Coletes de Balas Textil

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Original article

Textile Research Journal

81(4) 344–354

The use of warp interlock ! The Author(s) 2010

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fabric inside textile composite DOI: 10.1177/0040517510385170
protection against ballistic impact

Francois Boussu

The actual and near future trend in the composite field is to customize material in response to its application. One of
these solutions may lie in the use of three-dimensional textile structure using different types of high performance yarn.
Focusing on the 3D textile structure literature, different types of classification can be found.1,2 Among these different
kinds of structure, the warp interlock appears to be differently defined like: the 2.5 dimensions fabric, 3 dimensions multi
layers fabric, multi layers interlacing fabrics.3 This paper gives an overview of the different types of the warp interlock to
be defined according to their performance on delamination and impact resistances.

Impact behaviour, delamination resistance, energy absorption, fabric reinforcement

showed a brittle mode, resulting in significantly lower

Introduction energy absorption.15 It can also be noticed that 3D tex-
Some studies demonstrate that 3D composites have tile structural composites are much tougher between
high ballistic impact damage resistance and low velocity layers because many reinforcing yarns exist in the
impact protection.4–6 A higher performance of 3D through-thickness direction.
structural composites compared to 2D laminates has Among all the different analyses and research
also been revealed.7 Taking into account the impact done on 3D textile structure, many results tend to
studies achieved on 3D woven composites,8–11 high per- demonstrate a better resistance to delamination of
formance has been revealed due to their resistance to the composite part. In order to understand well
delamination.12,13 The 3D angle interlock fabric dis- the delamination process inside a textile reinforce-
plays high strength and damage resistance as a conse- ment composite material, a brief review of the mac-
quence of the interlaced structure of the warp and weft roscopic deformation process of a fabric is given.
between the adjacent layers.14 Thanks to these different mechanical behaviours
Low velocity impact properties of 3D woven com- inside the 2D or 3D fabric, modelling of the absorp-
posites are important for their various applications. tion mechanism during an impact test can be pro-
This type of loading can occur when tools are dropped posed. Then, taking into account this model, a
on the surface of a composite or when the material is
impacted by debris, fragments, or projectiles. In a
recent study, two types of 3D woven Basalt/Aramid
hybrid composites with similar fibre volume fraction ENSAIT, Roubaix, France.
and dimension have recently been tested. Post-
Corresponding author:
mortem photographic analysis indicated that inter-ply Francois Boussu, ENSAIT, 2 Allee Louise et Victor Champier, 59100
hybrid failed in a layer-by-layer mode, leading to much Roubaix, France
larger energy absorption, while intra-ply composite Email:
Boussu 345

target can be designed including some composite mode II can be assumed as an inter ply slip and mode
material made with a 3D textile structure with high III tends to be an inter ply rotation of two layers of the
performance yarns. fabric.

Awaiting propagation mode for a ballistic impact

Fabric delamination process During tests, impact at speeds in excess of 300 m/s at
3D textile structures are commonly considered to the beginning of the penetration, a rigid behaviour of
enhance the through-the-thickness properties, such as the structure is observed, causing a fracture of trans-
inter-laminar shear and normal strength, damage pro- verse shear fibre followed by a flexural behaviour, cre-
tection and fracture toughness.16 Particularly relevant ating multiple delamination and breaks in tension
in the structural design process is an enhancement of fibres.19–22
the delamination resistance. First, a brief description of The ballistic performance of a flat structure increases
the different phenomenon occurring during the fabric at the same time with the speed of the ‘bending waves’
deformation is given. and the rupture time of plies.23 The simultaneous
increase of these two parameters allows the material
to absorb more energy from damage and deformation
Macroscopic deformation process of a fabric before the complete rupture of the flat structure. This
Different deformation mechanisms have already been implies the need to initiate and encourage very early,
clustered according to the length scale over which during the impact, the spread of delamination in
they occur.17 For the single layer of fabric, two types the plate by a careful choice of materials. They can,
of deformation mode can be noticed; the intra ply shear for example, use a low resistance inter laminar shear
as in Figure 1 and the intra ply extension as shown in containing thick plies formed by resistant or ductile
Figure 2. fibres.
For the multi layer fabric, slip between adjacent The mechanisms of delamination have been the
layers can be considered in two modes; the inter ply subject of many studies investigating the problems
slip as described in Figure 3 and the inter ply rotation of impact.24–26 Most authors agree that delamina-
as shown in Figure 4. tion is, with fibre breaks, the main mechanism for
Different kinds of propagation mode, I, II and III, absorbing energy and they promote the perforation
of the delamination rupture can be represented in resistance.
Figure 5.18 Mode I corresponds to inter ply gauge,

Figure 1. Intra ply shear of a single layer fabric. Figure 3. Inter ply slip of a multi layer fabric.

