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Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.

: 1 of

1. You and your friends are planning a road trip from New York City to Miami.
Your car's fuel efficiency is given in miles per gallon (mpg), but you need to
calculate how many gallons of gas you'll need for the entire trip, which is
approximately 1,280 miles. Convert the distance to kilometers and then
calculate the number of liters of gasoline needed. Assume 1 mile = 1.609
kilometers and 1 gallon = 3.785 liters.

Distance: 1280 miles
1mile = 1.609 km
1gallon = 3.785 liters

Convert miles into km:

1.609 km
1280 miles × =2,059.52 km
1 mile

Divide the new distance to gallons (in liters):

2,059.53 km
=544.13 gallons
3.785liters /gallon

Therefore, you need 544.13 gallons of gasoline for the trip.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 2 of
2. You're planning to drive through different countries on your road trip. Each
country has different speed limits posted in kilometers per hour (km/h).
Convert the speed limits from km/h to miles per hour (mph) to ensure you
don't exceed them. If you encounter a speed limit of 100 km/h, what is it in
mph? Use the conversion factor: 1 km/h = 0.621371 mph.


Speed limit: 100 km/h
1km/h = 0.621 mph
Convert the speed limit to mph:
km 1 mp/h
100 × =62.1mph
h 0.621 mph

Therefore, you travel at the speed of 62.1 mph to avoid exceeding the speed

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 3 of
3. While hiking in a national park, you come across a sign indicating the height
of a nearby mountain is 1.5 km tall. However, you and your friends are more
familiar with heights in feet. Convert the mountain's height from meters to
feet. Given that 1 meter = 3.281 feet, what is the mountain's height in feet?


Height: 1.5 km
1meter = 3.281 feet

Convert km to meter:
1000 m
1.5 km × =1500 m
1 km

Multiply the new height to meters:

3.281 feet
1500 m× =4921 feet

Therefore, the mountain height is 4921 feet.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 4 of

4. You're considering purchasing a new car for your road trips. One car has a
fuel efficiency rating of 25 miles per gallon (mpg), and another is rated at 10
kilometers per liter (km/l). To make a fair comparison, convert the fuel
efficiency of the second car from km/l to mpg. Use the conversion factor: 1
km/l = 2.352 mpg. Which car is more fuel-efficient?


Fuel consumption (car 2): 10 km/l
1km/l = 2.352 mpg

Convert the fuel consumption of car 2 into mpg:

km 2.352 mpg
10 × =23.52 mpg
l km

Therefore, upon comparing the two cars, we’ve arrived to the conclusion that
Car 1 is more fuel efficient than car 2.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 5 of

5. You're planning a cross-country train journey in Europe, and you have a

schedule that displays travel times in hours and minutes. However, you
prefer to work with times in decimal hours for easier calculations. Convert a
travel time of 3 hours and 30 minutes into decimal hours. What is the
equivalent time in decimal hours?


Time: 3 hours and 30 minutes

Convert 30 minutes in to decimal hours:

1 hour
30 minutes × = 0.5 hour
60 minutes

Add the hours and minutes together:

3 hours +0.5 hour=3.5 hours

Therefore, the equivalent time of 3 hours and 30 minutes is 3.5 hours.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 6 of

kg m
6. An astronaut from earth weights 686.7 2 goes to the moon. What will be
his weight if the gravity of the moon is half the gravity of the earth?


kg m
Weight: 686.7 2
Earth gravity: 9.81 2
9.81 2
Moon gravity: earth gravity/2 = s
2 s

Determine first the mass of the astronaut:

W(earth)= mg(earth)
m = W/g(earth)
kg m
686.7 2
m= m
9.81 2
m = 70 kg

Solve for the weight of the astronaut in moon gravity:

W(moon) = mg(moon)
W(moon) = 70 kg × 4.905 2
kg m
W(moon) = 343.35 2

kg m
Therefore, the astronaut weight 343.35 2 on the moon.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 7 of

7. An object with a mass of 15 kg needs to be accelerated to 5 2 . Calculate the
required force to accelerate the object.

m = 15 kg
a= 5 2
Use the F=ma to find the force required:
F=15 kg ×5 2
F = 75 N

Therefore, it requires 75 N of force to accelerate the object to 5 2 .

