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AIS (Automatic Identification System)

The Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a vessel tracking system

capable of communicating navigation information automatically between AIS
equipped vessels and coastal authorities. It is a collision avoidance system that
gives information all the ships in your area, their speed and courses and how to
contact them (name, callsign, MMSI). This information is publically broadcast
on VHF radio which can be picked up either by other ships or by shore-based
AIS provides a tool for improved safety and collision avoidance. Since 2004, the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) has instituted carriage
requirements for vessels affecting both worldwide and local shipping traffic.
These carriage requirements apply to commercial vessels subject to the Safety
of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention
The AIS system consists of the following:
1. Dedicated Antenna working on VHF frequency
2. Receiver and transmitter
3. Processor
4. Display screen
AIS is working on the VHF frequency. The data are transmitted by using STDMA
(self-organizing time division multiple access).The STDMA uses the precise
timing of the GPS signal to synchronise multiple data transmission from many
users on a single narrow band channel.
Each ship transmits and receives data from all ships within an area called the
CELL of the ship. The size of the cell depend upon the traffic density.
In STDMA, each minute of time is divided into 2250 time slots. Each slot is of
26.67 milliseconds and contains 256 bits of data. The rate, of transmission, is
9600 bits per second.The selection of time slot for a ship is automatic and on a
random basis.When a ship enters a cell, the free slot will be occupied by that

To avoid any overlapping, a highly standard time reference is required, which is
provided by the GPS.
AIS is fitted with two receivers, one transmitter VHF DSC receiver Standard
marine electronic communication link providing the various input data. The AIS
transmission uses 9.6 kb GMSK FM over 25 or 12.5kHz channel using HDLC
Packet control. Each AIS transmits and receives over two radio channel to
avoid interference problems.Each station determines its own transmission slot
based on the data link traffic history and knowledge of future actions by other
AIS Message
AIS data falls categories:
a) Static data
b) Dynamic data
c) Voyage related data
d) Safety related data
Static Data:
1. IMO Number
2. —Call sign and name
3. —Length and beam
4. —Type of ship
5. —Location of position fixing antenna
The static data is sent every six minutes unless changed.
Dynamic Data:
1. Ship’s position
2. Time in UTC
3. Course over ground
4. Speed over ground
5. Heading
6. Navigation status
7. Rate of turn
8. Angle of heel
9. Pitch and Roll

Voyage-related data:
This information is entered manually sent every six minutes.
1. Ship’s draft
2. Destination and ETA
3. Route plan
Safety related messages:
The safety messages are normally sent in the text form and may be directed to
one station or various stations and sent only when required.
To improve the safety of navigation by assisting in the efficient navigation of
ship, protection of the environment, and operation of Vessel Traffic Services
(VTS), by satisfying the following functional requirements:
(1) In a ship-to-ship mode for collision avoidance;
(2) As a means for littoral States to obtain information about a ship and its
cargo; and
(3) As a VTS tool, i.e. ship-to-shore (traffic management).
Types of AIS
There are two types of AIS. (1) Type ‘A’, (2) Type *B
Class ‘A’ AIS unit broadcasts the following information every 2 to 10 seconds
while underway, and every 3 minutes while at anchor at a power level of 12.5
watts. The information broadcast includes:
• MMSI number – unique referenceable identification
• Navigation status – not only are “at anchor” and “under way using
engine* currently defined, but “not under command” is also currently
• Rate of turn – right or left, 0 to 720 degrees per minute Speed over
ground -1/10 knot resolution from 0 to 102 knots.
• Position accuracy – differential GPS or other and an indication if RAIM
processing is. being used Longitude – to 1/10000 minute and Latitude –
to 1/10000 minute
• Course over ground – relative to true north ta 1/10th degree
• True Heading – 0 to 359 degrees derived from gyro input
• Timestamp – The universal time to nearest second that this information
was generated
• Type of position fixing device – various options from differential GPS to
• Draught of ship -1/10 meters to 25.5 meters [note “air draught” is not
• Destination – 20 characters are provided
• Estimated time of Arrival at destination – month, day, hour, and minute
in UTC.
The Class B is nearly identical to the Class A, except the Class B:
Has a reporting rate less than a Class A (e.g. every 30 sec. when under 14
knots, as opposed to every 10 sec. for Class A)
• Does not transmit the vessel’s IMO number or call sign
• Does not transmit ETA or destination
• Does not transmit navigational status
• Is only required to receive, not transmit, text safety messages
• Is only required to receive, not transmit, application identifiers
(binary messages)
• Does not transmit rate of turn information, maximum present static

