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La Salle University

Ozamiz City


Excellent Competent Needs Incomplete
(5pts) (4pts) Improvement (3pts) (1pt)
An intriguing A fairly well- The introduction is not It lacks a proper
introduction based formulated well-constructed, introduction.
Introduction on facts leads introduction with uninteresting, or does
(x2) clearly into the some pieces of not lead to the research
research proposal. evidence to support proposal.
the topic leads to
the research
Problem States the research Statement of the Statement of the It lacks a proper
problem clearly, problem is fairly problem is not clearly statement of the
Statement and provides well posed that stated and/or lacks problem.
(x2) motivation for provides evidence quality evidence to
undertaking the but the evidence is support the problem Evidence presented
research. not as strong as it do not support the
could/should be. thesis or problem
Purpose of The purpose of the Fairly well stated The purpose of the It lacks a purpose of
study is stated The purpose of the study is not clearly the study statement.
the Study very clearly and study is fairly well stated and/or the value
(x2) demonstrates its stated but does not is not stated.
potential value. demonstrate its
potential value.
Literature It demonstrates It demonstrates It unclearly mentions It does not mention
basic knowledge of basic knowledge of some previous work in any previous
Review literature in the literature or the area. research, literature,
(x4) area, previous research in or theories.
and of prior work the area, but does
on the specific not mention any
research problem. theory/ies.
It mentions at
least 1 theory.
References At least 8-10 At least 5-7 At least 2-4 relevant No references are
relevant sources relevant sources are sources are given. provided, or they are
(x2) are given. given. Appropriate Appropriate Harvard not cited correctly.
Appropriate Harvard citation citation style, APA style
Harvard citation style, APA style 7th 7th edition or any of its
style, APA style 7th edition or any of its equivalent is used.
edition or any of its equivalent is used.
equivalent is used.
Writing The research paper The research paper The research paper is The research paper
is well-written with is well written with fairly written and lacks is poorly written and
Mechanics few grammatical few grammatical clarity; has poor lacks organization.
(x4) errors. It also errors. It also transition sentences. There are multiple
adheres to all the adheres to most of There are several grammatical errors.
proposal writing the proposal writing grammatical errors. It It also fails to
format format adheres to most of the adhere to the
requirements as requirements as proposal writing format proposal writing
presented in the presented in the requirements as format requirements
guidelines. guidelines. presented in the as presented in the
guidelines. guidelines.
Presentation There is excellent There is good eye There is inconsistency There is poor eye
eye contact, no contact, no with eye contact,
Skill distracting distracting contact, volume, and volume too low or
gestures, gestures, enunciation. There are
(x2) appropriate usually has also obvious loud,
volume, clear and appropriate distracting poor enunciation.
consistent volume, overall mannerism(s) during
enunciation; clear the presentation.
creative and enunciation.
Visual Aids/ The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation
includes includes appropriate includes appropriate includes no visual
PPT appropriate and and easily visual aids, but these aids, or the visual
(x2) easily understood understood visual are too few or are aids do not
visual aids, which aids, which difficult to understand, complement the
complement and complement and or the presenter does information.
enhance the enhance the not
presented presented refer to or explain
information. information. them.

Note: Student-researchers are required to wear PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE during the


Prepared: Miss Kay Rivera and Miss Blessie Joe Mygel Baje
Modified: Mr. John Michael Acuno


Mr. John Michael Acuno

Basic Education Research Officer

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