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Dialogue anglais

Seller (V): Hello, I want to sell my house.

Estate agent (AI): Hello! Of course, let's talk about it. Can you give me a few details about the

V: It's a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house with a garden.

AI: OK. Do you have any idea of the price you'd like to get?

V: I'd like to get around 350,000 euros. Three hundred thousand

AI: Thank you for this information. I'll assess the property in more detail. Could you show me
the house?

V: Sure, follow me. This is the living room, this is the kitchen, and this is the master bedroom.

AI: This is interesting. I'm going to take some pictures for our ad. We'll discuss the price once
I have more information. Thanks for your time!

V: Thank you! I look forward to working together to sell my home.

AI: Before I leave, can you tell me if there have been any recent renovations or updates to
the house that might increase its value?

V: Yes, we've recently renovated the kitchen and updated the bathroom fixtures.

AI: That's great to know. Renovations can certainly make a difference in the selling price. I'll
make sure to include that in the property description. Is there anything else you'd like to
mention about the house?

V: Well, the neighborhood is very family-friendly, and we have a great school nearby. It's a
quiet and safe area.

AI: Wonderful, a family-friendly neighborhood is always a selling point. I'll make sure to
highlight that as well. If you have any documents like the property deed or any recent
inspection reports, please provide them so we can speed up the process.

V: I'll gather those documents and send them to you. Thanks again for your help!

AI: You're welcome! I'll be in touch soon with more information and to discuss our selling
strategy. Have a great day!

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