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ISSN : 0000-0000, E-ISSN : 0000-0000

The Influence of Parental Leadership Type on Socialization Process in

Namorambe Junior High School Students

Methodius Tigor

STMIK Pelita Nusantara, Medan

Received : 05 April 2021 Abstrak. Human beings as social beings will not be separated from the
Revised : 10 Mei 2021 association with people around him. This is a very important need for
Accepted : 01 Juni 2021 humans. In the association there is a process of socialization, in everyday
life the process of socialization of a person is not always good but there is
the opposite. What is revealed in this study is how much influence of the
type of parental leadership on the socialization process of the students of
SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe. The research sample studied was 40 students
of grade VIII Smp Negeri 1 Namorambe. The method used is descriptive
method. To obtain the data, researchers used a closed questionnaire. The
data obtained in the processing is adjusted to the criteria of items number 1
to 22, namely: 1.00 – 1.66 belongs to the category of authoritarian
leadership type, 1.67 – 2.33 is laizer faire leadership type, 2.34 – 3.00
including democratic type. For items 23 to 45 use kriteri 1.00 – 1.75 less
once, 1.76 – 2.50 less, 2.51 – 3.25 good, and 3.26 – 4.00 including an
excellent socialization process. The hypotheses that are enforced are there
is a significant influence between the type of parental leadership in the
family to the socialization process of the child (student). From the
calculations, the type of leadership of the parents of the students is mostly
Laizer Faire. While the correlation between the two variables is positive
where rcalculates the > rtable is r(h) 0.99 > r(t) 0.312. Therefore, the accepted
hypothesis is that there is an influence of the type of parental leadership in
the family on the socialization process of students. To see the amount of
influence exerted from the calculation results obtained 98 %. Thus, there is
a positive and meaningful influence between parental leadership on the
socialization process in students of SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe.

Keywords: Konseling, Parental Leadership, Socialization.

Parents as leaders in the family are role models for all family members, where all rules or
actions they do are always obeyed and implemented so that what they mean can be achieved.
(Indriani 2021)The way of parental leadership is always different from one family to another so
that the lives of children are different as well as their nature and actions in dealing with a problem.
We can note that the child always groups himself with his friends who agree with him, which
means there are groups in a ward. If these groups occur in an environment, there will be a
competition that causes a gap between one group and another where each group maintains its
identity in order to maintain the good name of the group.
This gap also occurs at Smp Negeri 1 Namorambe, where each individual groups himself
or herself with a friend who agrees with him. This is because the interaction between individuals
and each other is subjected to obstacles, or in other words the socialization process of each

Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

ISSN : 0000-0000, E-ISSN : 0000-0000

individual mostly does not go smoothly, as a result of which each individual with the other leads
to disputes or conflicts.
(Dharsana 2017) The social interaction barriers experienced by these students may be due
to differences in family background where previously in this school was intended to educate the
children of employees from elsewhere. The presence of students from outside creates a social
gap where the children always master all activities, be it student councils or other activities. As
a result of the number of students more make a barometer of student activity. In communicating
an issue that is not understood most students are less courageous let alone to refute the lessons
presented. (Nisa 2019) Parents as leaders in the family can do as they please, actions taken by
parents are role models for their children. Parents who always pay attention to every development
of their child's soul will certainly facilitate their children in interacting with the surrounding
environment, on the contrary parents who always curb their children by forcing something will
or often punish (corporal punishment) will make the child feel afraid in all activities for fear of
experiencing mistakes and certainly get punished so that the child considers the association as the
cause of the anger of the parents who eventually avoided to connect with others.
(Nisa 2019) Parents who are indifferent to the development of their child will cause less
socialization because this child in his family is often not noticed so that the child is free to know
that the attitude of the child's parents who are not indifferent to their child in daily interactions
always act as he pleases regardless of others that are important to him or her. However, the child's
actions outside the home are inseparable from the influence he receives in his family, especially
from his parents

Research Location and Time
In accordance with the study of this study, which is about the socialization process, the
population of this study is a grade VIII student of SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe. From the data
obtained by the authors, jumoverall studentsare 41 people. If the research of the entire population
member is said to be population research. Due to the limitations of the researcher's ability to
research popuIasi, researchers can examine the population only or called a sample. According to
(Problem 2010)"Samples are part and population". Regarding the part of the population sampled
according to Suharsimi Arikunto (1991:107), "If the subject is less and 100, it is better to take the
whole, and the research is population research. Furthermore if the subject is more and 100 can be
taken only 10- 25% ". Based on this opinion, the population is less than 100 so the number of
samples of this study the author set as many as 40 people. The types of information/data required
in this study are 1) Parent leadership type data with leadership type Authoritarian leadership
type, Laizer Faireleadership type, Democratic leadership type 2) Student socialization process
data is Communicating a socialproblem, Social contact, Social interaction, Social process,
Leadership, Responsibility
Data Collection Tools
Data is an important component to answer research. Of the several types of data
collection tools that can be used in research, the authors only use questionnaires. The
questionnaire used is closed. The questionnaire used is a structured questionnaire in the form of
a closed question based on the likert sense that has been modified with the four alternative
answers. The selection of closed polls as an alternative is used on the consideration that there are
limited time researchers, and the discovery of reliable data. The author is guided by the opinion
of Jofn W. Best who said "For certain types of information, closed questionnaires are very
satisfactory, closed questionnaires are easy to fill, take a short time, focus respondents on the
subject matter, relatively objective and very easy to tabulate and analyze".

Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

ISSN : 0000-0000, E-ISSN : 0000-0000

The questionnaire compiled to obtain data in this study consists of 45 items divided into
two variables, namely, the type of parental leadership and the socialization process. For more
details about the data raised through the questionnaire can be seen in lay out the following
Data Collection Organization
Convert Qualitative Data into Quantitative Data In this case the author is guided on the
scale of Likert put forward by Mar'at as follows: ".... the score is based on an integral correlation
relationship of 0.99 with the normal deviation sisetm whose consideration complications. So
favorable statements that responded strongly agreed = 4, agreed = 3, hesitated = 2, disagreed = 1
and disagreed = 0. Likewise for questions that are not appropriate then the research is very
inappropriate = 4, appropriate = 3, until disagree = 0...".

Table 1. The Scale of Student Parental Leadership Values

No Value Scale information
1. 1,00 – 1,66 Otoriter
2. 1,67 – 2,33 Lizer Faire
3. 2,34 – 3,00 democracy

Based on the scale of the value can be arranged classification of value scale according to the
goodness of the socialization process of students can be seen in the following table.
Table 2. Student Socialization Process Value Scale
No Value Scale information
1 1,00 – 1,75 Kurang sekali
2 1,76 – 2,50 Kurang
3 2,51 – 3,25 Baik
4 3,26 – 4,00 Baik sekali
Data Analysis Techniques
For hypothesis testing, researchers used quantitative analysis techniques. In this case the
researchers will look at the relationship between the type of parental leadership and the
socialization process through the formula put forward by J. Supranto that, "Correlation analysis
is intended to find out if there is a relationship between variables, whether the relationship is
positive / negative, perfect or not and the strong or weak relationship" The formula for correlation
used is the pearson correlation coefficient formula cited by J. Supranto that is :

 XY
X 2
 Y 2

r = correlation coefficient between x and y
X = free varibael (parent leadership type)
Y = non-free variables (socialization process)
Once obtained the value rcalculate through the formula then with the correlation coefficient
rtable with a significant level of 5 % with N = 40. If rcalculates > rtable then the enforced hypothesis
is acceptable and vice versa if rcalculates < rtable then the working hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and
hypothetical zero (Ho) is accepted.
To see the level of correlation shown in the calculation, the researcher will refer to the level
of correlation put forward by Mohamad Ali who said:
Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

ISSN : 0000-0000, E-ISSN : 0000-0000

Table 4 Types of Student Parental Leadership

Types of Student
No Score Range X %
Parental Leadership
1 Otoriter 1,00 – 1,66 1 2.50
2 Laizer Faire 1,67 – 2,33 38 95.00
3 democracy 2,34 – 3,00 1 2.50
sum 40 100

From the table above, we can take a decree that of the majority of students of Smp
Negeri 1 Namorambe, his parents have the type of leadership that Laizer Faire. This is
evident from the score obtained showing the type of leadership that Laizer Faire has 959 %
of the 40 respondents submitted sas ampel.


In analyzing data on the student socialization process, the author also took steps s1)
Tabulating the answers of each respondent from the answer sheet that has been filled in by the
respondent. 2) Convert qualitative data into quantitative data. 3) Score all the answers from each
respondent. 4) Calculate the number of scores obtained, so that we can classify students whose
socialization process is good or not this we can see in the table below.
Table 5. Level of Student Socialization Process
Types of Student Parental
No Score Range X %
1 Less once 1,00 – 1,75 0 0.00
2 less 1,76 – 2,50 26 65.00
3 good 2,51 – 3,25 14 35.00
4 Very good 3,26 – 4,00 0 0.00
sum 40 100

From the calculation above we can draw an overall conclusion that the level of
socialization process of students of SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe, mostly classified as
Correlation Analysis
In analyzing data on correlation between the type of parental leadership and the
socialization process of students the author takes the following steps:
1. Create a calculation table to look for correlations between the type of parental
leadership and the student socialization process, which consists of several columns,
namely: Respondent's sequence number, column X (parent leadership type), column
Y (student socialization process), column X2, Y 2 and column XY.
2. Fill in the entire correlation column contained in each column.
3. Calculates the correlation coefficient between variables X and Y.

Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

ISSN : 0000-0000, E-ISSN : 0000-0000

Based on the calculations obtained (contained in the appendix), the relationship between
the type of parental leadership and the socialization process of students of SMP Negeri 1
Namorambe, is at a high category level of 0.99.
Hypothesis Testing
After qualitatively analyzed against variables (X) and variables (Y) then quantitative
analysis is carried out to see the correlation between the two variables, namely by using the
formula 'pearson correlation coefficient' with a significant level of 5 % and N = 40. The work
(Ha) "There is a significant influence from the leadership of parents at home to the socialization
process of students of SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe Or in other words the better the influence
given by parents in leading their children in the family, the better the socialization process of
children in school.
To test the hypothesis that is enforced it is felt necessary to formulate an alternative
hypothesis of rejection, namely: "Hypothesis zero (Ho) there is no meaningful influence from the
leadership of parents at home to the socialization process of SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe ". To
establish acceptable or rejected hypothesis formulation can be stated based on the rules of the
applicable decision is if rcount  0 and rcount can be said Ha accepted Ho rejected. It turns out that
from the calculation results found rcount is 0.99 and table r is 0.312 . Thus rcalculates > rtable (0,99
> 0,312). Means the hypothesis (Ha) that is enforced is acceptable truth, namely there is a
meaningful influence from parental leadership on the socialization process of their children in
school. Based on the rcount found 0.99 then we can determine how much influence given by the
type of parental leadership to the process of socialization of children by using the formula of
determining coefficient (KP) that is by squaring the rcount obtained. This means that the amount
of donations (influence) from parental leadership to the socialization process of children in school
is 98%, while 2% of the socialization process is influenced by other factors.
Research Findings
Based on the steps that have been taken in this study, obtained an overview that is the
findings of this study, namely:
1. Most of the grade VIII students of Namorambe State Junior High School, have the
leadership of their parents of Laizer Faire type. This can be seen in the previous table that
shows what percentage of the leadership type is 95% laizer faire type.
2. The socialization process of students showed a poor average level of 2.31.
3. In this study also found a relationship between the type of parental leadership towards
parents to the socialization process of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe.
This is proven by the discovery of the coefficient rcount > rtable with a sample count of 40
4. The amount of influence received by the child from the type of parental leadership
according to the data received from the calculation is 98%. This shows that the influence
of parents in their leadership in educating children to connect with others is enormous.
5. In the socialization process, students are influenced by other factors such as environment,
health, descent and education level. It is proven that the magnitude of the influence of
parental leadership is 98% means 2% comes from outside the influence of parental
6. The way parental leadership is faire is the type of leadership that causes children to always
assume that every action is done even if there is no reprimand. Therefore children are
arbitrary against all things activities. This we can say based on the calculation obtained
that parents who type laizer faire 95 % of the 40 samples taken and the socialization
process of students showed a figure of 2.31 (category less good).
The purpose of this study was only obtained from the results of research on students of
SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe. So, this research is not a truth if done in another school or a different

Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

ISSN : 0000-0000, E-ISSN : 0000-0000

class at the same school. However, the results of this study will be used as a consideration for
teachers and parents to remind the socialization process of their children / students, so that if the
child / student enters the community then they will not be awkward.
The findings of this study were able to accept the truth of the hypothesis formulated,
namely the influence of parental leadership on the socialization process of students of SMP Negeri
1 Namorambe. If reviewed again between theoretical foundations in Chapter II, then it can be
said that the theoretical basis in the research is in line with or not contrary to the results of the
study. The findings of this study are presented on the basis of data presented through data
collection tools, namely questionnaires and theories that support the review or use of the data. To
get a truly pure result, it takes adequate capabilities from researchers. In this case researchers still
feel some weaknesses in this study. The authors realize that the study is not as perfect as expected.
Therefore, it is still open to the next researcher, both follow-up research and re-research, because
this research is the first research for the researchers themselves. Especially regarding the
processing of data obtained from respondents' answers. This may be that the author is less fully
mastered of statistical analysis and may also be unwitting mistakes. To obtain perfect results, this
study is open to pI's other right to conduct further research.

Based on previous descriptions, the authors draw some research conclusions as parents
who do not reprimand children who make mistakes, will make children behave arbitrarily to all
things activities. The socialization process of students of SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe, was
declared poor. This is guided by an average score of 2.31. The state of one's family is a reflection
of one's behavior in the community as well as in school.

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ISSN : 0000-0000, E-ISSN : 0000-0000

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