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900 1000 mm
Depth of pile cap assumed = 1000 mm Vertical C/C distance between piles 'P3' & 'P1-P2' = 1566 mm 1890
Pile Diameter = 600 mm 1566 1925
Bottom main bars to be used = 16 mm Horizontal C/C distance between piles 'P1' & 'P2' = 1800 mm 2560
Effective depth 'd' = 867 mm X 0.8 mm
Width of footing at column face 'Bx' = 1890 mm Width of Pile cap at Shear line parallel to X-Dir = 1224 mm 1116
Width of footing at column face 'By' = 2560 mm 200 P1 0.8 P2 635
Depth of foundation from NGL to = 2000 mm Width of Pile cap at Shear line parallel to Y-Dir = 1565 mm 1381 mm
bottom of Pile-Cap
Depth of soil above Pile-Cap = 1000
Area of Pile-Cap = 5.4355 m^2
fck = 25 N/mm^2 1800 mm
fy = 415 N/mm^2 2800 mm


Pile No. X Y XxY X^2 Y^2

b= = -bd*fck/fy
1 -0.9 -0.522 0.4698 0.81 0.272484 A =Fy*ey/sum(Y^2)
2 0.9 -0.522 -0.4698 0.81 0.272484 c= =Mu*fck*b/(0.87*fy*fy)
3 0 1.044 0 0 1.089936 B =Fy*ex/sum(X^2)
1.62 1.634904

Area of Pile-Cap = 5.4355 m^2

Density of Concrete = 25 KN/m^3
Density of Soil = 18 KN/m^3 max. reactions = 773.758 884.869 925.099

Column size Mx Mz Eccentricities A B Pile Reactions

Moment Area of force at
Moment Moment about Area of tensile 'd' from
about Moment about X-X axis tensile steel face of
Selfweig Total Y-Y axis about X-X axis due to steel column in
ht vertical due to Y-Y axis due to 'P1' & X- Y-dir Y-dir due
Node Load Fy of Pile- Soil-fill load on Max May P1 P2 P3 'P1' due to 'P2' 'P3' 'P2' dir Ast Ast to 'P3'
No. B D case KN KN-M KN-M cap Load Pile-Cap ex ey KN/M KN/M (KNS) (KNS) (KNS) KN-M KN-M KN-M KN-M (mm^2) (mm^2) (KNS)
1 0.8 0.8 2350 100 100 135.8875 97.839 2583.726 0.0387 0.0387 61.1657 61.7284 773.758 884.869 925.099 580.3186 663.65193 893.6458 303.5288 2154.815 2942.54 925.0991

0.25 0.45 6 166.608 17.64 -2.913 135.8875 97.839 400.3345 -0.0073 0.04406 10.7896 -1.7981 129.431 126.194 144.709 150.4635 146.70089 177.7753 113.8811 482.408 571.222 144.7092
0.25 0.45 7 159.933 0.205 -8.145 135.8875 97.839 393.6595 -0.0207 0.00052 0.12539 -5.0278 135.679 126.629 131.351 157.7273 147.20665 161.3644 116.8586 505.7855 518.212 131.3507
0.25 0.45 8 183.124 6.918 -14.694 135.8875 97.839 416.8505 -0.0353 0.0166 4.23144 -9.0704 144.905 128.578 143.368 168.4517 149.47195 176.1273 121.8365 540.3156 565.897 143.3678
0.25 0.45 9 143.417 10.927 3.637 135.8875 97.839 377.1435 0.00964 0.02897 6.68357 2.24506 120.205 124.246 132.692 139.7385 144.43624 163.0123 108.9031 463.0163 523.532 132.6922
0.25 0.45 10 150.568 15.711 -3.45 135.8875 97.839 384.2945 -0.009 0.04088 9.60974 -2.1296 125 121.165 138.131 145.3108 140.85456 169.6936 109.666 465.8297 545.11 138.1307
0.25 0.45 11 145.229 1.764 -7.636 135.8875 97.839 378.9555 -0.0202 0.00465 1.07896 -4.7136 130 121.513 127.445 151.1221 141.25893 156.5661 112.048 484.5272 502.723 127.4449
0.25 0.45 12 163.781 7.134 -12.875 135.8875 97.839 397.5075 -0.0324 0.01795 4.36356 -7.9475 137.378 123.072 137.058 159.7013 143.07114 168.3758 116.0302 512.1401 540.853 137.0581
0.25 0.45 13 132.016 10.341 1.789 135.8875 97.839 365.7425 0.00489 0.02827 6.32514 1.10432 117.619 119.606 128.518 136.7316 139.04236 157.8839 105.6837 445.6672 506.976 128.5176

