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Food Control 83 (2018) 54e60

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Chemical characteristics of spice paprika of different origins

Helga Molna  Ko
r a, *, Eva  nya a, Zsolt Zala
n a, Ildiko
cs b, Rita To
€ mo
€ sko
€ zi-Farkas a,
s Sze
Andra  ka
cs , No
b  ra Adanyi a

a  u. 15, Hungary
Food Science Research Institute, NARIC, 1022, Budapest, Herman Otto
Agro-Environmental Research Institute, NARIC, 1022, Budapest, Herman Otto  u. 15, Hungary

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Spice paprika powders from Bulgaria, China, Hungary, Peru, Serbia and Spain were examined to identify
Received 31 August 2016 the most important differences in their major characteristics and to attempt to find chemical compo-
Accepted 19 April 2017 nents revealing their origin. Bioactive components, contaminants, aroma and microbiological properties
Available online 21 April 2017
were determined: the amount of carotenoids, tocopherols, ascorbic acid and mycotoxins were deter-
mined by HPLC, flavoring properties by GC-MS, lead and cadmium content by atomic absorption spec-
trophotometry. Carotenoids were found at the highest concentration in samples from Peru and Spain and
Spice paprika powders
at the lowest, in Serbian samples. The concentrations of total tocopherol and ascorbic acid were found to
be greater in samples from Hungary than from China. Aroma components characteristic to the location
Ascorbic acid were detected in samples from each country of origin. The level of microbiological contamination was
Flavoring properties acceptable, while contaminants were found in Serbian, Spanish, Peruvian and Chinese samples. The
effect of sample origin was also investigated using near infrared spectroscopy.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Palacios-Morillo, Jurado, Alc azar, & Pablos, 2016). Moreover, the
flesh and the seeds of paprika contain considerable amounts of
In order to assess the composition of bioactive ingredients in different homologues of tocopherol, reactive precursor of vitamin
spice paprika products and to support the safety of the spice E, as well as L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), the most important water-
product chains, a wide range of compositional examinations were soluble antioxidant in spice paprika. In turn, determination of the
performed on commercial spice paprika samples. Samples from origin of red paprika products is of high importance from both food
several countries were analysed to find the most important dif- safety and commercial aspects, yet only a limited amount of
ferences in their characteristic properties and to differentiate experimental data have been reported on this topic.
among the samples by origin. Measurements were carried out on The “fingerprint” method combining the measurement of
spice paprika samples of Hungarian and foreign (Serbian, Spanish, strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) and multi-element patterns
Chinese, Bulgarian, Peruvian) origin. Bioactive components (carot- (Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Mo, Cd, Ba, Pb, Th, U, Mg, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu,
enoids, tocopherols, vitamin C), contaminants (mycotoxins, content Zn, As and rare earth elements) by using inductively coupled
of lead and cadmium), volatile aroma compounds and microbio- plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and is suitable for the parallel
logical properties (mesophilic aerobic total count, mould and yeast determination of bioavailable Sr and other elemental sources in soil
counts) were analysed, compared and sorted on the basis of near (Brunner, Katona, Stef anka, & Prohaska, 2010). Furthermore, the
infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). stable natural nitrogen isotope abundance (d15N) value is a proper
Bioactive components are of utmost importance as carotenoids indicator of both cultivation types (fertilisation) and geographical
(e.g. free capsanthins, capsanthin monoesters and diesters, b- origin (Austin, Masahumi, & Yoshihiko, 2010).
carotene) provide both the flavour and the colour of spice paprika In the case of examination of aroma extracts from spice paprika,
gas chromatographyeolfactometry can be applied for the evalua-
tion, identification of odour-active compounds and can be com-
bined with flavour dilution (FD) factors (Zimmermann &
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (H. Molna  Ko
r), (E. nya), zs. Schieberle, 2000). (Z. Zala n), (I. Bata-Vida cs), Contamination with mycotoxins (e. g. fumonisin B1, ochratoxin
(R. To€ mo
€ sko
€zi-Farkas), (A. Sze
kacs), (N. Ad
0956-7135/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
r et al. / Food Control 83 (2018) 54e60
H. Molna 55