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 8 of

8. An asteroid with a mass of 100 tons kg is approaching earth with an

acceleration of 100 2 . Calculate the force of the impact on earth.

m = 100 tons kg
a = 100 2

Convert the mass into kg:

1000 kg
100 tons kg × =100,000 kg
1 tons

Calculate the force using F=ma

F= ma
F=100,000 kg × 100 2
F=10,000,000 N
F = 1 ×107 N

Therefore, force of impact would be 10 million N.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 9 of

9. Micheal’s house is located 5 km North from the center of the city, while his
friend Jackson live at the center of the city. Jackson went to Michael’s
house, then both of them went to a bar that is 3 km East from Micheal’s
house. What is the displacement of the bar from Jackson’s house?

Figure 1
A = (0,0) km
B = (3,5) km

Add A and B:
A = (0,0) km
B = (3,5) km
AB = (3,5) km

Calculate R using Pythagorean theorem:

R=√ x 2 + y 2
R=√ 3 2+5 2
R=√ 9+25
R=√ 34
R = 5.83 km
Solve for θ:
−1 5
θ=tan 0.667

Therefore, the displacement from Jackson’s house to the bar is 5.83 km.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 10 of

10.A building that is 100 m tall cast a shadow that is 150 m long. Calculate the
displacement from the top of the building to the end of the shadow.

Figure 2

A = (0,100) m
B = (150,0) m

Add A and B:
A = (0,100) m
B = (150,0) m
AB = (150,100) m

Calculate R using Pythagorean Theorem:

R=√ x 2 + y 2
R=√ 150 2+100 2
R=√ 22,500+ 10,000
R=√ 32,500
R = 180.28 m

Solve for θ:
−1 100
θ=tan 0.667

Therefore, the displacement from the top of the building to the end of the
is 180.28 m.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 11 of

11.A water slide in the park stands at a height of 30 m, the slide is 80 m long.
Calculate the displacement from the end of the slide to the base of the slide
as well as the angle of the slide. Figure 3

A = 30 m
R = 80 m

Use Pythagorean theorem to solve for B:

B=√ R2− A 2
B=√ 802 −302
B=√ 6400−900
B=√ 5500
B = 74.16 m
Solve for θ:
−1 a
−1 30
θ=tan 0.404531

Therefore, the displacement from the end of the slide to the base of the slide
74.16 m, with an angle of 22.02 degrees.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 12 of
12.You purchased a new wireless Bluetooth headphone with a range of 20
meters. Curious about its capabilities, you decided to test if the signal could
reach the top of the escalator. You left your phone at the bottom of the
escalator and proceeded to the top. The escalator has a height of 5 meters
and starts 16 meters from its ground base. Calculate the displacement
between the phone and the headphone, and determine if the signal can still
reach the headphone.

Headphone range: 20 m
B = 16 m
Figure 4
Calculate R using Pythagorean Theorem:
R=√ A 2+ B2
R=√ 5 2+16 2
R=√ 25+ 256
R=√ 281
R = 16.76 m

Solve for θ:
−1 5
θ=tan 0.3125

Therefore, upon comparing R to the headphone range it is concluded that the

headphone could still reach the phone.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 13 of
13.A hunter spots a bird atop a tree 18 meters above ground level from a tree
that is 100 meters away. Calculate the angle at which he should position his
rifle in order to hit the bird.

A = 18 m
B = 100 m

Solve for θ:
−1 18
θ=tan Figure 5
θ=tan 0.18

Therefore, the hunter should aim at 10.20 ° in order to hit the bird.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 14 of
14. Two people pull ropes attach to a car bumper. Calculate the resultant of the
forces and calculate the angle of F.


