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To: Candidates Writing May 2020 National Technical Exams

From: Exam Centre

Email Contacts:

Date: March 17, 2020

Subject: Information for the Guidance of Candidates

1. May 2020 Timetable of Exams - enclosed

Exams will be held simultaneously at all centres; the morning exams begin at 9:30 a.m. and the afternoon
exams begin at 2:00 p.m. All exams are of three-hour duration except BS-2, Probability and Statistics, which is
a two-hour exam. Candidates are expected to arrive at the assembly area outside the exam room fifteen
minutes before the starting time, to consult seating lists, etc. Candidates who arrive late for the exam will
be admitted up to one-half hour after the start, but no time extension will be allowed. No candidate may
leave the exam room within the first half-hour of the exam period. Candidates are responsible for
finding the location centre and arriving on time to write the exams, including during bad weather.
Please note if required during the exam period only one washroom or personal break is allowed alert the
proctor in charge and the break cannot be more than 2 – 5 minutes the proctor will indicate on the
attendance sheet that you left the exam room briefly. Note, no cellular telephones, pagers, palm
organizers etc. are permitted for the duration of the examination.

Please note candidates must show one piece of recent picture identification at the examination centre.
(i.e., driver’s licence, current passport, health card with picture, etc.)

2. Examiners' Advice to Candidates

Applicants should write in ink (ballpoint) rather than pencil. A paper written in ink is much easier to read.

If a candidate believes that there is an error on the exam, typographical or otherwise, the candidate must state
an assumption regarding the error and continue with the exam. Put your comments directly to the attention
of the examiner in your written answer book. Even if you believe the question(s) asked was outside the
scope of the current syllabus not the suggested textbook(s) or past exam papers. Or submit an email or
fax immediately after writing the exam explaining any comments or concerns you may have had about
the exam paper and your comments will be given to the examiner to mark accordingly.

All applicants who are writing a Basic Studies exam should be aware that these exams correspond to 2nd or
3rd year level engineering courses and should not infer that because they are termed "Basic" that they are

Carefully complete the outside cover of your exam book. If more than one book is used, number each book by
showing its number in the series; i.e., 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and so on. Indicate the questions you want marked on
the front-page cover. This will clearly display to the examiner the questions you want marked.

Read the paper through, including its title page; make any notes that occur to you on the left-hand (rough work)
page of the exam book. Identify your rough work by Question Number.
Start with the question you can answer best, first reading it again with care to ensure that you understand it.
Identify it by its number. The sequence in which you attempt questions is at your choice.

Budget your time. Answer, if possible, the total number of questions that are required to be attempted. Spare
time should be devoted to a review.
3. List of Aids Permitted – listed below this document

Format 1 - No calculator permitted. The exam may be Closed or Open Book.

Format 2 - There are two calculator models permitted for this format: either a Casio or Sharp model. The
exam may be Closed or Open Book. Note, any alpha letters that immediately follows the calculator
model number is fine except for the letter ‘s’ which means the calculator is programmable. If the letter
‘s’ is in combination with other alpha letters, then the calculator is acceptable i.e. ‘ms’. (Please note
that “none” in the list of aids represents no further instructions for this exam.)

Format 3 - Any non-communicating calculator will be permitted. The exam will be an Open Book exam.
Candidates will identify the calculator used on the inside left-hand sheet of the exam workbook; i.e., name and
model designation. (Please note that “none” under aids and instructions represents that you may bring
as many textbook(s) or notes etc. into the exam there is no restrictions with this format 3 exam.)
Please note space allocated to candidates writing open book exams will be the same as closed book
exams. Therefore, you will need to limit the number of textbooks brought into the exam room.

Closed Book - Only pens, pencils, and drawing instruments may be brought into the room. "If format 2 is
selected, candidates are permitted to bring any approved Casio or Sharp calculator into the exam room."

Open Book - Any notes, textbooks, materials, etc. may be brought into the exam centre. (Where the examiner
has specified only certain material, this is noted.)

Closed Book with Specified Aids - For some exams, a single, precisely identified aid is allowed. This is
noted on the list under aids and instructions.

4. Location of Exam Centres and Rooms – last page of this document

5. Results of Exams
Exam results will be mailed 45 working days after the last exam has been written
(July 20, 2020). No results will be communicated by telephone, email, fax or in person.

If a candidate disagrees with an exam mark, they may request a re-read. There is a non-refundable fee
of $330.00 for every exam written for this service. There is no guarantee that a re-read will result to the
favour of the candidate. The re-read mark will then be the final mark and the original mark can go up or
down. Note: Failed papers are re-read by the examiner. A re-read request must be submitted within 30 days
after receipt of results (not when results are received). The re-read grading will take eight weeks or longer. If
you do request a re-read and do not receive a confirmation in writing from the Exam Centre within two
weeks of submittal of payment you must contact the Exam Centre immediately to confirm receipt of re-
read request.

