temperature. However, further study
low temperature. Laureni et al. (2016) assessed the long-term stability should be conducted to evaluate the long-term stability of aerobic deni-
of mainstream PN/A process in lab-scale MBBRs operating at low tem- trification and how to enlarge its application to full-scale wastewater
perature for pre-treated municipal wastewater and demonstrated that treatment systems.
this technology was reliable when operated at temperatures above 13 Recently, a novel process incorporating both phosphorus and nitro-
°C. Similarly, stable PN/A could be achieved in a MBBR treating synthetic gen removal has been developed, in which denitrifying polyphosphate
wastewater in winter when the wastewater temperature did not drop accumulating organisms (DNPAOs) use nitrite or nitrate instead of oxy-
below 13 °C (Gilbert et al., 2014). Hu et al. (2013) investigated nitrogen gen as electron acceptors to simultaneously remove phosphorus and ni-
removal from pre-treated municipal wastewater by a lab-scale trogen from wastewater. In comparison with conventional biological
nitritation-anammox bioreactor at low temperature and proved that phosphorus removal, denitrifying phosphorus removal does not require
this application could be successfully achieved for over 300 days with the addition of an external carbon substrate for denitrification, while
nitrogen removal of above 90% at temperatures as low as 12 °C. How- also providing considerable savings in aeration energy. Therefore,
ever, these applications were conducted in lab-scale or pilot-scale and denitrifying phosphorus removal has been applied to achieve higher ni-
therefore, challenges to achieving full-scale implementation and main- trogen and phosphorus removal. Ng et al. (2001) evaluated the feasibil-
taining long-term stable and reliable operation under cold conditions ity of denitrifying phosphorus removal in an anaerobic/anoxic SBR.
still exist. Results indicated that anoxic phosphorus uptake with simultaneous de-
SND means that nitrification and denitrification can occur concur- nitrification could occur in the anoxic zone, with phosphorus removal
rently in a single reactor under identical operating conditions. SND has rate of 40%–100%. Simultaneous biological phosphorus and nitrogen re-
become an attractive technology for nitrogen removal because of its po- moval with enhanced anoxic phosphate uptake was also investigated in
tential to eliminate the need for a separate nitrification stage, resulting another SBR. The system showed stable phosphorus and nitrogen
234 H. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237

removal performance with the average removal of TOC 92%, TN 88% and an algal-bacterial biofilm bioreactor treating domestic wastewater, the
phosphorus 100%, respectively, implying a promising potential for en- average removal efficiencies of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus were
hanced biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal (Lee et al., 2011). 91%, 70% and 85%, respectively (Posadas et al., 2013). Su et al. (2011)
Zeng et al. (2011) studied denitrifying phosphorus removal in a contin- studied an algal-bacterial culture treating municipal wastewater in a
uous anaerobic-anoxic-oxic (A2O) process treating domestic wastewa- stirred tank photobioreactor and found the average removal efficiencies
ter. Results showed that the average TN and phosphorus removal of COD, TKN and phosphate of 98.2, 88.3% and 64.8%, respectively. An
were 75% and 98%, respectively, as well as denitrifying phosphorus re- evaluation and simulation for microalgae introduction in WWTPs
moval of 66%–91% occurred in the anoxic zone. Another similar study showed that the microalgae-activated sludge process could reduce en-
also showed that phosphorus removal was mainly completed by ergy consumption and CO2 emissions, but would require large land
denitrifying phosphorus removal of about 90% occurred in the anoxic areas (Nordlander et al., 2017). Moreover, low temperature affects the
zone (Zeng et al., 2013). These results indicated that denitrifying phos- growth rate of microalgae and biomass production (Delgadillo-
phorus removal could be effectively achieved to enhance the removal of Mirquez et al., 2016). Microalgae-bacterial process has rarely been re-
nitrogen and phosphorus. However, there is few studies on denitrifying ported to improve contaminants removal from low temperature waste-
phosphorus removal at low temperature. Accordingly, future studies water. Therefore, there remains a long way to go for its application.
should focus on whether denitrifying phosphorus removal process can
be successfully applied to low temperature wastewater. 4. Future directions to address low temperature wastewater
There has recently been growing interest in the development of
electrochemical methods to improve biological wastewater treatment. Herein, existing strategies for improving pollutants removal from
Appropriate electrical stimulation may improve bioactivity and micro- municipal/domestic wastewater under low temperature are summa-
bial metabolism. High removal efficiency in a bio-electrochemical sys- rized. However, further studies are still required to obtain satisfactory
tem was attributed to coupling the electrochemical process and wastewater treatment performance at low temperature. Specific steps
biodegradation (Liu et al., 2017), which appears to be conducive to alle- that need to be taken are outlined below.
viating the impact of low temperature on biological reaction process. Al-
1) Develop efficient bioaugmentation technology
though this method has been not applied to wastewater treatment at
low temperature, utilizing bio-electrochemical technology will always
Bioaugmentation has been considered as a useful strategy for im-
be an attractive alternative because of less influence by low tempera-
proving and maintaining the performance of municipal/domestic
ture. In a modified A2O system embedding electrolysis treating munici-
wastewater treatment at low temperature. Therefore, an important di-
pal wastewater, the removal efficiencies of TN and TP increased by
rection concerning bioaugmentation technology is screening, enriching
14.35% and 21.69%, respectively (Gong et al., 2018). These results indi-
and utilizing cold-adapted bacteria with high removal efficiencies.
