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WordList (Korean Definition)

Senior E- I Was a Rat-4

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a worker who shows

1 usher noun 좌석 안내원
people to their seats

2 humiliated adj. extremely embarrassed 무례한

people who watch an

3 spectators noun 관중
event; an audience

4 deceive verb to lie to or trick someone 속이다

5 domesticated adj. tame; not wild 길든

6 sensational adj. amazing; incredible 세상을 놀라게 하는

7 bewildered adj. confused 어리둥절한

8 mischief noun misbehavior 나쁜 짓

9 tremble verb to shake or shiver (몸을)떨다, 떨리다

10 nethermost adj. lowest 가장 아래의

11 consequence noun outcome; result 결과

something that is very well

12 craftsmanship noun 손재주, 솜씨

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