Nutrition and Diet Therapy

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Dietary Guidelines and Food
Food guides are graphic
representations of all or some of
the messages of the dietary
guidelines. They typically
represent the recommended food
groups in the suggested
proportions for a good diet.
adapted their food guide for
Messages about lifestyle, such as
recommendations of regular
physical activity and warnings
related to alcohol consumption
may also be displayed. The most
common example of food guides is
in the shape of a food pyramid
and food plate. However, many
countries choose a food guide that
is culturally specific for the
population of each country and
may become an important symbol
in a nation's nutrition
communication and education
strategy. Some countries have

different population groups, such

as indigenous peoples.
Science and Technology (DOST) to
guide on how much 1) fats and
oils, 2) sugar, 3) meat and poultry,
4) milk and milk products, 5)
vegetables, 6) fruits, 7) rice and
rice products and 8) water or

Daily Nutritional Guide Pyramid

beverages should a Filipino eat in
Nutritional Guide Pyramid by the
one day. Aside from that, this guide
Food and Nutrition Research
encourages Filipinos to exercise
Institute (FNRI) of Department of
and practice personal and
environmental hygiene for a
healthy living. Note that pyramids
differ in seven population groups --
toddlers, kids, teens, adults, elderly,
pregnant women and lactating
population groups namely, kids,
teens, adults, elderly, pregnant and
Pinggang Pinoy lactating women vary from each
Pinggang Pinoy developed by the
Food and Nutrition Research
Institute (FNRI) of Department of

Science and Technology (DOST) is

a new, easy to understand food
guide that uses a familiar food
plate model to convey the right
food group proportions on a per
meal basis to meet the body’s
energy and nutrient needs of an
adult. This is a visual tool to guide
Filipinos in consuming the right
amount of food in every meal.
Also, Pinggang Pinoy of five

Food Labels
Understanding the Nutrition Facts
label on food items can help you
make healthier choices. The label
breaks down the amount of calories,
carbs, fat, fiber, protein, and
vitamins per serving of the food,
making it easier to compare the
nutrition of similar products. Be sure
to look at different brands of the
same foods—nutrition information
can differ a lot. For example, one
brand of tomato sauce may have
more calories and sugar than another
brand for the same serving size. weight, and whether you’re trying to
lose or maintain your weight.
In general, eat more foods that are
higher in vitamins, minerals (such as
calcium and iron), and fiber. Eat
fewer foods that are higher in added
sugars, saturated fat, and sodium
(salt), and avoid trans fat. Keep in
mind that the % Daily Value of each
nutrient, such as total fat of 10%, is
based on eating 2,000 calories a day.
You may eat fewer or more calories
a day depending on your age,
gender, activity level, current
guidelines based on the eating
pattern, lifestyle, and health status
of Filipinos.
The NGF contains all the nutrition
messages to healthy living for all
age groups from infants to adults,
pregnant and lactating women, and
the elderly.
The first NGF released in 1990
was composed of five messages
called “Dietary Guidelines for
In 2000, a revised nutritional
guideline composed of ten
messages was released and it was
called the Nutritional Guidelines
for Filipinos.

