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Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1237–1242

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Treatment of municipal wastewater using a contact oxidation filtration separation

integrated bioreactor
Z.H. Li a, *, K. Yang a, X.J. Yang b, L. Li c
Department of Municipal Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Wuhan University, No. 8 South Donghu Road, Wuhan 430072, PR China
Environmental Science Research Institute, Wuhan University of Science and Engineering, Wuhan 430073, PR China
Central and Southern China Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A new contact oxidation filtration separation integrated bioreactor (CFBR) was used to treat municipal
Received 20 July 2009 wastewater. The CFBR was made up of a biofilm reactor (the upper part of the CFBR) and a gravitational
Received in revised form filtration bed (the lower part of the CFBR). Polyacrylonitrile balls (50 mm diameter, 237 m2/m3 specific
6 January 2010
surface, 90% porosity, and 50.2% packing rate) were filled into the biofilm reactor as biofilm attaching
Accepted 7 February 2010
Available online 26 February 2010
materials and anthracite coal (particle size 1–2 mm, packing density 0.947 g/cm3, non-uniform coefficient
(K80 ¼ d80/d10) < 2.0) was placed into the gravitational filtration bed as filter media. At an organic volu-
metric loading rate of 2.4 kg COD/(m3 d) and an initial filtration velocity of 5 m/h in the CFBR, the average
Bioreactor removal efficiencies of COD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and turbidity were 90.6%, 81.4%, 64.6% and
Contact oxidation 96.7% respectively, but the treatment process seemed not to be effective in phosphorus removal. The
Filtration average removal efficiency of total phosphorus was 60.1%. Additionally, the power consumption of the CFBR
Municipal wastewater was less than 0.15 kWh/m3 of wastewater treated, and less than 1.5 kWh/kg BOD5 removal.
Power consumption Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction To help overcome these issues, a new contact oxidation filtration

separation integrated bioreactor (CFBR) was developed, which was
Traditional wastewater treatment processes are usually composed of a Biofilm reactor (the upper part of CFBR) and
equipped with different treatment units that have a variety of a gravitational filtration bed (the lower part of CFBR). The idea relies
functions to achieve acceptable treatment performance (Chung on BAF (BAF is a submerged media wastewater treatment unit that
et al., 2007; Zhan et al., 2006). Conventional processes for combines aerobic biological treatment and biomass separation by
municipal wastewater treatment have disadvantages such as depth filtration) prototype (Rebecca et al., 2001; Ha, 2006; Hao,
complicated operation, high running cost, excessive installation 2007; Sprouse, 2008) and principles of slow and cake filtration (A
and large land requirement (Odegaard et al., 1994; Loukidou and sticky mat of biological matter, called a ‘‘cake’’, forms on the media
Zouboulis, 2001). As a result, wastewater treatment plants surface, where particles are trapped and organic matter is biolog-
(WWTPs) normal operation face a number of key challenges in ically degraded) (Sorensen et al., 1995, 1996; Zhu et al., 2004).
developing countries such as China (Tian et al., 2004; Bao et al., Biofilm configuration coupled with gravitational filtration bed
2005). combines the advantages of the Biofilm reactor and the filtration
In comparison with those traditional wastewater treatment bed in one system. As the use of filtration process, the CFBR can
processes, biofilm systems have low land requirement and flexible keep its effluent SS at a lower level. Moreover, the low investment
operation (Rodgers et al., 2003). Biofilm technology systems cost of CFBR allows a cost-saving advanced treatment for pollutants
include trickling filters, biological aerated filter (BAF), rotating from small and medium sized factories as well as separate streams
biological contactor (RBC), fluidized bed reactor (FBR) and moving- of process wastewater, especially in developing countries such as
bed reactor (MBR) (Odegaard et al., 1994; Gupta and Gupta, 2001; China.
Loukidou and Zouboulis, 2001). However, the operational perfor- In this study, CFBR was operated in a batch mode to treat
mance of the sole biofilm process is more dependent on final sludge a municipal wastewater. Meanwhile, the Biofilm reactor was
separation in a clarifier (i.e. settlement time). packed with porous polyacrylonitrile balls and the gravitational
filtration bed was filled with anthracite coal. The polyacrylonitrile
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ86 13871551362; fax: þ86 27 68775328. ball is a potential packing for biofilm reactor. It is a nonmetallic
E-mail address: lizhenhua11111@yahoo.cn (Z.H. Li). polypropylene with the characteristics of high porosity and large

