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In Vitro Drug dissolution Testing Models :

For an in vitro test to be useful, it must predict the in vivo behavior to such an extent ,that in vivo
bioavailability test need not be performed. Despite attempts to standardize the test performance,
the in vitro dissolution technique is still by no means a perfect approach. The efforts are mainly
aimed at mimicking the environment offered by the biological system.

(AUC T)test and (AUC T)standard

Dtest and Dstandard

(Xu)test and (Xu)standard
Absolute Bioavailability : The absolute bioavailability of a given drug from a dosage form is the
fraction (or percentage) of the administered dose absorbed into the systemic circulation in
unchanged form . It is calculated by comparing the total amount of unchanged drug reaching the
systemic circulation after administering a known dose of the dosage form via any route with the total
amount of unchanged drug reaching the systemic circulation after administering an equivalent dose
of the drug in the form of an intravenous bolus injection. When a drug is administered via
intravenous route, the administered dose is introduced directly into the systemic circulation, i.e., it
does not have to pass through any absorption barriers, and therefore gives 100% bioavailability. Due
to this reason, an intravenous bolus injection serves as a reference to compare the systemic
availability of the drug administered via different routes. Absolute bioavailability of a drug can be
calculated from plasma data by comparing the total areas under the plasma concentration -time
curves obtained after administering equivalent doses of the drug via absorption site and via
intravenous route i n the same subject at different times.

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