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Fst Nome: ROBERT ‘current school HANDUMANAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Last Name BERNALES Year Level Grade 10 mal robertberneles2007@gmaiLcom “Tracks/Specialization Mobile 0365216756 fits 2b woking mochines, tools ane einen plants and armas, youtethecne who gets the Job core wel No fuss, no fils. Youre talented wth Your hands and eno eel imphyeial aces. ouare straight forarg, grounded enable Yousreareaist who aes praccal things yuean ‘ese ond euch, Thats why you se asa fendot veunngouttonew paces and eperencing new things Youre ntaen wit nut nite working wt lets an animals With you modesty 6nd ‘eso, you wl sie to bul exctg copparunies for youselia yout chosen cae Careers Best Suited for You Civil Engineer You're The Thinker ‘Yur cue your biggest suengm. You tke lesmng sbeut how things wok how certain events appene and enteranng the possaties of what if Smaak and unoundedtois are a nono for Yeu. Youre tea swayeay prety worse because youl aang evdnce feng facts and ting tit daa that Dek tea In you ‘youn eds, youre eer he one with the swers ofthe one asking the mpartontquestons. Through your ana! ane complex problem alin atts, you ae u fo get arse ppotunies naar file wth data, You're The Organizer ith» ene fordetais, youre the one who rae sure that everyting goes accodeg plan Youre attentive. dlgent and hare working, You ake gen your posed werkanespoter record You Ike having st outnes and eseaues place and stk inecient systems and neonsistencies. You he oking wit numbers recor, ana mschines since you sete one usualy neon your ‘ure carer yourergenzatin sil willbe 2 valuable tart. The wr wi lays need prope 'e auto kee things unin smoot. Discussed by: Signature: Name: Page 20f7 = Who is a Geologist ? ‘toy tne composition suture end te physic specs of te sth. May we geological hss, cmsteraics knonlege in expoein fr ol 8, mer. cr uncorground water oF nwoste isos ond reclamation, ther enviormental problems May stay the Earths intema corposton, ae woEPRees, oceans adits magnet ‘ect and grvtatina fres.cldes minrlogsts,crstallogaphes,plentlogts, satirapers, godess and seismoogists "= What does the Geologist do? nate and inrpet geologel gochemiel or geopysicl nema rom souces auch a survey data, wal laps bot oles o ei phtos. anor conduct gesogical geocheica er geophysical fel ste or surveys sample colecton or éiing and esting programs used colect dts fer research or pplication Prepare geclegiea maps clos sectional agiams chars otepats encening mia extarton and use fesaule management using est of fldwort of bottery research, ‘Analyze and interpret eotegcal data, sing computer sofware Invesigate he compotion, suture, istry of he Eats cust nought colton, examination, meesicement oF classfeation of ot mins ook, of oss emans. = What types of information or knowledge are needed for this job? Mathematics —Knowiedge cf arte algebra, geomet, acu, tabstis andthe apptons. English Language ~ Krowlegeof the suture and content the English language ncn he neering and speny of words, es of composten ad graeme. Pryses~ Krome ane prediction of physical principles laws heintereltinships, and apeatons to understanding fu material. an amesphecdyarics, and mechanical elects toc and sub-atomic tutes and processes, ‘ography ~ Knonledge of princes ae methods for describing the features of and, ea, ad a masses, including ther pysical characterises, ecatns,iterlacshis, and eroton of plant anima ané human if Chemistry ~ Knowledge of he ceca composite, suction properties of substances cod ofthe chemical processes ae ansfomatens at ey undergo. This nudes use of chemical nd ter iterations, ange sian, reduction ecniges, and dspesal methods = Whet are the required skills for this job? Cte Thang — Using ge an arn o ety he sang ané wesknesresof strate sls cnc or aprosces ots ealg Comprehension ~ Understanding wren striences an pareiph worked docu Selene — Using scent nes end mess ose oes ‘eating Tinga cesta come formation lect set Ustrng ~ Gv i atenento wat ote pepe a Som aking Une o ude pots ema ekag estes peep. od taupe at inoppepite tes, = What are the abilities or competencies that an individual should have in