Exam papers will not be returned to the candidate or seen by the candidate, nor are the answers available. The
passing mark is 50.

6. The Following Are Not Allowed

Use of notes on exams where none are permitted
Communicating with another candidate
Employment of another person to write an exam

7. Leaving an Exam Room without Writing

A candidate who appears in the exam room and then decides not to write the exam, must place the signed
exam book in the envelope provided, sign the outside of the envelope, and hand it to the invigilator/proctor.
Any such candidate is given a mark of Zero for the exam and this will be considered a failure.

8. No Show
Candidates who apply to write technical exams and do not attend the sitting(s) will be marked “No Show." They
will forfeit the exam fee, i.e., no refund, credit or transfer to the next sitting. A “No Show” is not
considered a failure or an attempt. Candidates that were issued a reminder letter to write at this sitting
and selected not to write for whatever reason the file is closed for time expiration and you will need to
re-apply again with another license application form to pursue licensure. Note: A “No Show” is better than
writing an exam you do not feel prepared to write and might fail, even if it means having this current file closed.
Candidates can re-apply again with another license application form.
May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020
Morning exams 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – Afternoon Exams 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Basic Examinations

May 11 – pm - 04-BS-1, Mathematics

May 13 – pm - 04-BS-2, Probability and Statistics

May 14 – pm - 04-BS-3, Statics and Dynamics

May 11 – am - 04-BS-4, Electric Circuits and Power

May 11 – pm - 04-BS-5, Advanced Mathematics

May 12 – am - 04-BS-6, Mechanics of Materials

May 15 – am - 04-BS-7, Mechanics of Fluids

May 13 – pm - 04-BS-8, Digital Logic Circuits

May 12 - pm - 04-BS-9, Basic Electromagnetics

May 13 – pm - 04-BS-10, Thermodynamics

May 14 – am - 04-BS-11, Properties of Materials

May 12 – pm - 04-BS-12, Organic Chemistry

May 11 – pm - 04-BS-13, Biology

May 11 – am - 04-BS-14, Geology

May 15 – am - 04-BS-15, Engineering Graphics & Design Process

May 14 – pm - 04-BS-16, Discrete Mathematics

Complementary Examinations

May 12 – pm - 11-CS-1, Engineering Economics

May 13 – pm - 11-CS-2, Engineering in Society

May 14 – pm - 11-CS-3, Sustainability, Engineering and the Environment

May 11 – am - 11-CS-4, Engineering Management

May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020
Morning exams 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – Afternoon Exams 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Agricultural Examinations

May 12 – am - 04-Agric-B7, Principles of Hydrology

May 13 – pm - 04-Agric-B11, Principles of Waste Management

Biomedical Examinations

May 11 – pm - 04-Bio-A2, Process Dynamics and Control

May 12 – am - 04-Bio-A6, Anatomy and Physiology

May 13 – am - 04-Bio-A7, Fluid Mechanics

May 14 – am - 04-Bio-B4, Digital Image Processing

May 11 – am - 04-Bio-B5, Cell and Tissue Engineering

May 15 – am - 04-Bio-B6, Bioinstrumentation

Building Examinations

May 15 – am - 07-Bld-A1, Elementary Structural Analysis

May 15 – am - 07-Bld-A2, Elementary Structural Design

May 11 – am - 07-Bld-A3, Construction Engineering

May 12 – pm - 07-Bld-A4, Building, Engineering Systems

May 12 – am - 07-Bld-A5, Building Science

May 14 – am - 07-Bld-A7, Building Envelope Design

May 14 – pm - 07-Bld-B6, Building Energy Conversion Technologies

May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020

Morning exams 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – Afternoon Exams 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Chemical Examinations

May 15 – am - 16-Chem-A1, Process Balances and Chemical Thermodynamics

May 12 – pm - 16-Chem-A2, Unit Operations & Separation Processes

May 14 – pm - 16-Chem-A3, Heat and Mass Transfer

May 11 – pm - 16-Chem-A4, Chemical Reactor Engineering

May 13 – pm - 16-Chem-A5, Chemical Plant Design and Economics

May 12 – am - 16-Chem-A6, Process Dynamics and Control

May 14 – pm - 16-Chem-B2, Environmental Engineering

May 13 – am - 16-Chem-B4, Biochemical Engineering

May 14 – am - 16-Chem-B6, Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals

May 11 – am - 16-Chem-B10, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Civil Examinations

May 11 – pm - 16-Civ-A1, Elementary Structural Analysis

May 15 – am - 16-Civ-A2, Elementary Structural Design

May 14 – pm - 16-Civ-A3, Municipal and Environmental Engineering

May 14 – am - 16-Civ-A4, Geotechnical Materials and Analysis

May 13 – am - 16-Civ-A5, Hydraulic Engineering

May 12 – am - 16-Civ-A6, Highway Design, Construction, and Maintenance

May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020

Morning exams 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – Afternoon Exams 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Civil Examinations

