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Science P.T.

Members: Bernales Robert

Impit Albert

Momville Allen

Salva Jackie

Tabas Prince Chal

Goodmorning STV Philippines is back today we are going to discuss about earthquakes and volcanoes
due to it's recent activities in our country and other parts of the world.

yes according to phivolcs the latest earthquake in the Philippines occured 24 hours ago minor
magnitude 1.8 earthquake 15 km northeast of dapa,province surigao del norte Wednesday oct 12 2022
10:58 am.

and the latest volcanic eruption in the Philippines was on march 26 2022 ,a short lived phreatomagmatic
eruption was recorded by phivolcs raising the status from

alert level 2 to alert level 3 as well as surroundings towns of taal volcano

What is a volcano and what is an earthquake.How volcanoes are formed? And how earthquakes works
that is what are we going to discuss today, so we invited a seismologist and a volcanologist to provide
more information.

so let's talk about volcanoes

Albert :so mr Igan because of the eruption of taal volcanoes. first question is how does taal volcanoes
and other volcanoes form?
Mr Igan: Volcanoes are formed by magma rises from the hotspots and erupts la through cracks in earth
's surface forming volcanoes

But in the case of taal volcano it formed by the subduction of the Eurasian plate underneath the
philippine mobile belt

so i have an example of how does eurasian plate subduct underneath the philippine mobile belt

so for example this is the Eurasian Plate and this is the Philippine Mobile Belt

This eurasian Plate will subduct to this. Philippine Plate it is because this one is less denser and this is
more denser denser means much heavier

Chal: so why plates are moving because if we analyze plates or crust will not bumped

each other if they are not moving towards each other

Mr.Hazmat :Yes your right , plates are moving plates are outeshell, which include crust and uppermost
mantle , is called the lithosphere and plates are moving beause of the heat from radioactive prosses
within the planets interior causes the plates to moves sometimes toward sometimes away from each
other this movements is called motion or tectonic shift that also known as convection current.

Chal :so as far as we already know how does volcanoes were formed may we know

why they are erupting?

Mr Igan :is because in the deep within the earth so hot that some rocks slowly melt and become a thick
flowing substance called magma . so that's why volcances are erupting

Albert :So sometimes when volcanoes erupt sometimes there is an earthquake why does it happen ?
It is because the fluid pressure from the rissing magma cracking the rock making space for itself as it
rises but usually magnitude 3 the magnitude of earthquakes don't tend to be large-rarely are large than
magnitude 5 and usually they less than magnitude 3

ALBERT :ahhh" so when the public is informed that the volcano will erupt and an earthquake is
expected how do they prepare for it?

Mr Igan I only suggest is prepare an shelter or evacuate, Make an evacuation plan for yourself and for
your family

Chal: so sir what if someone is trapped and can't get out during the earthquake what should they do?

Mr Igan If possible grab something to shield your head and face from falling debris like cement and
broken glasses

Albert: Mr hazmat I have a following question

Mr hazmat can you explain what is an earthquake and what are the causes for earthquake to happen

Mr Hazmat:

Earthquakes are usually caused when underground rock suddenly breaks and there is rapid motion
along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make

the ground shake.

Albert:Thankyou MR Hazmat

And also thankyou Mr Igan

we learned alot of things today

Thankyou sir for accepting our invitations thank you and goodbye

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