What should you look for on a In 2012, the Technical Working

food label to determine how Group (TWG) for the revision of
healthy or unhealthy it is? the NGF, led by the Food and
Nutrition Research Institute of the
No added sugar – products must Department of Science and
not contain added sugar, but may Technology (FNRI-DOST)
contain natural sugars. developed a new set of the NGF,
Reduced fat or salt – should be at based on the 2000 edition.
least a 25% reduction from the The 2012 NGF now includes the
original product. basis and justification for each of
Low fat – must contain less than the ten nutritional and health
3% fat for solid foods (1.5% for messages.
liquid foods). Below are the new messages of
Fat free – must be less than 0.15% the 2012 NGF:
fat. 1. Eat a variety of foods every day
The Nutritional Guidelines for to get the nutrients needed by the
Filipinos (NGF) is a set of dietary body.
2. Breastfeed infants exclusively stress, avoid alcoholic beverage,
from birth up to six months and and do not smoke to help prevent
then give appropriate lifestyle-related non-
complementary foods while communicable disease.
continuing breastfeeding for two
The revisions were made based on
years and beyond for optimum
the results of the 2008 National
growth and development.
Nutrition Survey (NNS) conducted
3. Eat more vegetables and fruits by FNRI-DOST.
to get the essential vitamins,
Based on the said survey, the
minerals, and fiber for regulation
Filipino household diet fell below
of body processes.
the recommended levels except for
4. Consume fish, lean meat, niacin, which is above the
poultry, egg, dried beans or nuts recommended.
daily for growth and repair of body
Furthermore, all nutrients and
5. Consume milk, milk products,
energy were below the 100 percent
and other calcium-rich food such
adequacy levels. This was the
as small fish and shellfish, every
basis of NGF messages no. 1, 3,
day for healthy bones and teeth.
and 4.
6. Consume safe foods and water
There is no single food that
to prevent diarrhea and other food-
contains all the nutrients that our
and water-borne diseases.
body needs so eating a variety of
7. Use iodized salt to prevent food ensures that daily nutritional
Iodine Deficiency Disorders. needs are met.
8. Limit intake of salty, fried, fatty, There was also a decrease in
and sugar-rich foods to prevent consumption of fruits from 77
cardiovascular diseases. grams in 2005 to 54 grams in 2008
and also a decrease in milk
9. Attain normal body weight
consumption from 44 grams to 42
through proper diet and moderate
grams. These results were the
physical activity to maintain good
basis of message no. 3 and 5,
health and help prevent obesity.
10. Be physically active, make
Vegetables and fruits are the main
healthy food choices, manage
sources of vitamins, minerals, and
fiber, while milk is a good source pressure can result to
of calcium. cardiovascular diseases.
Low urinary iodine excretion is There is also a decreasing trend of
still a prevalent problem among physical inactivity among Filipinos
pregnant and lactating mothers, and also a large percentage of
indicating to low iodine intake. Filipino smokers at 31.0% and
Iodine is important during drinkers at 26.9%. These
pregnancy because it is needed for situations were the basis of
the brain development of the infant messages no. 9 and 10 of the
while lactating mothers must have NGF.
adequate supply of iodine in their
People are always encouraged to
breastmilk. This is the message of
exercise at least thirty minutes a
NGF no. 7.
day, three to five times a week.
The total cholesterol level among
Limit alcohol drinking to one drink
Filipino adults increased from 8.5
per day for women and two drinks
(mg/dL) in 2003 to 10.2 (mg/dL)
for men is also advised. One
in 2008.
alcoholic drink is equivalent to one
and half ounce distilled beverage
such as gin or 12 ounces or a bottle
High cholesterol level may be
of beer or four ounces wine or half
attributed to the high consumption
glass wine or an ounce of 100
of sodium rich foods by Filipinos.
proof whiskey.
Salt and soy sauce were among the
10 Kumainments
top 10 widely used miscellaneous
food items used by Filipinos. The “10 Kumainments” — a
campaign to promote the
In addition, heart diseases ranked
Nutritional Guidelines for
first among the causes of death
Filipinos — was launched by the
based on the 2005 Department of
NNC at the “3rd National
Health survey. This is the reason
Conference of Nutrition Action
behind no. 8 of NGF.
Officers” held at the SMX
Excessive intake of salt and soy Convention Center in Pasay City
sauce can result to high blood on October 23, 2014.
pressure especially to salt-sensitive
The 10 Kumainments are the
individuals. Persistent high blood
popularized versions of the
Nutritional Guidelines for
Filipinos (NGF) approved by the
NNC Governing Board to promote
a healthy lifestyle among Pinoys.
The Kumainments are simple and
easy to remember guidelines that
can be easily followed by ordinary
citizens to improve their nutritional