2 0.25 0.45 5 184.811 6.892 -10.943 135.8875 97.839 418.5375 -0.0261 0.01647 4.21554 -6.7549 143.391 131.233 143.914 166.6925 152.55783 176.7978 122.345 534.6503 568.063 143.9135
0.25 0.45 6 183.062 14.658 -6.933 135.8875 97.839 416.7885 -0.0166 0.03517 8.96566 -4.2796 138.101 130.398 148.29 160.5425 151.58739 182.1738 119.6162 514.8481 585.441 148.2897
0.25 0.45 7 143.374 -3.662 -10.946 135.8875 97.839 377.1005 -0.029 -0.00971 -2.23989 -6.7568 132.95 120.788 123.362 154.555 140.41637 151.5499 113.0406 495.5747 486.536 123.3617
0.25 0.45 8 166.627 2.882 -17.651 135.8875 97.839 400.3535 -0.0441 0.0072 1.76279 -10.896 142.337 122.725 135.292 165.4669 142.66767 166.2056 118.0851 530.7034 533.844 135.2915
Column size Mx Mz Eccentricities A B Pile Reactions

Moment Area of force at
Moment Moment about Area of tensile 'd' from
about Moment about X-X axis tensile steel face of
Selfweig Total Y-Y axis about X-X axis due to steel column in
ht vertical due to Y-Y axis due to 'P1' & X- Y-dir Y-dir due
Node Load Fy of Pile- Soil-fill load on Max May P1 P2 P3 'P1' due to 'P2' 'P3' 'P2' dir Ast Ast to 'P3'
No. B D case KN KN-M KN-M cap Load Pile-Cap ex ey KN/M KN/M (KNS) (KNS) (KNS) KN-M KN-M KN-M KN-M (mm^2) (mm^2) (KNS)
0.25 0.45 9 159.809 8.114 -0.228 135.8875 97.839 393.5355 -0.0006 0.02062 4.96298 -0.1407 128.714 128.461 136.36 149.6306 149.33609 167.5181 114.5718 479.7279 538.083 136.3599
0.25 0.45 10 163.724 12.842 -7.149 135.8875 97.839 397.4505 -0.018 0.03231 7.8549 -4.413 132.355 124.412 140.684 153.8626 144.62846 172.8303 114.3895 493.3464 555.243 140.684
0.25 0.45 11 131.973 -1.814 -10.359 135.8875 97.839 365.6995 -0.0283 -0.00496 -1.10955 -6.3944 128.234 116.724 120.741 149.072 135.69167 148.3309 109.1288 477.9307 476.151 120.7415
0.25 0.45 12 150.576 3.421 -15.723 135.8875 97.839 384.3025 -0.0409 0.0089 2.09248 -9.7056 135.744 118.274 130.285 157.8019 137.49301 160.0556 113.1646 506.0256 513.986 130.2854
0.25 0.45 13 145.122 7.607 -1.785 135.8875 97.839 378.8485 -0.0047 0.02008 4.65287 -1.1019 124.846 122.862 131.14 145.1331 142.8275 161.106 110.3539 465.2581 517.378 131.1404