Figure 2. Intra ply extension of a single layer fabric. Figure 4. Inter ply rotation of a multi layer fabric.
346 Textile Research Journal 81(4)

In order to improve the perforation resistance, it is The main absorption mechanisms of energy involved
necessary to increase the thickness of the target, in in such interaction have been identified (Figure 6).
other words, mass per unit area.27,28 They are:
Materials made of ductile fibres in axial compression
(aramid, polyethylene) absorb more energy by defor- . broken fibre transverse shear (section A),
mation and have a higher perforation resistance to . broken fibres tension (section B),
materials reinforced with glass fibres.29–31 It can be . delamination (section C).
assumed that there is a joint action between the bending
rigidity of plies and properties of fibres break into it, There is a challenge between the rupture mecha-
which governs the propagation of delamination and nisms of fibres and delamination spread, which depends
therefore energy absorption of the plate. both on projectile shapes, the characteristics of fracture
In addition to the components’ mechanical proper- components and bending rigidity of plies. Thus, to opti-
ties, the structure and the thickness of fabrics can influ- mize the impact resistance, we must encourage the
ence the perforation resistance of a composite plate. spread of delamination, in the sense that the plate has
In the case of a plate-reinforced by aramid fabric, the to absorb more energy from damage and deformation
speed limit increases with perforation of the thickness. of the fibres before the complete failure of the material.
It therefore appears that the bending rigidity of plies Therefore it is necessary to decrease the inter-laminar
and especially the thickness of the latter are crucial to shear resistance of the material and increasing the
the overall ballistic performance of a plate. number of stitching points between plies.

Figure 5. Propagation modes of delamination rupture.



Transverse Tensile Delamina-

A B C shear tion

Figure 6. Explanation of delamination due to a ballistic impact, (left) modelling view (right) post mortem analysis of a fired target.
Boussu 347

observation is consistent with the Figure 7 which

Mechanisms of energy absorption shows that energy absorbed by the fabric is the lowest
A lot of analytical methods have been experimented when it is impacted by conical projectiles.
with to predict impact behaviour. One method for the
prediction of ballistic impact behaviour is based on Data:
wave theory and energy balance between the projectile Area density: 280 g/m2
and the target. Yarn count: 1100 dTex
The energy absorption capability of a textile struc- Target area: 120 mm  118 mm
ture obviously depends on the mechanical properties of Results:
the fibres used (tensile, compression strength and mod- V50 (hemispherical) ¼ 159 m/s
ulus of fibres, elongation at break, count, density . . .) V50 (flat) ¼ 100 m/s
but also: V50 (ogival) ¼ 76 m/s
V50 (conical) ¼ 58 m/s
. its woven architecture,
. the number of fabric plies, In order to understand the energy absorption mech-
. its area density, anism of the ballistic structures used today, a lot of
. the surface treatments of yarns, analytical studies and numerical modelling of yarns,
. the projectile shape, mass and impact velocity, fabrics and even composite materials have been carried
. the projectile impact angle. out. However, according to the assumptions made and
the parameters taken into account, results are close to
The yarn count and filament count are very impor- experimental values but are not reproducible.
tant because they characterize the strength of the yarn. During the ballistic impact event, there is a transfer
Indeed, the smaller the count, the higher the tensile of energy from the projectile to the target. This energy
strength is. Obviously, as the yarn or filament is is then absorbed by the target according to different
stronger, the price goes up. This comes from the fact mechanisms:33
that it is more complicated to produce finer filaments or
yarns. . compression of the target directly below the projec-
An experimental study32 has shown that the amount tile and in the surrounding region of the impacted
of energy absorbed by a fabric is quantitatively differ- zone,
ent according to the projectiles used. Curves in Figure 7 . tension and breakage of the yarns in the structure
show similar trends as the energy absorbed increases up (deformation),
to a critical impact velocity before decreasing. . shearing of fibres by the projectile and as a result of
Pictures of the fabrics impacted have been taken in this, a plug is formed in front of the projectile face
order to assess yarn pull-out. They revealed that fabrics (energy absorbed transformed into heat energy),
impacted by conical projectiles are the least susceptible . delamination and matrix breakage (composite),
to yarn pull-out, which implies that the projectiles are . inter fibres friction,
most capable of slipping through the fabric. This . bulge deformation on the back face,
. projectile deformation.
All these mechanisms are controlled by tensile and
compression strength, fibres modulus, matrix properties,
160 Flat
the way of arranging fibres within the reinforcement,
Energy absorbed by fabric (J)