F1 = 200 N, 15 ° north East
F2 = 120 N, 20 ° north East

Determine F1y, F1x, F2y, and F2x Figure 6

F1y = 200 cos 15° = 193.19 N
F2y = 130 cos 20° = 122.16 N

F1x = 200 sin 15° = 51.76 N
F2x = -130 sin 20° = -44.46 N

∑ Fy = 315.35 N

∑ Fx = 7.3 N

F=√ F x + F y
2 2

F ¿ √ 7.32 +315.352
F=√ 53.29+99445.62
F=√ 99498.91
F = 315.43 N

Solve for θ:
−1 315.35
θ=tan 43.2
θ=88.67 °

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 15 of
15. A person with blind fold walk 9 m east (point B) from the starting point
(point A) he then takes a turn and walk and stop to a spot that is 7 m 65 °
south east (point C) from the starting point. What is the displacement of
point C from point B?

c = 9 m, 0 ° east
b = 7 m, 65 ° south east
a = √ a x 2+ a y 2

Determine cy, cx, by, and bx

cy, by;
cy = 9 sin 0° = 0 Figure 7
by = -7 sin 65° = -6.34 m
cx, bx;
cx = 9 cos 0° = 9 m
bx = 7 cos 65° = 2.96 m
ay = by – cy = -6.34 – 0 = -6.34 m
ax = bx – cx = 2.96 – 9 = -6.04
a=√ a x 2+ a y 2

a ¿ √(−6.04 )2+(−6.34)2
a=√ 36.48+40.2
a=√ 76.68
a = 8.76 m

Solve for θ:
−1 −6.34
θ=tan 1.0497
θ=46.4 °

16. Find the resultant of point A (5,7) and point B (9,8).

Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 16 of

A = (5,7)
B = (9,8)

Add point A and B:

A = (5,7)
B = (9,8)
AB = (14,15)

Calculate R using Pythagorean theorem:

R=√ x 2 + y 2
R=√ 14 2 +152
R=√ 196+ 225
R=√ 421
R = 20.52 units
Solve for θ:
−1 5
θ=tan 0.667

17. Suppose a=10N and b=23N and their dot product is 50N, find θ.
Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 17 of


solve for θ:
a●b = ab cos θ
a ●b
−1 50 N
230 N
θ=77.34 °

18. Suppose a is 240N and b is 140N and θ=36 °

Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 18 of

θ=36 °

solve for θ:
a●b = ab cos θ
a●b = 33600N cos 36 °
a●b = 27182.97N

19.Given the vector a=(4,7) and the vector b=(3,8), find a●b.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 19 of


a●b = x1 x2 + y1y2
a●b = 4(3) + 7(8)
a●b = 12 + 56
a●b = 68 units

20. Given the vector a=(-12,4) and the vector b=(5,7), find a●b.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 20 of


a●b = x1 x2 + y1y2
a●b = -12(5) + 4(7)
a●b = -60 + 28
a●b = -32 units

21. Find the angle between a and b in number 19.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 21 of

a●b = 68 units

solve for a:
|a| = √ x 2+ y2
|a| = √ 4 2+ 72
|a| = √ 16+ 49
|a| = √ 65
|a| = 8.06 units

Solve for b:
|b| = √ x 2+ y2
|b| = √ 32 +82
|b| = √ 9+64
|b| = √ 75
|b| = 8.66 units

solve for θ:
|a|●|b|= ab cos θ
a ●b
−1 68
8.06( 8.66)
θ=13.04 °

22. Find the angle between a and b in number 20.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 22 of

a●b = -32 units

solve for a:
|a| = √ x 2+ y2
|a| = √(−12)2 +4 2
|a| = √ 144+16
|a| = √ 160
|a| = 12.65 units

Solve for b:
|b| = √ x 2+ y2
|b| = √ 52 +72
|b| = √ 25+49
|b| = √ 74
|b| = 8.60 units

solve for θ:
|a|●|b|= ab cos θ
a ●b
−1 −32

23. Given the vectors a=(2,5) and b=(6,2), find the dot product, and the angle
between them.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 23 of

a●b = x1 x2 + y1y2
a●b = 2(6) + 5(2)
a●b = 12 + 10
a●b = 22 units

solve for a:
|a| = √ x 2+ y2
|a| = √ 22+ 52
|a| = √ 4 +25
|a| = √ 29
|a| = 5.39 units

Solve for b:
|b| = √ x 2+ y2
|b| = √ 62 +22
|b| = √ 36+ 4
|b| = √ 40
|b| = 6.32 units

solve for θ:
|a|●|b|= ab cos θ
a ●b
−1 22
θ=49.77 °
24. Given the figure, determine x, y, and z of the given force.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 24 of