this job? suc Reasoning ~The abit to combine pleces ef normation form general rues cr corcsiens(inlues rang a elatensip aang seemingly unread events) Category Fenty ~The aby o generate ous erent ses of ules for combing er rouning ins in afte ways Dedutve Reasoning ~The aby to apt general eso spect problems to proce answers tat make sence ‘ra Compreension ~The st steno and understand ifoatonandioee resented rough socken Words and sentences. (ra Expression ~The sity to comemnicate formation and eas In spakng wo ahs wil understand = What are the activities that must be performed in this type of work? -rcyting Dat or formation — erty he undern ipes, reason or fs finformstanby breaking dom nfrmatino dats separate pas {Geting nfrmation ~Obseing receiving end thewie obtaining infermaton tom al telewant sources. Interacting With Computers ~ Using computes and computer ystems including hardware and software) epg ite software, Set up functions, rer dat, or process infomanan, Documenting Recording nfrmaton ~ Entering, wansorbing, recording, storing o mantsning infrmation in wrten or lectonicmapnti form. Processing Information ~ Comping cong categring cael tabling, cud, veing wlan dt = What personality types are appropriate for this position? nvessgate— Invest ocopens Healy vote wong wih ees. enequeen exes aetna Bink, Thee cesipabons con me seating fr eta fquigout pots mei eae ~ Ret cciptons equ work sce ce acl han pees aa son, They chen el wi pla ama, ‘real wood olan michnery Many ofthe cccatins ie wating ade ng donatnahie lo ppsntk rw losay wh ters Page 30f7 ‘What characteristics should be developed for this type of work? -AvayctTiking~ Jb ‘equesentin infomation sd usin loa oad werkt sss and roles Intogty~ Jo reques beng ones ad tical. ‘tertonto eta — Job eats tring cart! abou deta an thoruchin competing work tasks, Ina — ebrequtes willgnes tke on esponses and calnges Persitence— ob equtes persistence ne ace of ste, jow much does this job position earns? rrasan0- 5900 What are the other occupations related to this? ‘Geospatial ifoation Sees an Technologists Patoleum Engines \ataaton Engineers Bight Ortook Brit Outook Enveomerta Scents and Specials Incung Heath Remote Sensing Scientist and Techclogists SoumeeeeeT What are the 3 college programs related to this occupation and 3 schools that offer these said programs that| should consider? Matnematies Engh Language Physes eoareshy Chemisty ‘Assess youreelf on how skilled you are for this job and what you should do to improv ‘SettAssossment eguired skits “Things toDe Lomverage Mid Average Above erage cite Tanke Reading Comprehension Seknee Sposkeg Active Lsteing Page ¢of7 "Whe is a Agricultural Engineer ? Apply know of engineering teenology an boeleal snes o agree potlemscorcened wh power nd machine letestion svete, and wat canservaen, an processing of soe proves What does the Agricultural Engineer do? Prepare reports sates waring dawings specifications, proposals, nd bce for proposed ste or systems Discuss plans win ces, contactors, constants, nd oer eng tha they can be vaused and necessary changes made ‘Mee ih cles, sucha tit or reson councis, farmers, rd developer, torus thelr needs Provide advice on water asity and isso rated polzion management re contol, nd around and srfce wate resources Pan ard ect constuction of ul lactic power stron ystems en wigan, drainage, ar flood col ystems fr ol end wate consti, What types of information or knowledge are needed for this job? Engineering and Technology —Krowiedge of he prac applation of enginsting scence ad technology This inloes appyng rns, ecriques, process, and ‘esuipment fo th design are production ofvarout goods and servis Design ~ Knowledge of daign ecniqus tos an pencils ved ithe practi of precision techie lana, ues, dawigs, nd mode ‘Matnemates~ Knowdge fara sgera, geomet, aes, statistics and he apts. Pyses~ Knowledge and prediction of physical principles nw herinterelatorships, and aplcatons to undest rmechaicalelectieat toric and sub-atomic stocres a processes Engin Language — Kiowa ofthe stu nd corte of te Eg angunge Ncluang ne esing an pea of wt es of campos snd gare What are the required skills for this job? {tet Thinking — Using li and reascring