0301-4797/$ – see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1238 Z.H. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1237–1242

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the CFBR (not to scale).

specific surface area. Also, the anthracite coal is a perfect filter a biofilm reactor and the lower layer was filled with a depth of
media for slow and cake filtration. It has some advantages over 1.0 m anthracite coal (particle size 1–2 mm, packing density
other filter media, which are lightweight, surface roughness and 0.947 g/cm3, non-uniform coefficient (K80 ¼ d80/d10) < 2.0) as
powerful decontamination ability. Furthermore, CFBR system first a gravitational filtration bed. Polyacrylonitrile balls within the CFBR
allows the upper layer to degrade organic matter, which can lighten were immobilized with plastic screens placed above and below that
the treatment loadings of the anthracite coal layer. The anthracite section. Meanwhile, there was 0.1 m space between the porous
coal layer is mainly used to intercept SS in order to ensure that the polyacrylonitrile balls layer and the anthracite coal filtration bed,
CFBR effluent can satisfy the reuse demand. Hence, the saturation which was used for filtration bed expansion space. An air–water
of anthracite coal layer does not take into account. There is also no nozzle strainer was put at the bottom of CFBR for aeration and
need to regenerate during the test. water passing. The highest water level (H1) and the lowest water
The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of level (H2) sensors were placed 1.0 m apart along the CFBR body to
CFBR (the removal efficiency of COD, ammonia nitrogen (NHþ 4 -N), control the water level inside the CFBR.
total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and turbidity) by varying
organic volumetric loading rates. CFBR power consumption was 2.2. Wastewater characteristic
also investigated during the study. Advantages and limitations of
the CFBR system were discussed with respect to experimental The feed water was primary sedimentation tank effluent
results. And the CFBR system was designed and fabricated at the collected from a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in
Municipal Engineering Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Wuhan, China. The characteristics of feed wastewater are listed in
Wuhan University, China. Table 1.

2. Materials and methods 2.3. Operational conditions

2.1. CFBR configuration CFBR was operated with filling, aerobic reaction, and filtration
phase. Fig. 2 describes the process time diagram of the CFBR. This
Experiment facilities are shown in Fig. 1. CFBR was made of mode of operation is very suitable to unite the advantages of bio-
polymethyl methacrylate, had a volume of 144 l, an inside diameter film reactor and filtration bed in one reactor (Keller and Yuan,
of 0.235 m with a height of 5.0 m. The upper layer was filled with 2002; Lee et al., 2004; Marsili, 2006). The feed wastewater was
a depth of 3.0 m porous polyacrylonitrile balls (50 mm diameter, introduced to the CFBR with a centrifugal pump. When the water
237 m2/m3 specific surface, 90% porosity, and 50.2% packing rate) as level reached the lowest water level (H2), air was applied to the
Z.H. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1237–1242 1239