cated that A2O coupling electrolysis was an effective way to strengthen
However, the loss of cold-adapted communities from wastewater treat-
the performance for treatment of municipal wastewater. In another A2O
ment systems still exist during long-term operation. More information
embedding microbial fuel cell (MFC) treating real sewage, the average
should also focus on how to effectively implement bioaugmentation
removal efficiencies of COD, TN and TP increased by 15.9%, 9.3% and
1.4%, respectively, implying that embedding MFC in the A2O wastewater
treatment process could enhance pollutants removal (Xie et al., 2014). 2) Exploit new process/technology configurations
Wei et al. (2012) studied an electrically enhanced membrane bioreactor
(EMBR) at room temperature (20 ± 2 °C) with a synthetic feed and at
10 °C with real sewage and found that EMBR removed N99% of NH+ 4 - New process/technology configurations appear to be attractive al-
N, N95% of dissolved COD and 90% of PO3− 4 -P, implying the potential ternatives to existing facilities to intensify the performance of wastewa-
for application of this system treating domestic wastewater under ter treatment at low temperature. Each process/technology has specific
cold climatic conditions. An experiment to investigate the retrofit ability characteristics and advantages. Process configurations can take full ad-
of removing soluble TP and soluble COD from municipal wastewater vantage of two or more existing methods/techniques, which will be
through electrocoagulation technology also demonstrated that superior very effective for improving the performance of low temperature
performance could be achieved, with phosphorus and soluble COD re- wastewater. For example, coupling A2O with BAF has been proved to
moval of N99% (b0.2 mg/L) and 75% (b10 mg/L), respectively (Nguyen be an effective method for enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal
et al., 2014a). These findings indicated that this method could be used at low temperature (Wang et al., 2011). A novel hybrid treatment sys-
in existing municipal WWTPs to enhance pollutants removal under tem combining a rotating hanging media bioreactor and submerged
low temperature. However, these applications mainly focused on lab- MBR with electrocoagulation to treat municipal wastewater also
scale or pilot-scale, and therefore full-scale application for improving showed higher removal efficiency (Nguyen et al., 2014b). Therefore,
municipal wastewater treatment at low temperature would have po- new process configurations may be widely applied for enhanced treat-
tential advantages because of the stable electrochemical process. ment of low temperature wastewater in the future.
Microalgae have attracted considerable attention in recent years be-
cause of their photosynthetic functions and efficient nutrient removal. 3) Explore novel process pathways
With the growing concerns on microalgae, extensive studies are being
conducted to apply microalgae to wastewater treatment. Microalgae-
bacterial process has been regarded as an environmental friendly alter- Novel process pathways referring to wastewater treatment are ex-
native for the treatment of domestic wastewater. The first application of plored more in depth. Many studies have focused on PN, anaerobic am-
this technology was implemented in the 1950s in California for the monium oxidation, SND, heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic
treatment of domestic wastewater. Moreover, microalgae have been denitrification, and denitrifying phosphorus removal. However, most
shown to effectively take up nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater of these technologies remain in a lab-scale or pilot-scale, and there is
with high removal efficiency (80%–100%) (Gonçalves et al., 2017). still a long way to go for full-scale municipal/domestic wastewater
Therefore, microalgae can be easily incorporated into advanced waste- treatment applications at low temperature. Therefore, future studies
water treatment processes to improve nitrogen and phosphorus re- should be directed on exploiting these novel technologies, which are
moval. Furthermore, symbiotic interactions can be established very important to improving process performance at low temperature.
between microalgae and bacteria, which is central to enhancement of
biological nutrient removal during wastewater treatment processes. In 4) Deeply study microbial community structure
H. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 225–237 235

Considering that biological wastewater treatment is a microbial- Arévalo, J., Ruiz, L.M., Pérez, J., Gómez, M.A., 2014. Effect of temperature on membrane
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Chen, Y., Lan, S., Wang, L., Dong, S., Zhou, H., Tan, Z., Li, X., 2017. A review: driving factors
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Enzymes are catalysts of biochemical reaction processes, and micro- water treatment systems. Chemosphere 174, 173–182.
bial metabolism highly depends on enzyme functions in biological Chiemchaisri, C., Yamamoto, K., 1993. Biological nitrogen removal under low temperature
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activity, leading to poor contaminants removal. Therefore, future stud- cess using a new suspended carrier with large surface area. Water Sci. Technol. 49,
ies should focus on mechanisms of enzyme expression, variations in en- 207–214.
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ipal/domestic wastewater at low temperature are summarized. It can be Delgadillo-Mirquez, L., Lopes, F., Taidi, B., Pareau, D., 2016. Nitrogen and phosphate re-
concluded that operational parameters regulation (HRT, SRT and DO), moval from wastewater with a mixed microalgae and bacteria culture. Biotechnol.
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