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Bader aU S R-925R/R-925RDS AUDIO/VIDEO AC-3, PRO-LOGIC RECEIVER = CONTENTS = ‘SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 2 MECHANICAL PARTS LIST ‘SPECIFICATIONS ---= 3 EXPLODED ViEW BLOCK DIAGRAM «+++ SOL48 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS WIRING DIAGRAM ENING] elECTRICALPARTS UST ‘CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ‘M4 IC FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ‘ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES 28 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (0), (,(), (= ‘TROUBLESHOOTING --- 28 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (Mi (WI), (VB, (X) © @Sherwood. Pinta Shaan Lange Sc (eey) 20 Hn 33 256 59 s SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING ‘Before servicing this unit, famillarize yourself with the folowing precautions 1. Many electrical and mochanical parts in his ‘hoanis hove special safety charactoristics that ‘ten pats unnoticed and the protection SHordea by them cannot necessarily be fttained by using replacement components fated for higher voltge, wattage, etc Replacement parts that have these special Sslely cheraceristis are Tented In ‘manual and Ite supplements: electrical Components having such features are \denufied by. chin the schematie daar fd the part ist Bet vend replacing any of these components 2 arts listn this manval earful. The ‘he of substitute replacemont parts that do rot have the some safety characterises 2: ‘pected in the pars lst may eveato shock, fre or othr hazards. Belore returning the sotto the customer shvnys do an AC leakage current chock onthe a ace the probe on each exposed metalic par. ‘515000 0 per vl or greater sensitivity, ‘ha reading should not exceed 0.75 V. ‘exposed metal pants ofthe cabinet, such 25 ooperete danger of lectrial shock Plug the AC ine cord rectly {ino.8 120'V AC outlet (120 V AC version only {D9 not use 8. line Wolation transtormer {uring this check) Be sure your AC voltmeter hhas 9 sensitivity of 8002 per volt or greater ‘Then connect » 1500 2 10 watt resistor paralaied by a 0.18 uF 150 V AC capacitor, betwen a known good earth ground euch 36 ‘2 water pipe, or conduit) and the exposed totale parts, one a a ime. Measure the [AC voltage across the combination of a 1500, ‘2 resistor and 0.15 uF eapacor. Reverse the AC plug at the AC outlet and repeat AC Voltage measurements for each exposed ‘motale part. Voltage measured must not ‘exceed 0.75V RMS. This corresponds to 0.2 mA AC. Any value exceeging this limit onsitaies 9 potertat sock hazard and must be corrected immediatey SPECIFICATIONS (© FRONT AMP SECTION (ALL) nr ato ae adn MF nC rd 2053 ‘aster es (ena) Buh canal ‘Sent fun £0 ca catrPatn 974 OFF ‘ema Snr SMS i opp ee Pome tre creat mean tri ban saree ema ntr M, ikn M andgrr papos wer | mo may + [eR RSET foe | wom [tt a wenn Oe ce en Oe coms | Set [wt a] ent | seer + [TATE os eet conto [Ca [ | Sf 7 amare —| Sain a [ey ibecarm se eee [i sooner ene terme [re arya eer Pi aooenanase . ae He paeroan a L = — [no DescRIPTION wwour | emea. | newark | unr | OMT | ROWNAL L al |! ue UR f nesta com |“ | ca Fe POWER aS ame | wl nO co [Ties w "Boje ON 4028 OFF eo | 3 | NRUT HPEDOISE | q | ite oy (© REAR AMP SECTION Naar reo (2608) erie, Mae ea way ie 28 (© CENTER AMP SECTION ean contra pate (E008) Somernae at a escrienow wwour | rea, | newark | uN [paar ommoraaaers se Gina ep ee *[farruone, eu [es oe @ viveo section wel een | wr | ee | woe | or [| eS See eee © 4c. SECTION (ALL) amet conden sterner con LD Senta Cae ANGE Sub aoe VES hn ent opt Petar ‘ScuaL [Nu] Geren [un] Jacot-no ConwiAROe | sect breapa mae RRS ieee =k a [eomacaninn —_ LOMARATETSEOATT ‘sowat [wrur] cnapTer [ow] wt [wow] @ FM SECTION essurng stots cont wi IEC stander 315 Neesuents orion Fl” Rage Requancy = 821MKE Au Maueney = ke Referee = in on Teh 00h) Devinn MONO" ati Seo “ET Se 7 Se (A ) MONG == abe Steo = 40ees7 Ste (ROS) “eat Pan TP 4200, TP? 98 a P= 15 Ms ‘Te o0dune 1P2=secume TP3 "080 (DROS) Fa « APF a STEREO f r]LiMitTNOWNAL | Version | nol DESCRIPTION omer] tnt [NOMINAL T Vension | 7 TUnIRG RANGE tow car base eacorm—AK sre ‘auTontan we 20 id ow-rc —e | ar Ssteaund | ROS. ‘uronian (Te t6086 ol 2 SRBLe SENT Fr i gig) aaa [A ‘SN 2048 . 7 @_sva | ewa > 3 aot) ema [sua = USABLE SeNSrTWATY wes Se pre ‘5 = 2608 2 I 3 3 ruwommosaee ‘our ia | 2? 4 (Ear stor weve Bass asa THA FILTER (07 FOTA RaRHONE BTORTION WORE I STEREO 3 | aw OUTING SERS WENO | sia averwe sens ono 9 GHANWEL EPARATION ‘core soon 1 eeaROUS RESPONSE —— rae er ‘sa hwmexerow caeaaed a (ale wes al |i wrerwoouaTion —_ ~ [CAPTURE RATIO. aay ALTERNATIVE CHSELEGTTY + GODAHE 3a | se] UPUTLEVEL WOO ze) wos ‘20 ROS SENSITIVITY =402 2) ROSGUY | no DESCRIPTION | one TTI COVER RANE TOW HGH a ow rer avromtin. ow = avromtn. 7 USABLE BENSTTONTY Mw TPT @ AMSECTION ‘Measuring tba in cont wh IEC sana 315 Measremersconsion Alt-A: Rad eaueny = 00000942 Aue fear = aD LW: Rade teqeoncy = 27H Aud Reuency = Oak etree el = Sin nim Sates Mosssion= 0% ‘estrone at TPT = (S84le TPQ (HOKE TPS =(14D4KKe RDS) ‘eat Pat: AAW TPT = (600Kee TP2= OO} TPS 1400} (A) LW TPs = (tennhe TP2= (2oTHee TS = (zp Le | | (5 VER Lane DISTORTION sav ene WOO [eo FREQUENCY RESPONSE a-5i5 187 Tok | a 7 SELECTIVITY Toes vai Groene eee eT | IMAGE REJECTON vanes a “| sce NOOUTATION = 2 INPUT = vn a 3 WT AUTO STOP LEVEL aa orcas) waa) — L : tw — TUNED LeveL vai ‘n= soot) | OUTPUT Eve (cev_| ions) moss | im} 6060 Yes | — WR @ GENENAL Pon conauption 2097 "40% 266 Som 17418644 anche eee ase mensions Wx Hx0) + Wie et ===> NOTES BLOCK DIAGRAM ‘SHER ont / Druck 1 SHER.O04t4/ Druck? PTINDO ONLY (OL SEL) WIRING DIAGRAM ‘Model No. : R-925R/R-825Rt POWER TRANSFORMER, =| mmm Te ie WBE) eit oat (TUNER) PBSIHP/SPK SWITCH) | liencoven Pose rnonn) CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Jogo1 : CxP-#2852-1140, DWP427 1. Description 7a Pre Py Pie PO. Pie FUNG. UP 22 Ia unc. 200m Pit 706K © Pro 7596 DATA Po ux Ps Weare PS Kena re al unk stanpey vou Bown LeD.o.RanGe cwte Lepcovin sr cux TuMUE se out 70 cE ver LeDAu FR sme AMP MUTE “ 2.Main CPU Pin Functions. Fino. [ Symbol Dascipion| Te 7e86 [Saag one woo. a = 7 —— [np poe Soa a oF — [er = as cok —[etock gre sa TONES + FON UP [met an 05 na or 7 Tee — | cock ges aa COTS i ESCORT —TOATA age 2 MUTE — | Copa tsar nu AT i ata —[ oa recreate 1 “ax tet ster LED mL i TW AUTE | Supt brie RAH Se ees} ev ner —| ba aa ay GOTUNR — [reopen ET I BONN — [eter tama SC OFF — [at ang" SPEARER STONE OFF ean ROS OAT eg ROS sen TOSS ane — | Sona ori Sarat ne WE Tea Te Cok See ag Ta TOON ra Geb ot {Bitar ten eoOEoe Sh [ser cor —t Bata sear apateiestauPoraonspigy——] "VREF {Retro vtnge Corvin VN VDO. = MUTE — | Cont mec a HST eT [inp tracing PROTECTION conan ot BATA — | Bata ger CO Toot CuK —| Coon ag a TOT Tg TERED a was — tha Saag TED coe = 'SELOPTION [ep esc xt A05 Reco OV Reet fei fe Fume ara ape of and Tips gone Hes fare eS A | Sats tpt Vega pea oe —[ a0 TE aCe — |p ee Sa ap (CTE an ra SE i] loll flolalollalalactalaljale|a/talesalelslelellalalelslelelslablshabtalahals Fee — [cree ae oe Cn arse OF ET] teh ney — [eter opal euea ies qurohinn SST “HST —— Sip enti sae BLCTEZZ fest | eSB CaP ENABLE FRONT EWA BAES | gal Crna ber rao GE AS PATE — | Oat ran mae aH TED AEA ee Aue PONTE PHF, Tice [Siena TO NTE — | a TE TERCOUAT— | Sua wate CORRAL EBT Teva [ouprests Rubur fesse) | SFaoeY [oust o a Paw Paras De ae eT Teg |— Paria | eope gnl aant FPa i Re rics | ——Pat-pat | Sgr raat FP cs oo. [ev pe si _| — Paes ar ap Cae fess etapa satire 6 3. Block Diagram 4. Koy Matrix KEY CHECK pws] eran veveve | se | wece | vases Ic810: uPD7s044 Description Ntueaal "VOD +5¥ power sup 'SCKO_| CLOCK signal oupal to C301 CRPEDESD. pin) ‘S81 [DATA signal np fom IC301(CXPE2652, pin 27) ‘380 [DATA sipral ouput fo IC301(CKPEZBS2, pin 26) Notusea! 'SO1_— [DATA sigra ouput to C80TIMCS60D8) ane I806(CS4225). ‘Si [DATA signal npu fom IC807(C86009) and 1C806(C4225). RESET | RESET sipal nput for 1630i(OXPEZ8S2. pin 50) PTA | Ground PTE | Grow. [avs [Grew ‘ANIT | RESET sgl ouput fo CBDs(CSAz25) ‘ANG | Not ura ‘ANS | STROBE signal sup IOBDATOSHZDH, in No. eT @ a iw it i "| SGK1_ [CLOCK signal ouput to 10807 NCSCO05) and CBOSS). 1 ir +e 9 20 2t 2 2 ‘ANA | Not used 25 [ANTS | Oupat ort channel mu AU Wie ace) Nt used "AN | Sampling ate convo por ACTF, Ri 8 We mode, AC We AAT RFE mode) "AVOD | +5V power supp. “AVREF | +5V power upp ‘era [ Noted ‘VSS | Ths pn provides the goad potential Xi [pat or 4.190 eye oscil. 2 | Out for 4196 cya str 3-77 28 30 31 xt [Grown 32 33 Ea 36 a7 | Ouput or OSP mode (AH ie seve) ‘37 | BUZ | General purpose UO pn. The pins connected pin 38 and pna0 38 | POL | 0803(PM4007} OSC contol port (At, tis OSC-OFF. AU, RE OSC-ON 39 [12 | Tis pis comeced pin 37 and pin 40 40“ Tips comectd pn 37 and pn 39 “41 To? —_| Chip enable signal ouput 10807 NCS6O05. 42__|[TOt | RESET sna ouput to ICB0TOHCSSOOS). 43 [Too | Hest request pr om IC307IMCBEDO9). “ae | Clo [Test tne rot (ACU save) “45 | INTP2 [pet or detecing “OPTICAL NPUT-AUT™ Rs ave) “45 —| INP | rp for detecng "COARAL INPUT acve) ‘47 [no [pat for detoing "AC-3 DATA" and"PCM DATAT(At'U" is ace) [Ie [Grow Bai Notused? 