Table 1 with activated sludge was deemed to succeed and be able to start
Characteristics of the CFBR influent. the further investigation.
Parameter Concentration
COD (mg/l) 67–284 2.5. Analytical methods
NHþ4 -N (mg/l) 19.31–30.28
TN (mg/l) 20.21–31.69
TP (mg/l) 1.92–3.45
Samples were collected every day, refrigerated at 4  C before
SS (mg/l) 80–386 analysis, except for pH measurement which was done after
Turbidity (NTU) 67–340 sampling. Water pH was measured by an 828 Orion pH meter. DO
pH 6.4–7.9 and water temperature were measured with a 52 YSI DO meter.
Turbidity was analyzed with a 2100P Hach photoelectric turbidity
meter. COD, BOD5, NHþ4 -N, TN and TP were measured by the stan-
CFBR from the air compressor. Thereafter when the water level dard methods as given in Standard Monitoring and Analytical
reached the highest water level (H1), the feed pump was shut off. Methods for the Examination of Water and wastewater (EPA, 2002).
The filling phase is over, immediately followed by an aerobic
reaction phase. In this phase, air was introduced to maintain 3. Results and discussions
aerobic conditions in the CFBR for a period of time, and DO
concentration was kept at a level of about 2 mg/l in the Biofilm The organic volumetric loading rates of biofilm reactor in CFBR
reactor with a proportional integral derivative controller connected were 4.0 kg COD/(m3 d), 3.4 kg COD/(m3 d), 2.6 kg COD/(m3 d),
to an air compressor and aeration ON/OFF electromagnetic valve. 2.4 kg COD/(m3 d) and 2.0 kg COD/(m3 d) corresponding to aeration
The required air flow rate during the experiment was approxi- time of 32 min, 40 min, 52 min, 60 min and 70 min (Fig. 2) when
mately 0.2 m3/h. In the end, the CFBR entered into the filtration COD mean value of the influent was calculated by 200 mg/l.
discharge phase. The air compressor was shut down. As well, the
discharge line at the bottom of CFBR was opened. The reaction
3.1. COD removal
liquid went through the filtration bed at an initial speed of 5 m/h
for 12-min duration. In a day, the CFBR would experience above
COD levels at each section during the experiment are shown in
three phases again. The whole operation cycle was operated by
Fig. 3, which indicate that COD removal efficiency in this study was
a HITACHI PLC (i.e. programmable logic controller). The HITACHI
good and total efficiency of COD removal (i.e. biofilm plus filtration
PLC was placed next to the CFBR.
removal effect) in CFBR was 90.6% (average value) at different
Backwashing of the entire unit was carried out to maintain
organic volumetric loading rates. Despite a significant COD fluctu-
efficient hydraulic performance and avoid filter clogging because of
ation of the influent, the CFBR effluent remains at a fairly stable
the accumulated SS and the excess biomass. The average CFBR
COD. As was expected, COD concentration of the filter effluent had
operation before a backwash was 7 d and the maximum time was
satisfied discharge standard of pollutants for Municipal Waste-
14 d over the duration of the experiment. The backwash procedure
water Treatment Plant, China (GB 18918-2002).
included air scour (2 min), combined air scour and water backwash
Fig. 3 also shows that the average removal efficiencies of biofilm
(2 min), and water backwash (15 min). The air and water backwash
layer and filtration bed layer at different organic volumetric loading
loading rates were set at 16 and 5 l/(s m2), respectively. The air and
rates are 85.1% and 5.6%, respectively (i.e. 4.0, 3.4, 2.6, 2.4 and 2.0 kg
water for backwash were from an air compressor and a reservoir
COD/(m3 d) mean removal efficiency). The test results indicate that
that contained treated wastewater from previous treatment cycles,
biological degradation of the Biofilm layer is the main cause for
respectively. All the experiments were carried out at ambient
COD attenuation in CFBR. As well, biofilm layer can tolerate COD
temperature 16–28  C.
fluctuations in the receiving wastewater. This phenomenon may be
ascribed to porous polyacrylonitrile balls with characteristic of high
2.4. Sludge seeding and start up porosity and large specific surface area. These characteristics are
adaptable to an attached growth process. Comparatively, filtration
CFBR was inoculated with activated sludge taken from the bed is mainly used for filtration separation in order to ensure that
aeration pond in Wuhan Shahu WWTP. About 20 l of activated COD value of the filter effluent can satisfy the discharge standard
sludge (Concentration ¼ 3 g/l) was inoculated into the CFBR. Then demand. Filtration bed also has a function to form small bubbles. In
the whole reactor was submerged into feed water and aerated for
0.5 h to achieve complete mixing. After conditioned for 8 h, 3
wastewater in the CFBR was output entirely and fresh influent Organic volumetric loading rate kg COD/ m .d
water was continuously fed with the discharge line opened to 4.0 3.4 2.6 2.4 2.0
400 100
maintain a steady flow inside the CFBR. Aeration was applied
COD removal efficiency (%)