Solve for the components:

Fg = F cos θ Figure 8

Fg = 300N cos 50°

Fg = 192.84N

Fx = Fg cos θ
Fx = 192.84N cos 40
Fx = 147.72N

Fy = F sin θ
Fy = 300N sin 50
Fy = 229.81N

Fz = Fg sin θ
Fz = 192.84N sin 40
Fz = 123.96N

25.Determine the angles x, y, and z in the given figure. (figure 8)

F = 300N
Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 25 of
Fx = 147.72N
Fy = 229.81N
Fz = 123.96N

Solve for the angles:

cos θ x =
−1 F x
θ x =cos
−1 147.72 N
θ x =cos
300 N
θ x =60.50 °

sin θ y =
−1 F y
θ y =sin
−1 229.81 N
θ y =sin
300 N
θ y =50°

cos θ z =
−1 F z
θ y =cos
−1 123.96 N
θ y =cos
300 N
θ y =65.60 °

26.Determine the gravitational force if two masses are 30 kg∧50 kg separated by

a distance 4 m.
−11 2
G=6.67259× 10 N m /kg ²


Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 26 of
m 1=30 kg , m 2=50 kg
r =4 m
−11 2
G=6.67259× 10 N m /kg ²

Universal gravitation formula is given by

Gm1 m 2
F= 2
[ 6.67259× 10−11 ×30 × 50 ]
F=62.55 ×10 N

27.Determine the gravitational force if the mass of two bodies are 80 kg and
200 kg and they are separated by a distance of 6 m .

m 1=80 kg , m 2=100 kg
r =6 m

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 27 of
−11 2
G=6.67259× 10 N m /kg ²
Universal gravitational formula is given by
Gm1 m 2
F= 2
[ 6.67259× 10−11 × 80× 100 ]
F=148.28 ×10 N

28.Calculate the gravitational force of attraction between two metal spheres

each of mass 90 kg , if the distance between their center is 40 cm. Given
G=6.67259× 10 N m /kg ² . Will the force of attraction be different if the same
−11 2

bodies are taken on the moon, their separation remaining the same?

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 28 of
mass of the first body (m1)=90 kg
mass of the second body (m2)=90 kg
Distance between masses (r )=40 cm=40× 10 m
−11 2
G=6.67259× 10 N m /kg ²

To find: force of attraction (F) =?


By Newton’s law of gravitation

Gm1 m2 −11
6.67 ×10 × 90 ×90
F= 2
= 2
r 0.4

F=3.377 ×10 N

29.Find the gravitational force of attraction between the moon and the earth if
the mass of the moon is 81 times the mass of earth. G=6.67× 10−11 N m2 /kg2,
radius of moon’s orbit is 3.58 ×105 km . Mass of earth ¿ 6. ×1024 Kg.


Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 29 of
1 1
Mass of the moon is 81 times the mass of earth, mm= 81 me , Distance between
the moon and earth (r)¿ 3.58 ×105 km=3.58 × 108 m
−11 2 2
G=6.67× 10 N m /kg
Mass of earth( M e )=6 × 10 Kg

To find: force of attraction (F) =?

By Newton’s law of gravitation

G mE m
Gm E mM 81 E G mE ²
F= = =
r² r² 81× r ²

−11 24
6.67 ×10 ×(6 × 10 )²
81×(3.58 × 108)²

−11 48
6.67 ×10 × 6² ×10
F= 16
81 ×3.58² × 10

F=2.213 ×10

30.A sphere of mass 100 kg is attracted by another spherical mass of 11.75 kg

by a force of 19.6 ×10−7 N when the distance between their centers is 0.2 m.
Find G.

Given: Mass of first body (m1) = 100 kg, mass of second body ( m2) = 11.75 kg,
distance between masses (r) = 0.2 m, force between them = F = 19.6 ×10−7 N,
Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 30 of
To Find: Universal gravitation constant = G =?