toe he sense and wesknesses of atsrative slions, conclusions or approaches Yo prolems ‘Ate Listening ~ Ging fu atersionto wha ete people are saving taking tine to understand the pons beng made oking questions ab aprepriate and net nerptg at Inappropriate tines. Complex Problem Solving eemtyng complex prblems and revening rested nforatento dere ad avauate options and implement selutos. Judgment and Decision Malang ~ Considering the relative costs ad benefit of potent acten to chose th mast apprepiat one. Reading Comprenension ~ Undestndig wien stntences oo paragraphs in work ated documents "What are the abilities or competencies that an individual should have in this job? Indes Reasoning ~ The obit to combine pices of normation form genera ses eonehsios (elutes dng @elatensip oman seemingly ieated events) (ral Comprehension ~The abit stint ndunderstn infxmation ang eees restr trough spoken words and sentences Wetter Comprehension ~ The aityo ead and undertan information ana ideas presente nwt Deut Reasoning ~The sy 16 apt gotta nes o specie roles t oroaien answers tat make sen (ral Expression ~The abit to comemnicate formation nd eas In spakng wo aes wil understand ~~ What are the activities that must be performed in this type of work? Mating Decisions and Slving Problema — Analyzing information nd eveluating eet o choo the es soto and ove problems, Interacting With Computers ~ Using computes and compute systems cluding hardware nd sofware) 6 powam wie sta, Setup functens, ere dato process infomanan, ng fi material ane atmosphere amis and {ering infrmaton ~Obsening reins, and thers obtsiningnfornton rom a relevant sources. ‘Analyzing Dat or nformaton~ isrtyng the uderng piles, reasons farts fnfrmaton by esking down nfmation data ito sepatate ptt Processing Information ~ Comping cotina catering. calelsing tabling, ucting, oven nfemation x dt What personality types are appropriate for this position? Invessgate— Invest occpens ean vote woking wih ees enequeen exes meet bik, Thee cesipabons cen me seating fr eta fqungout potas nei. faite elt octpeons eqn oe wrk acest tee preci hanéen probes and solos, They cen del wip aval networks totes te wod ol nd chin. ny te cepa eat wot xen onetince ai epaparorer wating dee fh oer. caring ~ Entering occas requ oh sang ip and cago poets These occupa can vk ed pope nd nating many deons Sametime gr sk aking on often da wth sass. Sol7 "What characteristics should be developed for this type of work? ‘tertonto eta — Job eats tring cart! bout deta an thoruchin competing work tsk, ‘Anaya! Tlkieg— Jo equtesantingiefrmeton dusting 9 to ads workelteasves ond problems Integy Jo reques being honest and etic. Dependabity~ Job eas beng late, sponsible ond depends, and fing oblate, nate — Jobrecutes lignes tke on esponsbies and calenges Salary Range PrPr7.900-25000 "What are the other occupations related to this? Chemeatengrees Ch Engineers Brg took Ervcomental Engineers Every Engineers Hydotogits Sgperr ee ‘What are the 3 college programs related to this occupation and 3 schools that offer these said programs that | should consider? ‘Assess yourself on how well do you know these types of information and what you should do to improve in it Engines and Teennclogy esi Pryce English Language ‘Assess yourself on how skilled you are for this job and whet you should do to improve init. ‘Required Skills SaAecersmert Things to De ee eed eee citron Actreierig compe Pron Sig tudyent and Decisin Making Reading Comprehension bol7 Civil Engineer Who is a Civil Engineer ? Perlomn engineering dusts in planing desiring, nd overseeing constuction and maintenance of bung structure, an facie, uch 8 oad, ond, ports, dg, aro, emamnets, dom, igen pre sptines poner plo, a wae nd euage systems ‘What does the Civil Engineer do? Inspec proc sites o maitor progres andensure conformance t desinepseiaton and safety or anti standards ‘Compute load ad rade eaiements wate owas or materi sess factor to determine desi pecfeaons. Provide technical adie tous of manager pesonnd gang eign, constucn, of pogam modieatins or suetual eps, Tee sols or mateo determine te adequacy and tenth foundations conte, sph o

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