7 0.25 0.45 19 205.116 -4.086 -0.274 135.8875 97.839 438.8425 -0.0006 -0.00931 -2.49923 -0.1691 147.738 147.433 143.672 171.745 171.39111 176.5006 131.4986 550.923 567.103 143.6716
0.25 0.45 20 164.349 7.769 -3.764 135.8875 97.839 398.0755 -0.0095 0.01952 4.75196 -2.3235 132.302 128.12 137.653 153.8016 148.93973 169.1066 116.0183 493.1501 543.213 137.6529
0.25 0.45 21 176.955 -13.875 3.809 135.8875 97.839 410.6815 0.00927 -0.03379 -8.48674 2.35123 139.208 143.44 128.034 161.8291 166.74902 157.2894 125.9196 534.8322 505.057 128.0337
0.25 0.45 22 151.514 2.348 -5.575 135.8875 97.839 385.2405 -0.0145 0.00609 1.43617 -3.4414 130.761 124.567 129.913 152.0097 144.80867 159.598 113.7485 487.3835 512.509 129.9129
0.25 0.45 23 189.79 -8.454 5.62 135.8875 97.839 423.5165 0.01327 -0.01996 -5.17095 3.46914 140.749 146.994 135.774 163.6209 170.88009 166.798 128.1894 548.137 535.757 135.7737
0.25 0.45 24 159.051 5.389 -3.248 135.8875 97.839 392.7775 -0.0083 0.01372 3.29622 -2.0049 131.01 127.401 134.367 152.2987 148.10339 165.07 115.1218 488.3136 530.176 134.3671
0.25 0.45 25 169.135 -11.926 2.81 135.8875 97.839 402.8615 0.00698 -0.0296 -7.29462 1.73457 136.534 139.656 126.672 158.7206 162.35018 155.616 123.0426 520.6679 499.657 126.6716
0.25 0.45 26 148.782 1.052 -4.697 135.8875 97.839 382.5085 -0.0123 0.00275 0.64346 -2.8994 129.776 124.558 128.175 150.8651 144.7981 157.4625 113.3057 483.7001 505.616 128.1746
0.25 0.45 27 179.403 -7.59 4.259 135.8875 97.839 413.1295 0.01031 -0.01837 -4.64247 2.62901 137.767 142.499 132.863 160.1542 165.65545 163.2223 124.8587 531.3106 524.21 132.8631

8 0.25 0.45 19 205.094 0.305 4.086 135.8875 97.839 438.8205 0.00931 0.0007 0.18656 2.52222 143.906 148.446 146.468 167.2909 172.56861 179.9363 130.2429 553.5759 578.207 146.4683
0.25 0.45 20 151.539 5.587 -2.339 135.8875 97.839 385.2655 -0.0061 0.0145 3.41733 -1.4438 127.937 125.339 131.99 148.7273 145.70606 162.1491 112.8344 476.8214 520.745 131.9895
0.25 0.45 21 189.769 -5.579 8.45 135.8875 97.839 423.4955 0.01995 -0.01317 -3.41243 5.21605 138.252 147.641 137.603 160.718 171.63255 169.0448 127.3653 550.5607 543.014 137.6026
0.25 0.45 22 164.303 3.787 -7.778 135.8875 97.839 398.0295 -0.0195 0.00951 2.31634 -4.8012 135.788 127.146 135.095 157.8541 147.80752 165.9639 117.1374 506.1937 533.063 135.0948
0.25 0.45 23 177.005 -3.778 13.889 135.8875 97.839 410.7315 0.03382 -0.0092 -2.31084 8.57346 130.401 145.833 134.498 151.5908 169.53071 165.2308 123.062 543.7908 530.696 134.498
0.25 0.45 24 148.783 4.71 -1.047 135.8875 97.839 382.5095 -0.0027 0.01231 2.8809 -0.6463 126.581 125.418 130.511 147.1504 145.79804 160.3326 112.2654 471.748 514.881 130.5108
0.25 0.45 25 179.367 -4.222 7.584 135.8875 97.839 413.0935 0.01836 -0.01022 -2.58241 4.68148 134.833 143.259 135 156.7428 166.53881 165.8497 123.8899 534.1552 532.695 135.0018
0.25 0.45 26 158.995 3.27 -5.398 135.8875 97.839 392.7215 -0.0137 0.00833 2.00012 -3.3321 132.862 126.864 133 154.4521 147.47965 163.3847 115.708 495.2436 524.735 132.9953
0.25 0.45 27 169.156 -2.782 11.935 135.8875 97.839 402.8825 0.02962 -0.00691 -1.70163 7.36728 128.552 141.813 132.518 149.4415 164.85758 162.798 120.4475 528.7414 522.84 132.5177