140 Ogival 2.5

inter-laminar shear strength and the projectile properties.
120 Conical 60°

Interest of using 3D textile structure for
a ballistic impact

40 All 3D woven textiles have better strength in through-

20 the-thickness direction, better impact resistance and
smaller delamination area as mention in Zhang.34
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Compared with 2D laminates, 3D woven composites
Impact velocity (m/s) have the following advantages:

Figure 7. Plot of the energy absorbed by plain woven fabric . 3D weaving can produce complicated near-net-shape
versus impact velocity of projectiles. structures. This capability greatly reduces the
348 Textile Research Journal 81(4)

material cost and handling time. The integrated

complex shaped structure tends to have better
mechanical properties.
. Through-thickness properties can be adjusted by
controlling the amount of z yarns.
. Z-yarn could arrest the cracks formed during impact
loading, therefore, 3D woven composite has high
ballistic impact damage resistance and low velocity
impact damage resistance. 3D composite will also
have improved post-impact mechanical properties
than that of the 2D laminates.35,36
. 3D woven composites have a higher failure
strain37,38 and mode I fracture toughness than that
of 2D laminates.39
. Woven fabrics usually exhibit good dimensional sta-
bility in the warp and weft directions. It also has
highest yarn packing density and provides higher
out-of-plane strength. Thus it can carry higher sec-
ondary loads and local buckling.40 Figure 8. Orthogonal warp interlock fabric (Wisetexß
. Woven fabrics have a very low shear rigidity that software).
gives a very good formability.12
ultimate strength. The mode I strain energy release
Zhang34 describes two types of 3D weaving technol- rate of orthogonal interlock composites is more than
ogies: angle interlocking weaving and orthogonal weav- ten times higher than that of 2D laminates, whereas the
ing. Angle interlocking weaving can be further divided mode II strain energy release rate shows an increase of
into layer-to-layer and through-the-thickness. Whitney 2–3 times.
et al.41 notice that, compared with angle interlock The failure mode of orthogonal interlock fabric
method, orthogonal weaving generally brings much composite has been examined.46 The through-the-thick-
higher through-the-thickness reinforcements. This ness yarns tend to increase the energy required to prop-
method also allows greater variability to the movement agate an inter-laminar crack in the following ways:
of the shuttles which could lead to structures with much
more complicated cross-sectional shape as mentioned in . the fracture and pull-out of the z-axis fibres,
Shyong and Bing.42 Composites made from 3D orthog- . crack branching and deviating in the vicinity of
onal woven structure and epoxy resin showed superior z-axis fibres as well as in-plane fibres.
mechanical properties to those made from other 3D
woven structures as related by Brandt et al.43,44 Taking into account all this information, the textile
Multilayered composite reinforcements are termed: solution corresponding to our requirements is oriented
to a thick warp interlock fabric made of high perfor-
. orthogonal when Z-yarns go through the whole fabric mance fibres.
between only two columns of weft yarns (Figure 8),
. through-thickness angle interlock when Z-yarns go
through the whole fabric across more than two col-
The main ballistic fibres
umns of weft yarns (Figure 9), The tensile strength and modulus of the ballistic fibres
. angle interlock when Z-yarns connect separate layers are significantly higher and fibre elongation is lower.48
of the fabric (Figure 10). Each high performance ballistic fibre has a certain
unique property because of the polymer used to man-
3D orthogonal interlock fabrics utilize through- ufacture the fibre and the unique spinning process. The
thickness (z-axis) reinforcement in order to enhance tensile properties of these ballistic fibres are determined
the inter-laminar fracture toughness of the composite.45 by their structural characteristics at a molecular orien-
In a recent study, the inter-laminar fracture toughness tation about the spinning direction, and the effective
of carbon/epoxy composites has been experimentally cross-section area occupied by a single chain which is
determined by the use of a Tabbed Double Cantilever related to the degree of chain linearity. High perfor-
Specimen for Mode I analysis46 and an End Notch mance fibres are generally niche products, such as light-
Specimen for Mode II analysis.47 Through-thickness weight composite materials for aircraft, ballistic fibres
yarns reduced the in-plane Young’s modulus and and bullet resistant vest or body armour, protective
Boussu 349

Figure 9. Through the thickness interlock fabric (Wisetexß software).