May 13 – pm - 16-Civ-B1, Advanced Structural Analysis

May 11 – pm - 16-Civ-B2, Advanced Structural Design

May 15 – am - 16-Civ-B3, Geotechnical Design

May 13 – am - 16-Civ-B4, Engineering Hydrology

May 11 – am - 16-Civ-B5, Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment

May 15 – am - 16-Civ-B7, Transportation Planning and Engineering

May 12 – pm - 16-Civ-B8, Management of Construction

May 12 – am - 16-Civ-B9, The Finite Element Method

May 13 – pm - 16-Civ-B10, Traffic Engineering

May 12 – am - 16-Civ-B11, Structural Materials

Computer Examinations

May 12 – pm - 17-Comp-A1, Electronics

May 14 – pm - 17-Comp-A2, Digital Systems Design

May 12 – pm - 17-Comp-A3, Computer Architecture

May 14 – am - 17-Comp-A4, Program Design and Data Structures

May 11 – am - 17-Comp-A6, Software Engineering

May 13 – pm - 17-Comp-B10, Distributed Systems

May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020
Morning exams 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – Afternoon Exams 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Electrical Examinations

May 11 – pm - 16-Elec-A1, Circuits

May 12 – pm - 16-Elec-A2, Systems and Control

May 12 – am - 16-Elec-A3, Signals and Communications

May 14 – am - 16-Elec-A4, Digital Systems and Computers

May 15 – am - 16-Elec-A5, Electronics

Ma 14 – pm - 16-Elec-A6, Power Systems and Machines

May 15 – am - 16-Elec-A7, Electromagnetics

May 14 – am - 16-Elec-B1, Digital Signal Processing

May 13 – pm - 16-Elec-B2, Advance Control Systems

May 12 – am - 16-Elec-B3, Digital Communications systems

May 12 – am - 16-Elec-B4, Information Technology Networks

May 12 – pm - 16-Elec-B5, Advanced Electronics

May 11 – am - 16-Elec-B6, Integrated Circuit Engineering

May 13 – am - 16-Elec-B7, Power Systems Engineering

May 12 – pm - 16-Elec-B8, Power Electronics and Drives

May 11 – am - 16-Elec-B9, Electromagnetic Field, Transmission

May 14 – pm - 16-Elec-B10, Electro-Optical Engineering

Environmental Examinations

May 11 – am - 18-Env-A1, Principles of Environmental Engineering

May 15 – am - 18-Env-A2, Hydrology and Municipal Hydraulics Engineering

May 11 – pm - 18-Env-A3, Geotechnical & Hydrogeological Engineering

May 12 – pm - 18-Env-A4, Water and Wastewater Engineering

May 14 – am - 18-Env-A6, Solid Waste Engineering and Management

May 11 pm - 18-Env-B2, Water Resources

May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020
Morning exams 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – Afternoon Exams 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Geological Examinations

May 11 – pm - 18-Geol-A1, Mineralogy and Petrology

May 13 – pm - 18-Geol-A2, Hydrogeology

May 12 – am - 18-Geol-A3, Sedimentation & Stratigraphy

May 15 – am - 18-Geol-A4, Structural Geology

May 11 – am - 18-Geol-A6, Soil Mechanics

May 13 – am – 18-Geol-B4, Geomorphology and Pleistocene Geology

Industrial Examinations

May 12 – am - 17-Ind-A1, Operations Research

May 14 – pm - 17-Ind-A2, Analysis & Design of Work

May 11 – am - 17-Ind-A4, Production Management

May 14 – am - 17-Ind-A5, Quality Planning, Control, and Assurance

May 14 – am - 17-Ind-A6, System Simulation

May 12 – pm - 17-Ind-B1, Applied Probability and Statistics

May 13 – am - 17-Ind-B2, Manufacturing Processes

May 15 – am - 17-Ind-B7, Financial and Managerial Accounting

May 15 – am - 17-Ind-B10, Workplace Health and Safety

Manufacturing Examinations

May 11 – am - 08-Mfg-A3, Production Management

May 14 – pm 08-Mfg-A4, Analysis & Design of Work

May 13 – pm - 08-Mfg-A5, Facilities Planning

May 14 – am - 08-Mfg-A6, Quality Planning, Control, and Assurance

May 14 – am - 08-Mfg-B3, System Simulation

May 13 – pm - 08-Mfg-B4, Product Design and Development

May 13 – pm - 08-Mfg-B6, Metrology

May 12 – pm - 08-Mfg-B8, Robot Mechanics

May 11 – pm - 08-Mfg-B10, Tooling, Jigs & Fixture Design

May 13 – am - 08-Mfg-B12, Ergonomics

May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020
Morning exams 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – Afternoon Exams 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Marine Examinations

