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Design persuasive content for your

webinars and live presentations that
connects with your audience and
moves them to join your programs.
The ve principles below are the latest ideas and newest presentation techniques for not just
engaging your audience but moving them to join your programs. Study them and use them wisely
because as you implement them they will transform your presentations into money-making

1. Make it about decision

One of the biggest mistakes that Experts make when they are designing their presentations is
they have their main focus on delivering content and entertaining the audience. If you ever
want to deliver a persuasive presentation that gets people to take action, like joining your
program or becoming a coaching client, you must make the focus of the presentation about
empowering the audience to make a congruent decision.

This means that at various stages throughout your presentation, you must ask questions and
encourage the audience to make micro decisions. When you do this, it teaches the audience
that they can make decisions, which means at the end of your presentation when you provide
the audience with their ultimate decision of whether to join your program or not, at least they
will make a decision, as opposed to just thinking about it.

2. Reframe resistance
One of the main reasons why your audience doesn’t join your program is because they have
resistance or objections towards it or the vehicle you’re presenting. One of the goals of your
presentation is to bring to light all of the various resistance points that your audience has.

Don’t pretend they are not there, because they are. If you don’t address these resistance points,
then it’s kind of like asking someone to put their foot on the accelerator while having the
handbrake on. When this happens, your audience will not decide to join your programs and will
leave with all of their usual excuses for why they couldn’t move forward or take control of their

In Sell From Stage Academy™ we address the six big objections you must reframe in every
presentation to ensure a dramatic increase in conversion rates. One of the six objections you
must reframe is about “You”.

Believe it or not, “You” are actually one of the six big objections that people have. In other
words, why are you credible enough to provide advice and ensure results if they follow your
system? If you don’t address this your sales will decline. .

The Persuasive Content Builder by Colin Boyd Page 2

The ve principles below are the latest ideas and newest presentation techniques for not just
engaging your audience but moving them to join your programs. Study them and use them wisely
because as you implement them they will transform your presentations into money-making

3. Create identity tension

The most successful Expert business owners understand that people don’t join programs, they
join an identity. This is why companies like Apple have been so successful. They don’t sell a
computer, they actually sell an identity. Your goal in the presentation is to identify all of the
characteristics of an unsuccessful person and a successful one.

Throughout your presentation continually refer to what successful people in your industry do
and who they are. Contrast this to what unsuccessful people do and who they are. As you
create this identity tension throughout your presentation you’ll inevitably set up a choice for
your audience to identify with the successful person or the unsuccessful one. When you present
your o er, ensure you link the successful characteristics to it. This advanced selling strategy
enables people to get out of their 'old stuck’ identity and move into the new empowered one.

4. Infuse the sell

No one likes a hard sell. It’s very old-school and really doesn’t work in this more sophisticated
market. That’s why you must not just sell at the end of your presentation, you need to be selling
from the opening word. But it’s not the old-school, pushy, and no-value presentation selling. It’s
infusing the nine selling strategies throughout the valuable content that you’re delivering.

There are nine Infusion Selling® techniques that you can utilize and that we teach in Sell From
Stage Academy™. For now, let me share one of them with you. Your signature story is an
Infusion Selling® technique. When you nd the right story to share that imparts the belief that
the audience needs to be able to say yes to your o er, your conversions will increase, without
the audience feeling like you’re pushing them to do anything.

5. O er the irresistible
Your o er must be irresistible. The test I like to use is when you think about your o er, would
you say “This is insane!” In other words, when the prospect reviews your o er, would they feel
like it’s a no-brainer? I’m not saying that your price needs to be cheap or even cheaper than the
competitor's. I’m saying based on what you’re presenting in your o er does it scream “This is
mind-blowing!” You can have the best presentation, but if you have a poor o er your
conversions will op.

We have discussed ve persuasion presentation principles. When you use these ideas on your
next presentation or webinar, notice how you feel more con dent, clear, and ready to deliver a
presentation that connects with your audience and moves them to join your programs.
The Persuasive Content Builder by Colin Boyd Page 3
Based on the ve persuasion principles, below is a practical worksheet that you can use to identify
some of the outcomes we discussed above. After this process you’ll feel even more clear and
con dent about designing a presentation that connects and converts more clients than ever
FOCUS ON DECISION: How can you ask your audience to make small decisions towards change
throughout your presentation and not just at the end when you make your o er?

REFRAME RESISTANCE: What resistance or objections does your audience have that you must
reframe to ensure there is little to no hesitation when you present your o er?

IDENTITY TENSION: What are the characteristics of a successful person in your industry who
would use the system you’re teaching?

What are the characteristics of an unsuccessful or struggling person in your industry who isn’t
using the system you’re teachIng?

INFUSION SELLING: What signature story or case studies can you share to show how powerful
your processes are?

IRRESISTIBLE OFFER: On a scale of 1 to 10, how irresistible is your o er? If you were to make it
a 10 out of 10 what would you need to include so that it becomes a no-brainer for your

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Colin is your go-to guy when you want your virtual or live presentation to get clients, not just
claps. He's advised the biggest names in the industry to sell from both virtual and live stages
including Jenna Kutcher, Amy Porter eld, Rick Mulready, Julie Solomon, Carrie Green, and
hundreds of other entrepreneurs worldwide.

Colin is a Certi ed Speaking Professional, who has been on the professional speaking circuit for
over a decade. He's best known for his signature program called Sell From Stage Academy® which
helps coaches and course creators turn every presentation into a money-making machine. He lives
in Newport Beach, California, with his amazing wife and two little kids.

P.S. There are 2 main ways we can help you grow your Expert business...

1. Join Sell From Stage Academy®, which is the leading program for helping you speak and
sell on stage or in webinars so that you get clients every time.
2. Listen to the Expert Edge Podcast to gain weekly insights from leading industry experts on
in uence, persuasion, and communication, so you can scale your business up.

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