COD concentration (mg/l)

consistently from the bottom of the CFBR. This process continued

for about one week until biofilm removal efficiencies of COD and 300 Influent
NHþ 4 -N were stabilized. Furthermore, when 55% of COD removal
Biofilm effluent
250 Filter effluent
and 60% of NHþ 4 -N removal were achieved, the CFBR inoculated Total removal
200 efficiency

150 40

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time (d)

Fig. 2. Process time diagram of the CFBR. Fig. 3. Variation of COD at different organic volumetric loading rates in the CFBR.
1240 Z.H. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1237–1242

this way, the whole system can achieve a homogeneous distribu- Organic volumetric loading rate kg COD/ m .d

tion when the gas from air compressor goes through filtration bed. 2.0
4.0 3.4 2.6 2.4
In addition, the CFBR system is operated in the down-flow mode. 60 80

TN removal efficiency (%)

The polyacrylonitrile balls layer first mixes with feed water and 70
degrades organic matter. Thus, biofilm layer provides the great 50

TN concentration (mg/l)
mass of contaminant removal. Those degradable organic matters 60
are utilized by microbe, and residual difficult degradable and non- 40
Influent Total removal efficiency 50
degradable matters may gradually become a part of the biofilm or Biofilm effluent Filter effluent
30 40
are intercepted by filtration bed.
3.2. Nitrogen removal 20
The time course of NHþ 4 -N and TN at different organic volu-
0 0
metric loading rates is shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The total efficiencies 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
of NHþ 4 -N and TN removal in the CFBR were 81.4% and 64.6% Time (d)
(average value) at different organic volumetric loading rates,
Fig. 5. Variation of TN at different organic volumetric loading rates in the CFBR.
respectively. NHþ 4 -N and TN value of the CFBR effluent (Filter
effluent) had both satisfied discharge standard of pollutants for
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, China (GB 18918-2002). microorganisms, which indirectly controlled by the thickness of
The data shown in Fig. 4 indicate that NHþ 4 -N levels of the anaerobic layers in attached growth biofilm (Wang et al., 2008). The
influent are fairly stable compared to COD variation of influent longer operation of the CFBR before backwash procedure leads to
during the experiment. And a decreased organic volumetric loading abundant biomass and thick biofilm, which strengthens biological
rate shows no significant improvement on NHþ 4 -N removal. assimilation. Moreover, less surplus biomass or sludge is produced
Conversely, the removal efficiencies of NHþ 4 -N fall gently at the end during the operational period, which thus results in high sludge age
of the experiment. These results are a consequence of the of the whole system. So the CFBR can maintain high biomass
temperature sensitivity of the nitrifying bacteria in the system. The concentration and encourage the culture of slow growing nitrifying
nitrifying bacteria belong to the mesophilic autotrophic bacteria, bacteria (Simpson, 2008). On the whole, the CFBR is provided with
which are pronounced activity between at 25 and 30  C (Liu and high removal efficiency of nitrogen.
Capdeville, 1996). At the end of the experiment, the feed water
temperature fell down due to seasonal change, which led to a slight 3.3. TP removal
removal efficiency of NHþ 4 -N decrease. As analyzed from Fig. 4, the
average efficiency of NHþ 4 -N removal in biofilm layer and filtration The efficiencies of TP removal in biofilm layer and filtration bed
bed layer is 64.8% and 16.6% at different organic volumetric loading layer during the experiment are shown in Table 2. TP removal in the
rates, respectively. The phenomena indicate that the primary CFBR was 60.1% (average value), and maximal efficiency of TP
nitrification occurred in upper layer during the experiment, in removal was 63.0% at different organic volumetric loading rates. TP
which active nitrifying bacteria of an attached growth existed. value of the final effluent was 1 mg/l. The results show that the
Fig. 5 shows that TN varied from 20.2 to 31.7 mg/l in influent and system may be not available in phosphorus removal. Also, organic
from 5.0 to 12.6 mg/l in effluent. The average TN of influent and volumetric loading rates do not significantly influence TP removal.
effluent was 24.7 and 8.7 mg/l, respectively. The mass balance The CFBR may reach its limit of TP removal under the experimental
would show overall loss of nitrogen, which would logically be conditions. Partial TP removal is due to the normal absorption of
assumed to be simultaneous nitrification–denitrification (SND) in microorganisms’ growth.
attached growth biofilm (Gao et al., 2009). In the system, DO and Available methods to improve phosphorus removal of the CFBR
substrate concentration grads and aeration ON/OFF electromag- are to introduce as following: (1) Installing bagger and mud valve.
netic valve result in different microenvironments formation in The bagger and mud valve are installed according to the lowest
attached growth biofilm, which make SND takes place (Daniel et al., water lever (H2) of the CFBR body location. And then the system will
2009). SND is relevant to the amount and activity of anaerobic work in the periodic and proper quantities mud discharge mode.
(2) Utilizing subsequent enhanced chemical phosphorus removal
Organic volumetric loading rate kg COD/ m .d
3 (Hood and Randall, 2001). It requires further investigation to study
whether or not an effective phosphorus removal of the CFBR can
4.0 3.4 2.6 2.4 2.0
40 100 take place under the above-mentioned methods.
NH4 -N concentration (mg/l)