A, sterigmatocystin) and pesticide residues (e. g. metalaxyl fungi- esters) before injection. An Agilent Technologies 1200 Series high
cide) in spices can be detected by ultra-high performance liquid HPLC instrument (Quaternary Pump, Diode Array, Multiple Wave-
chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to a high resolution Orbitrap length Detector SL, 265 nm) was used. Separation of vitamin C was
mass spectrometry (Orbitrap-HRMS) technique (Reinholds, performed on Nautilus Nucleosil C-18, 3 mm, 150  4.6 mm column
Pugajeva, & Bartkevics, 2016). NIRS combined with a modified with gradient elution.
partial least squares algorithm as a regression method has been
found to be an alternative method for the analysis of aflatoxin B1 2.5. Determination of volatile aroma compounds
and total aflatoxins in spice paprika (Herna ndez-Hierro, García-
Villanova, & Gonzalez-Martín, 2008). The aroma of spice paprika is generated by the simultaneous
presence of a number of volatile compounds including terpenes,
2. Material and methods hydrocarbons, esters and carotenoid derivatives. Ground paprika
(1 g) was placed in a capped headspace vial (40 ml volume), heated
Overall, 53 paprika samples were collected, with product choice at 50  C for 30 min, then the SPME needle (100 mm PDMS coated
to include different origins and quality. The selected sample group fused silica fibre, Supelco) were exposed at 50  C for 30 min. Vol-
contained spice paprika samples of Hungarian (22 from Szeged and atile aroma compounds were desorbed at 250  C in the GC injection
Kalocsa) and foreign (6 Serbian, 7 Spanish, 14 Chinese, 2 Bulgarian port and flushed into the GC column (Mazida, Salleh, & Osman,
and 2 Peruvian) origin. Among the paprika powders from Hungary, 2005). A HP 5890/II gas chromatograph (Hewlett Packard) equip-
there were samples of known origin and presumably mixed ones as ped with a 30 m  0.25 mm x 0.25 mm RH-5ms þ capillary GC
well. column and 5971 MS detector were used to analyse the volatile
compounds of the red paprika powders. Detection was performed
2.1. Determination of carotenoids in the 35e350 mass range (Cso ka, Amtmann, Nemes, & Kora ny,
2013). Compound recognition was based on an MS identification
Ground spice paprika (0.5 g) was extracted by adding 50 ml of a spectrum library (Wiley275.L spectrum library) after individual
mixture of 2:1:1 1,2-dichloroethane-acetone-methanol, mixed for background correction.
15 min, and filtered. After solvent evaporation under vacuum, the
residue was re-dissolved in 10 ml of a mixture of 55:35:10 2.6. Determination of microbial contamination
isopropanol-acetonitrile-methanol. A Waters Alliance HPLC in-
strument (Model 2695 and Model 2996 Photodiode Array Detector, Analysis of mesophilic aerobic total count was performed ac-
470 nm) was used for the analysis of carotenoids. A Nucleosil C-18, cording to the standard protocol MSZ EN ISO 4833: plate pouring
3 mm, 250  4.6 mm column with gradient elution (Daood & Biacs, with Plate Count Agar (MERCK) and incubation at 30  C for 5 days.
2005) was used. Data processing was performed by software Analysis of mould and yeast counts were performed according to
Empower (Waters Corp., Milford MA, USA). the standard protocol MSZ ISO 7954: plate pouring with Chlor-
amphenicol Glucose Agar (Biolab) and incubation at room tem-
2.2. Determination of ASTA perature for 5 days.

