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The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance:

The Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion

Submitted By

Muhammad Umair Zafar

ID # 21488

In partial fulfillment of the

The requirement for the

Degree of MPhil



This thesis Chapter 1, 2 and 3 has been

Accepted by the faculty

[Dr. Usman Ghani]


In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful

I would like to thanks almighty Allah at first who gave me sufficient strength and knowledge to
conduct this research. Then I would like to pay gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Usman Ghani at
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

IQRA University Gulshan Campus, who provided me his useful guidance at each step of this
research and enable me to carry out my research in the appropriate manner
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter#1 Introduction....................................................................................................................5

1.1. Summary of the chapter....................................................................................................5

1.2. Background of the study...................................................................................................5

1.3. Problem Statement............................................................................................................6

1.4. Research Question.............................................................................................................7

1.5. Research Objective(s).......................................................................................................7

1.6. Significance of the study...................................................................................................7

1.7. Delimitations (or Scope) of the study...............................................................................8

1.8. Structure of Thesis............................................................................................................8

Chapter# 2: Literature Review and Hypotheses Development........................................................9

2.1 Summary of the chapter.........................................................................................................9

2.1.1 Theoretical Background......................................................................................................9 Conservation of Resources (COR) Theory.....................................................................9 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs........................................................................................9 COR Theory.....................................................................................................................9

2.1.2. Consumer Incivility.........................................................................................................10

2.1.3. Abusive Supervision........................................................................................................11

2.1.4. Consumer Incivility and Work-Life Balance..................................................................11

2.1.5. Abusive Supervision and Work-Life Balance.................................................................12

2.2. Research Framework..........................................................................................................15

3. Research Methodology..............................................................................................................16
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

3.1. Summary of the Chapter.....................................................................................................16

3.2. Research Design.................................................................................................................16

3.2.1. Research Approach...................................................................................................16

3.2.2. Research Purpose.......................................................................................................16

3.2.3. Type of Investigation.................................................................................................17

3.2.4. Study Setting..............................................................................................................17

3.2.5. Unit of Analysis..........................................................................................................17

3.2.6. Time Horizon.............................................................................................................17

3.2.7. Hypothesis..................................................................................................................17

3.2.8. Sampling Design.........................................................................................................18

3.3. Ethical Consideration..........................................................................................................19

4. Data Analysis.............................................................................................................................20

4.1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................20

4.2. Respondent’s Demographics..............................................................................................20

4.3. Reliability Statistics............................................................................................................22

4.4. Regression Analysis............................................................................................................23

4.4.1. Effect of consumer incivility on work life balance.....................................................23

4.4.2. Effect of consumer incivility on employee performance............................................24

4.4.3. Impact of Abusive supervision on work-life balance..................................................25

4.4.4. Impact of Abusive supervision on employee performance.........................................26

4.5. Correlation Analysis...........................................................................................................27

4.6. Hypothesis Summary..........................................................................................................27

The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Key Words: Consumer Incivility, Abusive Supervision, Emotional Exhaustion, Work Life

List of Tables
Table 1: gender..............................................................................................................................21
Table 2: age....................................................................................................................................22
Table 3: experience........................................................................................................................22
Table 4:Reliability.........................................................................................................................23
Table 5: reliability..........................................................................................................................23
Table 6: regression.........................................................................................................................24
Table 7: model summary...............................................................................................................24
Table 8: anova................................................................................................................................24
Table 9: Coefficient.......................................................................................................................25
Table 10: regression.......................................................................................................................25
Table 11: model summary.............................................................................................................25
Table 12: ANOVA.........................................................................................................................25
Table 13: Coefficient.....................................................................................................................26
Table 14: regression.......................................................................................................................26
Table 15: model summary.............................................................................................................26
Table 16: ANOVA.........................................................................................................................27
Table 17: Coefficient.....................................................................................................................27
Table 18: regression.......................................................................................................................27
Table 19: model summary.............................................................................................................27
Table 20: Coefficients....................................................................................................................28
Table 21: Correlation.....................................................................................................................28
Table 22: Hypotheses summary.....................................................................................................29
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Chapter # 1


Chapter#1 Introduction

1.1. Summary of the chapter

This chapter will present a brief explanation of the background of the research study. It will
illustrate the problem statement or gap to be addressed by the study. The research question,
objective, scope, and significance of the study are presented in this chapter. This chapter is
focused to lay the grounds for the research.

1.2. Background of the study

The job demand of employees includes dealing and interacting with customers (Lesener et al.,
2019). It also includes handling interpersonal skills which are required for maintaining both
external and internal relationships in the organization. Organizations also put a large emphasis on
training employees for better interaction with customers. The communication quality, attitude,
and behaviors of employees are found to have a significant impact on consumer satisfaction (Rod
et al., 2016). Studies in past and existing literature have also emphasized the impact of
employees' behavior towards customers and vice versa matter rarely grabs attention from
organizations and researchers (Bauer et al., 2020). This has also forced a perception among
employees and organizations that “customers are always right” (Alola et al., 2019). The rigid
perception of regarding customers as always right has created negligence in understanding and
considering the feelings and emotions of employees when customers are not behaving right with
them (Han et al., 2016). Ignorance from organizations when customers are behaving in an
uncivilized manner with employees tends to disturb employees' performance, job satisfaction,
and engagement.

It is found that the incidence of customers treating the employees in an unkind and impolite
manner is increasing and getting common with time. Hence the ratio of consumer incivility is
increasing over time (Shin & Hur, 2020). It is evident that when customers treat the employees in
an uncivil manner, the employees experience negative affectivity and frustration which can
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

indirectly impact their behaviour and performance (Chen et al., 2022). Hence the matter of
consumer incivility is important for organizations to pay attention to.