NH4 -N removal efficiency (%)

80 3.4. Turbidity removal

25 60 In the final effluent of CFBR, SS is not always detected due to the
20 high SS removal during the experiment. Also, in view of wastewater
Influent Total removal efficiency reuse, turbidity is recognized as the measure of relative clarity of
15 40
Biofilm effluent Filter effluent experimental samples. Fig. 6 reflects the variation trend of turbidity
10 levels at different organic volumetric loading rates. The total effi-

ciency of turbidity removal in the CFBR was 96.7% (average value) at

different organic volumetric loading rates. Furthermore, CFBR
0 0 effluent with a perfect aesthetic characteristic satisfies the standard
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time (d) for domestic reuse in China.
Similarly, it is obvious that the turbidity of CFBR effluent
Fig. 4. Variation of NHþ
4 -N at different organic volumetric loading rates in the CFBR. remained at a fairly stable level even though there was a significant
Z.H. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 1237–1242 1241

Table 2
TP removal efficiency in the CFBR.

Organic volumetric loading Influent Biofilm effluent Filtration effluent TP removal of TP removal Total efficiency
rate (kg COD/(m3 d)) TP (mg/l) TP (mg/l) TP (mg/l) biofilm (%) of filtration (%) of TP removal (%)
4.0 1.92–2.86 (2.45)a 1.30–1.93 (1.58)a 0.91–1.43 (1.25)a 35.45 21.33 56.79
3.4 2.12–3.34 (2.52)a 1.26–1.92 (1.61)a 0.79–1.57 (1.32)a 36.64 24.31 60.94
2.6 2.23–3.45 (2.68)a 1.34–1.97 (1.66)a 0.72–1.31 (1.13)a 38.13 24.89 63.02
2.4 2.13–3.21 (2.69)a 1.29–2.10 (1.55)a 0.64–1.32 (1.15)a 40.79 21.31 62.10
2.0 2.13–2.75 (2.58)a 1.41–1.80 (1.62)a 0.78–1.28 (1.27)a 36.48 21.01 57.50
The numbers in the brackets are arithmetic average values.