By Newton’s law of gravitation

Gm 1 m2

Fr ² 19.6 ×10 × 0.2²
G= =
m1 m2 100 ×11.75
−11 2
G=¿6.672 ×10 N m /kg ²

31.A force of 20 N is acting on a body of mass 2Kg. Find the acceleration



Given; m=2 Kg
F=20 N

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 31 of
Acceleration will be given by, F=ma
⟹ 20= (2 )( a )
⇒ 10 m/s =a

32.A cat of mass 5kg jumps on a dining table of mass 30kg. As the cat walks
around on the table, what is the average force that the table applies to the
g=10 2


Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 32 of
( )
F g=F N =ma= ( 5 kg ) 10 2 =50 N

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 33 of
33.A 15 kg block are hanging on opposite sides of a pulley (see picture).
Assuming a frictionless, massless pulley, determine the acceleration of the
blocks once they are released from rest.
g=10 2

F g=mg

Therefore, the weight of the

10 kg block is 100 N, and the weight of the 15 kg
block is 150 N.
Now, using Newton's second law:
F net=ma

Since we are treating the system as a whole, or as

if it is moving as a single object, we will add up all
the forces acting on each object.
All forces which point in the positive (+) direction,
as shown in the free body diagram above, will also
be positive when put into the equation. All forces pointing in the negative (-)
direction will also be negative in the equation.
150 N−T +T −100 N=ma

Since we are treating the whole system as a single object, we must add all
the masses together. In other words, 10 kg plus 15 kg, which is 25 kg total
150 N−T +T −100 N=25 kg ∙ a

solve for acceleration:

150 N−100 N =25 kg ∙ a

50 N m
a= =2.0 2
25 kg s
Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 34 of

34.Add the following vectors and determine the resultant. 3.0 m/s, 45° and 5.0
m/s, 135°

3.0 m/s, 45° + 5.0 m/s, 135° = 5.83 m/s, 104° (Note: the resultant is drawn in

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 35 of

35.Add the following vectors and determine the resultant. 2.0 m/s, 150° and 4.0
m/s, 225°

2.0 m/s, 150° + 4.0 m/s, 225° = 4.91m/s, 201.8° (Note: the resultant is drawn in

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 36 of
36.Two vectors P = (1, 2) and Q = (2, 4) have an angle of 0° between them.
Find the magnitude their sum vector.

Using the parallelogram rule of vector addition formulas, we have
|R|=√ ¿ ¿
For this, first, we need the magnitudes of vectors P and Q.

|P|=√(12 +22 )=√ 5 ,|Q|=√(22 + 42 )=2 √5

|R|=√ ¿ ¿ ¿
¿ √ ( 25+20 )
¿ √ ( 45 )
¿3 √5
Alternative Method:
Since the angle between the given two vectors is 0 ° , they must be parallel
vectors. In that case,
|R|=|P|+|Q|= √5+2 √ 5=3 √ 5
Answer: The magnitude of the sum vector is 3 √ 5 units.

37.Which diagonal represents the sum of the two vectors p and q in the figure

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 37 of

The tails of the vectors p and q join at O. Thus, the diagonal, which is the
resultant of p and q also must start at O.

Thus, the resultant vector is OR.

Answer: p + q = OR

38.Two forces of magnitudes 4N and 7N act on a body and the angle between
them is 45°. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector
with the 4N force.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 38 of
Suppose vector P has magnitude 4N, vector Q has magnitude 7N and θ = 45°
then by the parallelogram law of vectors addition:

|R| ¿ √ (P 2+Q 2+2 PQ cos θ)

¿ √ (42+72+ 2× 4 × 7 cos 45° )

¿ (16+ 49+

¿ (65+

≈ 12.008 N
β=tan ¿

¿ tan−1 [
( √72 ) ]
( 4+
√2 )
≈ 28.95 °
The magnitude is approximately 12 N and the direction is 28.95 °.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 39 of
→ →
39.Find if the given vectors are collinear vectors. P =( 3 , 4 , 5 ) , Q =(6 , 8 , 10).