There is plenty of research which have explored the factors behind consumer incivility and how
it impacts the emotional balance of employees (Alola et al., 2021). It is found that consumer
incivility tends to impact the emotional stability of employees and also affects their satisfaction
with the job (Alola et al., 2021). As per the demand theory, employees perceive consumer
interaction as a day-to-day role of their job (Lesener et al., 2019). This demand makes it difficult
for employees to vocalize their concerns regarding the unsatisfactory behaviour of customers.
Research has evident that abusive supervision or hostile behaviour or supervisors serve to be an
interpersonal stressor for employees. Abusive supervision can impact the performance of
employees negatively (Wang et al., 2020). It can create emotional exhaustion among employees
and disturb their morale towards work. The work-life balance of the employees can get affected
by abusive supervision and consumer incivility as employees feel forced to interact with
customers and supervisors despite their unacceptable behaviour (Cho et al., 2022). Drawing on
the above findings, this study focuses on consumer incivility and abusive supervision as negative
influencing factors towards employee performance and work-life balance.

Performance is defined as the extent or degree to which employees can fulfil their assigned work
duties and responsibilities (Atatsi et al., 2019). In parallel, work-life balance is defined as the
state in which an employee chooses to prioritize work demand, and personal demand in an equal
manner (Cho et al., 2019).

Abusive supervision is defined as the display of hostile behaviour (can be verbal or non-verbal)
from supervisors. The abuse excludes physical abuse. Abusive supervision can manifest in
behaviours like deception, rude comments, sarcasm, passive aggression and public ridicule
(Caesens et al., 2019). The intensity of abusive supervision is high and has an ambiguous intent
to harm the target worker (Caesens et al., 2019). Similarly, consumer incivility includes uncivil
or inappropriate behaviour and the attitude shown by customers (Zhu et al., 2019). This can
include showing anger, throwing tantrums, misbehaving or blaming. It is found that both
consumer incivility and abusive supervision share mutual characteristics except the perpetrator
are different.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

1.3. Problem Statement
Organizations pay the utmost attention to customers as they are regarded as profitable assets for
any organization (Alola et al., 2019). To cater for customers in a professional and better way,
employees are rigorously trained by organizations. As the behavioural dynamics of every
consumer are different, hence employees have to deal with different customers regularly. Even
though most customers civilly treat employees, but still few customers show incivility toward
employees (Hershcovis & Bhatnagar, 2017). This incivility is demonstrated in the form of
behaviours like raising their voice, taking anger and frustration out on employees, using abusive
or derogatory tones etc (Zhu et al., 2019). As organizations put a large emphasis on treating
customers professionally no matter what, employees are often compelled to face consumer
incivility. Consumer incivility or mistreatment of employees by customers is a neglected topic in
organizations as they feel helpless and escape from this matter. Organizations are often insecure
about losing their customers (Beau et al., 2020). In parallel, most employees feel forced to deal
with consumer incivility due to job insecurity and bad word of mouth that customers can spread
easily. The unpleasant behaviour from customers can add to the stress of employees and disturb
their work-life balance (Shin & Hur, 2020).

Organizations, especially supervisors neglect consumer incivility matters and force employees to
endure unpleasant behaviours. It is found that abusive supervisors further add up to the work-life
imbalance and impact the performance of employees (Tepper et al., 2017). Supervisors are
assigned the responsibility to supervise and monitor the duties performed by employees. The
concerns of employees and guiding them are also under the assigned duties of supervisors
(Tepper et al., 2017). Often supervisors are cooperative, but in case supervisors are abusive then
the performance of employees can suffer a lot. Their motivation towards performing well can get
impacted as a consequence of abusive supervisors (Wang et al., 2020). The employees can feel
restricted and reluctant in sharing their concerns or asking for guidance from abusive
supervisors. The self-esteem of employees can further get impacted through it.

The attention of researchers and organizations is restricted to the interpersonal relationship of

employees and their behavioural ethics in dealing with customers. Hence very few researchers
have diverted their attention towards the vice versa case i.e. employees being maltreated by
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

customers and supervisors. Furthermore, the abusive and ill-treatment of employees by
supervisors is not investigated specifically by past researchers (Ahmad, 2016). Additionally,
existing and prior studies have focused on factors like job satisfaction, well-being, and work
engagement (Ahmad, 2016). Considering the gap in the existing research area, this study
prompts to identify the work-life balance and employee performance due to consumer incivility
and abusive supervision. As argued by (Hawari et al., 2020) the work-life balance of employees
can get impacted as a consequence of interpersonal relationship disturbances.

In the current era, organizations are endeavoring to incorporate flexibility in organizations to

improve the work-life balance of employees. However, the area of consumer interaction with
employees is still an underdeveloped concept in organizations. The biggest challenge that
organizations face in dealing with consumer incivility is related to the fear of bad word of mouth,
insecurity of losing employees, and controlling the customer's uncivil behavior. The constant
exposure of employees to uncivil behavior of customers and supervisors tends to create burnout
and divert the work performance of employees (Al Hawari et al., 2020). There is very little
information available regarding how the uncivil behavior of consumer and employees distract the
work-life balance and performance aspect of employees. Studying the impact of customers'
uncivilized behavior and supervisors' abusive attitudes towards employees' work performance
and work-life balance, represents a gap in the existing literature.

1.4. Research Question

RQ1: What are the impact of consumer incivility and abusive supervision on employee
performance and work-life balance?

RQ2: Do consumer incivility and abusive supervision influence the work-life balance and
performance of employees?

1.5. Research Objective(s)

The study aims to address the following two objectives as aligned with the research question of
the paper;

RO1: The objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of consumer incivility and abusive
supervision on employee performance and work-life balance
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

RO2: To examine the influence that consumer incivility and abusive supervision have on the
performance and work-life balance of employees.

