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Evaluation phase

METHODOLOGY Philosophic &

Definition of Rural Landscape b/ground
Step of process discussions

G/lines for Evaluating & Documenting

Rural Historic Landscape by NPS

Secondary data: Primary Data:

Site Historic: review past Compile exstg conditions DOCUMENT
inventory /document of thru site observation, site (SITE
the site study – struc. INVENTORY)
Plan/ local plan, journal, photos, topo map, interview
historic document, use 11 of landscape
magazine etc) characteristics (NPS)

Analysis & synthesis use NPS:

1. -Defining significant –based on 4
National Criteria A, B, C & D
A – associate event & historic EVALUATE
B – associate w/important person
C – distinctive physical charac.
D – ability to provide past historic info
METHODOLOGY National Register Criteria &

2. Assess historic integrity: National register

a. Criteria consideration – Criteria Rural Landscape
location, dtl, setting, Yes No
A x
material, w/manship, B x
feeling & association C x
D x
b. Identify threat/problems Consideration
to integrity Location x
Detail x
setting x
c. weight overall integrity material x
(conclusion) w/manship x
feeling x
Association x
Offers to specific
Stewardship: strategies site issue
-support by
To evaluate rural landscape eligibility:

1. Defining significance
a) Significant elements are valued
based on the following criteria:
– association w/events/actv. Ex:
farming, irrigation, fishing, settlement,
– association w/important persons
of success, talent, ingenuity etc.
–distinctiveness phy. characteristics
of dsgn, const & form. Ex. Vernacular
bldg, transport system.
– provides info its past ex
archeology sites. Ex. Abandoned
roadways, reforested field, remnant
stone walls.
• The NR criteria is a foundation on which to
make a statement for the creation of a rural
landscape. The village of Kg Sgi Muka 2 can
be considered a rural landscape under
criteria A & C with the criteria A providing
the strongest evidence for the creation of a
rural landscape.
Table National Register Criteria
National register
Criteria Rural Landscape
Yes No
A x
B x
C x
D x
2. Assess historic integrity:

a. Criteria consideration
Historic integrity is the composite of 7
qualities are:
• Location – place where property took
place. Related with geography factors
include proximity to natural resources, soil
fertility, accessibility etc.
• Design - the
design of the
rural built form has
been maintained.
The spatial layout
of laman
• Setting - physical env that surround of
property ex: river, mountain, forest etc.
• Ex Kg Sri Lumpur surrounded by north-west
and south-west of Mersing river and laut
china selatan. Whilst, each individual house
surrounding by nature plants.
• Surrounding by natural features (river and
offshore sea) shown still remain intact as they
did when the 1st settlers arrived.
• Material –the material used for the const of the
house have been retained. Ex house built with
timber, bamboo material etc
• Workmanship – ways people changed/fashioned
their env for function/decorative.
• Feeling – setting, design, material and workmanship
creates the sense of past times.
• Association – historic property/events but still
practice till now. So this can maintain historic place.
ex. The association with fisherman actv is still strong
in the village of kg sri lumpur retains the character
of a fisherman malay village.

The larger scale NR criteria considerations of location,
setting…. Provide a strong argument for the creation
of a Rural Landscape. This evaluation of the elements
of this village by the NR Criteria & Considerations
presents strong evidence that this village is a Rural
National Register Criteria & Consideration

National register
Criteria Rural Landscape
Yes No
A x
B x
C x
D x

Location x
Detail x
setting x
material x
w/manship x
feeling x
Association x
b. Identify threat/problems to integrity
• changes in land use that alter vegetation,
• introduction of nonhistoric l/uses (sanitary
landfill; recreational areas; pasar tani site; &
other public utilities; modern residential,
commercial, etc)
• deterioration, abandonment, & relocation
of historic buildings/structures
• construction of new buildings & structures
• loss of boundary demarcations and small-
scale features (fences, walls, etc.
C. Weight overall integrity

• Final decision –condition of overall property

& its ability to convey significance
• Despite the presence of (problems ex: new
const of built form & struc, incompatible
land uses , new roadways (introduce
modern visual), deterioration of its old
traditional house, but Kg Lumpur survival of
significant characteristics such as ….Thus, Kg
Lumpur maintain their overall historic
integrity as Malay fisherman village.
a. Preservation – maintains exstg
integrity/character cultural landscape
b. Rehabilitation – repair/ alteration of
property cultural landscape
c. Restoration - return the exstg property to
be appeared by its ori design without
intro of new material
d. Reconstruction – reproduce/return the
exstg property by new cons as nearly as
possible of the exact form, details of
bldg, struc/object

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