Two vectors are considered to be collinear if the ratio of their corresponding
coordinates are equal.
P1 3 1
= =
Q1 6 2

P2 4 1
= =
Q2 8 2

P3 5 1
= =
Q3 10 2

P1 P2 P3 → →
Since Q1 = Q 2 = Q 3 , the vectors P and Q can be considered as collinear

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 40 of
→ →
40.Find if the given vectors are collinear vectors. P =i+ j+ k , Q =−i− j−k

Two vectors are considered to be collinear vectors if one is a scalar
multiple of other vector.

Vector Q=−i− j−k =−( i+ j+k ) =−(Vector P)

Vector Q is a scalar multiple of vector P.

P1 P2 P3 → →
Also, since = = =−1, the vectors and can be considered as
Q1 Q 2 Q 3 P Q
collinear vectors.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 41 of
41.Find the magnitude of v=i+ 4 j

|v|= √a 2+ b ²
a=1 , b=4
|v|= √12 +4²
|v|= √1+16
|v|= √17

42.Two forces of magnitude 6N and 10N are inclined at an angle of 60 ° with

each other. Calculate the magnitude of the resultant and the angle made by
the resultant with 6N force.
Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 42 of

Let P and Q be two forces with magnitude 6N and 10N respectively and θ be
angle between them. Let R be the resultant force.

So, P=6 N , Q=10 N ∧θ=60°

We have,

R=√ P2 +Q2 +2 PQcosθ

R=√ 6 2+ 102+ 2 ( 6 × 10 ) cos 60
R=√ 136+ 60
R=√ 196
R=14 N

43.Suppose a=– 2 i+3 j+5 k and b=i+ 2 j+ 3 k are two vectors, then find the value
of the dot product of these two vectors.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 43 of
Given,a=– 2 i+3 j+5 k and b=i+ 2 j+ 3 k
As we know, the dot product of two vectors a=a 1 i+ a2 j+a 3 k and
b=b1 i+ b2 j+b3 k is a ∙ b=a1 b1 +a 2 b2 + a3 b3.
Thus, a ∙ b=( – 2 ) ( 1 ) + ( 3 ) ( 2 ) +(5)(3)
¿ 19

44.Find the angle between the vectors i−2 j+3 k and 3 i−2 j+k

Let the given vectors be a=i−2 j+3 k and b=3 i−2 j+k

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 44 of
|a|= √[12 + ( – 2 ) +3 2 ]

¿ √ ( 1+4 +9 )
¿ √ 14
and |b|= √[3 2+ ( – 2 )2+ 12 ]
¿ √ ( 9+ 4+1 )
¿ √ 14
Now, a ∙ b=(i−2 j+3 k)¿
¿ ( 1 ) ( 3 ) + ( – 2 ) ( – 2 )+(3)(1)
¿ 3+ 4+3
¿ 10
As we know, a ∙ b=|a||b|cos θ
a ∙b
cos θ=
¿ a∨¿ b∨¿ ¿
( √ 14 √ 14)

⇒ θ=cos – 1

45.Find the magnitude and angle of the resultant force from the figure below.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 45 of

a) Resolve the forces into their x-y components.
b) Add the respective components to get the resultant vector.
c) Find magnitude and angle from the resultant components.
Given; three concurrent forces acting on a tent post
F 1={0 i+300 j }
F 2={−450 cos ( 45 ° ) i+ 450sin ( 45 ° ) j}N
¿ {−318.2 i+ 318.2 j } N

F 3= ({ 35 ) 600 i+( 45 ) 600 j }N

¿ { 360 i+ 480 j } N
Summing up all the i and j components respectively, we get,
FR= { ( 0−318.2+360 ) i+ ( 300+318.2+ 480 ) j } N
¿ { 41.80 i+1098 j } N
Using magnitude and direction:

¿ tan−1 ( 41.80
)=87.8 °

46. Find the magnitude and angle of the resultant force.

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 46 of

a) Resolve the forces into their x and y-components.
b) Add the respective components to get the resultant vector.
c) Find magnitude and angle from the resultant components.
Given; three concurrent forces acting on a bracket.
F 1={ 800 cos ( 60 ° ) i+ 800sin ( 60 ° ) j } N
¿ { 400 i+629.8 j } N
F 2={−600 sin ( 45 ° ) i+600 cos ( 45 ° ) j} N
¿ {−424.3i+ 424.3 j } N

F 3=
{( )
650 i−
13 ( ) }
650 j N

¿ { 600 i−250 j } N
Summing up all the i and j components, respectively, we get,
FR={( 400 – 424.3+600)i+(692.8+424.3 – 250) j }N
¿ {575.7 i+867.1 j }N
Now find the magnitude and angle,

¿ tan−1 ( 867.1
575.7 )
=56.4 °

From positive x-axis, ¿ 56.4 °

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 47 of
47.Find the resultant force in Cartesian vector form.