1.6. Significance of the study

The significance of the study is immense as work-life balance is an active matter among
organizations. Initially, the results of the study can contribute to the existing literature relevant to
the area. Previous researchers have focused on examining the impact of consumer incivility and
abusive supervision on employees' job satisfaction, well-being, stress, and other variables. The
work-life balance and performance of employees as influenced by consumer incivility and
abusive supervision have been focused on by very few studies only (Beau et al., 2022).
Secondly, this study contributes holistically to explaining the relationship between the
mistreatment of employees by customers and supervisors and how it diverts their performance.
Lastly, previous researchers have restricted focus on investigating employee performance in the
context of COVID as it was a frustrating and alarming period for customers and workers (Shin et
al., 2022). A prominent contribution of this paper is in terms of understanding the individual
perception of employees about the ill-treatment or uncivil treatment that they have to endure
from both customers (external) and supervisors (internal) environment. Additionally, the role of
interpersonal relationships in the work-life balance of employees is indirectly investigated
through this study. The study has potential scope and implications for managers, supervisors,
customers, and HR managers to hear the concerns of employees when they report consumer
incivility and consider their complaints regarding the ill-treatment of supervisors. It has a
beneficial outcome for organizations to put focus on the concern of consumer dealing and
monitoring the interpersonal behavior and relationship of employees with supervisors. It is found
in a study that HR practices play an integral role in regulating the work-life balance of
employees by addressing their concerns in an appropriate manner (Bui et al., 2016).

1.7. Delimitations (or Scope) of the study

This research can help organizations identify the factors which are influencing the work-life
balance and performance of employees. Identification of the factors will allow the organizations
to improve their policies and strategies in handling uncivil employees and monitoring employees'
interrelationships. The HR practices can progress towards improvement through this study. It has
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

scope for employees as their work-life balance and performance can be improved through it. The
employees will be able to communicate their concerns related to consumer incivility and abusive
supervision. Organizations can collectively put efforts into considering the matter of consumer
incivility and providing developmental opportunities for supervisors to improve their working

1.8. Structure of Thesis

This study is structured in the following ways;

The first chapter of the study introduced the variables of the topic, provided a brief background
of the study, identified the gap in existing literature, and highlighted the research objective, aim,
question, significance, and scope of the study.

The second chapter of the study has provided a theoretical background of the study by
introducing relevant theories, offering rich data on what has been done already through a
literature review, and developing a hypothesis for the study to be tested.

The third chapter is on a methodology that explains how the study will be conducted by
identifying the research design, approach, purpose, investigative nature, setting, analysis, time
horizon, sampling design, data collection procedure, and ethics.

The fourth chapter of the study is relevant to the analysis. This chapter explains how data is
analyzed by defining its reliability through pilot study, data screening, analysis, diagnostics,
normality, variance, correlation, regression, and measurement model. It aims to define the
significance of the hypothesis. The last or fifth chapter is the discussion of results, limitations,
future recommendations, and conclusions. At the end of the study, references and appendices are
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Chapter# 2: Literature Review and Hypotheses Development

2.1 Summary of the chapter

The following chapter includes the base for the study including the theory on which the thesis
will be based. The chapter also entails information and research about the main topic of the study
which is consumer incivility and abusive supervision and their impact on employee performance
and work-life balance.

2.1.1 Theoretical Background Conservation of Resources (COR) Theory

The theory of Conservation of resources stresses the conservation, protection, and acquirement
of resources that can be tangible and intangible. Since the element of respect is important for the
employees hence, they preserve their resources to keep thriving for their potential performance
(Hobfoll, 2011). Personal characteristics are important to be preserved and conserved for better
performance and for creating a proper work-life balance as well. According to the theory,
incivility and abusive supervision in the workplace can create a potential threat and stressor for
the employees through which their preserved personal characteristics can be impacted as well. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

The theory of the hierarchy of needs as proposed by Maslow helps to understand and underpin
the behavior of the employees working in a workplace that has abusive supervision and directed
incivility towards the employees. This can easily impact their behavior as they would not be
getting the element of respect that they deserve (Maslow& Lewis, 1987). The employees would
need both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to continue their tasks and maintain adequate
employee performance and create a work-life balance easily as well.

Pyramid block applies in the workplace, the need for love and belonging can have an impact on
employee work-life balance. When employees feel a sense of connection and belonging within
their workplace, they are more likely to be satisfied with their work and have a better work-life
balance. This can lead to increased productivity and better overall well-being. Employers can
promote a sense of love and belonging within the workplace by fostering a positive work culture,
encouraging teamwork and collaboration, and providing opportunities for social interaction and
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

relationship-building among employees. These efforts can help employees feel valued and
supported, which can lead to a better work-life balance. COR Theory

The conservation of resources theory can be linked with emotional exhaustion factor. The COR
theory states that emotional exhaustion among the employees is most likely to take place when
the actual resources such as time and effort are lost. The theory predicts that individuals
experience discomfort and attempt to eliminate loss by reducing the effort or simply quitting the
Job. The theory also assumes that individuals are emotionally exhausted when they feel they do
not have the enough resources to deal with the interpersonal stressors. As a whole, it can be
stated that the imbalance among the effort and rewards are important in the COR model of
emotional exhaustion (Hills, 2019).

2.1.2. Consumer Incivility

Consumers are an important aspect for businesses to earn profits for the companies because they
are the buyers that can provide profits to the organizations. The attitude of the consumers can act
as a motivator for the service employees (Cheng et al., 2020). It was evidenced by a study that
tested the impact of consumer incivility on the performance of employees in the services sector
of the hotel industry in China. The results of the study indicated that there is a negative impact of
consumer incivility on the performance of the employees which is further manifested in the form
of negative affectivity. Moreover, the hostile attribution bias further promulgates the relationship
between consumer incivility and negative affectivity (Bajrami et al. 2020; Donthu and
Gustafsson 2020; Sönmez et al. 2020).

