Uts B.inggris Alfi Putra

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Name : alfi putra

Majority : faculty of computer science

Student Number : 233002030109

A. Write the vocabularies into plural nouns !

Beach (beaches) Sunglasses (sunglasses)

Airplane (airplanes) Coach (coaches)
Country (countries) Family (families)
Library (libraries) News (news)
Society (societies) Alley (alleys)
Balloon (balloon’s) Belief (beliefs)
Berry (berries) Boundary (boundaries)
Boy (boy’s) Box (boxes)
Dictionary (dictionaries) Key (keys)
Trophy (tropies) Laboratory (laboratories)
Water (waters) Sand (sands)
Wind (winds) luxury (luxuries)
Loyalty (loyalties) man (man)
Shoes (shoes) tooth (teeth)
Fish (fish) scissors (scissors)

B. Translate them into English!

Seekor semut (an ant) Sebuah kebun (a garden)

Seorang penulis (a writer) Sebuah kantor (an office)
Seekor gurita ( an octopus) 2 toko alat tulis (two stationary store)
5 candi (five tamples) 10 jari (ten fingers)
15 perut (fiveteen stomachs) 20 lengan (twenty arms)
Anak-anak (childrens) Para wanita (womens)
Para guru (the teacher’s) Para peneliti (researchers)
Negara-negara (countries) Para presiden (presidents)
Kesedihan-kesedihan (sorrows) Kebahagian-kebahagian itu (those happinesess
Rumah-rumah itu (those houses) Api itu (that fire)
Kebebasan-kebebasan ini (these freedoms) 1000 keberanian (1000 braveries)
C. Cross the correct answers!

1. Agus ... a bread every morning.

a. eat
b. ate
c. eating
d. eats
2. My father always ... Taekwondo every week.
a. Is practicing
b. Practicing
c. Practices
d. Practice
3. Bambang And Mrs Susanti ... always happy every time.
a. Were
b. Is
c. Am
d. Are
4. Your father tells me that you .... in the bank now.

a. Are working
b. Were working
c. would have been working
d. had been working

5. Why do you ... your family?

a. Add

b. adds

c. adding

d. added

6. Were they …. Last month?

a. Sads
b. Sad
c. Have sad
d. Will sad

7. You ….. me a noodle yesterday.

a. Cook
b. Cooks
c. Were cooking
d. Will cook

8. Shela: hi mela, what did you do last night?

Mela: ……………….

a. I am watching drama series on VIU last night

b. I watch drama series on VIU last night
c. I watched drama series on VIU last night
d. I watches drama series on VIU last night

9. I….. this floor yesterday

a. Swept
b. Sweep
c. Sweeps
d. Sweeped

10. He __________ always study hard when he was a student.

a. Did not
b. Does not
c. Do not
d. Did

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