2 | VOD | +5V power spy Sw Notuead 71 | WOAB | Grown Te Not used? ” 1807 : DSP5G009 > SIGNALICONNECTION DESCRIPTIONS 31.Pin Discription veer @ voce G25) @ scxssct voce Gi) Pore ) wisors04 cor @ ead tt fp 0G wosmea wn 4B — GNDg Gaze) Port noe Gms) Ground Sonat Host ‘onod onos. Gen) row @ Puer @—a] es ex. @ woans wwowor (ES, MatSIMCS? Matemcs2Mcas MAITIMCSIMRAS oso me MRO Port A External Memory Imertace co fe oD crouse MODAIROA ooanraa woe RESET ee cee ts cent 28 0 Reset © PR @OOO GOOOOO! 3-2. Pin Function = SIGNAL GROUPINGS. ‘Table 1-1 Functional Group Signal Allocations Functional Group Number ofSignals| Detailed Description Power (VeO) e Table 12 ‘Ground (GND) 13 Table 1-3 Phase Lock Loop (PLL) 3 Tatie 14 External Memory interface (EMI) 23 Table 1-5 end Table 15 Taterrupt and Mode Control 4 Tatie 17 ‘Serial Host interface (SH. 3 Tatle 18 ‘Serial uso interface (SAI) 3 Table 1-9 and Table 1-10 ‘General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 4 Table 1-11 ‘On-Chip Emutation (ONCE) port 4 Table 172) Total 20 = POWER Table 1-2 Power inputs Power Name Description ‘Vaan | PLU Power - Vocp provides Isolated power forthe Phase Lock Loop (PLL) ‘Veoa | Quiet Power - Vcoq provides leolated power forthe intemal processing logle ‘Veca [Address Bus Power - Veca provides isolated power for seciens ofthe address bus VO drivers, Vesd | Data Bus Power Vcod provides isolated power for sections ofthe data bus UO drivers Voss | Serial Interface Power - Vics provides Isolated power forthe SHI and SA = GROUND Table 1-3 Grounds [Ground Name] Description “GNDp__[ PLL Ground - GNDp is ground dedicated for PLL use "GNDq | Quiet Ground - GNDq provides isolated ground forthe internal processing lode "GNDa | Address Bus Ground - GNOa provides isolated ground for sections ofthe address bus VO drivers. “GHD | Data Bus Ground - GNOd provides isolated ground for sectors ofthe data bus UO divers ‘GNDs | Serial interface Ground - GNDs provides isolated ground fore SHI and SAL 9 00K AOL HAL til ick and 4 Bana Sam al ri ‘Signal Description e,r—_—_B a avr hey eel couse ese tb Pu ST} — eae] — ea] bane i try avannor throes a Sevan snte FT hel wen mote Pete rear “TERNAL MEMORY HTERFACE(EM) Tel xe Moma nrc Sit oa ema | came | ce sta xeon FT——C oo TES] ouet | Taso hse Lie Ti Taste rorhanere sere wees emmy Cp Be (Sor SRA ces ie ‘ocr tm Sip ste TS] | TEE ay tse Ta ES crue ious maya coed fe onalome ose ena Op ce Wor SRA cn, i ‘oe tommy sped oss mary Cte rn eb HAE) ro ‘cn sr heey Coun ita ‘McA arg OR enn, Ce ment oes he wes may Cy buna Tis nets ip ner oral was sur wate rob AS)" sn Sete mb ey Rn tas Se ares ora sen oso | Ta Ta aay Ca Sac Ta nana ra | aad | Tas at ina ama nar TE} aaa Ra Tia ee mere aor—~——™—r—C—C—CS——s—sS. El accesses » ‘Table 1-6 EMI States during Reset and Stop States ‘Operating Mode been Hardware Reset | Software Reset | Individual Reset] Stop Mode. BUCS Driven Figh [Previous State ous Stato | Previous Sia MATS riven High |~ Driven igh | Previous State | Previous State Mcs3 Deven High_| _Osven igh | Driven igh _| Driven High MATS ‘riven High | — Driven High | Previous State | Previous Stale Mcs2 Ge a ee SES MCAS: DRAM refresh disabled | Driven High | Devan High | Driven High | Drivon High DRANretesh enabled | Driven High_| _OrvenHigh | Driven High _| Driven High WAIT ‘riven Figh | Driven Figh | Previous State | Previous Stats mest eres eat comer cae | efoees car [Pt aean ce RAS: DRAMrettesh disabled | Oren High | Driven High | Driven High | Onven High DRAM refresh enabled | _OrivenHigh_| _OnvenHigh | _Dren High _| Driven High CSO ‘Driven High Driven High | — Driven High | — Driven High MR ‘riven High Driven High | — Driven High | Driven High MRO ‘ven High | Driven High | Driven High | Driven Hh INTERRUPT AND MODE CONTROL Table 4-7 Interrupt and Mode Cortrol Signals ‘Signal | Signal | State during pl es ‘Signal Deseription Tnput—] Tiput (ODA) | Mode Select A- Ths put egnal has Pise funeone + te work with the MODB and MODC signals to select the DSP intial operating mode, + to allow an external device to request a DSP interupt afr intermal synchronization, and + totum on the internal clock generator when the DSP Is inthe Stop processing state, causing the DSP to ‘resume processing 'MODA is read and intemal latched inthe DSP when he processor eis the Reset sate, ROA External Interrupt Request A (IRQA) - The IRQA inputs a yachronized extemal nterupt request THOOB| —Taput | Taput (MOOR) | Mode Select B- This input signa has two Tunchone + to work with the MODA and MODC signals to select ‘he DSP's intial operating mode, ard + to allow an external device to request a 0S Interupt after internal synchronization [MDB is read and intemal latched inthe DSP when tre Processor exits the Reset sate, Ras External Interrupt Request B (IRQB) - The IROB input 2 syfichronized extemal interupt request a ‘ablo 17 Interrupt and Mode Control Signals at [Sioa | Stat aur Sarat [Sina [Sat cures Sion Desertion FESS Trp] it (HOD Mads Stas CTs at Satta wo encore oe, ‘ewok he WODA and MODE san elect woes tbe OSPs intl parang made, sd + walow an extra deve rent 8 0SP ‘ert aerial syrevonsaon MOOG areas arden sched he OSP hen te processor ets he Rest aa vt NonfastablenoraptReques-The iinpatis 3 egave ape ged evra trupeqest. RESET | “asi — wave RESET Tipit aes ect ava eet oT processor. «» SERIAL HOST INTERFACE (SHI) ‘Table 1-8 Serial Host interface (SH) signals ‘Signal | Signal | State during ae re ‘Mecet ‘Signal Description SEK] “Taputor | Trstated | SPI Serial Glock (SOK)- The SOK signal is an oulpulwhen Output the SPlis configured as a master, and 2 Schmit tigger Input when the SPI is configured as a slave, sot | Inputor IF © Serial Clock (SCL) - SCL caries he clock for bus Output transactions in the © mode. TSO | lnputar | Tirstaied | SPI Masterdn-Slave-Out (MISO) When the SPIis Output configured as a master, MISO isthe aster data inp ln. soa | Inputor |F © Serial Data and Acknowledge (SDA) -In!