Aramid fibres
Aramids are high molecular weight aromatic polyam-
ides which can be spun from organic solvents or from
sulphuric acid, into filaments of extremely high mechan-
ical strength and very high temperature resistance.
Introduced in the early 1970s, the para-aramid fibre
has a rigid, rod-like molecular structure that gives
excellent mechanical properties: high tensile strength-
to-weight, high elongation-to-break, high longitudinal
tensile modulus and good damage protection making
para-aramid fibre efficient in ballistic protection.
Several types of aramid fibres exist, according to the
location of the functional groups on the aromatic cores:

. para-aramid fibres such as KevlarÕ from Dupont

Advanced Fibre Systems and TwaronÕ from
. meta-aramid fibres such as NomexÕ from Dupont
Advanced Fibre Systems and ConexÕ from Teijin-
. Co-polymer of para-aramid fibres such as
TechnoraÕ from Teijin-aramid. These fibres have
high hydrolysis resistance (in comparison to para-
Figure 10. Layer to layer interlock fabric (Wisetexß software). aramids) with high tensile properties.

Polyethylene High Performance and Modulus Fibres

gear for fire officers, and cut or stab resistant articles.49
Yarns of high strength and modulus are now used in
laminated plates or shells for armour applications There are only two types of HPPE fibre:
where steel and aluminium alloys once
predominated.50 The specific tensile properties are par- . DyneemaÕ fibres from DSM High Performance
ticularly important where tensile stresses are large, like Fibres
the regions of the armour adjacent to the impact . SpectraÕ fibres from Honeywell International, Inc.
A comparison of high performance organic ballistic High performance polyethylene (HPPE) properties
fibres is given in Table 1 based on different parameters. depend largely on the ultra-drawing step but also on
350 Textile Research Journal 81(4)

Table 1. Ballistic fibre properties

Specific tenacity Tensile strength Specific modulus Tensile modulus Density Elongation at break
cN/Tex Gpa cN/Tex Gpa g/cm3 %

Kevlar 29 2.03 2.90 49 70 1.43 3.6

Kevlar 49 2.08 3.02 78 113 1.45 2.4
Kevlar 119 2.16 3.11 38 55 1.44 4.4
Kevlar 129 2.38 3.45 70 102 1.45 3.3
Kevlar 149 1.68 2.47 115 169 1.47 1.3
Nomex 0.485 0.67 7.5 10 1.38 35
Twaron 2.1 2.92 75 104 1.39 2.5
Technora 2.52 3.50 53 74 1.39 4.4
Dyneema SK60 2.8 2.73 91 89 0.975 3.5
Dyneema SK65 3.1 3.02 97 95 0.975 3.6
Dyneema SK71 3.5 3.41 122 119 0.975 3.7
Dyneema SK75 3.7 3.61 120 117 0.975 3.8
Dyneema SK76 3.69 3.60 121 118 0.975 3.6
Spectra 900 2.52 2.44 74 72 0.97 4
Spectra 1000 3.26 3.16 110 107 0.97 3.2
Spectra 2000 3.5 3.40 124 120 0.97 2.9
Zylon (PBO) 3.7 5.77 180 281 1.56 2.5
S-2 glass 1.89 4.71 88 219 2.49 5.6
E glass 1.41 3.60 69 176 2.55 4.7
Carbon HR 1.94 3.49 133 239 1.8 1.3
Steel 0.11 0.86 27 210 7.85 17
Polyester 0.83 1.15 9 12 1.38 13
Polyamide 66 0.85 0.97 4.5 5 1.14 19