May 11 – pm - 98-Mar-A2, Fundamentals of Naval Architecture

May 14 – pm - 98-Mar-A7, Marine Engineering

Mechanical Examinations

May 12 – am - 16-Mec-A1, Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

May 14 – am - 16-Mec-A2, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

May 11 – pm - 16-Mec-A3, System Analysis and Control

May 15 – am - 16-Mec-A4, Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements

May 13 – am - 16-Mec-A5, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

May 11 – am - 16-Mec-A6, Advanced Fluid Mechanics

May 14 – pm - 16-Mec-A7, Advanced Strength of Materials

May 11 – am – 16-Mec-B1, Advanced Machine Design

May 13 – am - 16-Mec-B2, Environmental Control in Buildings

May 14 – am - 16-Mec-B3, Energy Conversion and Power Generation

May 11 – am - 16-Mec-B4, Integrated Manufacturing Systems

May 13 – pm - 16-Mec-B5, Product Design and Development

May 15 – am - 16-Mec-B6, Fluid Machinery

May 14 – pm - 16-Mec-B7, Aero and Space Flight

May 13 – pm - 16-Mec-B8, Engineering Materials

May 13 – pm - 16-Mec-B9, Advanced Engineering Structures

May 15 – am - 16-Mec-B10, Finite Element Analysis – on hand

May 12 – pm - 16-Mec-B12, Robotics Mechanics

Mechatronics Examinations

May 11 – pm - 16-Mex-A1, System Analysis and Control

May 11 – pm - 16-Mex-A2, Circuits

May 13 – pm - 16-Mex-B8, Engineering Materials

May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020
Morning exams 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – Afternoon Exams 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Metallurgical Examinations

May 12 – pm - 10-Met-A6, Phase Transformation and Thermal Treatment of Metals and Alloys

May 14 – pm - 10-Met-A7, Corrosion and Oxidation

Mineral Examinations

May 12 – am - 18, MMP-A1, General Geology and Exploration

May 13 – pm - 18-MMP-A2, Underground Mining Methods & Design

May 13 – am - 18-MMP-A3, Mineral Processing

May 14 – am - 18-MMP-A4, Mine Valuation and Mineral Resource Estimation

May 11 – am - 18-MMP-A6, Mining and the Environment

Material Examinations

May 12 – am - 12-Mtl-A1, Materials Thermodynamics

Naval Examinations

May 13 – am - 16-Nav-A2, Hydrodynamics of Ships(I): Resistance and Propulsion

Nuclear Examinations

May 14 – am - 08-Nuc-A1, Introduction to Nuclear Physics and Nuclear

May 14 – pm - 08-Nuc-A6, Nuclear Power Plant Systems & Operations

May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020
Morning exams 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – Afternoon Exams 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Petroleum Examinations

May 11 – pm - 17-Pet-A2, Petroleum Reservoir Fluids

May 11 – pm - 17-Pet-A3, Fundamental Reservoir Engineering

May 14 – am - 17-Pet-A4, Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Completion

May 12 – pm - 17-Pet-A5, Petroleum Production Operations

May 13 – pm - 17-Pet-A6, Reservoir Mechanics

May 14 – pm - 17-Pet-A7, Secondary and Enhanced Recovery

Physical Examinations

May 13 – am - 17-Phys-A4, Quantum Mechanics – on hand

May 12 – pm - 17-Phys-A5-A, Electronic Materials and Devices

May 11 – am - 17-Phys-A5-B, Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits

May 11 – pm - 17-Phys-A6, Solid State Physics

May 14 – pm - 17-Phys-A7, Optics

May 12 – pm - 17-Phys-B5, Systems and Control

May 12 – am - 17-Phys-B6, Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Software Examinations

May 12 – am - 19-Soft-A3, Software Design

May 14 – am - 19-Soft-A4, Real Time Systems

May 13 – am - 19-Soft-A5, Requirements and Specifications

May 15 – am - 19-Soft-A7, Software Development Process

May 11 – am - 19-Soft-B6, Software Project Management

May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020
Morning exams 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – Afternoon Exams 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Structural Examinations

May 11 – pm - 07-Str-A1, Elementary Structural Analysis

May 15 – am - 07-Str-A2, Elementary Structural Design

May 14 – am - 07-Str-A3, Geotechnical Materials and Analysis

May 13 – pm - 07-Str-A4, Advanced Structural Analysis

May 12 – am - 07-Str-A6-1, The Finite Element Method

May 14 – pm - 07-Str-A6-3, Earthquake Engineering

May 15 – am - 07-Str-B1, Geotechnical Design

May 12 – pm - 07-Str-B2, Management of Construction

May 13 – pm - 07-Str-B5, Foundation Engineering

May 13 – am - 07-Str-B11, Hydraulic Engineering

Transportation Examinations

May 12 – am - 07-Tra-A2, Highway Design

May 14 – am - 07-Tra-A6, Geotechnical Materials and Analysis

Water Resources Examinations

May 13 – am - 07-Wrse-A2, Engineering Hydrology

May 11 – pm - 07-Wrse-A3, Soil Mechanics & Groundwater

May 11 – am - 07-Wrse-B3, Water Supply & Wastewater Treatment

Format 1, No Calculators Permitted;