Another study explored the impacts of consumer and coworker incivility on the job performance
and work engagement of employees (Wang& Chen, 2020). The sample consisted of employees
belonging to hotels, who were classified as front-line employees, a questionnaire was designed to
measure the incivility impacts on the job performance of the workers in the hotel industry. The
study findings maintained that there is a negative impact of consumer and coworker incivility on
the performance of the employees and it can also reduce work engagement of the employees
significantly. However, if the work engagement of the employees is increased then the work
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

performance of the employees would also increase significantly (Joo and Shin 2020; Lee and Lee

Consumer incivility toward employees can be harmful to the performance of the employee as
well as the attitudes of the employees toward other consumers and employees (Kim& Qu, 2019).
This claim was tested through a study conducted on the population of frontline employees in the
restaurant sector of the USA. The results of the study pointed toward the fact that there is
consumer incivility can induce burnout in employees. The factor of incivility also acts as a
trigger for negative attitudes and affects the employees. The findings also suggested that the
employees that faced consumer incivility were found to have diminished performance, moreover,
the consequences of consumer incivility lead to employees behaving in uncivil ways towards
other consumers and their coworkers which creates a toxic work dynamic (Al-Hawari et al.
2020; Arasli et al. 2018; Sliter et al. 2012).

It was also found through research studies that the creativity induced in employees and self-
efficacy of the employees is diminished by the incivility of the customers (Hur et al., 2020). A
study tested the impacts of creativity on self-efficacy of employee performance in employees
toiling in departmental stores in South Korea. The findings of the study promulgated that there is
a positive impact of creativity on job performance and self-efficacy but there is a negative impact
of consumer incivility which diminishes creativity and self-efficacy of the employees leading to
an overall decrease in employee performance (Hur et al., 2020).

H1: Consumer incivility can lead to the diminished performance of the employees.

2.1.3. Abusive Supervision

Supervision for the employees is extremely necessary as it helps the employees in dealing with
the challenges and hurdles in their employment period and career. However, sometimes
employees face abusive supervision which can lower their morale and motivation toward tasks
(Al-Hawari et al., 2020). A study was conducted that tested the consequences of abusive
supervision on the performance of employees in different service industries. The study found that
abusive supervision is one of the main causes that could cause employee burnout and emotional
exhaustion which can lead to deteriorating performance of the employees. Another factor that
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

adds fuel to employee exhaustion and deteriorating job performance is consumer incivility
(Filimonau et al. 2020; He et al. 2020; Jung et al. 2021).

Another study was conducted which compared the factors of consumer incivility and abusive
supervision on the job performance of the employees before and after the pandemic. The study
tested the employees in the services sector of South Korea (Shin et al., 2020). The findings of the
study exerted that the relationship between the incivilities of the consumers along with abusive
supervision on the job performance of the employees was highly negative. The more consumer
incivility and abusive supervision increased the performance of the employees decreased
significantly. Moreover, during the times of Covid-19, consumer incivility increased and
diminished employee performance further, however, the abusive supervision didn't increase or
decrease after or during the pandemic and it kept exerting negative impacts on the performance
of the employees (Voorhees et al. 2020).

Another study was conducted which analyzed the impacts of abusive supervision on the
performance of employees in employees of Chinese public and private companies (Chen &
Wang, 2017). The hypothesis was tested and it was found that there is a significant negative
impact of abusive supervision on the performance of the employees as the employees were found
to suffer at the hands of such supervisors. Moreover, the study recommended the use of self-
concept, leadership, justice, self-efficacy, and supervisory trust to enhance the relationship
between the employees and their subsequent supervisor which will enhance and strengthen the
performance of the employees as well (Chen & Wang, 2017).

H2: Abusive supervision can cause a decline in employee performance.

2.1.4. Consumer Incivility and Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is an important aspect that needs to be created for a healthy attitude towards
both life and job. But there can be implicating factors that can diminish the performance of the
employees and also impact their work-life balance (Zhu et al., 2021). A study was conducted to
investigate the impacts of consumer incivility on work-life balance. The study tested the
formulated hypothesis on employees in Chinese firms. The revelations from the study suggested
that there are work-family conflicts can increase due to incivility shown by the consumers
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

towards the employees. Due to consumer incivility, employees can find their boundaries to be
diminished as the work-life balance gets disturbed causing the employees to have frequent
familial conflicts due to work-life issues (Tejero et al. 2021).

Another study was conducted which also studying the impacts was caused by consumer incivility
on the work-life balance of employees. The study was conducted qualitatively by taking
interviews with casino workers which were mostly students (Offiong, 2020). The findings of the
research reported that there is a negative impact of consumer incivility on the work-life balance
of the employees as they can get emotionally triggered which can cause deterioration in their
family and personal life as well. The study also suggested that consumer incivility cannot be
stopped in casinos as it can be negative practice but it can be potentially diminished through
proper management channels, which can also regulate and create work-life balance for the
employees and workers in casinos and other workplaces as well.

Moreover, an investigation was employed on the related consequences of consumer incivility

leading to several issues in the personal and professional life of the employees (Pu et al., 2022).
The study collected data from several employees from the hospitality sector to test the hypothesis
related to consumer incivility and its impact on employee performance. The findings of the study
promulgated that there is a negative relationship between consumer incivility and work-life
balance created by the employees as consumer incivility creates intentions to leave the
workplace and causes emotional exhaustion for the employees which creates disruptions in their
private and professional lives. Hence, the emotional distress caused due to consumer incivility
causes employees to suffer from issues that disrupt their work-life balance (Pu et al., 2022).

Consumer incivility can seriously impact the well-being and the job performance of the
employees which impacts their work-life balance creating a negative and unlikely association
with their jobs (Sommovigo et al., 2019). This was proved through a study that conducted a
systematic literature review on the mentioned principles of consumer incivility, and its
consequences on employee well-being and job performance. Moreover, consumer incivility in
the form of verbal aggression can lower and completely diminish the functioning and motivation
of the employees (Sommovigo et al., 2019).
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

H3: Consumer incivility is the cause of disrupted work-life balance for employees.