Performance standards
The AIS should be capable of
1. providing to ships and to competent authorities, information from the
ship, automatically and with the required accuracy and frequency, to
facilitate accurate tracking.
2. Transmission of the data should be with the minimum involvement of
ship’s personnel and
with a high level of availability.
3. receiving and processing information from other sources, including that
from a competent
authority and from other ships;
4. responding to high priority and safety related calls with a minimum of
delay; and
5. providing positional and manoeuvring information at a data rate
adequate to facilitate
6. accurate tracking by a competent authority and other ships.
The system should be capable of operating in a number of modes:
1. an “autonomous and continuous” mode for operation in all areas. This
mode should be
capable of being switched to/from one of the following alternate modes
by a competent
2. an “assigned” mode for operation in an area subject to a competent
authority responsible
for traffic monitoring such that the data transmission interval and/or
time slots may be set
remotely by that authority; and
3. a “polling” or a controlled mode where the data transfer occurs in
response to interrogation
from a ship or competent authority
The AIS should comprise:
1. a communication processor, capable of operating over a range of
maritime frequencies,
with an appropriate channel selecting and switching method, in support
of both short and
long range applications;
2. a means for processing data from an electronic position-fixing system
which provides
resolution of one ten-thousandth of a minute of arc and uses the WGS-
84 datum.;
3. a means to automatically input data from other sensors meeting the
provisions as specified
for position
4. a means to input and retrieve data manually;
5. a means of error checking the transmitted and received data; and
6. a built-in test equipment (BITE).
User Interface
To enable a user to access, select and display the information on a separate
system, the AIS
should be provided with an interface conforming to an appropriate
international marine
interface standard.
Permissible Initialization Period
The installation should be operational within 2 min of switching on.
Limitation of AIS
1. Small crafts may not be fitted with AIS
2. AIS might have switched off on other ship
3. Erroneous data might have entered
4. Accuracy of data received depend on the accuracy of data transmitted
5. Error in sensor’s input data,
6. Failure of sensors to provide data
7. Cell of vessel may be full
Precautions while using AIS in collision avoidance
1. AIS is an additional source of navigational information. It does not
replace other nav aids Should rely solely on AIS.
2. Watches must be kept as per STCW.It does not have any impact on the
composition of watch arrangement.
3. Swapping of targets.
SOLAS Regulations for carriage of AIS
Regulation 19 of SOLAS Chapter V – Carriage requirements for shipborne
navigational systems and equipment – sets out navigational equipment to be
carried on board ships, according to ship type. In 2000, IMO adopted a new
requirement (as part of a revised new chapter V) for all ships to carry
automatic identification systems (AISs) capable of providing information about
the ship to other ships and to coastal authorities automatically.
The regulation requires AIS to be fitted aboard all ships of 300 gross tonnage
and upwards engaged on international voyages, cargo ships of 500 gross
tonnage and upwards not engaged on international voyages and all passenger
ships irrespective of size. The requirement became effective for all ships by 31
December 2004.
Ships fitted with AIS shall maintain AIS in operation at all times except where
international agreements, rules or standards provide for the protection of
navigational information.
A flag State may exempt ships from carrying AISs when ships will be taken
permanently out of service within two years after the implementation date.
Performance standards for AIS were adopted in 1998.
The regulation requires that AIS shall:
• provide information – including the ship’s identity, type, position,
course, speed, navigational status and other safety-related information –
automatically to appropriately equipped shore stations, other ships and
• receive automatically such information from similarly fitted ships; ·
monitor and track ships;
• exchange data with shore-based facilities.
The regulation applies to ships built on or after 1 July 2002 and to ships
engaged on international voyages constructed before 1 July 2002, according to
the following timetable:
passenger ships, not later than 1 July 2003;
• tankers, not later than the first survey for safety equipment on or after 1
July 2003;
• ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of 50,000 gross tonnage
and upwards, not later than 1 July 2004.
• An amendment adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on Maritime
Security in December 2002 states that, additionally, ships of 300 gross
tonnage and upwards but less than 50,000 gross tonnage, are required
to fit AIS not later than the first safety equipment survey after 1 July
2004 or by 31 December 2004, whichever occurs earlier. (The original
regulation adopted in 2000 exempted these vessels.)

Automatic Identification System (AIS) on Ships

Automatic Identification System (AIS) Explanation:
• Very simply, the Automatic Identification System is a broadcast
transponder system, operating in the VHF maritime mobile band.
• It is capable of sending information such as identification, position,
course, speed and more, to other ships and to shore. AIS operates
principally on two dedicated VHF frequencies or channels:
AIS 1 – 161.975 MHz – channel 87B (Simplex, for ship to ship)
AIS 2 – 162.025 MHz – channel 88B (Duplex for ship to shore)

• AIS uses Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access (SOTDMA)

technology to meet this high broadcast rate and ensure reliable ship-to-
ship operation. It normally works in an autonomous and continuous
mode, regardless of whether it is operating in the open seas, coastal or
inland areas.
• Although only one radio channel is necessary, each station transmits and
receives over two radio channels to avoid interference problems and to
allow channels to be shifted without communications loss from other
• Each station determines its own transmission schedule (slot), based
upon data link traffic history and knowledge of future actions by other
• A position report from one AIS station fits into one of 2250 time slots
established every 60 seconds.
• AIS stations continuously synchronize themselves to each other, to avoid
overlap of slot transmissions.
• Slot selection by an AIS station is randomized within a defined interval.
When a station changes its slot assignment, it pre-announces both the
new location and the timeout for that location.
• In this way, new stations including those stations which suddenly come
within radio range close to other vessels will always be received by those
• Each AIS consists of on VHF transmitter, two VHF TDMA receivers, one
VHF DSC receiver, and a standard marine electronic communications link
to shipboard display and sensor systems.

Working of AIS:-
• AIS is fitted with two receivers, one transmitter VHF DSC receiver
Standard marine electronic communication link providing the various
input data.
• The AIS transmission uses 9.6 kb GMSK FM over 25 or 12.5kHz channel
using HDLC Packet control.
• Each AIS transmits and receives over two radio channel to avoid
interference problems.
• Each station determines its own transmission slot based on the data link
traffic history and knowledge of future actions by other stations.
• Range of AIS is about 20 NM.

Limitation of AIS:-
• Small crafts may not be fitted with AIS
• AIS might have switched off on other ship
• Erroneous data might have entered
• Accuracy of data received depend on the accuracy of data transmitted
• Error in sensor’s input data,
• Failure of sensors to provide data
• Cell of vessel may be full

Precautions while using AIS in collision avoidance:-

• AIS is an additional source of navigational information. It does not
replace other navigational aids.
• Should rely solely on AIS.
• Watches must be kept as per STCW.
• It does not have any impact on the composition of watch arrangement.
• Swapping of targets.