Nutrition Tools, Standards and
Guidelines Nutrient
Recommendations (Philippine
Dietary Reference Intake 2015)
Good Health starts with Good
Good Nutrition starts with a diet
that provides the necessary levels
of energy and essential nutrients
Diets based on the reference prevent nutrient deficiency and
values for energy and nutrient avoid excess
levels of intake
- based on reference weight (0-18
The Food and Nutrition yrs.) reflecting WHO-Child
Research Institute of the Growth Standard (WHO-CGS),
Department of Science and and for adult BMI of 22 kg/m2
Technology (FNRI-DOST) using 2013 NNS median height at
launches the PDRI 2015 during the 19y/o
opening ceremony of the 41st
Components of PDRI
FNRI Seminar Series on July 1,
2015 at the FNRI Auditorium. The 1. Estimated Average Requirement
2015 PDRI adopts the multi-level (EAR)
approach for setting nutrient
reference values to meet the needs 2. Recommended Energy/Nutrient
of various stakeholders for (REI/RNI)
appropriate nutrient reference 3. Adequate Intake (AI)
4. Tolerable Upper Intake Level or
PDRI is the collective term Upper Limit (UL)
comprising reference value for
energy and nutrient levels of
The components of PDRI are:
Philippine Dietary Reference
Estimated Average Requirement
Intake 2015
(EAR): daily nutrient intake level
From a single reference standard, that meets the median or average
Recommended Energy and requirement of healthy individuals
Nutrient intake (RENI) to a new in particular life stage and sex
set of multi-level standards group, corrected for incomplete
utilization or dietary nutrient
- meet the need of various bioavailability.
stakeholders for appropriate
nutrient reference values for Note: EAR is not useful as an
planning and assessing diets for estimate of nutrient adequacy in
healthy groups and individuals individuals, because it is a mean
requirement for a group, and the
- endpoints of the DRI are to variation around this number is
ensure nutrient adequacy, considerable.
Recommended Energy/Nutrient no potential adverse effects
Intake (REI/RNI): level of intake resulting from high intake.
of energy or nutrient which is
When data about adverse effects
considered adequate for the
are extremely limited, extra
maintenance of health and well-
caution may be warranted.
being of healthy persons in the
RNI = EAR for nutrients,
translated into dietary
recommendation to cover the
needs of almost all individuals in
the population (EAR+2SD).
REI = the computed average
requirement of the individuals in
that group.
Uses and Applications of PDRI
Adequate Intake (AI): daily
nutrient intake level that is based For assessing and planning dietary
on observed or experimentally- intakes for an individual /
determined approximation of the group/population
average nutrient intake by a group
(groups) of apparently healthy Appropriate DRI to use is hinged
people that are assumed to sustain on the concept that requirements
a defined nutritional state. It is represent a distribution
used when there is insufficient data Assessment – determining
to establish the EAR. adequacy and inadequacy of
Tolerable Upper Intake Level or individuals and prevalence of
Upper Limit (UL): highest adequate or inadequate intakes of
average daily nutrient intake level the group or population. (National
likely to pose no adverse health Nutrition Survey result compared
effects to almost all individuals in with DRI)
the general population. Planning – setting intake targets
Lack of suitable data could not for individuals and determining
establish ULs for other nutrients, desirable intake distributions for
but this does not mean that there is groups or population. (Meal
planning for individuals and
groups, like in hospitals, prisons) Criterion – prevention of nutrient
and development of dietary deficiency or prevention of chronic
guidelines, feeding programs diseases for certain life stage (e.g.,
dental caries for fluoride)
Individual consumers - as
reference as to what foods to eat Recommendation for infants 0-5
and how much months was based on AIs
Food and beverage industry – for - Estimated from nutritional
fortification and marketing of composition and average volume
foods of breastmilk (BM) of 780 ml
consumed daily by exclusively
Government, NGO, private
breastfeed babies
institutions– to design, implement
and evaluate food and nutrition - For protein, Vitamin D,
assistance programs Vitamin K, selenium, iodine and
electrolytes –estimation done by
Scientific and regulatory bodies
using factorial mode
– to formulate standards and
regulations Recommendation for older
Nutrition and health
professionals – to educate and - BM (650ml) and
counsel public health complementary foods (CF).
Estimating Recommended - In the absence of CF data,
Intakes requirements for most nutrients
were extrapolated from either
Review process –assessment of
younger infants or adults.
published foreign and local studies
and unpublished important local
Review/adoption of
recommendations by expert
scientific bodies
Requirement is defined – lowest
nutrient that maintain level of
nutriture among apparently healthy
- For protein, requirements for docosahexaenoic acids) – play key
infants were estimated using a roles in CNS
linear regression model

Infants and Early Childhood

Adolescence and Adulthood
Requirements for macronutrients
Adolescent – higher intake of
and micronutrients are higher on a
protein and energy for growth
per-kilogram basis during infancy
and childhood compared to later Most micronutrients, same as for
life cycle. adults except for calcium and
phosphorus for bone growth.
Energy – breastmilk sole source
until 6 months when Iron requirements higher in
complementary foods will be given menstruating females
for optimal growth and
Protein – Provides amino acids for
the synthesis of membranes,
hormones, antibodies, other
proteins, and peptides.
Requirements per kilogram
decrease rapidly after the first year.
Essential Fatty Acids - through
desaturation and elongation,
linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids
are converted to long-chain fatty
acids (arachidonic and

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