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Unseen Impact of Online Gambling for National Integration

Moreno Cello R1, Khayriz Zafran N2, Kavin Hibrizy Pradipto Eska3, Muhammad Rafii M4
{mail@morenoclr.com1, khayriz.kzn@gmail.com2, hibrizykavin@gmail.com3, mrunfaadi@gmail.com4}

Abstract. Online gambling has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in
developing countries like Indonesia. The types of gambling games available online are the same
as those found in traditional gambling establishments, such as casino games, sports betting, and
poker. This popularity is due to several factors, including the convenience of online gambling,
its accessibility to anyone with an internet connection, and the wide variety of games and
software providers available. Indonesia, with its large population and high level of internet
access, is particularly vulnerable to the negative impacts of online gambling. These impacts can
be significant, for both individuals and society. Online gambling can lead to financial problems,
mental health problems, and other negative consequences. Gamblers can lose substantial
amounts of money, and they may become addicted to gambling, which can lead to neglect of
their work, relationships, and other responsibilities. Gambling can also lead to depression,
anxiety, and other mental health problems. Additionally, online gambling can lead to increased
crime rates, decreased productivity, and social unrest. Gamblers who lose substantial amounts
of money may turn to crime to support their gambling habit. Gambling can also lead to
decreased productivity at work, as gamblers may be distracted by their gambling and may take
time off work to gamble. Additionally, gambling can lead to social unrest, as gamblers may
become angry and frustrated when they lose money.

Keywords: Gambling, Addiction, Popularity

The popularity of online gambling in Indonesia is a growing concern, as the accessibility of
online gambling on the internet continues to rise. This expansion is bolstered by the global increase
in social networks and online gambling platforms, which have extended their reach into Indonesia.
The emergence of these websites in the country began around 2018. Despite the government's
efforts to block access to these sites, they persistently reappear. Recent data indicates that
approximately 201,122 Indonesians engage actively in online gambling. Notably, a significant
majority of 2,190,447 individuals (or 2.1 million) partake in betting with modest sums of money,
typically under IDR 100,000, which places them in the low-income bracket. This demographic
includes students, college students, workers, farmers, stay-at-home parents, private sector
employees and others.

As a result of the addictive nature of online gambling, we are trying to help Indonesians by
educating them about its impact on our national integration. Using social media platforms and
leveraging Indonesia's high level of internet access, we are spreading awareness about online
gambling and its addictive nature. To this end, we have designed interesting posters to be shared
on social media and are using Google Forms to interact with audiences who have seen our posts on
Instagram. This interaction allows us to collect data about people's thoughts on online gambling
and our posts.
To educate and gather data for this project, we created two methods: a Poster and a Google

A. Poster
We used social media to spread awareness of online gambling addiction and gather data
using a Google Form. Social media platforms are the optimal way to share information and
educate many people without much effort. We chose to use posters because they are easy for
today's young adults to process, given their short attention spans. We posted our poster on
Instagram and TikTok because they are the most popular social media platforms in Indonesia
right now. The main purpose of our poster is to raise awareness of the facts and negative
impacts of online gambling.

Our poster discusses the facts and negative impacts of online gambling that we found to
be common in Indonesia. Online gambling is being normalized everywhere in Indonesia, and
is advertised on every social media platform, leading Indonesians to accept the idea of
gambling. There is also a misconception that gamblers only affect themselves, which is
untrue. Gamblers also indirectly affect their relationships with family, friends, and the social
community. Gambling activity on a large scale also affects the national economy.

B. Google Form
Using a QR code on our poster, we gathered data from the Google Form that we had
already created and published. We received 31 responses to the Google Form from completely
random people. We chose this method because it allows respondents to remain anonymous,
which is a feature that we found important.

Our survey of 31 people, conducted via a Google Form, yielded genuine responses. The
sample was 77.4% male (24 respondents) and 22.6% female (7 respondents). All but one
respondent was aware of online gambling. While the vast majority acknowledged the dangers
of online gambling, two were unconvinced of its risks, and one remained unaware. In terms
of engagement, 74.2% (23 people) had never participated in online gambling, while 8 had.
Among the active participants, financial need was the primary reason cited for their
involvement. Most active participants reported feelings of satisfaction and a desire to play
again for entertainment, despite a minority expressing frustration. Financially, there was a
wide range in the amount of money spent on online gambling, with some spending thousands
of rupiah and a few even exceeding Rp. 1,000,000.
Online gambling has become increasingly popular in Indonesia, despite government efforts to
block websites. The ubiquity of social networks and online gambling platforms has contributed to
its growth, with over 200,000 Indonesians actively involved, mostly from lower-income groups,
including students, workers, farmers, and parents. This research project aims to shed light on the
demographics, dangers, and impact of online gambling on national integration.

The state faces substantial annual losses, estimated at approximately 100 trillion rupiah, due to
online gambling activities. Citizens affected by online gambling addiction may experience
financial distress, mental health challenges, and struggle against the addictive nature of the activity.

A two-pronged approach of creating an informative poster and gathering data through a Google
Form. The poster is disseminated on popular social media platforms, targeting the younger
demographic, and emphasizes the information and negative consequences associated with online
gambling in Indonesia. The accompanying Google Form allows for anonymous responses and
garnered feedback from 31 respondents, the majority of whom are male and aged between 18 and
34, with a significant portion being college students.

Overall, this research highlights the widespread impact of online gambling in Indonesia,
particularly among lower-income groups, and underscores the urgent need to address its negative
ramifications for both the government and citizens. The combined approach of the poster campaign
and Google Form data collection provides a comprehensive strategy to raise awareness, gather
valuable insights, and safeguard the national integration of Indonesia.

With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, Alhamdulillah, we thank
Allah SWT for giving us the strength and blessings to complete this project. We would like to
express our deepest gratitude to our lecturer, Dr. Ida Rohayani, M.Pd., for her invaluable guidance
and advice. Her inspiration helped us tremendously throughout this social project. We would also
like to extend our gratitude to our peers who filled out the Google form, providing us with a plethora
of data. Their insights and contributions helped us gain a better understanding of the topic. Lastly,
we would like to thank our families for their unwavering support and understanding throughout
this project. Without the help, we would have encountered many obstacles while
completing this project.
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