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A Personal SWOT analysis is an exercise in self-introspec7on to help you understand

yourself and prepare for growth. In personal SWOT you can add about so@ skills, emo7onal
components, and feelings.

Strengths Analysis
• What have been your biggest successes? (think school, sports, work, group
project) What characteristics made those accomplishments possible?
• What tangible qualifications do you have? (certifications, degrees, education,
training, internships, etc.)
• What projects have you worked on and completed? (whether in school, at
work, or in your personal life)
• What values do you have that others might not have?
• What knowledge-based skills do you have? (languages, digital skills, software
knowledge, and other technical skills)
• What soft-skills do you have? (teamwork, leadership, dependable,
• What positive personality traits do you have? (friendly, funny, empathetic,
enthusiastic, honest, patient)
• What do other people in your life say are your strengths? (friends, parents,
coworkers, bosses, teachers)
Weaknesses Analysis
• What times have you “messed up”? (school, work, relationships, with your
family, etc.) What about you or what did you do to cause that issue?
• Are you missing any technical qualifications from your education or
professional experience?
• What situations and tasks do you usually avoid? Why? What does this say
about you as a person?
• What bad habits do you have?
• Have people ever complained about you? (Keep in mind that not all
complaints are true reflections of a person) What have been the valid
• Think about things that aren’t necessarily weaknesses, but things that you
could improve.
• What would others say you could improve?

Opportunity Analysis
Work Opportunity Analysis

• If you’re looking for jobs: Look at job descriptions on LinkedIn or a career

site. Look for jobs that call for skills that match the ones you put in your list.
These could be opportunities for you.
• Are there any positions at your work that need filling? Are there any tasks
that no one else likes to do or is able to do that you can do or learn to do?
• Is there a new project starting at work that you could join and contribute to?
• What potential could you have if you improved one or two of your
• What connections do you have that you can leverage to find work
Personal Life Opportunity Analysis

• What activities or hobbies could you start doing or learn to do?

• Are there any groups you can join?
• What could you achieve in your personal life if you improved on some of
your weaknesses?

Threat Analysis
• Is there someone in your life holding you back?
• Think about your weaknesses: Does anyone in your life exacerbate these
weaknesses or encourage them?
• Are there any new trends, technologies, or processes that you can’t or
haven’t gotten involved in that are keeping you from advancing?
• Are there certain tasks, errands, or projects that bog you down and keep you
from advancing?
• Is your job, education, or personal life getting in the way of advancing in one
of the other areas?
• Do any of your personal traits of weaknesses directly lead to a threat to your
• Think about things that, if they were different, would help you move closer to
achieving your goals. What are they?

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