Format 2, One of two calculators is permitted - any Casio or Sharp approved model;
Format 3, Any non-communicating calculator is permitted.
Name of Subject
Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Basic Studies Book
1,2, or 3
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
04-BS-1, Mathematics 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
sides containing notes and formulae
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
04-BS-2, Probability and 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
Statistics (2hrs) sides containing notes and formulae.
Note; statistical tables of the normal, t,
chi-square and F distributions are
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
04-BS-3, Statics and 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
Dynamics sides containing notes and formulae. The
aid sheet must be submitted with the
written exam paper.
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
04-BS-4, Electric Circuits 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
and Power sides containing notes and formulae.
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
04-BS-5, Advanced 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
Mathematics sides containing notes and formulae.
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
04-BS-6, Mechanics of 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
Materials sides containing notes and formulae.
Note, example problems and solutions to
problems are NOT allowed. THE AID

04-BS-7, Mechanics of 2 CLOSED NONE

Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
04-BS-8, Digital Logic 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
Circuits sides containing notes and formulae.

04-BS-9, Basic 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Electromagnetics sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
sides containing notes and formulae.

04-BS-10, 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Thermodynamics sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
sides containing notes and formulae.

04-BS-11, Properties of 2 CLOSED NONE

Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
04-BS-12, Organic 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
Chemistry sides containing notes and formulae.
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
04-BS-13, Biology 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both
sides containing notes and formulae.

04-BS-14, Geology 2 CLOSED NONE

04-BS-15, Engineering 1 CLOSED NONE

Graphics and Design

04-BS-16, Discrete 2 CLOSED NONE

Name of Subject
Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Complementary Studies Book
1,2, or 3

11-CS-1, Engineering 3 OPEN Candidates should bring with them

Economics compound interest factors tables

11-CS-2, Engineering in 1 CLOSED NONE

Society- Health and

11-CS-3, Sustainability, 2 CLOSED NONE

Engineering and the

11-CS-4, Engineering 1 CLOSED NONE


Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Agricultural 1,2, or 3 Book

04-Agric-B7, 3 OPEN NONE

Principles of

04-Agric-B11, 3 OPEN NONE

Principles of Waste
Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Biomedical/Biochemica 1,2, or 3 Book
04-Bio-A2, Process
Dynamics and Control 3 OPEN NONE

04-Bio-A6, Anatomy 2 CLOSED NONE

and Physiology

04-Bio-A7, Fluid 3 OPEN NONE



Image Processing

04-Bio-B5, Cell and

Tissue Engineering 3 OPEN NONE

04-Bio-B6, 2 CLOSED NONE


Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Building 1,2, or 3 Book

07-Bld-A1, Elementary 2 CLOSED NONE

Structural Analysis

07-Bld-A2, Elementary 2 CLOSED NONE

Structural Design

07-Bld-A3, 2 CLOSED NONE


07-Blld-A4, Building
Engineering Systems

07-Bld-A5, Building 3 OPEN NONE


07-Bld-A7, Building 2 CLOSED NONE

Envelope Design

07-Bld-B6, Building 2 CLOSED NONE

Energy Conversion
Name of Subject Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Chemical Format

1,2, or 3

16-Chem-A1, Process 3 OPEN NONE

Balances and Chemical

16-Chem-A2, Unit Candidates can bring ONE textbook of their

Operations and 3 OPEN choice. The textbook can have notations
Separation Processes listed on the margins but no loose notes
are permitted.
One textbook of choice with notations
16-Chem-A3, Heat and 3 OPEN listed on the margins but no loose notes
Mass Transfer are permitted.
Candidates can bring ONE textbook of their
16-Chem-A4, Chemical 3 OPEN choice. The textbook can have notations
Reactor Engineering listed on the margins but no loose notes
are permitted. Candidates should have
unit conversion tables and/or mathematical
tables such as a CRC handbook.
16-Chem-A5, Chemical 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
Plant Design and sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Economics containing notes and formulae.

16-Chem-A6, Process 3 OPEN NONE

Dynamics & Control

Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae. Candidates
Environmental 2 CLOSED
MUST write the name and model number of
their calculator on the inside front cover of
the exam book.

16-Chem-B4, 2 CLOSED NONE


Petroleum Refining and 3 OPEN NONE

16-Chem-B10, Life 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Cycle Assessment sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
(LCA) containing notes and formulae.
Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Civil 1,2, or 3 Book

16-Civ-A1, Elementary 2 CLOSED NONE

Structural Analysis
Handbooks and textbooks are permitted.
16-Civ-A2, Elementary 2 CLOSED NO notes or loose sheets are allowed.
Structural Design Candidates MUST write the name and
model number of their calculator on the
inside front cover of the exam book. Note:
The solutions for Standards of Steel,
Concrete & Timber must come from the
latest manual editions.