Advantages of AIS:
• AIS helps in collision avoidance with respect to situational awareness,
AIS can calculate the CPA & TCPA which can be compared with ARPA.
• Information regarding navigation status cane be beneficial.
• By virtue of AIS vessels can be positively identified.
• AIS reduced the work load associated with verbal reporting system
required by the VTS.
• AIS contributes to Maritime security, authorities can monitor the
movement of the vessels, multiple AIS coast stations can be linked
together to get the extended surveillance.
• AIS can pick up targets even during heavy weather & restricted visibility
especially due to rain etc.
• AIS can pick up targets beyond small islands & bends.
• Problem on target swap (for ARPA) will not be experienced in case of
• No problem of range discrimination or bearing discrimination.
• Pseudo AIS can be used to generate virtual buoys to indicate dangers.
• AIS can also be installed on light houses, beacons for positive
identification of these marks.
• Pseudo AIS can also be used to generate target in case of SAR
• AIS can be used for meteorological & navigational information.
• AIS can be interfaced with VDR, ECDIS & radar.

Limitations of AIS:
• Small crafts may not be fitted with AIS
• AIS might have switched off on other ship
• Erroneous data might have entered
• Accuracy of data received depend on the accuracy of data transmitted
• Error in sensor’s input data,
• Failure of sensors to provide data
• Cell of vessel may be full
Precautions while using AIS in collision avoidance:
• Do not rely on AIS as the sole information system, making use of all
safety-relevant information available.
• AIS is an additional source of navigational information. It does not
replace other nav aids.
• Watches must be kept as per STCW.
• It does not have any impact on the composition of watch arrangement.
• Swapping of targets.

Use of AIS in collision avoidance and SAR operations:

Use of AIS in Collision avoidance: AIS has potential to significantly contribute to
safety of navigation. It provides positive identification of targets fitted with AIS
along with their static and dynamic information.
This enhances the navigational effectiveness and it can greatly improve
situational awareness and decision making abilities. AIS also assists OOW in
tracking and monitoring targets, as it also provides information on CPA and
Use of AIS in SAR operations:
• SAR operations can be used for receiving messages from an AIS-SAR
transmitter (SART), which have built in GPS receivers to derive accurate
positioning information, on survival craft.
• In combined aerial and surface searches AIS may allow the direct
presentation of the position on other displays, such as radar, electronic
chart systems and ECDIS.
• AIS-SART facilitates the task of SAR craft in rescuing distressed seafarers.
• For ships in distress without AIS, the on scene co-ordinator could create
an AIS target.

Contents & broadcast intervals for each message type for a class A AIS:
• A Class A AIS unit broadcasts the following information every 2 to 10
seconds while underway and every 3 minutes while at anchor at a power
level of 12.5 watts.
• The information broadcast includes:
• MMSI number – unique reference able identification
• Navigation status – not only are “at anchor” and “underway using
engine“ currently defined, but “not under command” is also
currently defined.
• Rate of turn – right or left, 0 to 720 degrees per minute.
• Speed over ground – 1/10 knot resolution from 0 to 102 knots.
• Position accuracy – differential GPS or other and an indication if RAIM
processing is being used Longitude – to 1/10000 minute and Latitude –
to 1/10000 minute.
• Course over ground – relative to true north to 1/10th degree.
• True Heading – 0 to 359 degrees derived from gyro input.
• Time stamp – The universal time to nearest second that this information
was generated.
• In addition, the Class A AIS unit broadcasts the following
• information every 6 minutes:
• MMSI number – same unique identification used above, links the
data above to described vessel.
• IMO number – unique reference able identification (related to
ship’s construction).
• Radio call sign – international call sign assigned to vessel, often
used on voice radio.
• Name – Name of ship, 20 characters are provided.
• Type of ship/cargo – there is a table of possibilities that are available.
• Dimensions of ship – to nearest meter.
• Location on ship where reference point for position reports is located.
• Type of position fixing device – various options from differential GPS to
• Draught of ship – 1/10 meter to 25.5 meters [note “air-draught” is not
• Destination – 20 characters are provided.
• Estimated time of Arrival at destination – month, day, hour, and minute
in UTC.

AIS & LRIT Comparison:-


Satellite VHF

Global Only where AIS coverage is provided

Secure Data Public Data

Position, IMO Number, Date Position, IMO Number, Date Time, Vessel Type, Sp
Time Course

Unlimited range Line of sight, up to 40NM

Flag State Owns Data Anyone can see data

Maritime Security and Navigation and Anti-collision Tool

With Respect to AIS explain the followings: Dynamic Message
The dynamic data are sent as per the ship’s navigational status and speed and
are as follows:
• When at anchor every three minutes.
• 0-14 kts-every 12 seconds
• 14-23 kts-every 6 seconds
• 14-23 kts and changing course every 2 seconds
• 23+ kts every 2 seconds
7.2. * State that 'Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a
mandatory equipment fitted on ships and shore stations, purpose of
which is to enhance Maritime Safety, Security and Protection of the
marine environment through automated exchange of information.
*State that, AIS through its automatic exchange of data (ship-to-
ship and with shore-based stations), helps to identify and track
vessels; exchange mandatory information (Ship Reporting function)
and provide additional information to watch keeper to improve his
situational awareness.
*List out the information which will be part of standard form at
transmitted by an AIS Transponder fitted on a ship. List the
information as provided by an AIS including Static Data', Dynamic
Data', Voyage related data' and 'Safety related Data'.
*State that reporting intervals of 'dynamic data' will depend
upon the speed and course alteration of the vessel

SOLAS Requirements
The IMO Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) Regulation
V/19.2.4 requires all vessels of 300 GT and above engaged on
international voyages and all passenger ships irrespective of size to carry
AIS onboard.
(AIS) is a mandatory equipment fitted on ships and shore stations,
purpose of which is to enhance Maritime Safety, Security and Protection
of the marine environment through automated exchange of information.