* C mece, Output ‘SDA Is a Schmtsrigger input when receiving and an ‘open-drain output when transiting. WHOS! | Tnpator | —Titstated | SPI Master-Out-Slave-n (MOSI) - Thenthe SPs confgured| Output ‘8 master, MOS!'s the master data sutput ne. wo | ingut 12 Slave Address 0 (HAO) - This signal uses 2 Schmitsvgger input when configured forthe |= C mote. S| tapat| Tstated | SPI Slave Select ($5) - This signals ar actve ow ‘Schmit-sigger input when configured fr the SPI mocs. waz | Input 1 C Slave Address 2 (HA2) - This signal uses 2 ‘Schmit-tigger input when configured forthe I2 C mote. FREG | Taput or | Tatated | Host Request - This signals an actve ow Sehmi-rigter Output Input when configured fr the Master mode, but an acive tow output when configured forthe Steve mode. 2 = SERIAL AUDIO INTERFACE (SAI) @ SAI Receiver Section ‘Table 1-9 Serial Audio Interface (SA) Receiver signals, rs ay oo Signal Description SDI | Input | Tristated | Serial Data Input 0- Whi in the high impedance Sal the internal input butlers cisconnecte from the pin and no external pulp is necessary. SDI] Input | Tréstated | Serial Data Input 1 - While in the high impedance sate, the internal input bute is cisconnectes fom the pin and no external pull-up is necessary. 'SCKR | Inputar | Tiéstated | Receive Serial Cock- SCKR is an output W the receiver Output section is programmed as a master, and a Schmit: trigger input programmed as a save WER | tnputor | THstaled | Word Select Receive (WSR) - WSR is an ouput ifthe Outout receiver section is configured as @ master, and a Schmitrigger input if configured ae asiave. @ SAI Transmitter Section Table 1-10 Serial Audio interface (SAl) Transmitter signals ‘Signal | Signal | State durin Name | Type. | Reset Stara Deeripion ‘SBOO | Ouipat | Driven Data Output 0 (S000) - SOOO ithe sonal output High | fortransmiter 0 ‘SHOT | Output | Drven | Serial Data Output 4 (SDO7)- SDO1 isthe coral output High | _fortransmiter 4 SDO2 | Ouipat | Driven | Serial Data Output 2(SDO2)- SO02 isthe serial outpak High | _fortransmiter 2. 'SGKT | Tnputor | Tisated | Serial Clock Transmit (SCKT) - This signal provides the Output clock forthe SA WET | Input or | Tiratated | Word Select Transmit (WST)- VIST isan ouipat the Output transmit sections programmed as a master, and a Schmitsrigger input iit is programmed as slave GENERAL PURPOSE 110 Table 1-11 General Purpose JO (GPIO) Signals rs Poy naan Signal Description ‘GPIOO- | Standard | Disconnected | GPIO lines can be used for control and handshake P1093 | Output, functions between the DSP and extemal cicuty. Open-drain Output, oF Input = ON-CHIP EMULATION (Oncem) PORT ‘Table 1-12 On-Chip Emulation Port Signals Signal Name Dar 080 Signal Type input Output ‘State during Reset ‘Output Driven Low Signal Description ‘Debug Serial Input (OSI) The DSI signals the ‘signal through which serial deta'or commands. ate provided to the OnCE pot controler. ‘Operating Status 0 (OS0) - Wren the DSP isnot In the Debug mode, the O80 signal provides Information about the DSP status itis an output and used in conjunction with he OS: signal DECK ost input Output ‘Out, Driven Low Debug Serial Glock (DSCK) - The DSGKIOST signal, when an input, is the signal through whien the serial clock is supplied to the OnCE port ‘Operating Status 1 (OS1) - Ifthe OSt signalis an ‘output and used in conjunction with the OSO ‘signal, it provides information about the DSP status when the DSP