16-Civ-A3, Municipal 2 OPEN NONE

and Environmental
16-Civ-A4, 2 CLOSED NONE
Geotechnical Materials
and Analysis
16-Civ-A5, Hydraulic 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
Engineering sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae.
16-Civ-A6, Highway
Design, Construction 2 CLOSED NONE
and Maintenance
16-Civ-B1, Advanced
Structural Analysis 2 CLOSED NONE
16-Civ-B2, Advanced Design handbooks and textbooks are
Structural Design 2 CLOSED permitted. NO notes or loose sheets are
allowed. Candidates MUST write the name
and model number of their calculator on
the inside front cover of the exam book.
16-Civ-B3, 3 OPEN It is to the candidate’s advantage to bring
Geotechnical Design the Canadian Foundation Manual.
16-Civ-B4, 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
Engineering Hydrology sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae.
16-Civ-B5, Water 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
Supply & Wastewater sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Treatment containing notes and formulae.

16-Civ-B7, 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Transportation sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Planning and containing notes and formulae.
16-Civ-B8, 2 CLOSED NONE
Management of
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
16-Civ-B9, The Finite 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Element Method containing notes and formulae.

16-Civ-B10, Traffic 3 OPEN NONE

Candidates can bring ONE textbook of their
16-Civ-B11, Structural 3 OPEN choice. The textbook can have notations
Materials listed on the margins but no loose notes
are permitted.
Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Computer 1,2, or 3 Book

17-Comp-A1, 3 OPEN NONE


17-Comp-A2, Digital 2 CLOSED NONE

Systems Design

17-Comp-A3, 1 CLOSED NONE

Computer Architecture

17-Comp-A4, Program 1 CLOSED NONE

Design and Data

17-Comp-A6, Software 1 CLOSED NONE


17-Comp-B10, 2 CLOSED NONE

Distributed Systems

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Electrical 1,2, or 3 Book

16-Elec-A1, Circuits 2 CLOSED NONE

Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

16-Elec-A2, Systems 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
and Control containing notes and formulae. The aid
sheet must be signed and submitted
with the written exam paper.

16-Elec-A3, Signals
and Communications 2 CLOSED NONE

16-Elec-A4, Digital
Systems and 2 CLOSED NONE

16-Elec-A5, 2 CLOSED NONE


16-Elec-A6, Power 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Systems and sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Machines containing notes and formulae. No
worked out solutions are allowed on
this sheet.

16-Elec-A7, 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Electromagnetics sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae. No
pictures or worked out solutions.
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
16-Elec-B1, Digital 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Signal Processing containing notes and formulae.

16-Elec-B2, Advanced
Control Systems 3 OPEN NONE

16-Elec-B3, Digital
Communications 2 CLOSED NONE
Information 2 CLOSED NONE
Technology Networks
16-Elec-B5, Advanced 2 CLOSED NONE

16-Ele-B6, Integrated
Circuit Engineering

16-Elec-B7, Power 3 OPEN NONE

16-Elec-B8, Power 3 OPEN NONE
Electronics and Drives

Electromagnetic Field, 2 CLOSED NONE

Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

16-Elec-B10, Electro- sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Optical Engineering containing notes and formulae.

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Environmental 1,2, or 3 Book

18-Env-A1, Principles 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

of Environmental sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Engineering containing notes and formulae.

18-Env-A2, Hydrology 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

and Municipal sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Hydraulics containing notes and formulae.

18-Env-A3, 3 OPEN NONE

Geotechnical and

Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

18-Env-A4, Water and 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Wastewater containing notes and formulae.
18-Env-A6, Solid 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
Waste Engineering sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
and Management containing notes and formulae.

18-Env-B2, Water 3 OPEN NONE


Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Forest 1,2, or 3 Book

04-For-A2, Wood

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Geological 1,2, or 3 Book

18-Geol-A1, 1 CLOSED NONE

Mineralogy and

18-Geol-A2, 2 CLOSED NONE


18-Geol-A3, 1 CLOSED NONE

Sedimentation &

18-Geol-A4, Structural 2 CLOSED Protractor, drawing compass and ruler are

Geology permitted.

18-Geol-A6, Soil 2 CLOSED NONE


18-Geol-B4, 1 CLOSED NONE

Geomorphology and
Pleistocene Geology
Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Industrial 1,2, or 3 Book

17-Ind-A1, Operations 3 OPEN NONE


17-Ind-A2, Analysis
and Design of Work 2 CLOSED NONE

17-Ind-A4, Production 2 CLOSED NONE

Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
17-Ind-A5, Quality 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Planning, Control, and containing notes and formulae.
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
17-Ind-A6, Systems 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Simulation containing notes and formulae.

17-Ind-B1, Applied 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Probability and sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Statistics containing notes and formulae.