Shear Tau-c
force at Horizonta Factored Factored Shear for
'd' from Vertical l clear Offset Reduced Reduced Shear Stress at Percent
face of clear distance Offset of shear shear Stress at 'd' from Area of age of Tau-c for Max Tau-c Max Tau-c
column distance between of shear force force due 'd' from face of Area of tensile Percen Percent steel Percenta Max for for Check for
in X-dir between column shear line on due to to shear face of column tensile steel tage of age of provide ge of Max Max Check Max shear Percentag Percentag Requirem
due to column face and line on Pile shear line on column due to steel steel steel d in X- steel Area of Area of for shear stress e of steel e of steel ent of
'P1' or face and pile 'P1' Pile 'P1' & line on pile 'P1' due to 'P1' or Y-dir provid provide dir provided steel steel Steel Check stress due to provided provided shear
'P2' pile 'P3' or 'P2' 'P3' 'P2' pile 'P3' or 'P2' 'P3' 'P2' X-dir Ast Ast ed in d in Y- (N/mm^ in Y-dir reqd in reqd in in X- for Steel due to 'P1' & in X-dir in Y-dir reinf due
(KNS) (mtr) (mtr) (mtr) (mtr) (KNS) (KNS) (KN/M^2) (KN/M^2) (mm^2) (mm^2) X-dir dir 2) (N/mm^2) X-dir Y-dir dir in Y-dir 'P3' 'P2' (N/mm^2) (N/mm^2) to 'P3'
884.8692 0.344 0.2 0.523 0.667 178.0816 -148.2156 0.16781 -0.109235 2500 2100 0.1126 0.12816 0.25556 0.2710077 2154.82 2942.54 SAFE UNSAFE 0.168 0.0555 0.2555601 0.2710077 not reqd.

129.431 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 91.1668 67.304111 0.085909 0.049603 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
135.6794 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 82.75097 70.553278 0.077978 0.0519977 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
144.9047 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 90.32171 75.350438 0.085112 0.0555332 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 Shear Reinf. Parallel to X-dir. :- 2L 10 @ not reqd.
124.2462 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 83.59605 64.60804 0.078774 0.047616 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
124.9985 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 87.02236 64.999246 0.082003 0.0479043 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 2L 12 @ not reqd.
129.9975 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 80.29031 67.598702 0.075659 0.0498201 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
137.3775 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 86.34658 71.4363 0.081366 0.0526484 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
119.6063 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 80.9661 62.195292 0.076296 0.0458378 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 Shear Reinf. Parallel to Y-dir. 2L 10 @ not reqd.

143.3914 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 90.66552 74.563545 0.085436 0.0549532 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 534.65 585.441 SAFE SAFE 0.085 0.055 0.2359475 0.23938672 not reqd.
138.1011 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 93.42248 71.812567 0.088034 0.0529257 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
132.9505 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 77.71789 69.134259 0.073235 0.0509518 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
142.3371 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 85.23366 74.015291 0.080318 0.0545492 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 Shear Reinf. Parallel to X-dir. :- 2L 10 @ not reqd.
Shear Tau-c
force at Horizonta Factored Factored Shear for
'd' from Vertical l clear Offset Reduced Reduced Shear Stress at Percent
face of clear distance Offset of shear shear Stress at 'd' from Area of age of Tau-c for Max Tau-c Max Tau-c
column distance between of shear force force due 'd' from face of Area of tensile Percen Percent steel Percenta Max for for Check for
in X-dir between column shear line on due to to shear face of column tensile steel tage of age of provide ge of Max Max Check Max shear Percentag Percentag Requirem
due to column face and line on Pile shear line on column due to steel steel steel d in X- steel Area of Area of for shear stress e of steel e of steel ent of
'P1' or face and pile 'P1' Pile 'P1' & line on pile 'P1' due to 'P1' or Y-dir provid provide dir provided steel steel Steel Check stress due to provided provided shear
'P2' pile 'P3' or 'P2' 'P3' 'P2' pile 'P3' or 'P2' 'P3' 'P2' X-dir Ast Ast ed in d in Y- (N/mm^ in Y-dir reqd in reqd in in X- for Steel due to 'P1' & in X-dir in Y-dir reinf due
(KNS) (mtr) (mtr) (mtr) (mtr) (KNS) (KNS) (KN/M^2) (KN/M^2) (mm^2) (mm^2) X-dir dir 2) (N/mm^2) X-dir Y-dir dir in Y-dir 'P3' 'P2' (N/mm^2) (N/mm^2) to 'P3'
128.7145 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 85.90671 66.931535 0.080952 0.0493284 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
132.3549 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 88.63093 68.824554 0.083519 0.0507236 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 2L 12 @ not reqd.
128.234 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 76.06712 66.681688 0.07168 0.0491443 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
135.7436 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 82.07979 70.586651 0.077346 0.0520223 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
124.8457 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 82.61847 64.919764 0.077853 0.0478458 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 Shear Reinf. Parallel to Y-dir. 2L 10 @ not reqd.

