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Name: ………………………………………………….. Class: 12A……….

TEST (2) – Code: 111

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest (0.4 pts)
1. A. technology B. application C. university D. entertainment
2. A. mathematics B. laboratory C. scientific D. engineering
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest (0.4 pts)
3. A. university B. apply C. identity D. early
4. A. succeeds B. devotes C. prevents D. coughs
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer: ( 3.8 pts)
5. There are two types of higher education in ___ UK: higher general education and higher vocational education.
A.  B. a C. an D. the
6. She reads newspapers every day to look for the vacant ______ for which she can apply.
A. indications B. positions C. institution D. locations
7. We regret to tell you that the materials you ordered are _________.
A. out of stock B. out of reach C. out of work D. out of practice
8. Closest Meaning: Did you pass the university entrance examination?
A. get through B. get along C. go up D. make up
9. Opposite Meaning:
All of the students are obliged to pass the entrance examination in order to attend the university.
A. forced B. impelled C. optional D. required
10. Her mother can’t stand _________ her at home all day.
A. to see B. seen C. see D. seeing
11. Thanks to her high grades at university, she is offered the position.
A. If she had not got high grades at university, she would not be offered the position.
B. It was her high grades at university which offer her the position.
C. If she had not got high grades at university, she would not have been offered the position.
D. Without her high grades at university, she is not offered the position.
12. The old man is said _______ all his money to an old people’s home when he died.
A. have left B. to have left C. to leave D. to leaving
13. If only I had studied hard enough to pass the final exam.
A. I studied hard enough to pass the final exam.
B. I had studied hard enough and I passed the final exam.
C. I regretted not studying hard enough to pass the final exam.
D. I studied hard otherwise I would fail the final exam.
14. If I __________ you were in hospital, I ___________ to see you.
A. had known / would have gone B. knew / would have gone
C. knew / would go D. had known / would go
15. She had to have the operation ______.
A. unless she would dies B. or she would die C. otherwise she will die D. if she would die
16. If he _______ well on the training courses last year, he _______ offered the promotion now.
A. did/ were B. did/ would be
C. had done/ would have been D. had done/ would be.
17. Lex: Did you understand what she was saying? Jorden: ________.
A. Not really. B. I’m sure She wasn’t. C. It’s not enough. D. Not very often
18. You can meet Mr. Pike, who is _____ behalf _____ the university to solve the problems of foreign students.
A. in/for B. on/of C. with/at D. for/at
19. If weather _____ worse, we won’t go to the beach.
A. got B. gets C. will get D. would get
Read the passage carefully, then choose the one best answer
In developing countries, people are sometimes unaware of the importance of education, and there is economic
pressure from those parents who prioritize their children's making money in the short term over any long-term
benefits of education. Recent studies on child labor and poverty have suggested that when poor families reach a
certain economic threshold where families are able to provide for their basic needs, parents return their children to
school. This has been found to be true, once the threshold has been breached, even if the potential economic value of
the children's work has increased since their return to school.
Other problems are that teachers are often paid less than other professions; a lack of good universities and a low
acceptance rate for good universities are evident in countries with a relatively high population density.
India has launched EDUSAT, an education satellite that can reach remote parts of the country at a greatly reduced
cost. There is also an initiative supported by several major corporations to develop a $100 laptop. The laptops have
been available since 2007. The laptops, sold at cost, will enable developing countries to give their children a digital
education. In Africa, an "e-school program" has been launched to provide all 600,000 primary and high schools with
computer equipment, learning materials and internet access within 10 years. Volunteer groups are working to give
more individuals opportunity to receive education in developing countries through such programs as the Perpetual
Education Fund. An International Development Agency project started with the support of American President Bill
Clinton uses the Internet to allow co-operation by individuals on issues of social development.
20. In developing countries, ____________.
A. all parents are rich enough to send their children to school
B. people all know that education is very important all the time
C. children have to work instead of going to school
D. children have rights to get high schooling
21. According to recent studies, when parents are able to overcome their financial difficulty,____.
A. they have their children work even harder
B. they still make their children continue working
C. they themselves continue their schooling
D. they send their children back to school
22. In populous countries, _____________.
A. no other careers are better paid than teaching B. there are a lot of good universities
C. teaching is the highest-paid career D. there is a lack of good universities
23. The third paragraph is about ____________.
A. the computerization of African education
B. President Bill Clinton who bought a lot of computers
C. the projects to computerize education in developing countries
D. an Indian education satellite
24. How many projects are presented in the third paragraph?
A. One B. Four C. Two D. Three
Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected (0.6 pts)
25. Their officially (A) language is English (B) but the main spoken (C) languages are (D) Ewe, Twi, and Ga
26. If you had put (A) the plant in a cooler (B) location, the (C) leaves have burned (D).
27. A food additive (A) is any (B) chemical that food manufacturers intentional (C) add to (D)their products.
Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets. (1.6 pts)
28. He filled in an ________________ form for the position of clerk. (apply)
29. There’s only one way to become _________________ at anything – practice! (proficiency)
30. To find out about entry ________________ for international students, write to the college admission board. (require)
31. She has the _____________ task of cooking for 20 people everyday. (daunt)
32. ___________ and originality are more important than technical skill. (creative)
33. She's a _____________ child who'll talk to anyone. (society)
34. Men will not be ___________ to this restaurant without a tie. (admission)
Rewrite the following sentences with the same meaning, beginning in the way shown: (3.2 pts)
1. He makes some progress in learning English because he attends class regularly.
 If .....................................................................................................................................
2. She doesn’t pay attention to her cooking, so the food is horrible.
 If ...................................................................................................................................
3. She is weak, so she doesn’t go out very often.
 If ...................................................................................................................................
4. My husband didn’t leave the car keys, so I couldn’t pick him up at the station.
 If ...................................................................................................................................
5. Unless I am feeling better tomorrow, I will go to the doctor's.
 If ...................................................................................................................................
6. But for his solicitor’s advice, he’d have made a serious mistake.
 If it ..............................................................................................................................
7. Without the sun, man would live in darkness.
 If ...................................................................................................................................
8. Without the teacher’s clear explanation, we wouldn’t have understood.
 If the ............................................................................................................................
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

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