AIS MCA/IMO Guidelines:

AIS has the potential to reduce the work of the watchkeeper by
automatically providing coastal stations with the information which they
require under mandatory or voluntary reporting schemes as well as for
VTS purposes. It is essential that the Static and Voyage-related
information is at all times correctly programmed and that the Dynamic
inputs are functioning correctly. (See IMO Guidelines, para 12).
Additionally the mariner must consider the following:
a.) The coastal station may not be equipped to monitor AIS.
b.) The ship may be within a reporting system but out of VHF range of
the coastal station.
c.) Reporting requirements may require more information than the AIS


Information provided by AIS equipment, such as unique
identification, position, course, and speed, can be displayed on a screen of
AIS or an ECDIS. AIS is intended to assist a vessel's watchkeeping officers
and allow maritime authorities to track and monitor vessel movements. AIS
integrates a standardized VHF transceiver with a positioning system such as
a GPS receiver, with other electronic navigation sensors, such as
a gyrocompass or rate of turn indicator. Vessels fitted with AIS transceivers can
be tracked by AIS base stations located along coast lines or, when out of
range of terrestrial networks, through a growing number of satellites that
are fitted with special AIS receivers which are capable of de-conflicting a
large number of signatures.
AIS contributes significantly to the safety of navigation. All the
information that is transmitted and received enhances the effectiveness of
navigation and can greatly improve the situational awareness and the
decision making process. As an assistant to the OOW, the tracking and
monitoring of targets by the AIS as well as determining information on
the CPA and TCPA adds great value to the safety of navigation overall.
However, the user should not solely rely on the information from the AIS
for collision avoidance. AIS is only an additional source of information for
the OOW and only supports in the process of navigating the vessel. AIS
can never replace the human expertise on bridge!

Types of Information Displayed by AIS :

1) Static Data (Has to be entered by ship staff)

An AIS transceiver sends the following data every 2 to 10 seconds
depending on a vessel's speed while underway, and every 3 minutes
while a vessel is at anchor:
• IMO Number (The vessel's Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)
- a unique 9-nine digit identification number.

• Length and Beam

• Type of Ship.
• Antenna Location on a ship
• Call Sign (upto 7 digits) & Name (upto 20 characters)

Voyage Related Data (To be entered by ship staff)

An AIS transceiver sends the following data every 2 to 10 seconds

depending on a vessel's speed while underway, and every 3 minutes
while a vessel is at anchor:
 Ships Draft (0.1 meter to 25.5 meters)
 Type of cargo / Hazardous Cargo
 ETA (UTC) & Destination (Max. 20 characters)
 Route
 Safety Related Messages (Entered By Ship Staff) Comprises of
156 Characters.
• Text message addressed to one or many destinations or to all
stations in the area. This content could be such as buoy
missing, ice berg sighting etc

2) Dynamic Information :Data form Onboard Systems (Auto

Updated from GPS/Gyro etc) (Data Transmission Depends on
speed and course alteration)
• Ships Position (in Lat & Long) with positional accuracy of 1/10,000
of a minute.
• Time In UTC accurate to nearest second when this data was
• Course Over Ground (upto one decimal place accuracy)
• Speed Over Ground 0 to 102 knots
• Heading
• Rate of Turn (Where Fitted) right or left, 0 to 720 degrees per


AIS is intended to enhance: safety of life at sea; the safety and efficiency
of navigation; and the protection of the marine environment. SOLAS
regulation V/19 requires that AIS exchange data ship-to-ship and with
shore-based facilities. Therefore, the purpose of AIS is to help identify
vessels; assist in target tracking; simplify information exchange (e.g.
reduce verbal mandatory ship reporting); and provide additional
information to assist situation awareness. In general, data received via
AIS will improve the quality of the information available to the OOW,
whether at a shore surveillance station or on board a ship. AIS should
become a useful source of supplementary information to that derived
from navigational systems (including radar) and therefore an important
‘tool’ in enhancing situation awareness of traffic confronting users.

Qs1 ) State what type of Information is transmitted/ Displayed by AIS ?

Qs2 ) State the purpose of AIS & it’s use in Navigation ?

7.2 List the limitations of using AIS for collision avoidance


AIS provides identification of targets together with the static and

dynamic information listed in the IMO Guidelines para.12. Mariners
should, however, use this information with caution noting the
following important points:
a.) Collision avoidance must be carried out in strict compliance with
the COLREGs. There is no provision in the COLREGs for use of AIS
information therefore decisions should be taken based primarily on
visual and/or radar information.
b.) The use of VHF to discuss action to take between approaching
ships is fraught with danger and still discouraged. (See MGN 324
(M+F) . The MCA’s view is that identification of a target by AIS
does not remove the danger. Decisions on collision avoidance should
be made strictly according to the COLREGs
c.) Not all ships will be fitted with AIS, particularly small craft and
fishing boats. Other floating objects which may give a radar echo will
not be detected by AIS.
d.) AIS positions are derived from the target’s GNSS position. (GNSS
= Global Navigation Satellite System, usually GPS). This may not
coincide with the radar target.
e.) Faulty data input to AIS could lead to incorrect or misleading
information being displayed on other vessels. Mariners should
remember that information derived from radar plots relies solely upon
the data measured by the own-ship’s radar and provides an accurate
measurement of the target’s relative course and speed, which is the
most important factor in deciding upon action to avoid collision.
Existing ships of less than 500 gt. Which are not required to fit a gyro
compass are unlikely to transmit heading information.
f.) A future development of AIS is the ability to provide “pseudo”
navigation marks by enabling coastal authorities to provide an AIS
symbol on the display in any position. Mariners should bear in mind
that this ability could lead to the appearance of “spurious” AIS targets
and therefore take particular care when an AIS target is not
complemented by a radar target. It should be noted though that AIS
will sometimes be able to detect targets which are in a radar shadow
1.7 Describe a "Bridge Navigation and Watch Alarm System" (BNWAS) and its
use. Describe the stages and alerting sequences
of a BNWAS unit.
What is BNWAS?