the type of solvent used and the PE polymerization The only drawback of this fibre could be its low trans-
degree. verse compressive modulus (3 times lower than that of
The high level of crystallinity and the high degree of Kevlar 49).
parallel orientation allow obtaining fibres of outstand- However, it has been discovered that this fibre pre-
ing mechanical properties that make them ideal in bal- sents a limited chemical resistance, especially against
listic protection: hydrolysis leading, at the moment, to a stabilization
work by the company Toyobo.
. high specific tenacity
. high longitudinal modulus (Young modulus)
. low density <1 g/cm3 (floats on water)
Glass fibres
. melting point between 145 and 155  C According to the applications, different glass fibre
. high energy absorption grades are available. For instance, the E-glass fibre is
. excellent resistance to water, moisture, most chemi- used as a reinforcement material in load bearing sand-
cals, UV light and micro-organisms wich construction. It has good mechanical properties
. good abrasion resistance (cut-resistant) and environmental resistance, but its competitiveness
comes primarily from its relatively low price. The two
other types of glass reinforcement are S and R-glass:
they have slightly better mechanical properties but their
PBO fibres (p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) price is also significantly higher.
Introduced in 1998 and manufactured by Toyobo Co. In ballistics, S-2 Glass, from AGY is fequently used.
Ltd. under the trade name ZylonTM, tensile strength It is the heaviest fibre used in ballistic applications, with
and tensile modulus of PBO are higher than all other a density of 2.5 g/cm3, but its high tensile strength,
fibres (twice the tensile strength of aramid), while its transverse compressive and high elongation at break,
elongation and density are similar to para-aramid. make it a good material for energy absorption.
Boussu 351

7.62 mm

12.7 mm

Figure 11. (left) 7.62 mm cartridge; (right) comparison between 7.62 and 12.7 mm cartridges.

Bullet with
an internal

Figure 12. 12.7 mm armour piercing (AP) cartridge.

Figure 14. Final aspect of the target.

Figure 13. Stacking of three layers of angle interlock fabric.

Moreover, the chemical fibre surface treatments used in

its manufacture result in strong mechanical and chem-
ical bonds with the matrix resin, enhancing structural

Experimental ballistic results on

3D textile fabric
The fibre used as the reinforcement of the anti-ballistic
composite is the HPPE fibre essentially for its high Figure 15. Impacted target with 12.7 mm cartridge.
tenacity and low density.
352 Textile Research Journal 81(4)

Figure 16. Post mortem analysis of the warp angle interlock fabric.

Figure 17. Delamination of the laminated structure.

Indeed, as soon as an AP bullet impacts the hard

Description of high-energy impact ammunition
armor, the ceramic strike face deforms and splits up
High-energy impact corresponds to ammunitions of the bullet which greatly decreases the impact energy.
war weapons such as assault rifles with the Famas Then, the backing located behind the ceramic plate,
and Kalashnikov rifles (calibre 5.56 AP, 7.62 . . .). absorbs the energy by deforming the fibrous structure
There are also heavier machine guns using a bigger car- and stops the fragments.
tridge (12.7 mm) disposed on all armoured fighting Ceramic facing element can be a continuous mono-
vehicles (Figure 11). lithic plate, a plurality of individual square ceramic tile
Armour-Piercing (AP) ammunitions which consist of or otherwise, can be shaped to suit the dimensional
a hardened steel or tungsten-carbide penetrator needs of a particular application. The most used cera-
enclosed within a softer material, such as copper or mic types are alumina Al2O3 (r ¼ 3.9 g/cm3), silicone
aluminium, are really destructive (Figure 12). They carbide SiC (r ¼ 3.2 g/cm3) and boron carbide B4C
are used to penetrate hardened armoured targets such (r ¼ 2.52 g/cm3).
as armour, vehicle armour, concrete, tanks and other Different layers of the textile structure are stacked
defences, depending on the calibre of the firearms. together to achieve the final backing of the target
These AP projectiles do not deform during (Figure 13). Ceramic tiles of alumina (Al2O3) are
penetration in soft ballistic protections. By using a placed in the front of the textile structure to be moulded
one-layer hard armor, an excessively thick composite and pressed during the composite material process
material would be needed to stop the AP projectiles. (Figure 14).
It is therefore more efficient to add a ceramic strike Three targets have been tested with 12.7 mm
face in front of the composite materials panel. armour piercing ammunitions of 43 g weight which cor-
respond to a total energy to absorb of around 8000 J
(Figure 15). With respect to the MIL-PRF-46103-E
Design of the armour plated protection norm (aeronautic use only), only one bullet is fired at
The advantage of ceramic backed by composite armors the middle of each target with a speed of 610 m/s. None
resides in the high hardness and relatively low density of the targets failed and a height of 25 mm of the cre-
of the ceramic material in comparison with steel plates ated shape-of-cone hole can be measured for one of
(for the same energy absorption). these targets. After this first impact, most of the
Boussu 353

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