17-Ind-B2, 2 CLOSED NONE


17-Ind-B7, Financial 2 CLOSED NONE

and Managerial

17-Ind-B10, Workplace 1 CLOSED NONE

Health and Safety

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Marine 1,2, or 3 Book

Fundamentals of 3 OPEN NONE
Naval Architecture

98-Mar-A7, Marine 2 CLOSED NONE

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Mechanical 1,2, or 3 Book
Candidates are expected to have copies of
16-Mec-A1, Applied 3 OPEN both a thermodynamics text AND a heat
Thermodynamics and transfer text in order to make use of the
Heat Transfer information presented in the tables and
graphs. Candidates MUST write the name
and model number of their calculator on the
inside front cover of the exam book.
Kinematics and 3 OPEN NONE
Dynamics of Machines
16-Mec-A3, System
Analysis and Control 2 CLOSED NONE
16-Mec-A4, Design
and Manufacture of 3 OPEN NONE
Machine Elements
16-Mec-A5, Electrical
and Electronics NONE
16-Mec-A6, Advanced
Fluid Mechanics 2 OPEN NONE
16-Mec-A7, Advanced
Strength of Materials 2 OPEN NONE

16-Mec-B1, Advanced 3 OPEN NONE

Machine Design

16-Mec-B2, 3 OPEN Candidates are expected to have copies of

Environmental Control both an environmental control book and
in Buildings steam tables. No notes or solved problems
16-Mec-B3, Energy
Conversion and Power 2 CLOSED NONE
16-Mec-B4, Integrated
Manufacturing 3 OPEN NONE
16-Mec-B5, Product
Design and 2 OPEN NONE
Drawing instruments (scale ruler, protractor
16-Mec-B6, Fluid 2 CLOSED and sharp pencil) are required for vector
Machinery diagrams.

16-Mec-B7, Aero and 2 OPEN NONE

Space Flight

16-Mec-B8, 2 OPEN NONE

Engineering Materials

16-Mec-B9, Advanced 2 OPEN NONE

Engineering Structures

16-Mec-B10, Finite 3 OPEN NONE

Element Analysis

16-Mec-B12, Robot 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Mechanics sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae.
Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Metallurgical 1,2, or 3 Book

10-Met-A6, Phase 2 CLOSED NONE

Transformation and
Thermal Treatment of
Metals and Alloys

10-Met-A7, Corrosion 3 OPEN NONE

and Oxidation

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Mechatronics 1,2, or 3 Book

16-Mex-A1, System 2 CLOSED NONE

Analysis and Control

16-Mex-A2, Circuits 2 CLOSED NONE

16-Mex-B8, 3 OPEN NONE

Engineering Materials

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Manufacturing 1,2, or 3 Book

08-Mfg-A3, Production 2 CLOSED NONE


08-Mfg-A4, Analysis 2 CLOSED NONE

and Design of Work

08-Mfg-A5, Facilities 2 CLOSED NONE

08-Mfg-A6, Quality 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
Planning, Control and sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Assurance containing notes and formulae.

Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

08-Mfg-B3, System
2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae.
08-Mfg-B4, Product
Design and 2 OPEN NONE
08-Mfg-B6, Metrology 3 OPEN NONE

08-Mfg-B8, Robot 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Mechanics sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae.

08-Mfg-B10, Tooling, 3 OPEN NONE

Jigs and Fixture Design

08-Mfg-B12, 3 OPEN NONE


Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Mining and Mineral 1,2, or 3 Book

18-MMP-A1, General 2 CLOSED NONE

Geology and

18-MMP-A2, 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Underground Mining sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Methods & Design containing notes and formulae.

18-MMP-A3, Mineral 2 CLOSED NONE


18-MMP-A4, Mine Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Valuation and Mineral 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Resource Estimation containing notes and formulae.

18-MMP-A6, Mining Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

and the Environment 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae.

Name of Subject
Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
1,2, or 3 Book

12-Mtl-A1, Materials 3 OPEN NONE

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Naval Architecture 1,2, or 3 Book

16-Nav-A2, 3 OPEN NONE

Hydrodynamics of
Ships (1): Resistance
and Propulsion

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Nuclear 1,2, or 3 Book

08-Nuc-A1, Introduction 2 CLOSED NONE

to Nuclear Physics and
Nuclear Engineering

08-Nuc-A6, Nuclear
Power Plant Systems & NONE

Name of Subject
Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
1,2, or 3 Book

17-Pet-A2, Petroleum 2 CLOSED NONE

Reservoir Fluids

17-Pet-A3, Fundamental 2 CLOSED NONE

Reservoir Engineering

17-Pet-A4, Oil and Gas 3 OPEN NONE

Well Drilling and

17-Pet-A5, Petroleum 3 OPEN NONE

Production Operations

17-Pet-A6, Reservoir 3 OPEN NONE


Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

17-Pet-A7, Secondary 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
and Enhanced Recovery containing notes and formulae.
Name of Subject
Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Engineering Physics
1,2, or 3 Book

17-Phys-A4, Quantum 2 CLOSED NONE


17-Phys-A5-A, Electronic 2 CLOSED NONE

Materials and Devices

17-Phys-A5-B, Analog and 3 OPEN NONE

Digital Electronic Circuits

17-Phys-A6, Solid State 2 CLOSED NONE


17-Phys-A7, Optics 2 CLOSED NONE

Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
17-Phys-B5, Systems and 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Control containing notes and formulae. The aid
sheet must be signed and submitted with
the written exam paper.