Bridge Navigational Watch & Alarm System – BNWAS is a monitoring and Alarm system
which notifies other navigational officers or master of the ship if the officer on watch (OOW)
does not respond or he/she is incapable of performing the watch duties efficiently, which can
lead to maritime accidents.

The purpose of a bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) is to monitor bridge
activity and detect operator disability which could lead to marine accidents. The system
monitors the awareness of the Officer of the Watch (OOW) and automatically alerts the Master
or another qualified OOW if for any reason the OOW becomes incapable of performing the
OOW duties. This is achieved through a mix of alarms and indications which alert backup
OOWs as well as the Master. BNWAS warnings are given in the case of incapacity of the
watch-keeping officer due to accident, sickness or in the event of a security breach, e.g. piracy
and/or hijacking. Unless decided by the Master only, the BNWAS shall remain operational at all

This Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) in simple terms is a timer alarm system
that forces watch officers to reset this system in periodic time intervals to insure that they are
fully alerted (not sleeping, playing solitaire with bridge computer,etc).

Alarm Stages-:

The minimum requirement for a BNWAS under International Maritime Organization standards
is to have a dormant stage and three alarm stages, except that on a non-passenger vessel, the
second stage may be omitted.

Stage 1: When the autopilot is engaged, the bridge officer is required to signal his presence to
the BNWAS system every 3 to 12 minutes in response to a flashing light, either by moving an
arm in front of a motion sensor, pressing a confirmation button, or directly applying pressure to
the BNWAS centre.

Stage 2: When a confirmation signal fails to occur within 15 seconds in Stage 1, an alarm will
sound on the bridge, and if there is still no confirmation signal after a further 15 seconds, in
the captain's and the first officer's cabins. One of them must then go to the bridge and cancel the
Stage 3: If neither the captain nor the first officer cancels the alarm within a specified time
period (between 90 seconds and 3 minutes depending on the size of the vessel), an alarm will
sound in locations where other personnel are usually available.

In addition an emergency call function may be provided, by which bridge personnel can activate
a Stage 2 or Stage 3 alarm to call for help.

Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System

The purpose of a bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) is to monitor bridge
activity and detect operator disability which could lead to marine accidents. The system
monitors the awareness of the Officer of the Watch (OOW) and automatically alerts the Master
or another qualified OOW if for any reason the OOW becomes incapable of performing the
OOW’s duties.

This purpose is achieved by a series of indications and alarms to alert first the OOW and, if he
is not responding, then to alert the Master or another qualified OOW. Additionally, the
BNWAS may provide the OOW with a means of calling for immediate assistance if required.
The BNWAS should be operational whenever the ship’s heading or track control system is
engaged unless inhibited by the Master.
Application dates
SOLAS Ch.V Reg.19 as amended by res. MSC.282(86), adopted on 2009-06-05, has introduced
a carriage requirement for BNWAS as follows:

1. Cargo ships > 150 GT and all passenger ships constructed on or after 1 July 2011;
2. All Passenger ships constructed before 1 July 2011, first survey after 1 July 2012;
3. Cargo ships > 3000 GT constructed before 1 July 2011, first survey after 1 July
4. Cargo ships > 500 GT but < 3000 GT constructed before 1 July 2011, first
survey after 1 July 2013; and
5. Cargo ships >150 GT but < 500 GT constructed before 1 July 2011, first
survey after 1 July 2014.

The bridge navigational watch alarm system shall be in operation whenever the ship is
underway at sea. A bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) installed prior to 1 July
2011 may subsequently be exempted from full compliance with the standards adopted by
the Organization, at the discretion of the Administration.

Operational Modes:
Automatic (Automatically brought into operation whenever the ship’s heading or track control
system is activated and inhibited when this system is not activated)

1. Manual ON (In operation constantly)

2. Manual OFF (Does not operate under any circumstances)

The requirement has the following main technical

• After the system has been activated no alarm for a period of 3 to 12 minutes.
• After this period, the system initiates a visual alarm on the bridge
• If not reset, within a period of 15 seconds an audible alarm on the bridge is activated
(First Stage).
• If not reset, within a period of 15 seconds from last audible bridge alarm, a second
stage audible alarm is activated in the backup officer’s and/or Master’s location.
• If not reset, a third stage alarm is activated in a remote location where other
officers can take corrective action within 90 seconds from the initiation of second
stage alarm.
• In vessels other than passenger vessels the second and the third stage alarms may
sound in all of the above location at the same time.
• In larger vessels time delay between second and third alarm can be set up to a
maximum of 3 minutes.

Visual indications
The visual indication initiated at the end of the dormant period should take the form of a
flashing indication. Flashing indications should be visible from all operational positions on the
bridge where the OOW may reasonably be expected to be stationed. The colour of the
indication(s) should be chosen so as not to impair night vision and dimming facilities (although
not to extinction) should be incorporated.

First stage bridge audible alarm

The first stage audible alarm which sounds on the bridge at the end of the visual indication
period should have its own characteristic tone or modulation intended to alert, but not to startle,
the OOW. This alarm should be audible from all operational positions on the bridge where the
OOW may reasonably be expected to be stationed. This function may be engineered using one
or more sounding devices. Tone/modulation characteristics and volume level should be select-
able during commissioning of the system.

