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15 Question Higher Level Essay Checklist

1. Do I have a title in the form of a question? ____________

2. Is there a clear line of inquiry? Can my teacher, my guardian, a peer or someone

else easily identify my argument? ____________

3. Do I have strong argumentative sentences connected to my line of inquiry

throughout the essay? ____________

4. Did I choose the best evidence/textual references to support my argument/line of

inquiry/thesis? ____________

5. Did I fluidly integrate (embed) those quotations and that evidence? __________

6. Have I named and analyzed the various choices/techniques used by the author and
connected this to my line of inquiry/title/thesis? ____________

7. Have I connected #6 to how this choice/technique impacts the reader/audience and

why? ____________

8. Do my arguments develop in a logical manner and is the overall organization of the

essay coherent? ____________

9. Do I use transition words and phrases? ____________

• At the beginning of body paragraphs?
• Inside body paragraphs?

10. Does my conclusion synthesize my thinking and argument rather than just
summarize what I’ve already argued? ____________

11. Do I use a variety of words and sentences including compound and complex
sentences, semi-colons and colons? ____________

12. Have I proofread for spelling, punctuation, long sentences and more? ___________

13. Have I used a formal referencing system throughout the essay? ___________

14. Have I included a Works Cited or Bibliography for all of my sources at the end of the
essay? ____________

15. Have I done everything else my teacher has asked of me? ____________

© Tim Pruzinsky, InThinking 2021

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