The colour of the spice paprika products was determined by the 2.7. Determination of mycotoxins
standardised method of the American Spice Trade Association
(ASTA) according to the standard protocol MSZ 9681-5:2002: 0.1 g A mixture of 10 g of ground paprika and 2 g of sodium chloride
of ground spice paprika sample was extracted by adding 100 ml of was extracted with 40 ml of methanol-water (80:20), stirred for
acetone, placed in the dark for 2 h during which time it was mixed 30 min and filtered. Twenty ml of the filtrate was diluted with
every 10 min and the absorbance at 460 nm measured by a spec- 70 ml of PBS buffer, and was filtered on a glass fibre filter
trophotometer. The ASTA colour unit was calculated by a formula (Schleicher & Schuell GF 53). Eighteen ml of the filtrate was passed
considering the measured absorbance, sample quantity and a over an affinity column (VICAM AflaTest WB), after that the column
spectrophotometric factor. was washed with 20 ml distilled water and the aflatoxin content
was eluted from the column with 1.5 ml of methanol and diluted
2.3. Determination of tocopherols with 1.5 ml of distilled water. HPLC measurement was carried out
with a Shimadzu LC-10ADvp instrument (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan)
From 0.5 g of ground paprika, tocopherols were extracted with equipped with a Shimadzu RF-10AXL fluorescence detector
5 ml of 30% methanolic potassium hydroxide, 0.5 g ascorbic acid (360 nm, 440 nm). The analytical column used was a HiChrom
and 20 ml methanol (35 min under reflux). After cooling, the LiChrospher RP 18 with a 5 mm particle size (4.6 mm  150 mm).
tocopherol fraction was extracted twice by 40 ml of n-hexane. The mobile phase was water:acetonitrile:methanol (ratio 60:20:20)
Hexane fractions were pooled and washed with distilled water with a flow rate of 1 ml/min. The amount of the injected sample
(3), dried over anhydrous Na2SO4, evaporated, and re-dissolved in was 100 ml.
5 ml of n-hexane. A Jasco HPLC (880-PU) instrument (Shimadzu C-
R6A Integrator and RF-535 Fluorescence HPLC Detector, 295 nm 2.8. Determination of lead and cadmium content
and 320 nm) was used for analysis. Under normal phase chro-
matographic conditions, separation was performed on a Nucleosil- Lead and cadmium content of the paprika powders were
100, 5 mm, 250  4.6 mm column with isocratic elution of 99.6:0.4 determined by atomic absorption spectrometry according to AOAC
n-hexane-ethanol. official method 999.10. Samples were digested by cc. HNO3-H2O2
(8:2) in microwave oven; the solution was diluted with H2O.
2.4. Determination of vitamin C
2.9. Application of NIR measurement
The sample (1 g) was mixed with 25 ml of 3% meta-phosphoric
acid solution, shaken mechanically for 15 min at 20  C, filtered, and Near infrared spectra of the paprika samples were collected on a
cleaned-up on a 0.45 mm filter (Chromafil A-45/25, Cellulose mixed Bruker Tango NIR Spectrometer at wavelengths between 9100 and
56 r et al. / Food Control 83 (2018) 54e60
H. Molna

3952 cm1, using software Unscrambler 10.3 for the spectrum


3. Results and discussion

3.1. Carotenoid composition of the paprika samples

The amount of free capsanthins, capsanthin monoesters and

diesters and b-carotene present in a spice paprika sample corre-
lated well with its measured colour intensity. Products with high
ASTA value also showed outstanding total carotenoid content. In
the case of Peruvian spice paprika, the average ASTA colour unit
was found to be 140 ± 35.4, and the average total carotenoids
concentration was 3810 ± 1206 mg/g. This was the highest ASTA
colour value and total carotenoids content among the samples
examined. In the case of Serbian samples, the average ASTA colour
value was 101 ± 28.3, and the average total carotenoid concentra-
tion was found to be 2855 ± 744 mg/g, which was the lowest con-
Fig. 2. Tocopherol content of spice paprika samples from different countries of origin.
centration value among the samples analysed.
When studying the detailed composition of the different spice
paprika sample groups, the level of the different carotenoid sub- spice paprika samples from Hungary (544 ± 103 mg/g, Fig. 2). In
stances is characteristic (Fig. 1). The content of monoesters varied contrast, the Bulgarian samples had only 399 ± 4.48 m/g, while the
between 221 ± 0.3 and 345 ± 136.4 mg/g, and the concentration of Serbian, Spanish, Chinese and Peruvian samples contained
b-carotene varied between 233 ± 80.2 and 319 ± 98.8 mg/g. At the 473 ± 40.08 mg/g of total tocopherols. The main tocopherol
same time, the free capsanthins and capsanthin diesters showed component in paprika fruit flesh is a-tocopherol, the most biolog-
the opposite trend. The free capsanthin content was the highest ically active component of vitamin E. Paprika seeds mainly contain
(202 ± 69.9 and 226 ± 56.4 mg/g), while the concentration of cap- g-tocopherol that plays an important role in the stability of paprika
santhin diesters was the lowest (1064 ± 332.9 and 911 ± 233.9 mg/g) products (Biacs, Daood, Pavisa, & Hajdú, 1989). The average con-
in the samples from Hungary and Serbia. In contrast, the content of centration of a-tocopherol in the samples was found to be
free capsanthins was the lowest (73 ± 35 and 68 ± 28.4 mg/g), while 403 ± 51.10 mg/g, while the corresponding value of g-tocopherol
the concentration of capsanthin diesters was the highest was 53 ± 14.55 mg/g, indicating the ratio of paprika seeds in spice
(1252 ± 348 and 1491 ± 499.5 mg/g) in the samples from China and paprika products.
Peru. In turn, the calculated ratio of capsanthin diesters to free
capsanthins may indicate the origin of the samples: the capsanthin
diesters/free capsanthins ratio of the samples from Serbia, Hungary, 3.3. Vitamin C composition of the paprika samples
Spain, Bulgaria, China and Peru was found to be 4.0, 5.3, 8.1, 8.2, 17.1
and 22.0, respectively. This tendency is possibly related to the The level of vitamin C was highest in spice paprika samples from
climate of the country. Hungary (1353 ± 801 mg/g) and Serbia (1321 ± 814 mg/g) (Fig. 4). In
contrast, low vitamin C concentrations were found in the Spanish,
Chinese, Bulgarian, and Peruvian spice paprika samples (average
3.2. Tocopherol composition of the paprika samples
concentration: 162 ± 203.77 mg/g), perhaps due to differing spice
paprika processing techniques in these countries, but vitamin C
The highest concentrations of total tocopherols were detected
content of the samples also depends on the storage conditions and