Second and third stage remote audible alarm

The remote audible alarm which sounds in the locations of the Master, officers and further crew
members capable of taking corrective action at the end of the bridge audible alarm period,
should be easily identifiable by its sound and should indicate urgency. The volume of this alarm
should be sufficient for it to be heard throughout the locations above and to wake sleeping

RESET Function
• It should not be possible to initiate the reset function or cancel the audible alarm
from a device not physically located in the bridge area providing proper lookout.
• The reset function should, by a single operator action, cancel the visual indication
and all audible alarms and initiate a further dormant period. If the reset function is
activated before the end of the dormant period, the period should be re-initiated to
run for its full duration from the time of the reset.
• The single operation reset action must be in such a way that will ensure mental
alertness of the OOW.
• A continuous activation of any reset device should not prolong the dormant period
or cause a suppression of the sequence of indications and alarms.

Emergency calls facility

Means may be provided on the bridge to immediately activate the second, and subsequently
third, stage remote audible alarms by means of an “Emergency Call” push button or similar.

Accuracy : The alarm system should be capable of achieving the timings with an accuracy of
5% or 5 s, whichever is less, under all environmental conditions.

Malfunction: If a malfunction of, or power supply failure to, the BNWAS is detected, this
should be indicated. Means shall be provided to allow the repeat of this indication on a central
alarm panel if fitted.

All items of equipment forming part of the BNWAS should be tamper-proof so that no member
of the crew may interfere with the system’s operation.
The Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) is part of the ISPS code and is a system that
contributes to the International Maritime Organization's (IMO)'s efforts to strengthen
maritime security and suppress acts of terrorism and piracy against shipping. The system
is a joint project between Cospas-Sarsat and the IMO. In case of attempted piracy or
terrorism, the ship's SSAS beacon can be activated, and appropriate law-enforcement or
military forces can be dispatched. An SSAS beacon operates with similar principles to the
aircraft transponder emergency code 7700.

When an SSAS alert is triggered:

• the Rescue Coordination Centres (RCCs) or SAR Points of Contact (SPOCs) for the
country code the beacon is transmitting is notified discreetly
• national authorities dispatch appropriate forces to deal with the terrorist or pirate

How SSAS works? When the maritime security staffs comprehend probable danger from
pirates or terrorists a Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) alert is triggered. The beacon
transmits a specific country code, reacting to which the Rescue Coordination Centres
(RCCs) or SAR Points of Contact (SPOCs) of that particular region is notified discreetly.
Once receiving the signal the national authorities of the area notified dispatch appropriate
military or law-enforcement forces to deal with the terrorist or pirate menace.

Legislation on Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)

In December 2002, International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted some changes

within which Ship Security Alert System (SSAS), as was determined in Regulation 6. It
also required IMO to produce guidance on the implementation and instructions on the
handling of covert alerts from SSAS instrumentation.

The SSAS alerts are to be sent by the security staff, necessarily at routine priority, from
the ship to its Administration directly or other proper recipient designated by the

These routine priority SSAS alerts might be chosen by Administrations to have from their
flag ships addressed to Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres in their own region or to
other targets such as ship owners or managers.
Satellite service of Inmarsat C, mini-C and D+ would help affirm the full accessibility of
processing the messages of Ship Security Alert System (SSAS), while the existing
outdated GMDSS would require an update provided by its manufacturers or agents.

SSAS solutions which are available on the Inmarsat network inevitably render more
flexibility in the routing of SSAS alerts. In accordance with the requirements of the IMO,
these alerts could be sent to any destination, which might be a rescue co-ordination
centre, or a national security organisation or the ship owner or any other third-party
organisation but necessarily selected by the flag administration.

The security staff can deliver the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) to fax, email, telex,
GSM phone, or even to other Inmarsat terminals for the sake of ship security complying
with the legislation specified in Regulation 6.

Ship Security Alert System

Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) was introduce by International Maritime Organization
(IMO) to overcome the piracy and terrorist attack. The new SOLAS resolution 6 states
that the Ship Security Alert System shall provide ships with two alarm buttons, which can
be activated in case of a piracy or terrorist attack. The alarm is a covert signal, which will
have no sound and no flashing lights so that it is in no way obvious to any intruders on
board the ship.
Ship Security Alert System is used for following ships.
• ships constructed on or after 1 July 2004.
• passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft, constructed before 1 July
2004, not later than the first survey of the radio installation after 1 July 2004.
• All ships over 500 gross tonnes are required to be equipped with a Ship Security
Alert System (SSAS), which is capable of discreetly raising the alarm to the
relevant authorities and tracking the vessel if the security of the vessel is
When ship security alert system activated.
Initiate and transmit a ship-to-shore security alert to a competent authority designated by
the Administration, which in these circumstances may include the Company, identifying
the ship, its location and indicating that the security of the ship is under threat or it has
been compromised and continue the ship security alert until deactivated and/or reset.
For security reasons, a ship security alert system is necessary on board for initiating and
transmitting a ship-to-shore security alert to a competent authority designated by the
Mandatory requirements and guidance for SSAS system.
• Provide a minimum of two alert activation points, one of which must be on the
• Allow covert activation which transmits an alert signal from ship to shore,
indicating to a competent authority that the security of the ship is under threat or
has been compromised.
• Not raise the alert on board ship, nor alert any other ship.
Recommendation for a Ship Security Alert System
• General
In addition to complying with the general requirements set out in resolution A.694(17)1,
the ship security alert system should comply with the following performance standards.
The radio system used for the ship security alert systems should comply with relevant
international standards.
• Power supply
Where the ship security alert system is powered from the ship’s main source of electrical
power, it should, in addition, be possible to operate the system from an alternative source
of power.
• Activation points
Activation points should be capable of being used on the navigation bridge and in other
locations. They should be protected against inadvertent operation. It should not be
necessary for the user to remove seals or to break any lid or cover in order to operate any
• Operation
The activation points should operate a radio system such that transmission of the security
alert does not require any adjustment of the radio system, i.e. tuning of channels, setting
of modes or menu options. Operation of the activation point should not cause any alarm
or indication to be raised on the ship. The operation of the ship security alert system
should not impair the functionality of the GMDSS installation.
• Transmission of security alerts
In all cases, transmission initiated by security alert system activation points should
include a unique code/identifier indicating that the alert has not been generated in
accordance with GMDSS distress procedures. The transmission should include the ship
identity and current position associated with a date and time. The transmission should be
addressed to a shore station and should not be addressed to ship stations. The ship
security alert system, when activated, should continue the ship security alert until
deactivated and/or reset.
• Testing
The ship security alert system should be capable of being tested.
7.3 Describe the purpose of fitting a "Voyage Data Recorder" (VDR)
on board a ship. List out the data which will be recorded automatically by a
VDR unit fitted on a ship.