Given; Two forces F1 and F2 are applied to a hook.
First, resolve force F1
F x =0=0 lb

( 45 )=400 lb
F y =500

F =500 ( )=300 lb
Now, write F1 in Cartesian vector form (don’t forget the units!).
F 1={ 0 i+ 400 j+300 k } lb
Now, resolve force F2.
F 2 z=−800 sin 45° =−565.7 lb
F 2 ’=800 cos 45 °=565.7 lb
F2’ can be further resolved as,
F 2 x=565.7 cos 30 °=489.9 lb
F 2 y=565.7 sin 30 °=282.8 lb
Thus, we can write: F 2={ 489.9 i+ 282.8 j−565.7 k } lb
So FR=F 1+ F 2 and
F 1={ 0 i+ 400 j+300 k } lb
F 2={ 489.9 i+ 282.8 j−565.7 k } lb
FR= { 490 i+ 683 j−266 k } lb

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 48 of
48.The magnitude and the coordinate direction angles of the resultant force.

First resolve the force F1.
F 1 z=−250 sin 35 °=−143.4 N
F =250 cos 35 °=205.8 N
F´ can be further resolved as,
F 1 x=204.8 sin 25 °=86.6 N
F 1 y=204.8 cos 25° =185.6 N
F 1={ 86.6 i+185.6 j−143.4 k } N

Now, resolve
force F2. The force F2 can be represented
in the Cartesian vector form as:

F 2=400 { cos 120 ° i+ cos 45 ° j+cos 60 ° k } N

¿ {−200 i+282.8 j+200 k } N
F 2={−200 i+282.8 j+ 200 k } N
So FR=F 1+ F 2 and
F 1={ 86.6 i+185.6 j−143.4 k } N
F 2={−200 i+282.8 j+ 200 k } N
FR= {−113.4 i+468.4 j+56.6 k } N

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 49 of
Now find the magnitude and direction angles for the vector.
2 2
FR={ (−113.4 ) + ( 468.4 ) +(56.6) ² ¿ ¿ 2 =485.2=485 N
α =cos−1 ( )
485.2 (
=103.5 ° )
β=cos−1 ( )
485.2 (
=15.1° )
γ =cos−1 ( )
485.2 (=83.3° )
49.If a vector and b vector are two vectors such that ¿ a∨¿ 10 , ¿ b∨¿ 15 and
a . b=75 √ 2 , find the angle between a∧b .

[ 75 √ 2
( 10 ) ( 15 ) ]
θ=cos−1 ( √22 )

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber
Problem Set No. 1 Chapter Title: What is Mechanics? Page No.: 50 of

50.Let a vector, b vector, c

vector be three vectors such that
¿ a vector∨¿ 3 ,∨b vector∨¿ 4 ,∨c vector∨¿ 5, If all the three vectors are
perpendicular to each other, find the value of ¿ a vector+ b vector +c vector∨¿.

¿ a+ b+c∨²=¿ a∨²+ ¿ b∨²+¿ c∨²+2(a ⋅b +b ⋅c +c ⋅a)

Substitute the given values.

¿ 3 ²+ 4 ²+5 ² +2(a ⋅b+ b ⋅c +c ⋅ a)

Since the three a, b and c are perpendicular to each other, a ⋅ b = b ⋅ c = c ⋅ a

= 0.
¿ 9+16 +25+2(0+ 0+0)
¿ a+ b+c∨²=50
¿ a+ b+c∨¿ √ 50
¿ a+ b+c∨¿5 √ 2

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

Institute of Engineering & Computer Studies
Name : Dhynz S. Dagante and Mark Rating:
Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin Ryan Ruizol
9100 Philippines Instructor : Engr. Noven S. Villaber

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