147.7377 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 90.51313 76.82358 0.085293 0.0566189 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 550.923 567.103 SAFE SAFE 0.085 0.0566 0.2359475 0.23938672 not reqd.
132.3024 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 86.72131 68.797259 0.081719 0.0507035 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
143.44 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 80.66122 74.588811 0.076009 0.0549718 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
130.761 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 81.8451 67.995742 0.077124 0.0501128 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 Shear Reinf. Parallel to X-dir. :- 2L 10 @ not reqd.
146.9936 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 85.53743 76.436684 0.080604 0.0563337 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
131.0097 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 84.65126 68.125019 0.079769 0.050208 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 2L 12 @ not reqd.
139.6561 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 79.8031 72.621156 0.0752 0.0535217 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
129.7764 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 80.75 67.483723 0.076093 0.0497354 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
142.4993 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 83.70375 74.099644 0.078876 0.0546113 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 Shear Reinf. Parallel to Y-dir. 2L 10 @ not reqd.

148.4461 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 92.27501 77.191981 0.086953 0.0568904 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 553.576 578.207 SAFE SAFE 0.087 0.0569 0.2359475 0.23938672 not reqd.
127.9374 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 83.1534 66.527465 0.078357 0.0490306 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
147.6409 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 86.68963 76.773269 0.08169 0.0565818 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
135.7885 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 85.1097 70.610009 0.080201 0.0520395 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 Shear Reinf. Parallel to X-dir. :- 2L 10 @ not reqd.
145.8329 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 84.73373 75.833092 0.079846 0.0558889 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
126.581 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 82.22182 65.822121 0.077479 0.0485108 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 2L 12 @ not reqd.
143.2592 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 85.05113 74.494777 0.080146 0.0549025 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
132.862 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 83.78703 69.088237 0.078954 0.0509179 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867
141.813 0.519 0.475 0.348 0.392 83.48613 73.742746 0.078671 0.0543483 2100 1600 0.0946 0.09764 0.23595 0.2393867 Shear Reinf. Parallel to Y-dir. 2L 10 @ not reqd.
Check for
ent of Bar Shear Reinf.
shear dia Shear Reinf. parallel to Z-
reinf due for parallel to X-dir. dir.
to Shear
'P1'&'P2' Reinf. Vus Sv Vus Sv
not reqd. 10 0 not reqd. 0 not reqd.

Bottom Longitudnal steel :-

X-dir.steel = 12 tor @ 116 mm c/c

Y-dir. steel = 12 tor @ 102 mm c/c

not reqd. 10 0 not reqd. 0 not reqd.

Bottom Longitudnal steel :-

Check for
ent of Bar Shear Reinf.
shear dia Shear Reinf. parallel to Z-
reinf due for parallel to X-dir. dir.
to Shear
'P1'&'P2' Reinf. Vus Sv Vus Sv
X-dir.steel = 12 tor @ 138 mm c/c

Y-dir. steel = 12 tor @ 134 mm c/c

not reqd. 10 0 not reqd. 0 not reqd.

Bottom Longitudnal steel :-

X-dir.steel = 12 tor @ 138 mm c/c

Y-dir. steel = 12 tor @ 134 mm c/c

not reqd. 10 0 not reqd. 0 not reqd.

Bottom Longitudnal steel :-

X-dir.steel = 12 tor @ 138 mm c/c

Y-dir. steel = 12 tor @ 134 mm c/c

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