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1. Topic 1: Work/ Study

- Do you work or study? What is your major?

- Why did you choose your job/major?

- How do you get to college or work?

2. Topic 2: Accommodation

- Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

- How long have you lived in your house/flat?

- What part of your house do you like the most?

3. Topic 3: Holiday

- Which public holiday do you like best?

- What’s your ideal holiday duration – short weekend getaways or

longer trips?

- What holidays do you consider stressful?

- When did you last do exercise?
- What is your favorite activity to stay healthy?
- Do you have any unhealthy habits?

Topic 5 Parents
 What are your parents like? Are they strict? (symbolizes Asin’s parents,
especially in Vietnamese, they set generally for my siblings not to swear in front
of adults or not hang out before 10 pm or maybe go out of place you have to m
permission from parents)
 Who do you get along better with, your mother or your father? ( my mother-
always takes care of me from meals to clothes, and gives useful advice or just
respects my dream professional economist….)
 Do you often argue with your mother or father? What about? ( I look up to my
parents now I rarely have a conflict with my parents )
Topic 6 Eating out
 How often do you eat out? (Well, not very often. Sometimes on special occasions
such as birthdays or wedding anniversaries my family and I go to restaurants, but
normally we have meals at home)
 What is your favorite restaurant to eat out?( the favored place which I frequently
go to is isushi restaurant about 1 2 times per month to enjoy the meals-I attracted
to the service is helpful and friendly, and the price also is reasonable for me…)
 Do you know anyone who never eats out? If so, who? ( in my family, the one is
my younger sister-an introverted person, on special occasions, she just sits at
home and surfs the internet….)
Topic 7 Time
 What takes up most of your time?( a student-almost learn and explore the new
knowledge in a new environmet…)
 How much time do you spend sleeping? Do you wish you could sleep more?
(During the day, it takes me about 6-7 hours to sleep….)
 Would you rather have more time or more money? (I likely want to spend more
time than money. Because time is gone but money you can make again
furthermore, Money will not embrace you in the evening, so I prefer time which I
could spend with my family…..)
Topic 8 Hobbies
 Have you got a hobby? What is it? ( I do enjoy playing sports. I think it’s a great
way to stay active and healthy, and it’s also a lot of fun. I especially like team
sports because they provide a great opportunity to socialize and bond with other
 Is your hobby safe or dangerous? ( brings the beneficial factors- Firstly, playing
sports helps us to keep fit and stay healthy. Secondly, it also enhances people’s
competitiveness to win a match. Finally, I believe that sports also teach us about
discipline to play fair and how to cooperate with other people to blow the
competition away.)
 How long have you had it? ( make an inspiration in the harsh time/ about 5 6
months until now- it is a great opportunity to realize the stress period…)
Topic 9 Going out
 Where do you usually go at the weekends? ( frequently in the coffee store near
my house to chill the private moments such as reading a book or solving my
home works and sometimes hanging out with my best friend to enjoy each other
 Where did you go last weekend? Do you have plans for this weekend? (had a
small party to celebrate Vietnamese Women's Day and next week I have a mini
presentation so I need to prepare carefully to get a high core)
 Do you have a favorite bar or café when you go out with your friends? Why do
you like it? ( absolutely, I can easily share my private story and rewrite
unforgettable memories in high school….)
Topic 10 Sport
 Are you athletic? (I am not particularly athletic, but I do enjoy playing sports. I
think it’s a great way to stay active and healthy, and it’s also a lot of fun. I
especially like team sports because they provide a great opportunity to socialize
and bond with other people)
 What is your favorite indoor/ outdoor sport? ( outdoor recreational activities are a
great way to see new things and enjoy experiences not replicable being indoors.
Some of the reasons why include: fresh air, beautiful scenery, fun activities, and
added health benefits.)
 Do you prefer watching or playing sports? ( I’d prefer engaging in some sports
activities rather than sitting in a dump place to watch others having fun. Firstly,
playing sports helps us to keep fit and stay healthy. Secondly, it also enhances
people’s competitiveness to win a match. Finally, I believe that sports also teach
us about discipline to play fair and how to cooperate with other people to blow
the competition away.)

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