2.1.5. Abusive Supervision and Work-Life Balance

Employees' relationships with their managers can exert positive pressure on the lives of the
employees both personal and professional (Gabler& Hill, 2015). Therefore, a study was designed
to identify the impacts of the supervisor's attitude on the performance and work-life balance of
the employees. The study concluded that there is a negative impact of abusive supervision and
supervisors on job performance and the creation of a proper work-life balance for1 employees.
Moreover, a workplace created by a toxic manager/supervisor can lead to detrimental impacts on
the working environment of the company which leads to lesser profits and more losses (Gabler&
Hill, 2015).

One of the greatest hurdles that are faced by employees in the service sector is the effort of
dealing with the clients and their incivility (Boukis et al., 2020). The employees are known to
have enhanced stressors if their supervisors are not accommodating because in such situations
supervisors help the employees in managing and fighting with the challenge of incivility posed
by the clients. But if there is abusive supervision offered then the stress for the employees
increases and it can cause detrimental impacts on their professional life and personal life as well.
The work-life balance can get destroyed when this happens and can cause emotional distress and
burnout in employees (Boukis et al., 2020).

Similarly, a study was conducted to investigate the mediating impact of abusive supervision on
the functions of employee well-being, work-life balance, and turnover intention. The study was
conducted on bank employees in Pakistan, by using a questionnaire (Gulzar et al., 2021). The
findings of the study indicated that employee engagement, turnover intention, and work-life
balance of the employees can positively impact employee well-being. But when the factor of
abusive supervision is tested against the variables, it is found to negatively impact the work-life
balance, turnover intention, and employee engagement along with employee well-being. Hence,
the study suggests the management of human resources and organizational behavior as well
(Gulzar et al., 2021). Likewise, a study was conducted that found negative associations of
abusive supervision in several areas of the lives of the employees ranging from their in-role
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

behavior to work-life balance, and career commitment as well. However, career commitment and
work-life balance can have positive impacts on in-role behavior (Cho et al., 2022).

H4: Abusive Supervision negatively impacts the work-life balance in employees.

2.1.6 Emotional Exhaustion and Work life Balance.

Emotional exhaustion and work-life balance basically are the two main important variables may
impact on the wellbeing of any individual and the productivity on the workplace. Many
researchers suggested that the both variables have the relationship between the emotional
exhaustion and the work life balance. Study suggested that the emotional exhaustion may impact
the work life balance (Buchan & Catton, 2020). When the exhaustion of the individuals is being
experienced due to the consumer incivility, rude behavior of the customers over the employee on
a daily work routine and along with this they may face some difficulty to find the time for own
self in engaging activities which is non work based. Relationship may also contribute where the
individual experienced the overwhelmed with the work demands and heavy workload (Chen et
al., 2020). Supportive environments from the supervisor may reduce the emotional exhaustion.
Study can further show that the significant impact on work life balance may also disconnect the
worker from performing the required job due to the abusive supervision and that is the reason
that when the employee of an organizations experiences the abusive behaviors over the work
his/her metal state of understanding thigs during the work envoriemntal gets disturbed and due to
this the work and the competition of task also suffers and the job that is required to do in a
certain time limit may also deviate from the actual timeframe, this usually increases the late
working hours of an employee d (Giusti et al., 2020; Tan et al., 2020). Study shows that when
the employee experience the late working hours this work life balance also suffers that the time
that his own family time or the time to experience the hobby also gets impacted misbalancing the
professional and the personal life which includes the family, hobbies and other personal interest.
Emotional exhaustion can have negative effects on an individual's physical and mental health
(McKenna & Jeske, 2021; Mudallal et al., 2017), which can further impact their ability to
balance work and personal life. For example, individuals may experience increased stress,
anxiety, or depression, making it more difficult to engage in non-work activities and maintain a
healthy work-life balance.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

H5: Emotional Exhaustion impact on work life balance.

2.1.7 Mediating role of Emotional Exhaustion

Emotional exhaustion has been found to play a mediating role in the relationship between
various workplace stressors and negative job-related outcomes. For example, emotional
exhaustion has been found to mediate the relationship between job demands and burnout,
turnover intentions, and job satisfaction (e.g., Bakker et al., 2014; Hu et al., 2017).

Similarly, emotional exhaustion has been found to mediate the relationship between workplace
aggression and job outcomes such as psychological distress, job satisfaction, and turnover
intentions (e.g., Hoel et al., 2019; Yildirim et al., 2020). Additionally, emotional exhaustion has
been found to mediate the relationship between work-family conflict and negative job outcomes,
such as burnout and job dissatisfaction (e.g., Demerouti et al., 2004; Frone et al., 1997).These
findings suggest that emotional exhaustion plays a significant role in how workplace stressors
impact job-related outcomes. In other words, when employees experience high levels of
emotional exhaustion, they are more likely to experience negative outcomes, such as burnout and
turnover intentions. Therefore, reducing emotional exhaustion in the workplace may be an
effective strategy for improving job-related outcomes and promoting employee well-being.

Emotional Exhaustion will insignificantly mediate the influence of Consumer Incivility on Work-
Life Balance

It is possible that emotional exhaustion may mediate the relationship between consumer
incivility and work-life balance. Consumer incivility refers to rude or disrespectful behavior
displayed by customers towards employees. Research has shown that experiencing consumer
incivility can have a negative impact on employee well-being, including emotional exhaustion
(e.g., Grandey et al., 2013).Emotional exhaustion, in turn, has been linked to negative outcomes
such as decreased work-life balance. For example, a study by Hakanen et al. (2008) found that
emotional exhaustion partially mediated the relationship between job demands and work-family
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Thus, it is reasonable to hypothesize that emotional exhaustion may play a mediating role in the
relationship between consumer incivility and work-life balance. When employees are exposed to
consumer incivility, it can lead to emotional exhaustion, which may then negatively impact their
work-life balance. However, more research is needed to establish this mediating relationship and
to better understand the mechanisms by which consumer incivility impacts employee well-being
and work-life balance.

