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Foundation Of Medicine
health concept- ‫النظريات الصحية‬

• Definitions of:
 health
 disease
 Health care &
 public health

WHO Definition

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social

wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease or

“the ability to lead a socially and economically

productive life.”
Changing Concepts Of Health
‫تغير االفكار حول الصحة‬

• Health is perceived in different ways :

1- Biomedical Concept

• Health means “absence of disease.”

• Study the ability of the body to withstand stressful insult .

2- Ecological Concept: ‫البيئة‬

•health as a dynamic equilibrium between man and his


disease – a maladjustment of the human to environment.

3- Psychosocial Concept
•health is influenced by social, psychological, cultural, economic
and political factors of the people concerned.
health is both a biological and social phenomenon.

4- Holistic Concept
• Holistic concept recognizes the strength of social, economic, political
and environmental influences on health as

• multi-dimensional process involving the wellbeing of the person as a


Social economic

Health Health
promotion Health protection

Environmental Political

Holistic concept
Dimensions Of Health

• Health is multidimensional :
Physical Dimension
Mental Dimension
Social Dimension
Spiritual Dimension
Emotional Dimension
Vocational Dimension

Determinants Of Health

Behavioral &
Other sociocultural condition

Gender Health Environment


Health services
Spectrum Of Health

Positive health
Better health
Freedom from sickness
Unrecognized sickness
Mild sickness
Severe sickness


Indicators Of Health

The indicators are:

1. Morbidity indicators
2. Mortality indicators
3. Nutritional status indicators
4. Environmental indicators
5. Other indicators
Mortality Indicators
Crude death rate: the number of deaths per 1000 population per
year in a given community.

Expectation of life: “the average number of years that will be lived”

Infant mortality rate: It is the ratio of deaths under 1 year of age /

year to the total number of live births in the same year

•Maternal mortality rate: Maternal mortality accounts to the

greatest proportion of deaths among women of reproductive age.

Nutritional Status Indicators

•It consists of anthropometric measurements of preschool children (e.g.

weight, height, mid-arm circumference)

•Environmental Indicators
• include indicators relating to pollution of air & water radiation, solid
wastes, noise, exposure to toxic substances in food or drink.
Public Health ‫الصحة العامة‬

What does Public Health do

Provide disease control & prevention

Assure air & water quality
Promote healthy lifestyles

Some top priority health issues

• Obesity
• Cardiovascular disease
• Diabetes
• Poor nutrition
• Lack of exercise
• Environmental health
• Tobacco use
• communicable diseases
• Access to dental care
• Bio-terrorism
Health Care
‫الرعاية الصحية‬

• It is defined as
“a multitude of services rendered to individuals,
families or communities by the professions, for
the purpose of:
monitoring or restoring health.”

Levels of Health Care

Primary health care:

 It is the first level of contact between the individual and the health
essential or primary health care is rendered.

Secondary health care:

 more complex problems are dealt with.

comprises essentially curative services
provided by the district hospitals & community health
 serves as the first referral level in the health system.
Tertiary health care:
provided by regional/central level institutions.

This level offers super specialist care

decision-making skills
teaching for specialized staff.

Goals of health care

1. Immunization against infectious diseases

2. Prevention and control of endemic diseases

3. Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries

4. Provision of essential drugs.

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