In May 2012 the Maritime Safety Committee of IMO (International Maritime

Organization) adopted a revised recommendation on performance standards for voyage
data recorders (vdr), to be enforced by 1 July 2014.
Purpose of the Voyage Data Recorder
The purpose of a Voyage Data Recorder is to store information in a secure and retrievable
form, relating to the position, movement, physical status, command and control of a ship
over the period and following an incident. Information contained in a VDR should be
made available to both the authorities and the ship owner. This information will be
required during any subsequent safety investigation to identify the cause(s) of the
VDR / S-VDR Concept
The Simplified Voyage Data Recorder or S-VDR is a system that the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) has mandated for carriage on the majority of large sea going
vessels. It is a system similar to the aviation “black box” recorder where if a vessel is
involved in an accident or sinks, data can be retrieved to reconstruct the last 48 hours of
the vessels voyage. This allows the marine community to clearly understand the reason
for the accident, however catastrophic and put in preventative measures to increase future
marine safety.
The difference between a VDR and a Simplified-VDR mainly relates to the number of
recording channels and their characteristics. Both systems require Radar video, Bridge
microphones as well as VHF audio, in conjunction with position data, heading and course
information, to be recorded for a minimum of 48 consecutive hours.
The VDR at least must record the following:
• Date and time (SVDR)
• Ship’s position (SVDR)
• Speed and heading (SVDR)
• Bridge audio (SVDR)
• Communication audio (radio) (SVDR)
• Radar data (SVDR)
• ECDIS data (SVDR)
• Echo sounder
• Main alarms
• Rudder order and response
• Hull opening (doors) status
• Watertight and fire door status
• Speed and acceleration
• Hull stresses
• Wind speed and direction

The VDR contains following units,

The Data Collection Unit (DCU) (fitted on the bridge that gathers in, data from all the integrated
A Data Recording Unit (DRU) ( Which is fitted on the monkey island that stores all of the data
that is recorded via the unit within the wheelhouse) and microphones to record bridge audio.

The DCU contains the Data Processor Unit, interface modules and backup batteries. It collects
data from sensors as required by the IMO and IEC standards {The International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) , which is responsible for the electrical installations and
equipment on ships. }
The batteries supply power to the DCU to record bridge audio for 2 h in case of a main
ship’s power failure. The flash memory in the DRU stores the data coming from the DCU.

The data can be retrieved by using playback software for investigation after an incident. The
DRU components are placed in the protective capsule. This capsule ensures survival and
recovery of the recorded data after an incident.

The data that is collected or pulled in from all the integrated sources, as mentioned in above
list, kept in the storage capsule and holds information for the 12 hours (or 48 hours) preceding
it and continuously refreshed or over writes as the voyage progresses.
There is also a record button provided in the bridge unit so that after pushing button (say
during starting of any incident like collision or grounding), the recorder will start recording a
new set of information from that period of time.

The capsule mentioned above is a very sturdy unit ( Usually made up of metal case), capable
of withstanding shock and pressures associated with a marine mishap (collision, grounding,
bad weather etc). It might be a float-free arrangement as with the HRU or attached with
the EPIRB for simultaneous release.

Carriage requirements for VDR

As with all the navigational equipment carried onboard, the VDR also comes under the purview
of the SOLAS Chapter V, Regulation 20 as well as Annex 10. The details of it are as follows:

Passenger ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002 VDR

Ro-ro passenger ships constructed before 1 July 2002 VDR

Passenger ships other than ro-ro constructed before 1 July 2002 VDR

hips other than passenger ships of 3000 GT and upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2002 VDR
Cargo ships of 20000 gt. and upwards constructed before 1 July 2002* VDR or S-VDR

Cargo ships of 3000 GT and up to 20000 GT constructed before 1 July 2002 * VDR or S-VDR

argo ships built before 1 July 2002 may be exempted from requirements to carry VDR /S-VDR when they are to

be taken permanently out of service within 2 years of the relevant implementation date.

MSC.333(90) (adopted on 22 May 2012)

Continuity of operation 5.4.1

The VDR should be capable of operating from the ship's main and
emergency source of electrical power.

5.4.2 If the ship's source of electrical power supply fails, the VDR
should continue to record Bridge Audio (see 5.5.5) from the dedicated
reserve power source for a period of 2 hours. At the end of this 2 hour
period all recording should cease automatically.

5.4.3 Recording should be continuous unless terminated in accordance

with 5.4.2. The time for which all stored data items are retained
should be at least 30 days/720 hours on the long-term recording
medium and at least 48 hours on the fixed and float-free recording
media. Data items which are older than this may be overwritten with
new data.
Voyage Data Recorder (VDR)
Explanation of Voyage Data Recorder (VDR):
• A VDR or voyage data recorder is an instrument installed on a ship to
continuously record vital information related to the operation of a vessel.
• It contains a voice recording system for a period of at least last 12
• This recording is recovered and made use of for investigation in events
of accidents.
• The data records covering the last 12 hours are continuously
overwritten by the latest data.
• A VDR is capable of withstanding heavy weather, collisions, fires and
pressure conditions even when a ship is at a depth of several meters in

Voyage Data Recorder (VDR)

Working of VDR:
• There are various sensors placed on bridge of the ship and on
prominent location from which the required data is continuously
• This data which comprises of voices, various parameters, ships location
etc. are then fed to a storage unit where the whole input is recorded and
saved for at least 12 hours.
• There is also a record button provided in the bridge unit so that after
pushing button (say during starting of any incident like collision or
grounding), the recorder will start recording new set of information from
that period of time.
• The data collected by VDR is digitalised, compressed, and is stored in a
protective storage unit which is mounted in a safe place.
• This tamper proof storage unit can be a retrievable fixed or floating unit
connected with EPIRB for early location in the event of accident.