H6: Emotional Exhaustion mediating role on Consumer Incivility and work life balance.

Emotional Exhaustion will insignificantly mediate the influence of Abusive Supervision on Work-
Life Balance

It is possible that emotional exhaustion may mediate the relationship between abusive
supervision and work-life balance. Abusive supervision refers to the sustained display of hostile
verbal and nonverbal behaviors towards employees by their superiors. Research has shown that
experiencing abusive supervision can have a negative impact on employee well-being, including
emotional exhaustion (e.g., Tepper, 2000). Emotional exhaustion, in turn, has been linked to
negative outcomes such as decreased work-life balance. For example, a study by Hakanen et al.
(2008) found that emotional exhaustion partially mediated the relationship between job demands
and work-family conflict. Thus, it is reasonable to hypothesize that emotional exhaustion may
play a mediating role in the relationship between abusive supervision and work-life balance.
When employees are exposed to abusive supervision, it can lead to emotional exhaustion, which
may then negatively impact their work-life balance. However, more research is needed to
establish this mediating relationship and to better understand the mechanisms by which abusive
supervision impacts employee well-being and work-life balance.

H7: Emotional Exhaustion mediating role on abusive supervision and work life balance.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion


2.2. Research Framework


Consumer incivility

H4 Emotional Exhaustion H5 Work-life balance

Abusive Supervision
H6, H7 H2
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Chapter # 3


3. Research Methodology

3.1. Summary of the Chapter

The methodology chapter aims to discuss the methods and techniques that are used to evaluate
the study. The methodology section involves the research design, approach of research, the
purpose of study, sample design, and other methodological tools that are important to be
considered in the study. The primary aim of the chapter is to illustrate the validity and reliability
of the procedure that is used to conduct the collection of data to evaluate the effect of consumer
incivility and abusive supervision on employee performance level and work-life balance.

3.2. Research Design

The study aims to use correlational research design to assess the effect of consumer incivility and
abusive supervision on employee performance level and work-life balance.

3.2.1. Research Approach

There are three kinds of research approaches that includes quantitative, qualitative, and mixed.
With regard to the qualitative research approach, the researcher aims to develop a new theory by
making in-depth research. Because of the exploring nature of the qualitative approach, it has
been also depicted as an inductive strategy. On contrary, the quantitative research approach is
depicted as a deductive strategy that aims to explain the theory that already exists. In the
quantitative research approach, the researcher aims to develop and test the hypothesis by relying
on the theory. The mixed approach of study holds both quantitative and qualitative techniques to
conduct the study(Strijker, Bosworth, & Bouter, 2020). This study, study has been using a
quantitative research approach that aims to test the hypothesis on the basis of existing theory.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

3.2.2. Research Purpose
There are three kinds of research purposes that includes exploratory, explanatory, and descriptive
research purpose. The purpose of the exploratory study is used when the study is done on
qualitative research and the study explores new theories and frameworks. In the explanatory
study, the purpose of the study is to use current theory in the existing studies. The descriptive
purpose of research is the type of study where the researcher neither drive the result nor
evaluates the effect and cause of one independent variable on the dependent variable thus, it is
used in describing the data (Asenahabi, 2019).

For this study, the researcher has used explanatory purposes as it has been focusing on existing
theories to analyze the hypothesis.

3.2.3. Type of Investigation

Three kinds of investigation can be done in the research including causal, descriptive, and
correlation design. The causal investigation is done to evaluate the cause and effect of the
independent variables on a dependent while, the correlation investigation is used to evaluate the
association between two variables. The use of descriptive study aims to investigate the
description of the data (Williams et al., 2019). This study aims to use the correlation
investigation of the study to evaluate the association between the variables.

3.2.4. Study Setting

The study setting depicts the environment and surrounding in which the stud is evaluated thus,
the two kinds of study settings include non-contrived and contrived setting. The contrived study
is used in a setting in which there is a controlled environment and artificial as the researcher
usually conduct those type of study in laboratories. The non-contrived study setting has been
depicted as a study done in a natural setting (Pandey & Pandey, 2021). This study has been done
in a non-contrived environment where the participant responses are not being affected and
disturbed by the environment and its aspects.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

3.2.5. Unit of Analysis
The unit of analysis is four in the research involves dyads, groups, individuals, and organization
thus, this study has been using an individual unit of analysis to evaluate the effect of consumer
incivility and abusive supervision on employee performance level and work-life balance

3.2.6. Time Horizon

The primary study has been used in this study which usually includes two kinds of time horizons
including cross-sectional and longitudinal. In the longitudinal time frame, the study is conducted
by the use of different horizons of time that impact the association of the variables. On the other
hand, the cross-sectional study is depicted to be used in a single time frame (Pandey & Pandey,
2021). This investigation has used cross-sectional time frame to conduct an analysis of the effect
of consumer incivility and abusive supervision on employee performance level and work-life

3.2.7. Hypothesis
Ho: There is no effect of consumer incivility on employee performance and work balance

Ha: There is an effect of consumer incivility on employee performance and work balance

Ho: There is no effect of abusive supervision on employee performance and work balance

Ha: There is an effect of abusive supervision on employee performance and work balance
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

3.2.8. Sampling Design
For this study, the study has used convenience sampling design to conduct the study as the target
population were selected for the convenience of the researcher to evaluate an effect of consumer
incivility and abusive supervision on employee performance level and work life balance Data Source and Instrument