Candidates are expected to have copies of

17-Phys-B6, Applied 3 OPEN both a thermodynamics text AND a heat
Thermodynamics and transfer text in order to make use of the
Heat Transfer information presented in the tables and
graphs. Candidates MUST write the name
and model number of their calculator on the
inside front cover of the exam book.

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Software 1,2, or 3 Book

19-Soft-A3, Software 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring TWO aid

Design sheets 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae

19-Soft-A4, Real Time 2 CLOSED NONE


04-Soft-A5, 1 OPEN NONE

Requirements and

04-Soft-A7, Software 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring TWO aid

Process sheets 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae

19-Soft-B6, Software 3 OPEN NONE

Project Management
Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Structural 1,2, or 3 Book

07-Str-A1, Elementary 2 CLOSED NONE

Structural Analysis
Handbooks and textbooks are permitted. NO
07-Str-A2, Elementary 2 CLOSED notes or loose sheets are allowed.
Structural Design Candidates MUST write the name and model
number of their calculator on the inside front
cover of the exam book. Note: The solutions
for Standards of Steel, Concrete & Timber
must come from the latest manual editions.

17-Str-A3, Geotechnical 2 CLOSED NONE

Materials and Analysis

07-Str-A4, Advanced 2 CLOSED NONE

Structural Analysis
Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid
07-Str-A6-1, The Finite 2 CLOSED sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Element Method containing notes and formulae.

07-Str-A6-3, Earthquake 3 OPEN NONE


It is to the candidate’s advantage to bring the

07-Str-B1, Geotechnical 3 OPEN Canadian Foundation Manual.

07-Str-B2, Management 2 CLOSED NONE

of Construction

07-Str-B5, Foundation 3 OPEN NONE


07-Str-B11, Hydraulic 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Engineering sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae.

Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates

Transportation 1,2, or 3 Book

07-Tra-A2, Highway 3 OPEN NONE


07-Tra-A6, Geotechnical 2 CLOSED NONE

Materials and Analysis
Name of Subject Format Closed or Open Aids/Instructions to the Candidates
Water Resources 1,2, or 3 Book

07-Wrse-A2, 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Engineering Hydrology sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
containing notes and formulae.

07-Wrse-A3, Soil 3 OPEN NONE

Mechanics &

07-Wrse-B3, Water 2 CLOSED Candidates are allowed to bring ONE aid

Supply & Wastewater sheet 8.5” X 11” hand-written on both sides
Treatment containing notes and formulae.
May 2020 Technical Location Sheet
May 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020

City Location Report To:

McMaster University
John Hodgins Engineering (JHE-A102) Ginny Riddell and
1280 Main St. W. Janet Delsey
Hamilton, ON L8S 4L7
Royal Military College – Room S2323
Please go to the security office to sign in and you can get
directions to the room.

LAKEHEAD Lakehead University, University Centre Building; Room UC1001 Nikki Maronese
(student central) 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay


LONDON University of Western Ontario, Claudette MacKay-Lassonde Basem Haroun

Pavilion “CMLP 60A” and 60B

St. Andrews Church ; 5645 Morrison St

NIAGARA, ST. Niagara Falls ON L2E 2E8 ; Tel: 905-356-1624 George Melvin
CATHARINES Signs will be posted for exact room.

Tabaret (TBT) 550 Cumberland Street,
University of Ottawa, James O’Malley
Ottawa, Ontario: K1N 6N8. You Should report to the third
floor foyer to be allocated to rooms on the third floor

PETERBOROUGH General Electric Canada; 107 Park Street N.; go to Visitor entrance at Dan Manns
Park St. and enter through main doors check reception area for exact room

SARNIA Lambton College, 1457 London Road, Room B1-107 Connie Byrns
Sarnia ON N7S 6K4

Laurentian University, 935 Ramsey Lake Rd.

SUDBURY go to Room F-215C, Science II/Fraser Building of the Campus for further
instructions regarding the exact room assigned. Ramesh Subramanian

St. George Campus Examination Centre – 255 McCaul Street, Toronto, ON

TORONTO M5T 1W7, Room 310, College Street & University Avenue; Queen’s Park Peter Gladysz
(Yonge-University Line) walk west on College, turn left on McCaul Street;
limited parking available, should use TTC.
St. Clair College, 2000 Talbot Road, South Campus, Room 2001 Ford
WINDSOR Building
Check security located at entrance of main building if having difficulty Todd Shaw
finding the room.

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