Present Simple Present Continuous

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Present Indefinite Tense (Present Simple)

awmyo ganusazRvreli dro


 mudmivi, permanentuli moqmedebis gamosaxatad: I live in Canada but I come from India;
 Cveulebrivi, yoveldRiuri moqmedebis an xSirad ganmeorebadi moqmedebebis gamosaxatad: We go
to the cinema every month. They come here in winter.;
 zogadi WeSmaritebis da faqtebis gamosaxatad: Water boils at 100ºC. Cats eat mice.;
 sxvadasxva scenarebisa da Sinaarsis gadmosacemad: Antonio reaches his sword. People scream.
Anna waits calmly.
 sportuli TamaSebis komentirebisas: Backham receives the ball, kicks it and scores!!!;
 cxrilebSi, ganrigebSi, sqemebze, gamokiTxvis SedegebSi da misT. aRniSnuli informaciis
gadmocemisas: Next train to London leaves at 11:30 P.M. According to the survey, Panasonic loses
its popularity.

gamoyenebadi sixSiris gamomxatveli zmnizedebi: always, usually, often, frequently, sometimes,

occasionally, rarely, seldom, hardly ever, never. (winadadebaSi sixSiris zmnizeda Tavsdeba azrobrivi zmnis

drois gamomxatveli sityvebi: every day/week/July/summer/Monday, in the morning/evening,

once/twice a week/month/year, on Fridays/Saturday night, etc.


mtkicebiTi forma: zmnis infinitivis meSveobiT (I/we/you/they go/sleep/work). III piris mxolobiT
ricxvSi azrobriv zmnas erTvis piris niSani S (an ES - goes) (He/she/it goes/sleeps/works).

kiTxviTi da uaryofiTi formebi iwarmoeba damxmare zmna DO–s meSveobiT (Do you know Tim? – No,
I do not know him). III piris mxolobiT ricxvSi damxmare zmnas erTvis piris niSani (Does), xolo
azrobrivi zmna ubrundeba infinitivs (Does she speak French? – No, she does not speak French).


mtkicebiTi kiTxviTi uaryofiTi

I usually work every day. Do I usually work every day? I don’t usually work every day.
He usually works every day. Does he usually work every day? He doesn’t usually work every day.
She usually works every day. Does she usually work every day? She doesn’t usually work every day.
It usually works every day. Does it usually work every day? It doesn’t usually work every day.
We usually work every day. Do we usually work every day? We don’t usually work every day.
You usually work every day. Do you usually work every day? You don’t usually work every day.
They usually work every day. Do they usually work every day? They don’t usually work every day.

do not = don’t does not = doesn’t

Present Continuous Tense (Present Progressive)

awmyo gangrZobiTi dro


 droebiTi moqmedebisa da viTarebebis aRwerisas: I’m working here just for a few days. She is
staying with us only for a short time – until she finds a flat to rent.;
 iseTi moqmedebebis gamosaxatad, romlebic grZeldeba saubris momentSi: What is she doing? – She
is trying to explain this tense.;
 mudmivad cvalebadi faqtebis gamosaxatad: It is getting hotter every year.
 gamaRizianebeli an/da ironiis gamomwvevi moqmedebebis gamosaxatad (rogorc wesi, aseT
SemTxvevebSi gamoiyeneba always / all the time) She is talking all the time. He is always playing
 dagegmili, SeTanxmebuli momavali moqmedebis gamosaxatad: I am meeting them on Thursday
evening. We are moving to Cambridge next autumn.

drois gamomxatveli sityvebi: always, still, currently – Cveulebriv, azrobrivi zmnis win (She’s still
waiting for the miracle.) da at the moment, at present, now – winadadebis dasawyisSi an boloSi (We are
expecting further instructions at present.).

iwarmoeba: to be + infinitive+ing

mtkicebiTi, uaryofiTi da kiTxviTi formebis warmoeba xorcieldeba TO BE zmnis warmoebis



mtkicebiTi kiTxviTi uaryofiTi

I am working at the moment. Am I working at the moment? I am not working at the moment.
He is working at the moment. Is he working at the moment? He is not working at the moment.
She is working at the moment. Is she working at the moment? She is not working at the moment.
It is working at the moment. Is it working at the moment? It is not working at the moment.
We are working at the moment. Are we working at the moment? We are not working at the moment.
You are working at the moment. Are you working at the moment? You are not working at the moment.
They are working at the moment. Are they working at the moment? They are not working at the moment.

I am = I’m He is = He’s We are = We’re You are = You’re

I am not = I’m not = I amn’t He is not = He’s not = He isn’t

We are not = We’re not = We aren’t You are not = You’re not = You aren’t

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