For this study, the researcher has used primary source of data as there has been the first-hand
data collection, questionnaire as an instrument thus the survey has been collected through Google
forms. The study used five Likert scale starting from 1 as strongly disagree and 5 as strongly
agree. Target Population

For the evaluation of effect of consumer incivility and abusive supervision on employee
performance level and work life balance thus, the target population are employees. Sample size

For this study, the sample size used were 256 responses from the employees in the private
companies. The minimum size of sample used to conduct the testing of hypothesis was 161 that
was calculated by the use of online calculator by Daniel Soper. Thus, the size effect was 0.3 with
0.8 statistical power and 0.05 probability level.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Source: (Soper, 2020) Sampling Technique

The study used non-probability sampling technique in this study as the targeted population did
not get equal chance to be selected for the sampling. In addition, the study has used convenient
sampling, type of non-probability sampling tool as the sample was as per the convenience of the
researcher. Data Collection procedure

For the collection of data, the researcher used questionnaire that was approved by the supervisors
thus, online questionnaire has been used in the Google forms links that were shared with the
employees on WhatsApp and email

3.3. Ethical Consideration

In this study, strict ethical consideration has been undertaken as the respondent’s privacy and
anonymity has been maintained. The questionnaire was filled with the participants willingness
about the research aim thus, the study has been used for academic purpose in which the identity
of respondents is kept secured.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion


4. Data Analysis

4.1. Introduction
This chapter has been illustrating quantitative analysis to assess the two hypothesis that are

Ha: There is an effect of consumer incivility on employee performance and work balance

Ha: There is an effect of abusive supervision on employee performance and work balance

The chapter analyzed the result through regression analysis, correlational analysis, reliability
statistics and frequency analysis of respondent’s demographics.

4.2. Respondent’s Demographics

There was total 200 respondents included in the study.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Female 82 41.0 41.0 41.0
Valid Male 118 59.0 59.0 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0
Table 1: gender

The above table depicts the gender of the 200 respondents showing that there were 82 female and
118 males from the total 200 respondents.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion


The chart also signifies that there were more male than female.
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
18 - 25 85 42.5 42.5 42.5
26 - 30 35 17.5 17.5 60.0
31 - 35 30 15.0 15.0 75.0
50 25.0 25.0 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0
Table 2: age

The above table signifies the age aspect showing that 85 respondents have age ratio of 18 to 25,
35 have age ratio of 26 to 30, 30 have 31 to 35 age ratio and 50 have above 35 age.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion


The graph also illustrates that there were high ratio of the respondent having age 18 to 25.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
1 - 3 years 87 43.5 43.5 43.5
4 -6 years 24 12.0 12.0 55.5
Valid Above 6
89 44.5 44.5 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0
Table 3: experience

The table depicts that there were 87 respondents having experience of 1 to 3 year, 24 have
experience of 4 to 6 years and 89 have above 6 years of experience.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion


The graph examines that the highest experience was 1 to 3 years and above 6 years having
maximum range of 89.

4.3. Reliability Statistics

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.682 4
Table 4:Reliability

The reliability statistics shows the value of Cronbach alpha that is 0.682 which depicts moderate
internal consistency of scale with 4 variables that are consumer incivility, abusive supervision,
employee performance and work life balance.

Item-Total Statistics
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Scale Mean if Scale Corrected Cronbach's
Item Deleted Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
consumerincivility 38.7050 68.561 .385 .664
abusivesupervision 33.6800 41.013 .549 .586
33.9100 63.087 .453 .625
worklifebalance 38.0200 63.507 .561 .577
Table 5: reliability

The above table signifies the reliability statistics of each of the variables showing that consumer
incivility has internal consistency of 0.664, abusive supervision has 0.58, employee performance
holds 0.62 and work life balance have internal consistency of 0.577 showing moderate level of
internal consistency of scale for all the variables.

4.4. Regression Analysis

Regression analysis elaborates the linear association among the variables thus, regression
analysis has been run to evaluate the two hypotheses:

Ha: There is an effect of consumer incivility on employee performance and work balance

Ha: There is an effect of abusive supervision on employee performance and work balance

4.4.1. Effect of consumer incivility on work life balance

Variables Entered/Removeda
Model Variables Variables Method
Entered Removed
1 . Enter
a. Dependent Variable: worklifebalance
b. All requested variables entered.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Table 6: regression

The regression analysis to assess the effect of consumer incivility on employee performance has
been run thus, the above table depicts the variables entered or removed.
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 .5220a .048 .44 2.63750
a. Predictors: (Constant), consumerincivility
Table 7: model summary

The above table depicts the model summary denoting the value of R and adjusted R square. The
value of R is 0.522 which depicts moderate effect of independent variable on dependent variable
while adjusted R square shows that independent variable has been 44% explaining the dependent

Model Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 70.188 1 70.188 10.090 .002b
1 Residual 1377.367 198 6.956
Total 1447.555 199
a. Dependent Variable: worklifebalance
b. Predictors: (Constant), consumerincivility
Table 8: anova

The ANOVA table signifies the sig value that is .002 less than 0.05. The rule of thumb
deliberates that the sig value less than 0.05 depicts that the researcher rejects null hypothesis and
there is an effect of consumer incivility on work life balance.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 8.128 .644 12.630 .000
1 consumerincivili
.208 .066 .220 3.176 .002
a. Dependent Variable: worklifebalance
Table 9: Coefficient

The table of coefficient depicts the sig value and the beta value showing that the sig value is .002
and allows the researcher to reject null hypotheses while the beta value is positive which means
that an increase in consumer incivility would increase negative effect on work life balance

4.4.2. Effect of consumer incivility on employee performance


Variables Entered/Removeda
Model Variables Variables Method
Entered Removed
1 . Enter
a. Dependent Variable: employeeperformance
b. All requested variables entered.
Table 10: regression

The above table signifies the variables entered or removed showing that consumer incivility is
independent variable and employee performance is dependent variable.
Model Summary
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 .749a .622 .677 3.06569
a. Predictors: (Constant), consumerincivility
Table 11: model summary

The model summary table depicts that the value of R is 0.749 that shows that there is strong
relationship among the variables while adjusted R square is 0.677 that shows that independent
variable has been explaining 62% of the dependent variable.

