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Olga: Ladies and gentlemen, we

would like to greet everyone a

lovely Thursday afternoon. Olga:
It is our pleasure to beyour emcee
for this seminar, I am Olga
Tuballa, Audrey: and I am
Audrey Hernandez, we would
like to extend a very warm
welcome to all of you. We
appreciate you taking time off
your busy schedule to join us
today. We hope you will learn
and inspired a lot today. Olga:
why don't we make this afternoon
not just wonderful but also a day
full of learnings and new
experiences? Audrey: Yeah, you
know, we've anticipated long
enough for this day to come. So
what're we waiting for?
Olga:That's really good to hear.
We welcome you all to our
seminar entitled Both: " Students
Competencies and Course
Dedication" Olga: May I request
all of you to stand for the opening
prayer, lead by Ms. Caroline
Anil. (Opening Prayer) Audrey:
Please take your seats. Once
again, a very good afternoon to
everyone and we would like to
welcome you to our seminar
concerning Audrey: "Students
Competencies and Course
Dedication" Olga: Our event for
today will surely give us a lot of
learnings. So please sit down,
relax, and enjoy the rest of the
afternoon. Audrey: To begin this
program, we are pleased to have
with us our very own Ms. Mica
Ella Francoto deliver the opening
(Opening Remarks) Olga: Thank
you, Ms. Franco for the
wonderful opening remarks. So I
think everybody is set and ready
to listen for the topics our guest
speakers prepared for all of you.
Are you all now ready? Audrey: I
can see that everyone is now very
eager to hear from our guest
speakers but before that, may we
call on Ms. Richter Jascha
Peñaloza to give us the
background and short description
of our distinguished guests
speakers. (Introduction of
Speakers) Olga: Thank you Ms.
Peñaloza. Now for our seminar
proper, may we invite our
distinguished guest speaker for
this afternoon, Ms. Jenny Sylvia
Eustaquio. Let us all give a hand
for her. End of First Speaker
Olga: That was really inspiring.
Thank you very much Ms. Jenny
Sylvia Eustaquio for sharing us
the information. I'm sure with
Ms. Eustaquio's encouraging
words, the determination in each
of you is now alive.

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