Main Components of VDR:

• Data Management Unit: It acquires data from various sources using
interfaces, processes and stores the data in a specified format.
• Audio Module:
• It consists of an audio mixer for recording audio from
microphones placed in the wheelhouse, bridge wings, ECR and
various other locations.
• VHF audio signals can also be interfaced with this unit.
• Final Recording Unit:
• This is a fire resistant, pressure tight storage medium to store
recorded data.
• The capsule is resistant against shock, penetration, fire, deep
sea pressure and immersion. Housed in a highly visible
protective capsule which can withstand high temperatures
(1100OC) and deep sea pressure of 6000 m.
• Remote Alarm Module: This is a small panel connected to the Data
Management Unit that will sound an alarm should any error or fault
develop in the equipment.
• Replay Station:
• This is an optional module for downloading and replaying the
recorded data.
• The data when played back can help in casualty investigations
as well as for self analysis.
• Information Recorded:-
• Date & Time from GPS every 1s
• Position & Datum – Lat/Long and datum from GPS, Loran-C
etc. The source of data is identified on playback.
• Speed (water / ground) recorded every 1s to 0.1k resolution
• Heading (gyro or magnetic) is recorded at intervals of 1s to a
resolution of 0.1 deg
• Depth under keel from echo sounder to a resolution of 0.1m.
• Auto pilot settings for speed, latitude, rudder limit, off-course
alarms etc.
• Bridge audio in real time, both internal & external (150-6000Hz).
The mic test beeps every 12 hrs & this is recorded.
• Radar image recorded every 15s includes range rings, EBLs,
VRMs, radar maps, parts of SENC & other essential
navigational indications.
• Wind speed/direction from the Anemometer is recorded &
stored individually with time stamps.
• VHF communication from 2 VHFs are recorded for both
transmitted and received audio signals. Audio is compressed
and labeled VHF 1 & VHF 2.
• Hull openings & watertight doors status is received every 1s and
stored with time stamps
• Hull stresses are received and stored with time stamps.
• Thruster status (bow/stern) can be recorded for their order and
• Rudder order and response angle is recorded to a resolution of
1 deg
• Engine order and response from the telegraph or direct engine
control with shaft revolution and ahead and astern indicators are
recorded to a resolution of 1 rpm
• AIS target data is recorded as a source of information regarding
other ships.
• Alarms are recorded with time stamps. All IMO mandatory
alarms as well as other audible alarms are stored individually by
the bridge audio microphones.

Purpose of VDR:
• The main purpose of VDR is to record and store ship’s critical
parameters to facilitate reconstruction of the incident for the purpose of
• Additionally navigator can use this for self-analysis, as lessons-learning
tool and thus improvement of procedures in the future.
• VDR can be used to identify cause of an accident and thus make major
contribution to maritime safety.
• The benefits are:
• Promotion of safe practices
• Accident investigation and enquiry
• Response assessment and study
• Training aid and support
• Reduction in insurance costs
• Statistics generation


Performance Standard (Res. A.861(20)) and IEC Information format (IEC 61996).

Date & Time Preferably external to ship (e.g.GNSS)

Ship’s position Electronic Positioning system

Speed (through water or over ground) Ship’s SDME

Heading Ship’s compass

Bridge Audio 1 or more bridge microphones

Comms. Audio VHF

Radar data- post display selection Master radar display

Water depth Echo Sounder

Main alarms All mandatory alarms on bridge

Rudder order & response Steering gear & autopilot

Engine order & response Telegraphs, controls and thrusters

Hull openings status All mandatory status information displayed on bridge

Watertight & fire door status All mandatory status information displayed on bridge

Acceleration & hull stresses Hull stress and response monitoring equipment where fitted

Wind speed & direction Anemometer when fitted

Recovery of VDR: Recovery of the VDR is conditional on the accessibility of the

VDR or the data contained therein.

• In the case of a non-catastrophic accident, recovery of the memory

should be straightforward. For example, in some VDRs it can be
accomplished by removal of a hard disc from the VDR unit. This action
will have to be taken soon after the accident to best preserve the
relevant evidence for use by both the investigator and the ship owner.
As the investigator is very unlikely to be in a position to instigate this
action soon enough after the accident, the owner must be responsible,
through its on-board standing orders, for ensuring the timely
preservation of this evidence in this circumstance.
• In the case of abandonment of a vessel during an emergency, masters
should, where time and other responsibilities permit, recover the
memory and remove it to a place of safety and preserve it until it can be
passed to the investigator.
• In the case of a catastrophic accident, where the VDR is inaccessible
and the data has not been retrieved prior to abandonment, a decision
will need to be taken by the Flag State in co-operation with any other
substantially interested States on the viability and cost of recovering the
VDR balanced against the potential use of the information. If it is
decided to recover the VDR the investigator should be responsible for
co-ordinating its recovery. The possibility of the capsule having
sustained damage must be considered and specialist expertise will be
required to ensure the best chance of recovering and preserving the
evidence. In addition the assistance and co-operation of the owners,
insurers and the manufacturers of the VDR and those of the protective
capsule may be required.

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