Model Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 42.502 1 42.502 4.522 .0035b
1 Residual 1860.893 198 9.398
Total 1903.395 199
a. Dependent Variable: employeeperformance
b. Predictors: (Constant), consumerincivility
Table 12: ANOVA

The ANOVA table mainly depicts the sig value that is 0.03 that is less than 0.05 showing that the
researcher rejects null hypotheses and there is an effect of consumer incivility on employee
performance level.

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 12.672 .748 16.940 .000
consumerincivility .162 .076 .149 2.127 .035
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

a. Dependent Variable: employeeperformance
Table 13: Coefficient

The table of coefficient demonstrates the beta value and the sig value. As denoted above that sig
value is less than 0.05 showing that there is an effect of consumer incivility on employee
performance. The beta value is also positive that shows that an increase in the value of consumer
incivility would increase the bad effect on employee performance level.
4.4.3. Impact of Abusive supervision on work-life balance


Variables Entered/Removeda
Model Variables Variables Method
Entered Removed
1 . Enter
a. Dependent Variable: worklifebalance
b. All requested variables entered.
Table 14: regression

The above table depicts that the regression analysis has been run by entering the variables
abusive supervision as independent variable and work life balance as dependent variable.

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 .430a .185 .181 2.44068
a. Predictors: (Constant), abusivesupervision
Table 15: model summary
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

The model summary table depicts the value of R that is 0.43 showing that the relationship among
the variables is weak while adjusted R square shows that the independent variable has been only
explaining 18% of the dependent variable
Model Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 268.088 1 268.088 45.005 .000b
1 Residual 1179.467 198 5.957
Total 1447.555 199
a. Dependent Variable: worklifebalance
b. Predictors: (Constant), abusivesupervision
Table 16: ANOVA

The ANOVA table prominently signifies the sig value that is .000 less than 0.05. The rule
demonstrates that the value is .000 means the researcher rejects null hypothesis and the result
concludes that there is an effect of abusive supervision on work life balance.

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 6.463 .567 11.404 .000
abusivesupervision .251 .037 .430 6.709 .000
a. Dependent Variable: worklifebalance
Table 17: Coefficient

The table of coefficient demonstrates that the sig value is .000 showing that there is a significant
effect of abusive supervision on work life balance while beta value is 0.43 that is positive
showing that an increase in abusive supervision would diminish the work life balance of
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion


4.4.4. Impact of Abusive supervision on employee performance


Variables Entered/Removeda
Model Variables Variables Method
Entered Removed
1 . Enter
a. Dependent Variable: employeeperformance
b. All requested variables entered.
Table 18: regression

The regression analysis has been run to assess the effect of abusive supervision on employee
performance level. Thus, the independent variable is abusive supervision and dependent variable
is employee performance level.

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 .336a .113 .109 2.92007
a. Predictors: (Constant), abusivesupervision
Table 19: model summary

The model summary table depicts that the value of R is 0.33 showing there is weak association
among the variables while the adjusted R is 0.109 that shows that the independent variable has
been 10% explaining the dependent variable.
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 10.951 .678 16.149 .000
abusivesupervision .225 .045 .336 5.022 .000
a. Dependent Variable: employeeperformance
Table 20: Coefficients

The table of coefficient shows that the sig value is .000 that is less than 0.05 showing that the
researcher rejects null hypothesis and the beta value is 0.33 showing that an increase in abusive
supervision would increase disruption in employee performance level.

4.5. Correlation Analysis

consumerinci abusivesuperv employeeperf worklifebalan
vility ision ormance ce
1 .462** .749* .220**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .035 .002
N 200 200 200 200
.462** 1 .336** .430**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
N 200 200 200 200
employeeperformanc Pearson .749* .536** 1 .600**
e Correlation
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

Sig. (2-tailed) .035 .000 .000
N 200 200 200 200
.520** .430** .600** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .002 .000 .000
N 200 200 200 200
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table 21: Correlation

Correlation signifies the extent of relationship among the independent and dependent variable.
The independent variables are consumer incivility and abusive supervision while dependent
variables are employee performance and work life balance. The correlation among employee
performance and consumer incivility is 0.74, abusive supervision is 0.536 which demonstrates
moderate to strong extent of association among the variables. While, work life balance
correlation with consumer incivility is 0.52 and abusive supervision is 0.43 showing moderate
extent of relationship among the variables.

4.6. Hypothesis Summary

Following table demonstrates the hypotheses summary

Hypotheses Sig value Result

There is an effect of .002 Accepted
consumer incivility on work
There is an effect of .003 Accepted
consumer incivility on
employee performance
There is an effect of abusive .000 Accepted
supervision on employee
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion

There is an effect of abusive .000 Accepted
supervision on work balance
Table 22: Hypotheses summary

The summary of the chapter concludes that there is an effect of abusive supervision and
consumer incivility on work life balance and employee performance level. The reason behind
this is that abusive supervision could discourage morale of employees and could demotivate
them to work productively. The result has been also supported by the past research paper
showing that there is a significant negative impact of abusive supervision on the performance of
the employees as the employees were found to suffer at the hands of such supervisors (Boukis et
al., 2020). It has been denoted that if there is no equality and fair relationship among the
supervisors and the employees then it could worsen the work life balance and could negatively
affect the performance level of employees. It has been depicted that the customer incivility is
also among the factor that could decrease the input and productive behavior of employee by
affecting their level of performance (Cho et al., 2022).
The Relationship of Consumer Incivility and Abusive Supervision with Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role
of Emotional Exhaustion


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