Fig. 1. Carotenoid composition of spice paprika samples from different countries of Fig. 3. Microbiological characteristics of spice paprika samples from different coun-
origin. tries of origin.
r et al. / Food Control 83 (2018) 54e60
H. Molna 57

were found only in the Bulgarian samples. Only the Peruvian

samples contained geranyl acetone. In conclusion, aroma compo-
sition turned out to be a likely indicator of origin in case of the
examined paprika samples.

3.5. Microbial status of the paprika samples

In the European Union there is no specific requirement about

the examination of microbiological contamination of herbs and
spices. According to the requirements of the European Spice As-
sociation, Salmonella cannot occur in 25 g of samples and the
Escherichia coli number should be below 102 cfu/g. Hungarian
Government Decree (4/1998. (XI. 11.)) also requires the compulsory
examination of Salmonella (n ¼ 10, M ¼ 0/25 g) and Escherichia coli
(n ¼ 5, c ¼ 1, m ¼ 102, M ¼ 104), and recommends the examination
of total viable count (n ¼ 5, c ¼ 2, m ¼ 104, M ¼ 106), the number of
moulds and yeast (n ¼ 5, c ¼ 2, m ¼ 102, M ¼ 104) and the
Enterobacteriaceae number (n ¼ 5, c ¼ 2, m ¼ 102, M ¼ 103) as
Fig. 4. Vitamin C content and mycotoxin contamination of spice paprika samples from additional tests. In our approach, assessment of the microbiological
different countries of origin. status was not primarily aimed to ensure food safety, but rather to
obtain an overall picture on the microbial loads of paprika samples
of different geographical origins. Consequently, the microbial
the age of the spice paprika products. analysis was focused on the total viable counts, as well as on mould
and yeast contamination, and not on the individual occurrence of
particular species (e.g. Salmonella spp. or Escherichia coli). In the
3.4. Volatile aroma compounds of the paprika samples
paprika powders the average number of total viable count was
3.74  106±1,501,545 cfu/g (Fig. 3). The average number of moulds
Volatile aroma compounds (like terpenes, hydrocarbons, esters,
was 7.22  103±5267.54 cfu/g, while that of yeasts was
carotenoid derivatives) occurring in 3 or more spice paprika sam-
1.42  103±1746.04 cfu/g. There was no significant difference be-
ples were b-elemene, trans-caryophyllene, a-muurolene, dihy-
tween paprika powders regarding the microbiological load and all
droactinidiolide, 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethyl-heptane and b-ionone
samples were appropriately safe.
(Fig. 5). Acetic acid and neryl acetone were detected in each sample,
the percentage area of neryl acetone in the chromatogram was
remarkable in all examined spice paprika samples. Only the Hun- 3.6. Mycotoxin contamination of the paprika samples
garian spice paprika samples contained 3-hydroxy-2-butanone, 6-
methyl-5-hepten-2-one and 2,3-butanediol. Serbian samples con- Among mycotoxins, the greatest food safety risks in spice
tained a-terpinolene, I-phellandrene and heptadecanoic acid. paprika are attributed to the presence of aflatoxin B1 and OTA.
Linalool was detected in the samples from Spain. In case of Chinese Therefore at present, legal limits apply for these mycotoxins in
samples, 1,3-butanediol and d3-carene were detected. 2-pentyl- spice paprika. The limit for OTA in the European Union is 15 mg/kg
furan, octadecanoic acid methyl ester and (þ)-aromadendrene according to Commission Regulation 105/2010/EU. Based on our