is nat inthe Debug mode. ‘080 Output Diver High Debug Serial Output (DSO) - The DSO line Provides the data contained in one of the Oro port controller registers as spactfied by the est command received from the command controler. OR Tapa Tnput ‘Debug Request (OR) - The detug request inpat Provides a means of entering the Debug mote of operation a NOTES ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES TUNER 1. Equipment Required + AM Standard Signal Generator (AM SSG) + Audio Generator + Ossiloscope + Distortion Mater AC Volimetor "OC Volsmoter {FM Standard Signal Generstor (FM SSG) + Frequency Counter + Storeo Modulator [Note Disconnect external FM antenna prior to alignment. 2. Alignment 2.1 Alignment and Test Point 2.2. AM Alignment + Output of signal genereter should not be grostor than necossary fo obtain an optimum euput essing. 1 Signa generator modulotion 309% {RP signal requancy 400 Ke 1 Switch: Press the BAND button to AM Sinai Sa Froctiocy | fauiomert | aousimen | agustior step| suvect | gener | gamer | ESutrtsh iste 7 7 [Fone | e oes 0 OC vere 7% DeTevEtY Wotope_| fzzerey ‘gent ” |rouzerten Ais oscim FJusasre [sone woos [AC vokmatarand | Tt Wanize [eretevay | 3008) {sai "| Gsclloscopeto™ | kw anton | auete outne “r Tous Z| speskerterminel TCT oat Maouiy | oFtorR ehennet * Fae signal shoul be fed Toop antenna tough the tet oop amanne SO aaa Pare the apsance + Repast the Step 1 and 2 ut no further improvement ores 3 "coos Tsou [Re vourater ana | Maa (ooo) Isomera) | osttosconate speaker _ | AtwirT | sudo output forming of Lor chant 7 Faned | oooassanrey | ooo Vat | "Tuned Fagin Cree | 800 am (sober inert display lighten 3.3. FM Alignment * Outout of sana generator should not be greater than necessary to obtain an optimum oupet easing 1 Signal generator deviation : USAICenacaorea Toth Europe Dake {RF signal ruoney: Hee 1 Shen Poss he BAND burton to FM andthe FM MODE burton to MONO ral Se sep swiex | stor | rieatney | Emigrare | Adare | pgust tor 7 Hing — [ans Seawe [Devon — Tas ranng so Sian] won tame) [rowers Sea Feb saw] seme Datrion mario | tes ‘son tomes | Panesar Sense seen [Foret Sear | va “ane aie Tis? | 8eaiperea: | Seams ners) ism ise 3-4. MPX Alignment * Signs generator requency:98 Mie 1 Signa onerator devotion“ USA 7st, Europe dtr {RE slgal reavoncy "1 KH 1 Signa unerator output leva: 1000 aim {Connect sgnal generator to FM anton tarminal tough FM dummy antenna 750) 1 Swan: Pass tha BAND burton to FM andthe FA NOSE burton to STEREO “oak Set Equipment] Adnert sa madaton | Genrer Aaj tr ae ee ca ; a SAC vormeiee eet apes torint wee A vote ear, “pene tominl ‘anna sete sreesennet ‘ties £0 cpsow | Sepnaton] Be Momuaron | Provan AC voters | VS Se A omar eee teeter wee eitctanne AC vlna ae eer Spear torl Teadng shld be TRenome ‘ies at ceaiow Tryou aid pot obtain 208 readings singe Tan? reaust VAT onl yo obtan 4049 readings Nominal 48 8 ferope Nominal 4248, Limit 7 4. Equipment Connection 441, AM Alignment Connection —— Sima 42. FM Dummy Antenna Z - oO {4.. FM RE/IF and MPX Alignment Connection | masse iewe Hr} ‘TROUBLESHOOTING ‘Symetom ‘Cause and Remedy acavel wapaave (FLindeatar doesnot ight) TY Fay AC power oe (0) Broken wre he power bane. Replace ) Blown se Replace the se. Fase Bn when power rned or Fy Detective power arse Replace 18) Short on th rimar or secondary ofthe vansfomer cet. Repu he short | ©) Damaged eter 105.0112 or damaged ansitor (G2YEURICSL, case URIS. 1) Shot erat he apr cut. Repat fe shorted consonant) nthe arise et Powe eT 1 Bt v6 SOUR TH Detctve wana’ G2ISUR, GZTELR on bis AUPSOE Bors 8) Plled cut corect speaker switch ‘Gre canna dase nalwok when 7 Daeive fs Wanslalar GETSUR wy GETGLR on ie ANP SED oar ‘Satmasmur with ates signal appedto | Replace to deft ‘he contr tarminal of votre contol othe |B) Breakin copper af pte cat oar. oad onmnes Repal be detect (©) Short in peak ouput terminal Repair epics ‘Speakarware warmaly Bul fandphones [AY Headphone ug aes ra rach wit Rok inoperative, Replace be jak. 18) Deecve resistor ROL, Replace Paina Fy Deseive anced FET Replace 8) Dstecve FM swach Replace tne sen (6) Defective anasto 03 an 15 (102/63. Replace tne cofecvevanaiste oF 18 ) Deecive co 4, 8. Replace he ose) )Datecveeedin. Repo erplace he eatin Ceramic rs CF, CF3 cea Replace he defective cara ert) or rai aOR Ai erope edhsiment. eagust VRS. ICS etectie Repice (Vari resistor VR detective, Repiae the variate resistor Fat valane ene Tyifvolune fo bob Lan R tanta ntl ona Fron ston deecve Feauty 12, Col T4or 8. eau of ne chanel is ot ou enough Olav VR 7% ‘Symptom Caane and Remedy TERED or ds ratio Fy Datecve aio FL Replace ) nproperadustnent of V2 of tuner bos Make reaustrart, ©) Deteave C2 Replace he dtactve component “Fi stecive FH MODE atch Repice. iene Hy Damaged 2 nar Bed Repice 8) Oelecive 1,12, 15 or CF4 of Taner Bau Replace the dtecive component) 1) Deeciv varieap aes VDI er VE2 Replace vatcap dete) Damaged AM op artes Repair orrpiace Tiss Sal Ha no RE 1H Vataberessior SASS dleaivw Replace “Tae carats wo ee, Ay Varata ver TREBLE dae “a moparabve UPI 7 Fea ran USDA Ropar orpace 2) Deteve 1901 Replace (0) Detective tuner Cre component Replace Dyin case of Fen, mproperadestmon of FI ont-end, Reacust Tiaat ane Wopraive UPTON, autor) Peo ona a UsDowe ay 8) Defezve 1301 enlace. Tian sig opera TP erin ama Ras TO. 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Mh fit ERER FRE AC-3 NEW PARTS for R-925 PART TEM MAKER REMARK | BLOGK [EXTERIOR up| cs200 FOWERTR eAroe POWER TR 25017405 BASTR 2804888 earaee wan san80 BBE TNT oo FRONT on sow SOM TaOP AGS | NerseoRFIeT | _WOTOROTA o8e ; csa25 CRYSTAL | ADA CONVERTER Porn RONEER | _BENODULATER rayeaasros7e | SANSUNG ara TucrancueeaD2 | WwoTOROLA | _AVERTER CHP wwerencoea0 | _WOTOROLA | NVERTER CH 208 cPU Nee NEC oR BF 88.099, TOK er weiss Toxo VaRscTOR wwerancven | _WOTOROIA [SK FF.CHI CuSrICP | MOTOROLA TiNzo6ou Ro om JpRoceSsoR| ors Sano Vou Naseat we ORAM vucransae5 | woTORSIA | STORING GRIP ere SAO TaNa08e05 Re naNr NPT | —_earees wows ‘KAA 59 | crea Save Tresaseairn | HYUNDAI oan O\ BRE ee ss ene PIN CONNECTION DIAGRAM OF DIODES, TRANSISTORS AND ICS “Sas

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