turbidity fluctuation in the influent during the experiment. These a wastewater treatment process (Rodgers et al., 2003). And 60–90
results confirm that the whole system shows a stronger resistance percent of operation cost is electrical power consumption in
to influent shock load. In addition, the peak of turbidity removal wastewater treatment. According to Lou’s study on power
(97.5%) occurred at organic volumetric loading rate of 2.4 kg COD/ consumption of municipal wastewater process, irrespective of
(m3 d). The final filtration effluent maintained its turbidity less than electrical power consumption of sludge digestion, the electrical
5 NTU for almost 77% of the time. In general, CFBR can provide power consumption of WWTPs surveyed is 0.21–0.36 kWh/m3 of
a consistent and stable effluent in terms of turbidity. wastewater treated in China during 2000–2004 (Lou, 2004).
CFBR could be operated consistently for 7 d (14 d of the As CFBR described, its construction cost is low due to a single
maximum time) before a backwash procedure. The filter layer was reactor of the whole system. And electrical power consumption of
not blocked by release of the attached biofilm due to filtration CFBR system was 0.13–0.15 kWh/m3 of wastewater treated, and
effluent time of only 12 min and a volumetric exchange rate of 30% 1.37–1.50 kWh/kg BOD5 removals. Hence, compared with tradi-
the total volume of treated wastewater in a cycle. On the other tional secondary municipal wastewater treatment processes, the
hand, the anthracite coal filter layer could be expended and sus- cost of CFBR was very low. The results could be explained in two
pended by ascending air bubble from the bottom of the CFBR in following aspects. On the one hand, there is no sludge return
aerobic reaction phase. So, the anthracite coal filter layer is a high- operation in CFBR process (Moawad et al., 2009). On the other
efficient and stable solid–liquid separation method, which is hand, the aspect ratio (i.e. height-to-diameter ratio) of CFBR is 21,
superior to sedimentation and dissolved air flotation processes. The which has achieved good DO utilization ratio (Giovannettone et al.,
filtration bed is not simple physical filter but an attached and active 2009). Therefore, CFBR is capable of good power consumption.
growth biofiltration bed, in which SS and dissolved colloid are
removed through biological flocculation, biological degradation 4. Conclusions
and particle attachment while flowing past the attached biofilm
(Srivastava and Majumder, 2007). Consequently, sludge filtration, A new contact oxidation filtration separation integrated biore-
composed of free activated sludge, detached biofilm and granule actor (CFBR) was developed, which was composed of a Biofilm
media, is used to diminish SS through slow and cake filtration, reactor (the upper part of CFBR) and a gravitational filtration bed
which testifies sludge filtration is feasible to overcome the issue in (the lower part of CFBR). The upper layer was filled with porous
single biofilm process of higher effluent SS (Sorensen et al., 1995, media as a biofilm reactor, the lower layer with anthracite coal as
1996; Zhu et al., 2004). a gravitational filtration bed. CFBR showed high-efficient removal
of COD, nitrogen and turbidity in a single reactor. The optimal
operation parameters of CFBR were determined as follows: aeration
3.5. Power consumption
time of 60 min, DO of 2–3 mg/l, organic volumetric loading rates of
2.4 kg/(m3 d) and initial filtration velocity of 5 m/h.
In developing countries such as China, which a trade-off
Good performance of CFBR was achieved under optimal opera-
between environmental protection and economical operation has
tion parameters. The total efficiencies of COD, NHþ 4 -N, TN and
to be made based on the local socioeconomic situation, cost is more
turbidity removal in CFBR were 90.6%, 81.4%, 64.6% and 96.7%
important than other factors when choosing a process. Construc-
(average value). However, CFBR showed that it seemed not to be
tion and operation cost are two important factors in evaluating
available in phosphorus removal. Maximal efficiency of TP removal
was 63.0%. TP value of CFBR effluent was 1 mg/l. Installing bagger
Organic volumetric loading rate kg COD/ m .d and mud valve or utilizing subsequent enhanced chemical phos-
4.0 3.4 2.6 2.4 2.0 phorus removal may improve CFBR phosphorus removal. Electricity
400 100
power consumption of CFBR was very low, less than 0.15 kWh/m3
Turbidity removal efficiency (%)

350 of wastewater treated, and less than 1.5 kWh/kg BOD5 removals.
Influent 80
300 Biofilm effluent
Turbidity (NTU)

Filter effluent
250 Total removal efficiency Acknowledgments
200 The authors wish to thank the National Hi-Tech Research and
150 40 Development Program (863) of China (2005AA601010-01) for
100 support of this study.
0 0
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