Fig. 5. Aroma components in spice paprika samples from different countries of origin.
58 r et al. / Food Control 83 (2018) 54e60
H. Molna

Fig. 6. NIR spectra of spice paprika samples from different countries of origin (A) and the results of PCA of raw spectra (B, C, D) (red e Serbian, blue e Spanish, green e Hungarian,
pink e Chinese). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
r et al. / Food Control 83 (2018) 54e60
H. Molna 59

results, OTA was found in 2 out of 22 Hungarian spice paprika degree of clustering by origin is seen for the two main principal
samples, both were below the legal limit (0.77 ± 0.24 and components (PC1 and PC2, Fig. 6D) particularly for samples origi-
0.73 ± 0.04 mg/kg). In all, 19 out of 31 examined foreign spice nating from Spain and Hungary. While the Hungarian and Chinese
paprika samples were contaminated with OTA, from these the samples represent single groups, Spanish samples are clustered
contamination rate of a Spanish and a Chinese sample was over the into two, relatively distant sub-groups. The same effect could be
legal limit, 35.53 ± 0.4 and 19.57 ± 0.85 mg/kg, respectively. Serbian observed from the results of the PCA of the second derivatives of
spice paprika samples were free of OTA contamination. The legal the spectra.
limit of total aflatoxins (B1þB2þG1þG2) in the European Union is
10 mg/kg according to Commission Regulation 165/2010/EU. Among 4. Conclusions
the 22 Hungarian samples 2 were contaminated with aflatoxin B1,
both of which were below the legal limit (4.33 ± 1.06 and In summary, Spanish and Peruvian samples were notable in
3.44 ± 1.11 mg/kg). Twelve of the 30 foreign spice paprika samples total carotenoids content. The ratio of capsanthin diesters to free
were contaminated with aflatoxins, of which one Serbian and both capsanthins of spice paprika samples are proposed as indicators of
Peruvian samples were above the legal limit, 17.47 ± 7.72, origin, supposedly by being related to the climate of the given
13.52 ± 6.76 and 10.79 ± 5.39 mg/kg, respectively. The concentration country. In Hungarian spice paprika samples, the concentrations of
of total aflatoxins was below the limit in all Spanish samples. Data vitamin C and total tocopherols were high. Aroma components
shows that the mycotoxin contamination rate of Hungarian paprika characteristic to the geographical location were detected in each
powders was not detectable or below the limit. spice paprika sample. The microbiological purity and heavy metal
In the case of mycotoxin contaminated spice paprika samples, contamination of each sample was acceptable. The features of the
the concentration of vitamin C was very low or in several cases even terroir, genotype and the parameters of harvest, processing and
below the limit of detection (Fig. 4). For example in the 2 Peruvian storage appear to influence the content of bioactive components,
spice paprika samples the average concentration of OTA was aroma properties and microbiological characteristics of the sam-
11 ± 4.16 mg/kg, and of total aflatoxins was 12.16 ± 1.93 mg/kg, while ples. Vitamin C content of the samples may be indicative of the age
the average level of vitamin C was only 36.8 ± 10.9 mg/g. This of the spice paprika product and of storage conditions. According to
suggests that these spice paprika samples were not very fresh or the results of NIR evaluation of spice paprika samples, some clus-
that they were stored under improper storage conditions (high tering among the samples occurred according the country of origin.
humidity, high temperature). In contrast, in the Hungarian paprika To summarize our data, no clear correlation between the examined
powders the average concentration of OTA was 0.07 ± 0.22 mg/kg, bioactive components and places of origin was identified. However,
and total aflatoxin content was 0.35 ± 1.15 mg/kg, while the average according to the results of the volatile aroma compounds, their
level of vitamin C was 1353 ± 801 mg/g. composition may be an indicator of origin in case of paprika sam-
ples. Based on NIR evaluation, some clustering occurred also ac-
3.7. Lead and cadmium contamination of the paprika samples cording the country of origin.

Toxic heavy metals in spice paprika may also pose substantial Acknowledgements
food safety risks. At present there are limits for these heavy metals
in spice paprika products. The legal limit for lead is 2000 mg/kg This research was executed in the framework of the EU-project
according to the Hungarian Government Decree 40/2000. (XII. 20.). SPICED (Grant Agreement: 312631) with the financial support from
Lead was detected in 1 out of 22 Hungarian spice paprika samples, the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. This pub-
at a level of 334.2 ± 1.3 mg/kg i.e. below the legal limit. Among the lication reflects the views only of the authors, and the European
31 examined foreign spice paprika samples, 7 were contaminated Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be
with lead. As for the 7 Spanish spice paprika samples, 3 were made of the information contained therein.
contaminated with lead, and the average lead concentration was
310.4 ± 2.5 mg/kg, which was also below the legal limit. Three out of
14 Chinese spice paprika samples were contained with lead at an
average concentration of 399.6 ± 0.7 mg/kg, while 1 out of the 2 Austin, N., Masahumi, J., & Yoshihiko, U. (2010). Identification of cultivation
Bulgarian samples contained 54.1 ± 0.4 mg/kg. Serbian and Peruvian methods and the geographical origin of sweet pepper based on d15N values and
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Biacs, P., Daood, H. G., Pavisa, A., & Hajdú, F. (1989). Studies on the carotenoid
The legal limit for cadmium is 250 mg/kg according to Hungarian pigments of paprika (Capsicum annuum L var. SZ-20.). Journal of Agricultural and
Government Decree 40/2000. (XII. 20.). Seven Hungarian spice Food Chemistry, 37, 350e353.
paprika samples (7/22) were contaminated with cadmium, the Brunner, M., Katona, R., Stefanka, Zs., & Prohaska, T. (2010). Determination of the
geographical origin of processed spice using multielement and isotopic pattern
average concentration was 86.2 ± 2.2 mg/kg. In case of the Serbian on the example of Szegedi paprika. European Food Research and Technology, 231,
(2/5) and Peruvian samples (2/2), these values were 170.2 ± 1.1 and 623e634.
254.9 ± 1.8 mg/kg, respectively. Cadmium contamination was not ka, M., Amtmann, M., Nemes, K., & Kora
Cso ny, K. (2013). Comparison of the aroma
properties of red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars grown in Hungary. Acta
detectable in the Spanish, Chinese and Bulgarian samples. In terms Alimentaria, 42, 143e157.
of heavy metal contamination the examined paprika powders were Daood, H. G., & Biacs, P. (2005). Simultaneous determination of Sudan dyes and
appropriately safe. carotenoids in red pepper and tomato products by HPLC. Journal of Chromato-
graphic Science, 43, 461e465.
Hernandez-Hierro, J. M., García-Villanova, R. J., & Gonza lez-Martín, I. (2008). Po-
3.8. NIR evaluation of the paprika samples tential of near infrared spectroscopy for the analysis of mycotoxins applied to
naturally contaminated red paprika found in the Spanish market. Analytica
Chimica Acta, 622, 189e194.
As the first step of NIR spectra evaluation, principal component
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analysis (PCA) was carried out to investigate the effect of the origin pounds of fresh chilli (Capsicum annuum) during stages of maturity using solid
of the samples. PCA was carried out both on the raw spectra phase microextraction (SPME). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 18,
(Fig. 6A) and on their second derivatives to eliminate baseline shift. 427e437.
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Results of PCA of the raw spectra is shown on Fig. 6B, C, D, with the Spanish paprika from Protected Designation of Origin based on color mea-
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60 r et al. / Food Control 83 (2018) 54e60
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